Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 360: Beyond Kaslan

Chapter 360 Beyond Kaslan

Tyres was lying on the ground, trembling under the pain of torture, and sweating.

He is almost numb with the whole person.

This is not the most intense he has ever experienced, but it is definitely one of the most unbearable, torturous and procrastinating pains.

Left wrist, left calf, and right knees alternately sent acupuncture, blunt cut, and even oppressive pain, wave after wave, bursts of bursts.

He wants to get up, at least on the ground, a few steps away from the battlefield, but as long as the action is slightly larger, the pain will spread from the wound to the brain, infinitely magnified.

He can only close his eyes and try to breathe. Even the two men's desperate struggles don't care.

Listening to the wrestling sound in the ear, Tyres's face was distorted, and the bean's sweat fell from his forehead, feeling as if it had passed a century—he suddenly had a great desire for “fainting”.

And the fact seems to be developing toward his desire: after the constant pain gradually surpassed the endurance limit, Thales began to be confused, and the muscles of the whole body, especially the wounds, began to twitch uncontrollably.

He fainted.

But it is at this time.


The tidal sound of the tide of the sea rang from the ear tube of Taylors, temporarily covering the fighting sounds in the ear.

The teenager who was struggling in the middle of the sigh was suddenly shocked and slightly awake!

This feeling……

It's like, just like there is something that suddenly pops into his blood vessels.

It is it.

Tyres, who was suffering from the injury, tried to twist his face, rubbed his nose and mouth on the ground, took a breath of dusty air, coughed hard, and then understood.

That is the sin of the prison river.

It is the most dangerous force that Black Sword has warned him.

One of the oldest companions with him in disaster and suffering is one of the most unforgettable experiences of his life.


I do not know when to start, the sin of the prison river that has been passively called before, it is difficult to suppress the surge.

Just like the fierce beast that came out of the cage, it was extremely exciting, and it was embarrassing before hunting.

Its "sound" is getting bigger and bigger.

Tyres seems to have an illusion: pain, dizziness, weakness - the sin of the prison river is like a fish in this state of serious injury, the end of the force like the river flowing over the dry and cracked river beach, unrestricted intrusion into the owner's body One cell.

Including the brain.

At that moment, Taylor took a sigh of relief - he was like a whole body being put into warm water, suffering and pain into a mild numbness, temporarily disappeared beyond the perception.

Time seems to stop again.

Tyles squatted weakly on the ground, staring at the loess wall in front of his eyes.

Very strange.

The flash of his brain is just the battle.

Niely's sharp, unscrupulous blade broke his shield, cut off his sword, and then swept him down.

The picture that determined the fate of his later doom appeared in the eyes and played back in the brain over and over again.

He should not stop.

The ambiguous Thales thought.

The sin of the prison river is like the flame of hell, actively licking his wounds, bringing acupuncture-like stimuli.

Yes, he should not stop.

Tyres clenched his teeth and his limbs rushed into a sense of impulse to get up and fight again.

When the weapon is completely exhausted, he should not stop. He can move forward against the trend and still penetrate his shoulder by the Rising Sun Knife.

Then, there was still half of the broken sword on the handle, and Nie Lai's blade was unstoppable. He pressed the whole body's momentum on it, and he must be weak and innocent—pushing to the other's neck.

I may have to pay a great price, yes, but Nie Lai has to lose a lot.

He will be miserable.

Taylor in the sly smiled unconsciously, his right hand clenched unconsciously - as if the broken sword was still in his hands.

With this idea, the sin of the prison river rushed again and again, and the screams of snarling.


Don't evade, ignore the defense, and give up.


Only forward.

In the direction of the enemy...

The faint Tyles shivered, screaming fiercely, **** mouth and nose.


Feel the feeling that the broken edge punctures the enemy's arteries, feel the heat of the other's neck blood, and feel the despair of his vitality.

Fight in the blood.

Until death.

Tyres slowly closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

Next time...

Next time...

Just do it...

Just do it...


With the disappearance of his last sense of consciousness, the sin of the prison river is boiling!

Not far from Tyres, Monty's face was stiff and his body was tight, and his arms were locked to Nyola's neck.

Feel the last second of the other party's struggle.

However, the death crow was slightly stunned.

Only the last point of consciousness and strength of Nilailai, the left hand twitched and raised the Rising Sun Knife, and the handle was crumbling in his hand.

In the next second, Monty suddenly heard a flash.

The golden red glare like the sun shines from the gold-colored blade!

Stupid Monty's sight is instantly black!


The Death Crow closed his eyes and couldn’t help but scream.

But he did not waver in the murderous life, but he leaned back and tightened his strength!

Blocked the neck of the comet.

Just a little longer, for a little while...

Just fine.

Monty, who closed her eyes, turned red and thought bitterly.

But he soon realized that the Rising Sun Knife brought more than just glare.

Monty's arms trembled fiercely - the skin of Nilailai suddenly came with a sharp heat!

Not hot, not fire.

