Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 362: Crow and Snow Blade (below)

Chapter 362 Crow and Snow Blade (Part 2)

In the face of the situation being reversed, Nie Lai’s face was ugly.

He tried to pull out the arrow that pierced the left arm and the left shoulder, but the arrow on the right affected his right hand and could only fail in the force and suffocation.

Nilailai had to sigh gently, ending his sixth effort to pull out the arrow in the middle of the battle.

"How did you shoot me?"

The comet was unwilling to look at the unremarkable black arm, and looked angrily at the arrow that nailed himself to the rock.

"Where is the armed, what is its ability?"

The equally dying Monty was lying weakly on the ground. The burnt man struggled to reach the rock and tried to sit up and recover his strength.

Just listen to the death swearing disdainfully:

"I don't have to tell you."

Niely looked at him and couldn't help but grit his teeth.

"Come on," the comet was sweating under the pain, but he still licked his lips and squeezed a few words from his teeth:

"Twist my neck and make a knot."

The death crow stared at him in a miserable manner. After a long while, he suddenly grinned.

"I won't risk getting close to you anymore, thorns," Monty endured pain, tearing off a complete piece of clothing and gently wiping her wounds. The slow bandaging was the same as Nie Lai:

"We are in a bad condition now..."

Monty looked up hard and smirked: "If you meet again, God knows that you have prepared a surprise for me."

Nie Lai's eyes narrowed.

"You are afraid of me." The comet is cold and cold.

The Death Crow shook his head, tearing the cloth with his teeth, and bandaging the right arm that was not optimistic in the pain of licking his teeth: "On the contrary, I have controlled the situation."

"Just wait for me to slow down, keep this distance, rewind, and put a few rounds of arrows," Monty gasped, shaking her fingers across the air and pointing to the distant time, pointing to the opponent, sharp eyes:

"The rest is fixed targets."

Nie Lai’s face sank.

The comet's right hand clenched the arrow in front of the shoulder and tried to break it. However, the arrow is much harder than the average long arrow. There is no weapon like the Rising Sun Knife, and the weak right hand. His efforts are limited. He can only breathe in the painful attempts.

Monty laughed at it.

He trembled, sweating and tearing off the clothes that had blood and blood on his chest, trying to stand up, but eventually fell to the ground.

"Ha ha ha," Monty, who fell from the wolverine, laughed in disappointment: "So this became the game of 'to the end', is it?"

On the rocky ground, the men who lost their lives stared at each other, and their eyes flashed in the air.

The death crow turned over, and the severe burns made him a bit of pain: "Remember that we welcome the newcomers' 'greeting ceremony', the iceberg that the bastard, the first night we stripped us and thrown it into the snow, telling us to run There is hot water at the end, so a bunch of bare-chested man, screaming and screaming..."

Niely frowned.

Monty took a sip: "How can we not reach the end of the freezing, until we don't fall down - afterwards we find that there is no end, the so-called meeting ceremony, the tradition of the White Blade Guard is only to test our limits. ”

His eyes condensed in the air, as if to say to himself: "The lie is always the most effective whip."

Nie's face shook his head stiffly.

"You don't deserve to bring up the Guard," the only remaining end of his body rushed to the wound, trying to ease the pain in his shoulders. "The traitor of the swearing."

The death crow is slightly stiff and breathing slightly.

"The oath ... betrayed..." At that moment, Monty's expression was awkward.

But after a while, the man immediately raised his smile and shrugged his shoulders. He snorted in the sequelae of the burn: "What do you say, anyway..."

The expression of the Death Crow became awe-inspiring and his eyes were cold:

"This is your last words."

"The comet."

To his surprise, Nie Lai laughed.

He leaned against the rock wall and looked at Monty's eyes.

"If half of what you say is true, big mouth... At least, at least the first time you are not a secret person."

Nie Lai squinted: "What made you change, or did the secret grasp what you handle?"

Monty was a glimpse, and immediately lost his smile: "God, you are more and more like Kaslan."

Niely did not pay attention to his words that shifted the subject.

"The career of the White Blade Guard, may bring you torture, but the locusts in the dark night will not make any progress. You don't really think they are your savior, can you save you from trouble?"

Monty's smile disappeared.

"That's a worse step," the comet looked at the Rising Sun Knife in the distance and the glimpse of time: "Going out of an abyss, but casting into another abyss - you must have other reasons."

Monty was silent for a few seconds, pulling out a painful and happy smile.

"Some things don't need a reason."

The death crow coldly said: "Maybe I was born to be a traitor, I have no heart, no feelings, no shortage of conscience, so Kaslan chose me to do that dirty knife."

But Niely still ignored him, but said it himself: "That was your first betrayal, right? That assassination."

