Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 291: Broken Dragon (below)

Chapter 291 Broken Dragon (Part 2)

Selma looked at him, his eyes were slightly fascinated,

"But they didn't do anything wrong, didn't they," she smirked and shook her head, raised her right hand and looked at the ‘Arc de Triomphe’ ring on her thumb: “I am...”

"Little slick!"

Tyres once again interrupted her with the name of a long time ago.

The girl looked up slyly.

"No, Selma."

"Even if you can't choose your own person to be..."

"But at least, don't be the one they want you to be."

Taylors stared at her: "Please, don't become like that."

But Selma was only slightly wrong, and he shook his head ironically: "It’s useless. As the female grandfather of the North, my future path is already doomed...even if it is not."

She disappointed: "I thought about it: marry a local aristocrat, give birth to a male heir, and then be politely sent to a seclusion, until the old..."


A crackling sound.

Selma stared at the second prince.

Watching him grab his right hand.

"Little slick!"

Tyres looked at her seriously and moved the "triumph" to the center of the two.

"Even if you are a woman, you can live a wonderful life! I know a woman like this."

"Ah, the female Jenny Bakwi who taught you swordsmanship and etiquette," Selma shook his head and said: "Listen to you thousands of times - get rid of family bondage, stand alone in the king, knife and long A legendary woman with a good sword? But she is special, and she is not a lord..."

"No, not her."

Tyres spoke decisively, stopping the words of Selma.

"I am talking about another young girl."

Selma has a slight glimpse.

The wrist she was holding by Tels shivered slightly:

"You said... young girl?"

"Yes," Tyres nodded firmly. "She is also the last orphan of the great family. She survived the war and riots. When she was three years old, she succeeded the title and ruled one side."

Selma did not refute him, but looked at the prince with doubts and inquiries.

Tyres took a deep breath and recalled the fall and winter of six years ago: "When I first saw her, her age is almost the same as you are now, fifteen or six years old, young, young, and even some Young and tender."

"But at that time, she was already a big man on her own side: I still remember that she crossed the entire hall of the stars and faced the monarch of a country, and used powerful arguments to shock the audience."

Tyres is ecstatic: "When she was wearing the casual purple-black safari, the heroic walk into the hall, the crowds of the hall consciously retreat and let her open the way."

"At the time, some people laughed at her, disdain her, despised her, looked down on her, 'How can the stars be ruled by ignorant women and children?'"

"And the girl, she just walked slowly, cold face, step by step, elegant and lonely, and did not care to say what I wanted to say, whether ridiculous or condemned, whether support or opposition."

"The two full-bodied Earl of Seals can only walk behind her, one is murderous, one is full of extravagance - but they can't hide her brilliance, but they are overwhelmed by her momentum."

"When her long sleeves were swung out, the moment when the cold sounded, it seemed that the people of the audience had become her foils - whether the king or the duke, no matter the nobility or the civilians."

Selma listened to his narrative and was a little surprised: "What you are talking about is..."

Tyres bit his teeth and nodded.

"The Kingdom of Stars, the blade guards."

"The Duke of the Duke - Lena Tebak."

The prince narrowed his eyes: "As far as I know, she is still in the position of unmarried woman, under the emblem of the **** month, alone supports the Tebak family in the six giants, guarding and ruled the blade leader."

Taylors turned his head and looked at the hair of Selma:

"She can do it, you can."

"One day, you can rely on your own strength, do not need to rely on anyone, stand alone at the top of Longyan City, and win the respect of everyone!"

Taylor took a sigh of relief and fixedly looked at the girl's face: "One day, you can tell the vassals of Longyan City: the one who rules them..."

"It’s a big woman."

Selma looked at Tyres and looked helplessly.

“It’s too hard,” the girl sighed. “I can’t do it...”

Tyres shook his head and said with perseverance: "It is not difficult. It is really difficult for you to think that you can't do it - so your vassals will feel that the Longyan City under your rule is not safe."

