Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 293: The boundary of **** (on)

Chapter 293 The Limits of Rule (Part 1)

In the study of the female grandfather, Selma widened his eyes: "What?"

Taylors also stared at the new teacher who spoke the amazing words.


This is this...

Are you really a teacher?

"I..." In the embarrassing atmosphere, the overwhelmed female grandfather was stunned and unable to come up with a word for a long time. He could only habitually cast a look for help from Tyres.

"Mr. Hicks," Finally, Tyres, who couldn’t stand it, smacked his scalp: "This joke is a little... I am with Selma, we..."

However, the culprit of this atmosphere, the thin and thin Meri Hicker still holds his crutches, looking at Selma with a smile.

In the next second, the girl took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind, and then - she decisively lowered her head and leaned over to go down to the "Casher Yeh Poetry".

It seems that it is very important.

Leave it to Taylors alone.

But he soon won't be embarrassed.

"Yes!" The old crow with glasses turned his head and interrupted Taylors unceremoniously.

The eyelids of the old man's monocles glimpsed gently, passing over the mouth of the mouth, and staring at Selma:

"You must like him very much."

Selma, who had just held the book straight up, was stunned and had to say: "That, we are just good friends..."

Taylors nodded in disapproval.

"Otherwise, there is no deliberate protection of the female grandfather, a hostage prince from the stars." Unexpectedly, the banter on the face of the old crow Hicks slowly disappeared. He ignored the clarification of Selma and Tyres. Just shaking your head and continuing your own words:

"It is impossible to stay in the city of Longyan in the Northland, in the hostility of the wolves, for six years."

The two students are at a glance.

I saw that Hicks’s expression had faded away from the initial ease and comfort.

Although the smile is still there, the turbidity in his eyes has slowly disappeared.

The crutches on his hand were pulled closer.

"What do you think, Tyres?"

The prince came back to God.

He suddenly realized that the old man had just said that he was not bored to take their relationship to joke.

It seems...

He thinks too much.

In the face of Hicks's inquiry, Tyres, who had let go of his heart, sighed slowly.

"I can't deny it," the young man glanced at the girl with a reddish face, nodding his heart and worrying. "If there is no protection from Selma, people in the North will not be so polite to me - I am very grateful."

Selma did not speak.

Hicker sighed.

"So, can you let me ask, Selma," like the prince, the old crow has no name but the name of the female grandfather: "Your people, your vassals, your genus Why, why is it so rude to Tyres?"

“Don't the prince do anything unforgivable to them?”

Selma stared at Tells.

"No, Tyres didn't do anything wrong," the woman shook her head publicly. "But he is a prince of stars, so Northlanders have a reason to hate him - this is hatred between nations."

The new teacher narrowed his eyes: "Why? Why should the northerners hate the prince of the stars?"

"Eighteen years ago, in the 'Bloody Year' of the Stars," Selma paused for a few seconds. She looked at Taylors with concern. She saw the latter face as usual, and then took a deep breath and opened her mouth. Answer: "We - Exeter and the Star Kingdom have fought a fierce war."

Tyres looked seriously at the still old smile, but gave him an inexplicably serious old crow: he suddenly understood what Hicks wanted to talk about.

"The year of blood, of course, this is the name of the stars," Hicks said with deep gaze, silently said: "The end of the calendar from 660 to 661, the year of blood..."

The new teacher’s eyes are clear:

"So, in the war, what did the stars do?"

"On the initiative to invade Exeter, so hateful to the Star Kingdom?"

Tyres frowned.

Selma hesitated for a second, but under Hicksson's smile, she still recalled the contents of the book and the past class, originally replied locally: "Because of the Fortress and the Covenant."

"At the end of the war, the Northland people were forced to talk with the stars under the pressure of many parties, and even signed a peace treaty."

"Except for a controversial woodland in the northwest of the fortress before the war, and some compensation for money, Exeter did not get much land and war."

"Many people - from the Dagong to the vassals, from the nobility to the soldiers, have overcome the fact that they have broken the northern realm and won the victory on the battlefield, but they have to sneak back to the north, so," The female prince once again looked at Taylors carefully: "So they think that this is a shame that the stars have brought them with despicable means."

Listening to the question and answer of the old and the young, Tells remembered that the country was the eve of the meeting, and everything Gilbert told him in the carriage.

[Not so much a peace treaty, I would rather say this is a record of humiliation. 】

"Very good, so this is the answer - the fortress and the covenant, which is disproportionate to the results of the war. This is the source of the hatred of the stars in the North," said Hicks at this moment with a puzzled expression: "But this answer I have to bring more questions."

