Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 380: Welcome to the Kingdom of Stars (on)

Chapter 380 Welcome to the Kingdom of Stars (on)

The raging fire reflected the darkness of the sky and the redness of the blood.

The battle began to be abrupt, in stark contrast to it, the end of it is silent.

Unconsciously, the fighting and roaring became sparse and sparse, and the incompetent, the fighter's movements gradually changed from a fierce wave to a precise assassination, and the final patch.

The foreers in the forefront fled farther and farther, and the obstacles of the sand dunes and the shining of the fire disappeared into the night.

The Stardust Guards, which rushed back and forth, gradually stopped, and the horses returned to the body and blood in the land to check and confirm their results.

On the other hand, the cavalry family's cavalry had long solved the broken orcs, and they joined the Stardust Guard in a mighty manner.

But these are not related to the tales, and the human captives who are being escorted.

They are not ignored.

After the battle, the cavalry on the robes and shields with the single-winged crows rushed onto the little sand dunes and ousted them from the sand dunes.

Thales believes that if they show a little resistance and dissatisfaction, these group of faceless cavalry will not mind the blood in their hands.

Ever since, the caravans, including the mercenaries, have become prisoners for the second time. Under the close surveillance of the Kloma family cavalry, they walked down the sand dunes and headed for a battlefield.

"Go faster, sand thief!"

A knight holding a spear impatiently urged.

"We are not sand thieves, respected adults." Tom Ding pulled his collar and solemnly protested.

Perhaps because the face is no longer an evil orc, the courage of the car owner has recovered a lot.

"It's a caravan! Orthodox, legal, qualified caravan! My ancestors used to..."

The knight who held the spear smiled.

"I am not an adult. The ancestors were probably farmers in the seven or eight generations. As for you..."

"People in the big desert, sand thieves, caravans, exiles," he shook his head on the horse: "You know, for me, do you have any differences?"

Tom Ding made a side ear listening.

"The answer is," the Cavaliers said coldly: "I don't know."

"And I don't care."

Tommy's smile was a little stiff.

The next second, the knight's spear slammed Tom's ass:

"So move your ass, sand thief!"

In the miserable scream of Tom Ding, the group of people came to the center of the battlefield in a mood.

The fire caused by the heap of Eternal Oil was a lot smaller, but it was still burning, illuminating everything around.

The cavalry of the Klomm family swept the battlefield and joked unscrupulously. Many people turned their attention to them, and the unscrupulous eyes in their eyes made everyone feel awkward.

"Wait here," the Cavaliers took up the spear and slammed the saddle. "The adults will decide how to deal with you."

"My God," Tomdine gasped, rubbing his **** in one hand, wiping his sweat in one hand, whispering in the captive:

"These are simply barbarians... Listen, we have to give a good confession. We are not coming out of the sand dunes, but from the tower of the end, so we don't know the blockade of the stars..."

"Deep god...Sep," Dean sighed. "Do you think they don't know our details?"

Tom Ding gave a slight glimpse.

"They have two units, the Kloma family and the Stardust Guard. One of them ambushes in the distance and attacks from different directions, which means they have already planned."

"This group of stars may have discovered us for a long time. I even bet they know that our caravans are coming out of the blade camp," Dean looked at the cavalry around him:

"They just tracked the trails we left behind, the purpose was to let us catch the hordes of orcs - and they did it, our caravans let the orcs relax. If it wasn't the fire, This is a perfect pocket, slowly gathering in the night, and smashing the orcs who are lying on the spoils and supplies.

Louisa looks ugly: "They - take us as bait?"

Dean sighed and nodded. "So, I suggest you tell the truth, don't cover up."

Tom Ding has an incredible mouth: "But our goods..."

"who cares?"

McGee stood up against him in a cold voice: "Do you know how many people have we lost?"

"We shouldn't be here - or just go back yesterday."

This sentence made everyone in the caravan silent.

Where the knight went, a group of soldiers held a torch to surround a vacant lot. Two officers, who were obviously different from the usual soldiers, stood on the ground, holding their horses and discussing something loudly.

It is worth noting that the stars stand on both sides and are distinct.

One side is under the wing of a single-winged crow, surrounded by a serious young aristocrat.

The other side, including the freak squad, held the Stardust Battle Flag, followed by another young military officer, Tells recognized. The officer’s left arm was slightly thicker than the right arm and was just a punch. The "Boss" of the Orc Sanwei, the freak squad.

Taylors exhaled a long breath and thought about the next step.

The army of the stars is in sight.

According to the original plan, the people of the secret department will take him into the desert and join the army of the stars, but now...

The recruitment of the Klomm family, as well as the Stardust Guard as the royal reserve army.

Can these people trust?

If he shows his identity at this time... would it be a wise choice?

"What are they talking about?" Quick rope narrowed his eyes: "Looks like it is quarreling?"

Taylors looked up and saw the arguments of the two officers getting more and more intense.

The old hammer stared at it for a while and shook his head.