Selma blinked and watched the prince's eyes softer and brighter.

"I still remember the little slick that dragged me out of the scourge..."

"I also remember the little slick that got out of the fireplace and nervously carrying the lines for me..."

"At that time, the girl said without hesitation: It was too difficult."

Selma did not speak, she just silently watched Taylor holding his hand.

"Selma, remember: choose the person you want to be."

"If you don't want to be a person at your mercy, trade the vases..."

The prince pinched her hand and the tone was unquestionable: "Then don't act like a vase!"

Selma stared at the prince.

A few seconds later, her original and distracted eyes refocused.

"If you don't want to marry a man who is enough to be your father, survive on your belly..."

Tyres looked sharply: "then reject them!"

"Let's come up with a solution, of course, I think Brisbane will help you too."

"As long as you say: you don't want to."

"Then you don't have to marry them."

The two men looked at each other and silenced for a long time.

Taylors has not turned his eyes.

Selma blinked and seemed to be touched and amazed.

In the end, Selma looked at the steadfast prince and took a deep breath.

"Tells." Selma cleared his throat.


She seems to be hesitant.

Tyres reported with an encouraging look.

But hesitating only lasted for three seconds, and the girl bit her teeth and tightened her face.

"Thales," Selma looked up and looked serious: "I don't want to..."

"I don't want to marry Earl of Hurst."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief and focused on "Well!"

"I don't want to marry the son of Count Nagel."


"I don't like them," Selma's words slowly became smooth from the beginning: "I don't want to marry anyone."

Taylors looked at her fixedly.

“Very good,” the prince picked an eyebrow: “You won’t marry them.”

Taylor shrugged: "Because I don't like them either."

The two looked at each other and after a few seconds they laughed together.


Thales felt a little in his heart: This time, Putilit would use the expression "I know it would be like this" to smack me.

I have to think about a reason and convince him that if the female grandfather does not marry, it will be more beneficial to us...


I have to take time to talk to Brisbane in the past few days.

About Longyan City.

And the female grandfather.

While laughing, Tyres did not happen anything, and released the other hand.

In the library, a maid frowned.

"IMHO, female director, I know that the mental state of the ladies is not very good recently... but their behavior is still too close."

"For the Grand Duke of God, we should step in," the maid turned to the female director, and euphemistically said: "She needs us now."

The female officer of Kim Silk is still the old-fashioned face. She quietly looks at the young prince and the young girl in the distance, laughing and laughing.

"Trust me, for the female Grand Duke," said the female officer, who turned her stern eyes and shook her head: "She needs what she needs most..."

"not us."

Suddenly, Selma spoke again.


But this time, she slightly looked at her head, and the expression made people feel a little embarrassed: "If I am willing to marry them, marry the vassals of Longyan City... Do you still say these words?"

"Do you still prevent me from marrying them?"

What Tyres heard, suddenly became one of them.

He shook his shoulders: "Of course."

The girl smiled slightly.

"Listen to the political day, you are not coming forward to speak for me," Taylors scratched his head again: "Friends' friendships are mutual, and it is difficult to change."

Selma’s eyes sagged slightly.

While scratching his head, Taylors groaned for the reason: "You know, you have a local husband from Longyan City out of thin air, maybe my good days are coming to an end... of course I have to try my best to stop it."

"Oh, this way." The voice of the girl fell again.

"Right, Tyres."

Thales blinked and revealed doubts.

Selma looked up.

The female grandmother narrowed her eyes intriguingly and asked, "Lena, is she beautiful?"

Tyres' eyelids are another hop.

"I don't remember much."

The prince spit out a sigh of relief and said: "The atmosphere was too tight at the time. I only remember that my legs were shaking."

Selma smiled.

Taylors also laughed a few times.


His memory returned to six years ago.


Six years ago, she was fifteen years old.

Now, she should be a good old age, such as the age of flowers.

That impressive girl.