"Although the Selma at that time probably didn't know anything, Prince Tell is not yet born," Hicks took a look at his crutches and spit out a breath: "But, according to what I just said, why?"

"In the case of Exeter has gained such a huge advantage that the whole north and half of the cliffs have been defeated by them, why is the "Fortress and the Covenant" signed like that? Why is Exeter just asking for compensation? The money, but gave up every piece of hard work, has occupied the land of stars for nearly half a year?"

Both Tyles and Selma frowned and began to think about the old man's words.

Hicks turned his head and looked at the Prince of Stars.

"Tells, what answers do you have? Are you willing to guess?"

Taylors raised his eyebrows slightly.

His mind flashed a memory of a long time ago.

Still in the bright classroom, it is still the sound of the buttons and notes that come and go.

[Hua Ren, this question, what is your answer? 】

In the past six years, such strange and familiar memories have not flashed back, at least not as often as he was in those thrilling adventures six years ago.

But they are by no means silent.

For example, now.

[Social relations, or how does the position of individuals in the social relationship circle affect individual behavior? 】

[According to the hypothesis of "rational people"... Then, knowing that the action will bring the corresponding losses, or at least the risk is unpredictable, why do many individuals habitually follow the relationship and follow the relationship, repeat and repeat the surrounding Individual action? 】


In memory, the vagueness and vagueness always make Thales feel uncomfortable, but how can it not be named, the master of gentle female voice has never appeared.


In the slight urging of Hicks, Tyres came back and said, "I think..."

"Is it because of the joint intervention of many countries? I think whether it is the Hanbul on the other side of the sea, staying up late, or the Kangmas of Xilu and a small country, I don't want to see an overly powerful dragon country..."

But Taylor, who kept his mouth, looked at the eye behind the lens, looked at the inexplicable and smiling in the gaze, and frantically, unconsciously slowly accepting the words.

Hicksor sitting in a leather chair smiled.

His shoulders shook, and the hands holding the cane trembled slightly.

His laughter is weak but cheerful, as if a happy old man teasing a child, there is no sense of gloom.

Like a... happy crow?

Selma looked at the old man unsurely.

Finally, Hickser took a laugh and he nodded. "Sorry... I remembered a book I had read."

Tyres showed a confused look.

"According to the "History of the Northern War", when the two countries began negotiations, although countries such as Commas and John Burr expressed concern, in terms of the conditions for the withdrawal of Exeter, Commas The interior has been inconsistent for a long time, and Hamble expressed respect for the wishes of the King of Nuen, while the day and night envoys are on the road, only symbolically sending out the letter crows to show their attitude."

"In this way, either the author of "The History of the Northern War" is boasting, for the "internal message" he obtained, or is it... What do you think?" Hicks looked up and looked at it with interest. Taylors.

The prince frowned again.

Therefore, this means that the so-called multinational interference is actually very weak, and it is not worth mentioning for Exeter.

Exeter gave up the war, and even the peace talks between the two countries have other reasons?

"Ah, I thought again, a student told me," the old man laughed. "Nun Wang once generously divided the eight counties in the northern part of the occupied star to the six counts. In the same way, the Grand Duke of the City, the Duke of Weilan and the Grand Duke of Hesha also tried to take the land they laid down as their own."

Hickseye turned lightly: "Exter even succeeded in turning many of the families on the original stars into loyalty to the new lords of the North."

The more confusing Tyles and Selma looked at each other and both showed an incomprehensible expression to the old man.

"But in the end, the Exeters have withdrawn and given up?" Tells asked doubtfully.

“Looks like this,” the old crow gently daggered: “First the Earl of the Black Sands, then the Ge Lei family under the guard of the city, and finally the Earl of the Dragon City, when their troops are withdrawn. In the name of their star land, they have to exchange flags, refuse to pay taxes and go to work, and drive away the left-being Axe nobles, returning to the rule of the old masters, even the families that were forced to submit to the northern people. There are also many reversals, returning to the star map."

Taylor's mind sinks.


Selma curiously said: "Is it that the rule of the ruler of Changzhi has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the loyalty of the people and nobles is unshakable?"

Hicks licked his wrist and screamed: "In that case, why are the loyal nobles surrendering to Exeter at the beginning? The people of the Northland are strictly Northlanders, they are not lacking. The courage to fight to death."

Selmaton words plug.

But the side of the tays is in meditation.

and many more……

Refusing to pay taxes and going to work...

