Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Who is loyal

Chapter 364 Who is loyal?

Monty looked directly at Nilai, and the smile slowly evaporated:

"And I am looking at you now, isn't it the same?"

The comet shook his head.

His face faded: "We should have been the most loyal, purest, most glorious white-edged guard..."

"We have also been fighting with blood, pride, and ease, and throwing blood for Exeter."

"What is it, let us go to the present level?"

Monty interrupted him.

"You still don't understand, thorns?"

"Yeah, we are, the most loyal, purest, and most glorious white-edged guards," he said with a low voice, sounding like a hopeless struggle for a dying patient:

"But look at the shining names in the history of the Guards, which one is not a noble, pure-blood legend. Even for the nobility, it is a glory to enter the Whiteblade to serve the King."

Monty slowly raised his gaze.

"But when Kaslan broke the routine, he began to pull the White Blade Guard from the civilians. When he opened his sharp eyes, he carefully selected the inferiors from the soldiers who had been on the battlefield and trained us to become the Dragon. When I was..."

Monty sighed long: "Things have changed and the results are already doomed."

"We are out of tune with the aristocratic rulers who have been passed down for many years."

Nie Lai is speechless.

Monti chuckled and remembered the past: "I remember very clearly that on the first day of the pre-election meeting, whether it was a nobleman with a title, or a bureaucrat with honorary title, or even a noble old guard, no one can afford us. - The smudges of the white blade, this is what they call us."

He took a deep look at Nilai Lai: "We will never get in."

Nie Lai bowed his head.

"Isaiah understood this truth very early, so he simply went to the whistle and led the most dangerous, and the simplest thirty-eight sentinel, doing a pure choice between the enemy and us."

"And the rest of the Guard..."

"Look at me, look at Myrk, look at Carlos, look at Shiva, look at Justin, look at our respective end, and look at yourself..." Monty said, laughing It’s up.

The laughter is sad.

The comet's brow wrinkled.

"You have worked so hard for so many years, even under the Broken Dragon Fortress, killed the 'Star Butcher', Horace Comet, which has been famous for more than a decade. It is just a little Lord, even the Palace of the Spirit. Banquets are not eligible to attend."

"Remember to listen to the government day a few days ago?"

Monty looked at him with a funny smile, as if looking at one of the biggest idiots in history: "When you, as the protector of the Grand Duke of the Dragon City, the defender of the conference order, when talking, the Earl and Viscount of Longyan City Who, among them, will put you in the eye?"

Niely looked at Monty's disdainful smile and exhaled slowly.

"We can never understand," Monty looked at: "Those who are high above, what they think."

The breath of the dead crow is rushing, and the dark memories of the past are pouring into the heart:

"The current Weilan leader, Rabbi Aulsius, was twice poisoned by his mother-in-law, but no one knows that those poisons are the hands of Nunn who ordered me and Kaslan to let Leiby The blame for his brother, and eventually became a grandfather - but after the incident, Nunn asked me to safely **** his unwitting brother as a tool for the remote Weilan collar..."

"Remember that you took over the agent captain, the large-scale eastward squat of Longyan City? In fact, I am also a member of the group of gangsters: Longyan City sent me into this robber's nest and sent them The arms and strengths allowed them to rob the dragon caravan of their own caravans with impunity - so King Nunn had an excuse to make a disaster to the glacier.

The death ravens said: "Their game of power, we will never understand."

Listening to the other's narrative, the breath of the comet can not help but accelerate.

"After the death of Suril, I seem to give up the white blade and trust in the city of Qiyuan. In fact, I was the spy sent by Longyan City to Qiyuan City. I continued to monitor the movement of the Ronnie family for King Nuno, and occasionally provoked Their vassals rebel."

Monty took a breath.

"After that, Nunn died," Monty lowered her head and looked blank:

"My blade in the dark, suddenly lost most of the meaning - can be more ironic: my surveillance object, the far-reaching reputation of the far-away city, Curry Kun Ronnie suddenly found I, I understand this. It turns out that he always knew that I was the crow of King Nunn, the spy of the king!"