"At the moment when Lena spoke, she released the kind of blade-like look, and did not show weakness with several dukes..." Tyres thought of God and outlined the hero in his mind. The Duke of the Girlhood: "Even when she faced Exeter's envoy, toughly irone Rumba..."

Selma widened his eyes and looked at the prince's response.

“I found out that ‘beautiful’, ‘beautiful’, ‘human’, ‘perfect’, and so on, are not enough to describe her.”

"Lana at the moment."

Taylor closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Like a magnificent diamond reflecting the sun," the prince recalled the past in the Fuxing Palace, and sincerely admired the heroic Duke of the Duke, and exclaimed: "Bright, dazzling, shining ""

"At first sight, it will never be forgotten."

Just at this time.


With a muffled sound, Tyres had a pain in his chest, and he twisted his face and opened his eyes, looking at a book that was thrown into his chest.

"New books today," Selma also took a book in his hand, cold and authentic:

“I flipped over and found some places that might be of interest to you.”

"Look, it's a waste of time."

"Isn't it just a good conversation," said Tyres, clutching his chest in pain, just realizing that he had made a mistake. He was not willing to rebut: "You can't..."

"Shut up, read the book!"

The female grand official’s face is fierce and arrogant:

"Don't waste time, I have to go to class later!"

Tyres spit out a sigh of relief, blinking at the moment Selma lowered his head.

Fierce woman.

The prince bit his head and bowed his head, sitting in a sitting position, and flipping through the bookmarked "The Enemy with the Sky."

What is this book?

“Evaluation of the dragon language?”

Tyres opened the bookmark page and immediately caught the attention of the chapter name.

The prince's face became dignified.

He studied it in a whisper according to his habits.

"The dragon's throat structure is extremely special, so the pronunciation of the dragon language is extremely complicated, even to the point where it can't be recorded without the use of an instrument..."

"The recorded dragon language can only represent a part of the syllable. In the mouth of the dragon, most of these dragon vocabulary have another reading and pronunciation that we can't think of..."

Long language.

The career of the bookstore in Taylors for six years is certainly not just to find a clean.

more importantly……

The prince remembered that night, the huge figure that vacated in the fire, remembered his own mysteries, and the mood became more and more heavy.

For six years, he hit the side and hit a lot of documents with Selma, at least the name of the fifteen dragons in history.

However, among the fifteen different names, there is no one he wants to find...

"Except for a few races, such as the singer's elves, the majority of the races can't rely on sound, and face-to-face communication and dialogue directly with the dragons," said Ters, who read the passages and frowned. "It's no wonder that the Queen of the Sky wants to communicate with us like that. We can't say the Dragon..."


and so……

As long as it is the name of the Long language pronunciation, is it not a lingua franca, or even a human can read it?

In this case……

"Not there!"

The sound of Selma came, it seems quite intolerant: "Turn the second bookmark!"

The complicated Tels in his heart did not raise his head in a good spirit: "You don't say how I know..."

However, when he saw the other side's fierce eyes, he slid back and slid back.

The prince slammed the position of the second bookmark,

"'The ancient elves are a small number of races that can compete with the dragons in the history without falling into the wind. In the Dragon Slayer War (this title comes from the historical materials of the ancient elves, for the war we know very little about two thousand years ago) The author believes that the dragons must have something like the 'hunting lure game'.) The ancient elf kingdom has at least hunted six famous dragons with surnames. Therefore, they also know the most about the dragon. The race, even the author's many materials are derived from the generosity of a friend of Baishan...'"

Taylors narrowed his eyes.

Six heads?

Is it that Selma wants to show himself the list of the six dead dragons?

Selma knows that he has always been interested in the dragon, and often checks the names of the dragons...

But she may not know that the dragon she was looking for, but has lived to the present, at least fourteen years ago, and lived when she was born in this world.

And it, no, her name is...

"...The soldiers of the Dragon Slayer are usually divided into several groups and work together."