"I don't think that in the western front, the recruits and the standing army have never been able to get together."

"They have a bad relationship?"

"I will say that," the old hammer coughed. Obviously, the injury had not been so good: "In the blade camp, if a lord recruits a soldier and a royal standing army into the same group of pits..."

“Usually, only one person can wipe the **** out.”

Quick rope asked inexplicably: "But they are all stars, still guarding in a camp, why is this..."

"The current King of Exeter, and his brother are still born to a mother," the old hammer snorted:

"When I killed my brother, I didn't see him soft."

The Bone Man shook his head: "The blood thorn lizard."

This sentence reminded the prisoners of what happened, and soon no one would make a sound again.

The arguments of the officers are finally over.

"So this is the caravan?"

A gentle voice came, and I saw that the "big boss" who "grased your mother" on the battlefield claped his hands and stepped forward.

Taylors noticed that the so-called "freak squad" was all standing behind the officer.

"The bonfire party is really lively, there is 'sound' and 'color'," the so-called boss is full of the West, and he waved his hand to the eternal oil burning in the distance. ?"

At that moment, Taylors thought that he had returned to the interview with the orc Kandar a few minutes ago.

The captives face each other.

"Respected adults," the owner of the caravan finally breathed a sigh of relief and put on a smile, stepping forward: "I am Saip Tomtin, this adult, I often run the blade camp to the three countries of the sea." Road, the ancestors used to work under the sages..."

"I am Douro," the boss of the powers looked at Tom Ding and scanned the carpenter's cautious dozens of people, but did not give him a face: "Cusac Duro, but not an adult. The three generations of the ancestors were peasants until Baron Williams picked me up and became one of his pioneers and led a small team."

Tom Ding was a little embarrassed.

But he turned very fast, immediately grabbed his hands and admired his face: "Oh, so you are the baron's adult..."

At this point, the young aristocrats of the Kloma family exhaled an impatient breath: "Hurry up, freak, don't waste time - not wasting enough today."

Taylors suddenly noticed that this is the knight who ordered "one without staying" in the sand dunes - it seems that he is the commander of the Klomm family.

Hearing the "freak", Captain Doro turned to the young aristocrat, and his smile was not diminished, but he looked at the cold:

"The Baron Guz, as I said, can you let me negotiate?"

The young aristocrat, Guz shrugged.


Doro nodded, and then he turned around and narrowed his eyes and looked at the businessman in front of him.

"Eternal oil."

The next sentence of the abilities made Tomtin tremble slightly.

I saw him pointing at the camp that was still burning in the distance: "I want to point to this level of fire, Tangdi, how much have you gotten? Ten barrels? Twenty barrels?"

At that moment, Tom Ding twitched his smile, both sly and charming.

He looked left and right, his eyes constantly swaying between the flames and Douro: "Adults, we, we just met some illegal smugglers on the road, and bought these oils in their hands - I mean, I can’t let them Going into the big desert? But I swear I didn't participate in anything..."

Dean sighed quietly behind him.


"Except for those orcs who have just been cleaned up by our people," Duro said coldly: "These eternal oils are brought out of the blade camp by the blockade and the embargo. , Tangdi."

Tom Ding’s face was awkward, and he didn’t care if his name was wrong.

"I can see that you are not a small caravan of five or six people."

"I bet, if we search your goods, we can find a lot of embargoes."

"The smuggling of the embargoed goods into the desert, and with the blockade order..." Duro sighed and looked sharp: "I don't think this is a legitimate business."

"You know, you can be convicted."

The captives frowned.

Tom Ding smiled: "Respected adults, we..."

The abilities of the boss raised a finger and pressed his words.

"But you finally helped a little, and slightly distracted the gray hybrids," Duro slowly looked up, revealing a warm smile, and nominated his head: "For our victory..."

“Make a little contribution.”

Thomdin’s face rekindled hope.

"Should, should, help you with your adult... I am very embarrassed..."

He is a little excited: "So..."

"But still let the orc leader run," the other side of the baron Guz whispered, sounding very bad to say: "Thanks to your ‘touching’ tactics, Stardust Guard.”

The smile on Duro’s face disappeared: “We will discuss this issue later, Baron Guz.”

"not now."

Guz snorted.

Looking at the two sides, there are two teams of confrontational momentum, and two different commanders, and Tyres thoughtfully.

Douro looked back and looked at Tomdine, who was overwhelmed.

I saw him smile and said: "So, even though your violations are so ridiculous, Teddy, I am willing to help you with good words in front of the judge and give you a chance to choose."

Opportunity to choose?

Tyres slightly frowned.

He noticed that the "freaks" behind Douro looked at each other and smiled mysteriously. The Baron Guz opposite Douro looked disdainfully to the other side.

Tomtin took a sigh of relief and was in tears.

"Adult! Very grateful... By the way, my name is Tomtin, not a soup..."

The omnipotent boss accepted his thanks with a smile: "So, Tangdi..."

"Community through the enemy, spy exploration... two charges, which one do you want to choose?"