Speaking of this, Monty exaggeratedly laughed: "But that hidden bastard, he pretended to play with me for 12 years without knowing it! Until the death of King Nunn! Hahahaha! ”

"And Ronnie told me that in fact, Nunn knows that he sees through my lurking, but the two opponents who are guarding each other, like a mime, pretend that they are ignoring each other, but I am hanging in the middle - haha Haha, I have been acting for twelve years!"

"Twelve years! Are they not tired?"

Monty's smile is very exaggerated and very deformed.

Nie Lai looked at Monty bitterly, and she didn't feel funny at all.

He knew that Monty didn't feel funny.

The death crow finally laughed enough.

He sinks his face as if he has returned to the abyss of darkness: "For decades, I have learned their practices, learning games that I will never understand, wearing masks all the time, pretending to be myself, ready to change faces."

Monty gently stroked her face and lost some.

It seems that it is not your own skin.

"Sometimes, I went back to Longyan City, went back to the White Blade Guard, tried to remove the disguise, but found that I even used to drink with my brethren, and I was used to acting..."

Monty took a deep breath: "I even have the illusion that the mask is the real me. Only wearing a mask can I be disguised."

The Death Crow coughed a few mouths and looked lost:

"But there, only there, in the **** courtyard of Adele's hands, when I looked at her face obsessively, I could feel: maybe I am not just a mask."

Monty looked up and touched her face, squeezing a numb smile: "I also have my own feelings and beliefs."

He trembled a little, as if to prove what it was, mechanically repeating:

"Not just a mask."

The comet is silent.

Then, a few seconds later, Monty did a few deep breaths, actually holding the rock wall and standing up steadily.

This time, Monty shook a few times, but did not fall again.

The comet is eclipsed!


Monty has stood up and can move at any time to get his bow.

And myself...

Nie Lai looked at the arrow on his shoulder and hated his teeth.

This "to the last" game seems to have won and lost.

Is it the end?

Niely once again grasped the arrow on his shoulder, trying to escape the restraint of it despite the pain.

"But she is still gone."

Monty’s lonely voice came.

"The **** assassin sent by the secret is probably a newbie," said the Death Crow, but the comet could hear the chill:

"Like I just entered this line, he was facing the children, he couldn't get started... and eventually he was tired of Adele."

His mood is low: "Her death, throwing back my slightly meaningful life back to the bottomless darkness."

Monty’s expression slowly became awkward: “Deeper, darker, darker.”

Nie Lai’s pain screamed, but the arrow on his shoulder was still difficult to pull out. In desperation, he tried to reverse the rock wall and tried to “suck” himself.

Monty licked his head and carefully extended the burned arm as a balance, taking the first step.

"The significance of the existence of the White Blade Guard is to become the edge of defending the North."

"But I, I started from a long time ago, I can't find the meaning of my existence," Monty said sullenly: "So I didn't look for it - living is meaning, that's enough."

Nie's face was distorted and tried his best, but the arrow seemed to be stuck in the middle of the bone and it was difficult to move.

"As long as it can survive," Monty’s voice continued, "Whoever belongs to my loyalty."

There are more and more sweat on the forehead of the comet.

"As long as you don't give yourself the opportunity to hesitate," Monty gritted her teeth and looked at the other side's futile efforts, and said in a breather:

"I can stop hesitating."

The Death Crow twitched his mouth and revealed the twilight: "Don't blame me, thorns - this is life."

The comet who hopes to break free finally gave up his efforts, and he took a breath as he took his life and looked at his opponent.

Monty smiled and turned to his bow.

However, the next moment, a young and full-fledged male duck came from Da La La: "While, this stuff... is really not light."

The two men in the death fight were all stunned.

They turned their heads together.

I saw a young man who was described as a wolverine in the sun, standing in the position of the fall of time - the black armor was held in his hand.

"I remember... is it so winding?"

The boy stood firmly on the ground, frowning and put his foot into the ankle of the top of the crossbow. He stepped on it, bent down, and grasped the hook attached to the arm with both hands and hooked the string.

He took a deep breath, pressed his back and tried to pull the string and pull it straight up.

The chord is slowly deformed and elongated.

"Well, is it the first time?" The teenager squinted and bit his teeth: "Why, this, tight..."