Monty's eyebrows moved.

I saw the comet as if recalling the old man in the past, faintly said: "After the death of Prince Sulil, you managed to leave the city of Longyan and leave the front of the king, because you are afraid, afraid that he will discover the truth."

"And the reason why you betrayed may be in the assassination of eighteen years ago."

Nilai Lai fixedly stared at Monty.

The Death Crow looked back at him with a dignified look.

"Mom, you are not only getting stronger," Monti murmured. "It's also more suspicious."

Nie Lai glanced at the whispering prince in a coma.

"If you stay with the night and night with a sinister sinister, deep-minded, thinking about calculating you every day, and you can not move his finger prince to the prince for six years," the comet is cold and authentic:

"You will also become like me."

Monty shook her head and laughed.

"These are not important," the Death Crow tried again to struggle to get up. His face replied with a twilight: "Just wait for me..."

At this time, Niely whispered and spit out another name:


At that moment, Monty, who was trying to get up, the whole person was stiff.

For a long while, the deadly crows who have always had a relaxed expression are able to sit down.

It's like a chess piece that loses its center of gravity.

Looking at the abnormally out of Monty, Niely sighed deeply.

"You haven't forgotten her, right?"

The neck of the Death Crow is like an old rusted clock. After a moment, it is difficult to turn to Nilailai, and his expression is stiff: "What?"

The sun fell again at an angle, and their shadows gradually slanted eastward.

Like the old man who has been hit, the comet is dark and his tone is lost: "The reason why you hurt yourself to vote for the stars, to the secret, you must have the reason for the death of Prince Sulil - I can only think of This is over."

Monty looked at the old boss in shock: "You, you..."

"You thought you were very well concealed, no one knows," Nie Lai's look smirked unconsciously, but the words were full of exhaustion: "But look at Mrs. Adele's eyes and your abnormality. Number and location of duty..."

"No, no," Monty's breath rushed, looking at Nie Lai's eyes filled with incredible feelings: "Do you know?"

"So you have seen it long ago?"

"The **** is raised," Niely looked at him with a cold eye. He said, "So, your betrayal is really related to that woman."


The death crow bowed his head and was silent for a long time.

The comet is staring at him like an interrogator, like a sword.

Monty suddenly moved.

I saw him pulling his mouth and smirking in his cheeks: "Ha ha ha..."

Nie Lei closed his eyes and looked sad.

"Adele," the Death Crow sighed softly, repeating the name in a desperate manner: "Adele, yeah, she is the turning point of everything."


I don't know if it hurts the wound or is emotional. Nie Laiyi has an elbow and squats on the rock wall of the back: "Damn, damn..."


The comet once again tried to hold the arrow and tried to break it. In the pain and cold sweat, he interrupted the words intermittently: "When I was in the same year, I deliberately turned you away... using all means Try to keep you away from the blood garden, away from Mrs. Adele, so that you won't see her for several years..."

"I still look for you to drink alcohol in an uncharacteristic manner, and advise you to hurry to find a girl to become a family..."

Monty is a little bit stunned.


Nie Lai, who failed to get out of trouble again, screamed and resentfully slammed the rock wall: "I have done so much, can you not understand what I mean by your mother? - Stay away from her, be so ominous, A pretty, uncomfortable Commas woman is far away, abandoning your boring and boring feelings!"

Monty was in the same place, motionless.

The next moment, there was resentment and anger on the face of the Death Crow.

I saw him slamming the ground, standing up in spite of the injury, glaring at the comet with the eyes of someone who would eat:

Monty twitched the rock, groaning and screaming: "So you, you, thorns?"

"In the years when Adele first married Longyan City, you deliberately turned me up just to make sure I stayed away from her? Can't see her? Can't get close to her?"

The brutal and deadly crows screamed out their arms in angrily: "It's you!"

A small, sessile flying knife flashed through the air.

Nie Lai breathed a meal and shouted his right hand subconsciously!


The flying knife wiped Nilailai's wristband and shot it on the rock wall, falling weakly.

Monty, who throws a flying knife, stands unsteadily, pounces on the ground and raises the dust.

But he did not care, just renewed himself with his **** arms.

"Even in the years when she suffered the most, suffered the most, suffered the most, and was most affected, I was not there, I could not see her, I could not help her..."

For the first time, Monty’s words were trembling: “Is it because of you?”

The comet looked at the flying knife, and the anger was even worse.

"That is for you!"

He snorted: "I thought so, you can throw away those unrealistic fantasies..."

"You can't see this idiot!"

But Monty did not care about Nie Lai's words. The anger on his face suddenly turned into grief, and suddenly became lost, and suddenly turned sad.

After dozens of seconds passed, there were only two men’s breathing in the air.