It’s a deep pain in the bone marrow!

"Ah, ah--"

Monty couldn't help but scream, and her arms could no longer remain the same, as if she had lost consciousness, and she suddenly let go, and the whole person stumbled backwards!


The dead crow fell to the ground in pain, but he could not attend to the other, only to slap his hands and the flames that were ignited in his chest.



Monty looked incredulously at the ground, the unclear comet--the latter's skin seemed to be covered with a layer of golden-red light, and there was a burst of heat.

this is--

The horrified Monty still didn't want to understand, and the burning sensation on his body widened the scope.

Suddenly, there were many fires on the body of the Death Crow!

It seemed as if there was an invisible blazing flame, and Monti was covered in an instant.

"Fuck you--" Monty screamed, and the body that had just climbed half of it rushed back.

Not only these places, but also the head, shoulders, legs, waist, chest...

"Damn, thorn!!"

The death crow fell on the ground, his expression was painful, and he kept rolling madly!

Trying to put out the blazing flame.

In front of him, Nie Lai, who got rid of the bondage, fell to the ground weakly, and the palm of his hand died and held the red sunburst.

The red light of Nie Lai’s body gradually dissipated.

The comet's limbs are on the ground, licking the body, like breathing in the air for several lifetimes, breathing with a big mouth, feeling the fortunes of the shortage of energy pouring into the brain, and even the fingers are shaking.

Above the neck, Nie Lai’s face has never been so red – like the color of blood.

In the field, only the screams and rolling of the crows and the screams of the comets were heard.

A minute passed, Monty finally crushed the last inch of the flame, but his description was extremely miserable - white smoke appeared all over the body, and the clothes were burnt everywhere, especially with arms.

The dead crow screamed in pain, and the unpleasant smell spread.

Nilailai was still weak and crouched on the ground, and the surrounding wasteland had already become burnt, and the man also had a small amount of light smoke.

Both men fell to the ground, one was weak and hard, and the other was severely burned.

"what is that?"

Monty lay back on the ground, trembled and groaned: "I have never heard of it... The Rising Sun Knife can still be used."

Nielylais looked up in the direction of Monty, swaying his head and squinting his eyes. It seemed that he had just recovered from the nightmare of his neck.

He took a hard breath and used his last strength to lie down.

"The legendary anti-magic arm ... will be influenced by the users, in the hands of different people, more or less to adapt and change - just like the power of the end."

Nie Lai’s expression was sloppy, as if he had just been tortured. He saw that he tried to squeeze the sun-kissing saber that was no longer shining. He was weak and intermittent: "I have seen... Tulleha used the Rising Sun Knife as a magical gun, in a narrow In the passage... create a horrible flame and explosion."

Monty snorted and he struggled to get up.

"Don't move, Monty," the comet hung his head, his voice faint, and the words were full of fatigue: "If you don't want to burn to ashes."

"I still... not well controlled... it..."

Monty smelled a little stiff.

He sighed softly and lay down again.

Seeing the enemy lying down, consuming a huge Nilai Lai, he just breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the Rising Sun Knife in his hand: "As you can see, I, I... I can’t get along with this broken knife. For six years, I can only do it...this is the place."

There was a moment of silence between the two.


Monty smirked, trembled and stretched out his armor, his skin was blackened, and he only felt that the last strength had disappeared with the burning: "You just used a sunburst knife to give yourself a flame armor and baked me. Half cooked, and you call this 'not coming'?"

Nie Lai smiled and looked at Monty's eyes especially complicated.

"No, you haven't been a captain, you haven't read "The Whiteblade". In the record, the Blade of Broken Soul once defended the tens of thousands of Donglu Army with a single knife, and cut the left wing king who is said to be unmatched. Life, but I hold it, at best, only block and isolate the Bailai people."

The comet seems to be resting, his words are fluent, and he stunned: "The rising sun, which claims to burn all things, has become a armor that uses flames to guard and defend."

"I guess, even if it was a scorpion gun that had created hundreds of miles of no-man's land, in my hand, it could only become a rifle that is not close to the living, and the near is dead."

Nie Lai looked up and smiled: "Otherwise, I don't want to play so ugly."

Monty's eyes stagnate as the pain gasps.


The Death Crow looked at the opponent incredulously: "You mean, the current situation, is this what you thought at the beginning?"

"Tempt me to show up, use the Rising Sun Knife to solve the battle?"

Impossible - Monty looked at his old robes, the old boss, the old captain, and seemed to know him again.

Nie Lai squinted and licked his lips.

"The battle started, I was at the biggest disadvantage."

"You earned the first hand, hidden in the dark, and I was not hurt, the combat power fell, plus this terrain," the comet said here, looking at the distant seemingly stunned Thales, grinning:

"This is the battle you are best at, the most favorable battlefield, and even if I can't find you for another 20 years, I can't fight back. I can only swear."

"Plus the interference of the kid, I am not sure to live to your arrow and shoot."

Monty is stiff all over.