Finally, just listen to the "哒":

The chord is in place.

The teenager breathed a sigh of relief and gasped. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and took the time to smile.

Niely and Monty looked at the boy with a dull look, incredulously focused on the limbs of his activities.

"How could it be..." The eyes of the comet were filled with shock and incomprehension. He stared at the teenager, as if he could not wait to dissect him.

But Nie Lai at this time was awkward, and even a complete sentence could not be said: "I just clearly put you... put your hands and feet..."

The boy’s brow is picking.

"Ah, are you saying this?"

The teenager looked at the two men who were seriously injured and slowly raised their left hand, and embarrassed to scream.

"Well, I feel that the left wrist is really hard," Prince Teres, who stood up again, shrugged and looked awkwardly smiling:

"I don't know, I may have grown up."

Monty rounded her eyes.

"Impossible." The weak death crow swayed, and he quickly supported the rock wall, but the expression of horror remained unchanged.

He turned to Nilailai as if he had to get proof from his opponent: "But you just did give his bones..."

Nimale returned to Monty with a stinky face: "nonsense."

Tyres did not take into account the meaning of the two men's mood, and was very happy to take two steps in place, with a clean and unrestrained movement.

Let Niele and Monty become more and more suspicious.

Tyres looked at the two sluggish men and sighed: "What's so rare, don't you know?"

The second prince chuckled.

"This is the secret of the comet's royal family who can rule the stars for nearly seven hundred years..."

Nie Lai's eyebrows moved, Monty's pupils shrank!

Both held their breath at the same time.

The next second, I saw Taylor's mysterious expression.

"It is said that the blood of the imperial royal family comes from the gods," the prince of the stars raised his eyebrows and pointed to the sky, revealing a smile that was not good. "They even have blood in their eyes, and if they are under the sun, they can still shine." It!"

The two men suddenly petrified in place.

"What is the fracture of the fracture?" Tyres smiled and showed a big white tooth, shining in the sun:

"We will be able to heal in two minutes."

It’s strange.

Tyres secretly groaned and felt the exhaustion and weakness of the sin of the prison river.

as well as--


At this moment, a strange noise came from the belly of Tells.

The prince’s face was hot.

But Niely and Monty still looked at the monster's eyes and stared at him with a sly look.

Perhaps their eyes are too hot, maybe the scene is too embarrassing, and Taylor can't help but cough and interrupt the silence.

"Okay, now the two listen to me..."

Tyres happily held the black arm, and pressed a smashing arrow that fell to the ground into the groove.

He lifted the time of the moment that he could fire at any time, and seized the machine, and his arm slammed against the right.

Taylor closed his left eye, and the arrow aimed at the comet who was nailed to the rock wall and could not move.

Niely's face was white.

He was not willing to struggle again, but he could only look at the arrow that pierced the shoulders of his arms and ooze more blood.

"So, now, we have a question to answer."

"Excuse me, Lord Seri Niely, the distinguished Lord," the injury was nothing, like a new look of Tyres, looked up and smiled and said: "You eat..."

"Is the right hand?"

The air is quiet.

Only the breeze blows.

Nie Lai stared at the arm of the hand of Tyres.

But after a second, he just snorted and snorted: "Fuck you."

Thales blinked.

"Ha ha ha ha -"

The crows who supported the rock wall gave a laughter.

"Forget it, no matter what you do," Monty smiled happily. "In short, doing beautiful, Your Highness, now we only need..."

Tyres looks awesome!

He held the double hand of the arm.

At that moment, Nie Lai's unwillingness and Monty's smile solidified on his face at the same time.

The serious Teres did not pull the trigger toward the comet.

But the time in his hand has turned a corner.

Pointing straight -

Ned Monty.

"I just heard it: As long as it can survive," Taylors aimed at Monty and said coldly: "Which is your loyalty, is it?"

The death crow stared at him incredulously.

I saw the prince blinking a little: "So, tell me, Lord Monti..."

"Who is your loyalty?"

"Only wearing a mask, I have to disguise my disguise." - Pay tribute to the role of "The Watchman"

(End of this chapter)

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