In the end, everything on the face of the death crow disappeared.

He stared at the ground and re-planted it into the dust.

"I thought my method worked," Nie Lai lowered his head, his eyes stunned, his right hand clenched his fist: "I thought you would just get drunk and go find a few women - as usual, you can Forgot her..."

Monty turned over hard, and he first looked at Niely, and then he laughed strangely.

The smile is big, the magnitude is huge, and even the tears are laughing.

"Forget her?"

"how is this possible."

The man with a burn is slowly exhaling, with endless embarrassment and sorrow in his voice:

"I will never forget the day - the day I entered the vine city, the young, gentle and gentle, Miss Adele Gust, dressed in a veil, red eyes, bid farewell to her parents and brothers, in the city Residents’ disappointment, slowly stepping on the wedding carriage of our Longyan City mission.”

"Go to the cold north."

Monty looked at the sky and his right hand trembled gently:

"I remember when Fu Azul got on the bus, her red face, the innocent smile, the thankful thank you."

The death crow speaks eloquently, and his face is full of confusion:

"I remember the beautiful bow on her wrist, remember the pattern of the pattern on her skirt, remember that she was gently licking the throat in the carriage, and the song seemed to have a kind of power, so that the northerners who were accustomed to the killing of the soldiers were holding their breath. ""

Niely closed his eyes tightly, sending out a few inaudible squats from his throat, and the blood vessels on his arms bulged out due to excessive force.

"I still remember the plain tongue, I suddenly became stupid, only to sweat the lady with a blushing eyes, and comforted her that Northland is a good place, saying that all there Everyone is bold, generous, tough and enthusiastic, saying that Prince Suril is heroic and brave, saying that she will be happy - all these are later proved to be shameless lies."

Monty sat up hard, looking at the comet with a sad and sad look.

"Yes, I met her earlier than all of you," the man looked blank: "I lost her earlier."

Niely took a breath and looked at Monty incredulously: "Losing her?"

"Damn, she is never yours!"

The comet was another punch and squatted on the rock wall.

He was quite rude, roaring under the double pain of physical and mental: "That is the wife of His Royal Highness! She has even children!"

"For a woman, you forget your identity, betray the Whiteblade, betray the king and the prince - don't you think it's ridiculous!"

Monty snorted.

He ignored Nie Lai’s accusation and just smiled indifferently.

"Of course, a locust like me who was born in the dark, eating the rot in the loach, didn't even qualify for Adele."

The dead crow lay on the ground and slowly sighed: "I thought very early on very early: as a noble and beautiful prince, she has no reason to take care of a country hunter, rude words, **** hands. Despicable guard."

His eyes were faint, and he smiled and gasped: "The only thing I can do, and the only thing I want, is to hurry up and stay in the Palace of the Spirit. I am serious and frequent on duty, and pretend to be alert when passing through her courtyard. Around, I occasionally swept the girl who looked lonely."

"The only thing I hoped for, and the only thing I could satisfy, was that when I waited until the middle of the night, a man shivered in the dark corner of the blood garden, staring at the flowers she had taken care of, looking at the stars, thinking over and over again. She used to smile."

"That's enough," Monty immersed in the past stunned:


"Bastard, coward," Niely looked at him disdainfully: "I really regret talking to you so much nonsense, I should have found you in a bad way, I will smash you."

Monty shook her head and didn't seem to hear the other person's words.

"and so……"

"When that night came," the Death Crow seemed to have calmed down, only to see him sneer, the color in his eyes became horrible and cold again: "Do you know what I feel like?"

Nie Laiyi:

"That night?"

Monty glanced at him, clearly showing no expression, but the inexplicable emotions in the eyes made the comet's heart grow.

"That night, once again, as a king black crow, I rushed back to Longyan City from the Star Kingdom of the war and reported to the father and son of Nunn."

Monty narrates without sorrow and sorrow, as if the next thing has nothing to do with him: "It was also that night, Prince Suril privately summoned me."

"Our majesty and brave, His Highness Suril Walton, ordered me calmly and indifferently: there is a royal scandal that is not open to the public, and it needs to be dealt with."

Niele's whole person froze.

I don’t know when it started, the voice of the Death Crow began to tremble:

"He ordered me to leave his wife and get rid of his wife."

"Prince, Mrs. Adele."

Monty slowly raised her eyes, and the darkness in her eyes was boundless: "And the lover she loves wholeheartedly."

"Infidelity White Blade Guardian - Byn Meyer."

Well, I’ve taken this story out of it, I’m going to make up my mind and eat chicken in the afternoon.

I wish you all a happy new year in advance.


Everyone should be the same as no sword.

Another year has passed without success (hands).

(End of this chapter)

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