Drive away the remaining Axe nobles...

The prince was in the heart.

He suddenly remembered the six-year-old, arrogant and thrilling negotiation in the Hall of Heroes, remembering the expression of Chaman Rumba, remembering what he really feared.

"I understand."

The Star Prince suddenly raised his head and looked at Hicks, who still had a smile.

He solemnly said: "The year of Exeter did not have the ability to rule the North."

Selma looked at him curiously.

Hicks's eyes have changed.

The next second, the old man raised his right hand with a smile and made a "please" gesture to him.

With the eyes of the other two, the encouraged Taylors took a deep breath and recalled what he had thought about six years ago.

"Whether it is paying taxes, referees, military service, or daily life affairs, from high to low, from expensive to sly, the stars are gradually getting used to the way of their own rule: the system and rules that have matured from Xianjun."

"And Exeter, they can't follow the system of stars, nor can they rule the land in the way of stars. Not only are the aristocrats of the Northland people unaccustomed, but the tyrannical kingdom can send qualified statutes to rule the North. Not enough, they can only rule the stars with Exeter's old methods."

The prince raised his brow. He remembered what the father of Joseph’s chef told him not long ago, what happened in their village:

The confidants of the Northern Territory come to collect taxes from the farmers. This month's tax may be a chicken or a bag of wheat. It can take a few months. If your land is harvested, or if you change a tax collector, you may be To receive a cow, two bags of wheat, look at the tax collector's mood and greed, depending on whether the lord is kind or harsh.

If you are a craftsman, use a good idea to make a small business at the market and make money. If you want to expand your business, you may have to face the lords or nobles – because you can even trade at the market. They are all their favors.

At the side of the thoughts, Taylors continued to think about Hicks and the stunned Selma said: "So, if the Nunn king is like the former country, he can freely divide the land of the stars north to the subordinates. The nobles, let them manage their new territory in accordance with the old traditions of the ruling vows, there will be various problems..."

Hicks coughed and smiled.

The old crow faintly said: "As far as I know, during the occupation of the northern territory, Exeter was responsible for the management of the rear Lunba Grand Duke, the current King Chaman, who once tried to perform the responsibilities and rights of the lord in his own country. To ensure the safe living, the residents of the northern borders will be taxed to subsidize the expenses."

"But obviously it's very inefficient - people are not willing to deal with his tax collectors."

Guess’s eye for the accusation:

"Of course, because the land of the stars is different."

"People in the North have gradually become accustomed to another way of life and domination. They are not blindly and obediently loyal to a lord who has come from the north and has a rough style of dragons. This is only the northern boundary, the central collar even The south may be even worse, because the cities there are bigger and the villages are more complicated. I heard that craftsmen and businessmen even formed a trade association and had the right to negotiate with the lords."

Thales remembered the eyes of Rumba in the past, his heartfelt feelings and his enlightenment: "In short, the kingdom of Exeter at that time did not have the ability to rule the North firmly after winning the victory."

"Really, once the intruder does not have this ability, the people in the northern part of the stars will certainly not obey the rule of Exeter," the prince remembered the little man who played from the Star Kingdom to the black sand collar and played under the Lombard. Tax collectors: "Because the latter can not give them the life they want, they are still ruining their interests."

Tyres sighed: "So, even if the army of King Nunn is actually occupying the North, he can't effectively manage it, he can only use violence to conquer it."

Selma blinked and, as usual, showed amazing eyes at Tyres.

The old crow Hicks shrugged and the gully on his face seemed to be deeper.

"From our recent discussion: Exeter did not turn the land and people affected by the invasion into beneficiaries," said the thin old man, faintly: "but become an enemy?"

Tyres nodded and his expression was dignified: "So, if Exeter wants to continue to occupy the North, it means that it must be stationed for a long time, using the violence of the Grand Duke to suppress the insurrection and dissatisfaction, to calm down because People’s anger is changing as life changes."

Or - Taylors thinks of Lombard's commitment to the Grand Dukes in the "Dragon Blood" six years ago.

Or by the Grand Duke or even the King himself, personally stationed in the North, to put out all possible causes of the disaster, and then gradually... to synchronize and close the existing system of the Star Kingdom.

Turn it into... your own land.

The prince unconsciously squeezed his fist.

So, is this what you learned in the **** years of 18 years ago?

Chaman Rumba?

Just moved home, some tired, forgive me to sleep first, get up early tomorrow and then correct the statement, modify the typo.

By a sleepy, no sword

(End of this chapter)

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