"The stalker, generally facing the enemy, equipped with a complete set of habit knives with the same size as the Elven Guards, and the Mithril Shield with a high melting point that is difficult to burn even with Longyan, both offensive and defensive. ——The author suspects that this is the origin of human swordsmanship. At least the military skills of the North Army in the spirit and equipment should be used to learn the tactics of the trappers. The ancient history experts in the tower of the sorcerer, the biography of the Iron King The author, JL Judith Master has the same point of view, but the master of weapons and crafts history of the Alchemy Tower, Master Lemer, believes that the North Army military swordsmanship is mainly affected by the reverse influence of the enemy's ancient orc fighting techniques on the battlefield;

"The Strangler, this unit is responsible for long-range strikes and containment. It is equipped with a variety of special-purpose arrows that can affect the dragon. The hand-held foldable arm is far-reaching, quickly striking and suppressing fast-moving aerial targets, from dragons to dragons. Long Yao and other weaknesses are different - today, the "Floating" elf settlement in the Imperial Green Heart Province still retains this bow-making technique, and even the influence of the Green Heart Province has become the leading archer in the Empire. At the place of production, the sayings of 'Northern Mantle, Xitaoyu, and Green Hill's Strong Bow' are widely spread. The gray-gear archers of the family of the Romet family are the terrible existence of taking hundreds of lives. This has nothing to do with the killing technique of the ancient elf kingdom when hunting dragons (although the gray people refuse to admit it)...'"

Tyres was puzzled, and the more he read, the more he was at a loss.

what are these?

How to hunt a dragon?

"The killer, the least number of elves bear the most dangerous tasks, they are close to the dragon's Achilles heel in the battle, and strive to hit the enemy or even defeat the enemy. The killers are generally served by the best scouts and pointed soldiers. They are lightly loaded, sneak close, and have only one of the most inconspicuous, but most expensive, short-swords worthy of the city. This short sword is said to be forged with special and secret materials and means to penetrate the dragon scale without any hindrance. But what the author is puzzled is that even if it is sharp, how can such a short-length weapon be a deadly threat to a huge dragon..."

"I have been researched by this author, this legendary carry-on weapon is called 'Dragon Broken Dragon'. The history is sparsely populated. Only the most powerful smugglers are qualified to equip. It is said that it is a magic weapon, killing or killing a dragon every time. The body of the sword can accumulate the power of the hunters, thus becoming 'more powerful, sharp, strange, deadly, and vibrant' - this is the original words in the ancient elf literature, but the author's last word Translation is still doubtful..."

When Tyles saw it, he looked up at Selma from time to time, but his sullen eyes made him have to bow his head again and again.

The prince can only sigh deeply.


He turned over a page.

The next second, Taylors was born!

"See it?" Selma sighed:

"I also feel very surprised."

Tyres looked up in a dull manner, and the big book opened to one of the pages, with a simple brushstroke to outline a weapon.

He touched the picture and instantly realized what Selma wanted him to see.

"This is..." Taylors is authentic.

"Well," Selma nodded in no dignity. "According to the above, it is the elite weapon of the ancient elf's smothers, specifically hunting the dragon's elite weapons."

"The Broken Dragon."

"Three hundred years ago, the swearing king of Mideel IV, the strong fortress built on the border between the two countries, is named after it."

Taylors bowed his head and looked incredibly at the weapon drawing on the book.

It was a short sword with a strange weight ball and a gemstone in the center of the sword. The hand guard was curved in an anti-curved shape toward the sword.

Although he did not paint, he still recognized it.

Broken... Broken Dragon?

In the life of Tyler for nearly fourteen years, he has seen this style of dagger.

No, he has not only seen it.

Six years ago, Tyres once held a dagger of the same size.

That short red sword.

It wakes up like a sleeping warrior and shines in his own hands.

That is like a conscious short sword.

It conveys vague syllables and words, calling itself...

Blood brothers.

I am exhausted and sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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