"I can only take advantage of that kid, pretending to be irrational, risking you with two arrows - even sacrificing my legs for this," Niely seems to have finally got rid of the sequelae of the neck being locked, he slowly Sit up and reach for the injury on the calf: "Try to hook you out and kill me."

Monty gently gritted his teeth.

The star of the comet looked at the miserable Monty in a burning look: "Of course, it is still very risky. The timing of your appearance is too embarrassing. The twisting is too fast. I don't even have a chance to counter it. I almost fainted."

Monty took a deep breath and his eyes were exhausted.

"The bitch," said the dead crow lying on the ground, lost the floor: "If it is not too hasty - I should do a few poisonous arrows a few days in advance."

"Hey," Niely pulled up his mouth and began to bandage the wound. "Do you know where you lost?"

Monty did not speak, clenching the fists of the burns slightly.

"You have been scouting for too long, and you are used to maintaining an absolutely safe distance."

Niely seems to be somewhat sentimental, and his hands are slightly stunned: "You are used to starting from behind, and you will kill."

"I guess you are almost forgotten, face to face **** killing, what kind of taste."

"Is it."

The Death Crow first frowned slightly, then opened his doubts: "But you, the thorn, you..."

"When can you think about it so much?"

Nie Lei shook his head and his emotions were complicated: "A commander will always think more than others."

The two were silent for a little while, and it seemed that both sides were thinking.

"You are different."

Monty tried to sit up and endured the pain and breathed a sigh of relief. He was not willing to say: "Like Kaslan, a man who fights with his brain... You still know me, that face is suspicion, people are sick, killing Red-eyed thorns?"

Nie Lai smiled awkwardly and took pains to pull out the calf's arrow.

"Can you talk now?"

The comet tears open the clothes and tightens the wounds of the calves. The Rising Sun Knife is at his fingertips: "Why?"

"Why betray us."

Monty closed his eyes desperately and put his back on his back.

"Is this important?"

"We have already done this," the voice of the Death Crow is exhausted: "Hurry up."

"End it."

Niely was silent for a while.

He turned his head: Tyres was stunned on the ground, motionless.

In the next second, the comet's hands tied to the wound slammed hard and tightened the calf: "This is very important."

"Because I am your captain," the comet's eyes are like a knife, slowly moving from the wound to Monty, if there is substance: "It's your head."

Monty smirked and swayed on the ground: "It’s ridiculous, you like to talk about old..."

Niely suddenly increased the volume and interrupted him: "Because I am the commander of the White Blade Guard!"

"The first of the white blade!"

His expression was distorted and his teeth were cut: "I am the one who has always led you, protects you, and spurs you."

"Ned his mother's Monty!"

Nie Lai slammed his fist and squatted on the ground that burned beyond recognition.

He loosened his teeth and gasped.

The man's pale face sank: "And if... if any of you have a problem, it is my responsibility."

"I failed."

The death crow gently shocked.

Nielylai reached into the breastplate and squeezed a small stone.

He tried to keep his expression unchanged, his voice whimpered: "And I... I need to know why."

"I need to know, I need to know," Nie Layton had for a while, and this made it clear:


The earth replied to the silence, leaving only the breeze blowing through the cracks of the rock.

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Monty reopened her eyes and looked at the clear blue sky. His laughter was bitter: "The thorns, you really changed."

"I finally know why you can get rid of Kaslan - even if he is old."

Nie Lai did not answer anything, but the hand holding the stone became more and more tight.

"It can be seen that whether it is fighting or... you are all comprehensive... beyond Kaslan."

The death of the crow's eyes: "Even if it is the heyday of the 'depression', it is just the present you - clearly where is not prominent, obviously not ordinary, obviously looking at the ordinary, but once in actual combat, regardless of good times , danger, first hand, back hand, no matter what kind of enemy, as long as they stand on the ground, they just can't beat him."

Monty sneered: "It's worse, it's better."

Nie Lai was again punching on the ground with a slight anger: "Don't mention him again."

"After today, you have time - repent with him."

The answer to him was Monty’s smirk: “Ha ha ha ha... the problem is coming, thorns...”

"Do you admire him so much and worship the 'iceberg?'"

The death crow laughed out of breath: "But did you really understand him?"

Nie Lai gently frowned.

Monty tried to lift his upper body and moved to a low rock. His chin was burned, and his smile was more ominous. "Do you know what kind of existence is Kaslan Lombard?" ”

Nie Lai’s heart sank.

He remembered the day six years ago, and Kaslan stopped breathing forever in the Palace of the Spirit.

Monty sighed softly, her eyes were endless sadness and emotion: "I really miss that day..."

"Stabbing, we officially issued a vow, from the guards alternate, officially become the guard's newcomer."

Nicholas had a heart, and he raised his head thoughtfully.

Just listen to Monty and faintly said: "At least, we have to choose that day."

"And after that day, my future, my life will never be bright again," he said in silence:

"Only the darkness."

(End of this chapter)

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