This made the entire prisoner team stunned.

Pass the enemy.


Even Tyres can't help but think about whether it is self-reporting.

Tom Ding rounded his eyes: "What?"

Douro sighed.

"Don't be surprised, Tang Di, from your huge pile of materials as evidence, you are sure to eat these two crimes, enough to enter the bones of the bones," the freak captain in the Stardust Guard looks at the embarrassment With them, they immediately smiled: "But I still give you the choice, you can choose one, how good?"

Tom's face turned from red to blue.

"No, no, adults, I swear...we are can't...we...small contribution..."

Just as Tommy was incoherent, Doro raised another finger!


The captain's eyes flashed slightly: "If the evidence is insufficient, I think it is very difficult to establish the crime. The judge also has nothing to do with you."

Tom Ding’s meal.

"Insufficient evidence? What do you mean?"

He did not know why he looked at Douro.

"Look? Your eternal oil burns almost," Douro sighed and pointed to the burning camp in the distance: "Without the evidence, I don't think the judge can still be embarrassed about smuggling Eternal Oil." ”

Tom Ding looked at him slyly.

Douro stepped forward, and the thick left arm took the businessman's shoulder and turned around with him in an irresistible way, bringing the surrounding scene into his eyes.

It was the camps and small tents that the caravans had laid down. The piled up goods were scattered in the fierce battle and were in ruins.

"But look around, your goods, smuggling, violation of the blockade order, the embargo or something... the sun is on, you still have so many crimes, even if I want to help you offense, it is very It's hard to prove your innocence..."

Doro patted his shoulder and looked serious: "Do you understand?"

As soon as this was said, the face of Dean and the old hammer suddenly became strange.

Tomding looked at the goods around him, shaking his lips and being speechless.

Duro looked at his shoulders like a brother and looked at Tom Ding with emotion.

A few seconds later, the snake hand behind Douro shrugged: "I don't think he understands, boss."

The Guz Baron on the other side laughed and laughed.

The abilities are awkward.

He sighed and let go of Tomtin, and pushed him back into the queue of the captives in disappointment. The thick left arm gave Tomtin a sigh: "Okay, then, the two crimes of enemy behavior and spy exploration... ..."

With Douro's words, the stars soldiers on his side handed their weapons.

Taylor was shocked.

At this time, Dean stepped forward.

The mercenary stepped on Tom's foot and whispered in his ear: "Give them!"

Tom Ding was agitated and suddenly reacted.

"I understand!"

He yelled like a pig and raised his hands: "Understood! Understand, adults!"

The sound is loud and spread throughout the sand dunes.

The soldiers who provoked the cleaning of the mess frequently turned back.

The captain of Douro, who was on his hips, made a slight meal and his eyes slowly lifted up.

"You... really understand?"

"Yes adult!"

At the moment, Tom Ding was crying, but he did not hesitate to answer. He spread his arms to the surrounding camp: "Cargo...all the goods of our caravan, all the 16 merchants, from potted vessels to spice seeds, from Dressing jewelry to a valuable can take it all, take it all! We don't want anything! Just, as long as you put us safe..."

The businessmen suddenly looked dark.

But Duro did not respond to smiles as expected.

I saw the little captain sighing in pain, a slap on the forehead, a hate of iron is not steel.

"Oh, my... no, you still don't understand!"

The captives looked at him with suspicion.

Duro put his hand down and looked disappointed.

He pulled up the volume: "Take your goods... let us take it?"

Duro was full of sorrow, his hands continually tapping on the hilt and armor, making a burst of sound, scaring Tomtin back and forth: "You think we - your army will covet your things, your belongings, even if A bronze? What do you think of us? Is the corrupt official who collects money or a shameless robber?"

“Imagine that the great kingdom army is such an image in your heart?”

"Goddess of the Sunset, we are the army of the Star Kingdom, have their own rules and creeds, exist to protect the kingdom and the people!"

The abilities of the bosses pacing back and forth, it seems that they can't understand the thoughts of this group of prisoners. The look of righteousness makes many people feel awkward.

The more he said, the more angry he was:

"You don't insult us like this, okay!"

The captives stunned at the captain of the righteous man who was righteous.

"what happened?"

In the team, Dean whispered inexplicably: "Is he too little?"

"I don't know," the old hammer coughed and answered him: "That's all for the caravan."

Thomdin looked at the thunder and sighed Captain Doro, horrified to see other people for help, but other star cavalry looked at him calmly.

"If you are not satisfied, after returning to the blade camp, I still have a sum of money..."

Douro stopped.

He spread his hands and stared at Tom Ding in disbelief, as if he saw the most incredible thing in the world.

"What are you doing, Tangdi?"

"You actually... tried to bribe? Paid to me? To the glorious kingdom army, to bribe the soldiers who are under the arm?"

"Do you think we protect you for money? We have our own salary and rewards, and more importantly, we have our own dignity!"

Don't rush, when I was in Kavin, I was more anxious than anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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