Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 382: Demon Prince

Chapter 382 Ghost Prince

Compared to the way, the caravan's return journey is much calmer. Don't talk about the orcs and the sand thieves. Except for a few corpses next to several supply points, they did not encounter half-personal shadows, and even animals rarely saw them.

But everyone knows why.

Many people feel upset when they think about it.

The merchants, as always, kept a distance from Dante’s big sword and stayed behind with their empty eight camels, hiding their unrecognizable resentment and unwillingness in their secret eyes.

The mercenaries with only a few people are struggling, pulling two camels to lead the team, and their horses have not been able to stay. The only two camels are still fighting for Dean and the merchants. (even after the intimidation of the sword), in the name of security, "temporary loan".

Dean and McGee walked in the forefront, dragging their tired body and gray mood to identify the way home, and from time to time to discuss the location of the next supply point.

The old hammer was unrecognized, leaning the weight of the half body on the camel, coughing forward with difficulty, and it seemed that it might fall at any time. Louisa was worried to walk behind him, ready to catch him, and the fast rope was unhappy. The ground is behind, it seems to be a big deal, and at the same time loses interest in telling jokes and selling business.

The atmosphere of the whole team was quiet and oppressive. Death and blood consumed the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere of the mercenaries. After exploding, fighting, attrition, and extortion, it seemed that the happy team could never return.

In this case, the prince only kept silent - he tightened his shoulders and slid his face, consciously walked at the end of the mercenary team, and after fighting side by side against the orcs, He is familiar with this loss-making team.

Fortunately, perhaps the stars cavalry swept away most of the threats, perhaps their misfortune finally passed, except for the long yellow sand under the feet and the poisonous sun at the top of the head, there was no accident on the way home.

As the road increased, Tyres had a strange feeling every step of the sand: the earth under his feet seemed to be alive again, telling him the direction and landscape after each step.

and so……

Looking at the yellow sand around, Teres had his own guess.

Finally, in the days when a certain sun set and the team walked silently, Tyres climbed a sand dune and got a foot.

The mercenaries in front stopped.

Louisa breathed a sigh of relief and the meaning was complicated.

No one is talking.

"What's wrong?" Taylors took two steps and carefully opened his mouth.

Dean turned back and silently said: "We are here."

Tellston a bit.

Following his gaze, Taylors looked up in an unspeakable mood and looked down the dunes, looking out at the desert horizon that seemed to have no margins.

The teenager immediately stopped.


A fortress standing on the desert.

No, there is more than one fortress.

It is a fortress group.

It is a large and small, different style, extending out of sight of countless fortresses.

They appear in a thick wall with no margins, sandwiched between several thick and large sand dunes, and the distance between them is different.

Some fortresses stand alone in the wilderness, away from other similarities. Some fortresses are closely stacked in one place, squeezing each other. Some fortresses are built in the form of sentry towers, pointing abruptly to the sky, and some fortresses are square. Fang, there are faintly yellow stone ladders between different layers. Some fortresses are multi-angled and thick. At first glance, they are defensive purposes. Some fortresses are wide and flat, like some dwellings. Some fortresses are more than ten meters long. There are two groups of low and low between the dunes, and it seems that they can only wear a dress.

Perhaps because of the wind and sand, the color of these fortresses is in harmony with the gravel. There are many places where there are traces of burning smoke. From a distance, it is like a pile of poor building blocks on the beach.

Tyres swears, if it is not the vegetation that stretches out between the fortress and the fortress, if it is not on the foundation below many fortresses, if it is not the flag of the double-cross silver star flying high on the foremost fortress, if it is not around the low wall The wooden refusal of the horse, if it is not between the fortresses, the bustling people coming and going, he just thought that this is the remains of a desert ancient city.

“The Sand Dunes,” Dean looked at the familiar place, his eyes complex: “The Blades Camp.”

Blades dunes?

Taylor shook his head in surprise and looked at the artificial buildings that suddenly appeared in the desert wilderness.

This is……

"After this big camp that is enough to sustain thousands of life, and then go east for a day, your feet are no longer yellow sand," Dean patted the shoulders of Tells: "Congratulations, Wyah, The desert is here."

So far.

Looking at the star flag flying in the distance, feeling the re-emergence of the direction of the heart, Tyres slowly sighed.

The merchants rushed up, and many people looked at the familiar scene and cried.

"I will know," Tom Ding sighed with relief, and then he said: "But our goods..."

But he quickly changed his face: "Hey, Grand Dean, we are very grateful to you for your escort. To be honest, you are the most powerful guide and bodyguard I have ever seen. Really, if you change someone else... But you also saw that we have bad luck and no money, and there will be some problems with the capital turnover, so it may take a while to say that the good tail will be..."

Dean's expression sank and looked at him coldly.

The eyes of the mercenaries are also getting cold.

“Wait a while?” McGee whispered: “That’s not as good’re waiting for a while in the desert, waiting for your money to turn around and send you back?”

Tom Ding suddenly smiled.

But he reacted extremely quickly, turning away from the sights of the bald mercenaries and the ridiculous people, and turned to Louisa: "I am not a debtor... and I am guaranteed by the reputation of the Tomtin family, we are starting to borrow." - In the same year, even the royal family of the Stars borrowed our money - we are the most creditworthy..."

Tyres picked an eyebrow.

Tom's eyes turned and slid, holding the camel's reins tightly, as if he would ride on the next moment to escape: "I just said, you have to understand us... Dear Louisa, you think about it, Your father, Lao Dante is such a good person, helping the poor and helping the poor, good and good, and I have been with him for many years, will it still pay for this money?"

His face was filled with sadness, and he looked at the female captain with hope.

Louisa looked at him fixedly, and finally spit out a helpless breath.

"Forget it, don't use the trick of 'I know your father', I didn't expect you to give money..." Louisa muttered and shook her head: "You still think about how to pass the guards... Now that the blockade order is still in force, we are entering the camp at this time..."

When Tom Ding heard the "calculating" moment, his face was happy.

"I know you are a good person," the big-bellied businessman was elated and seemed to want to shoot Louisa's shoulder, but his arm was beaten by McGee halfway: "Reassured, we have bought Douro... that is insatiable Freak, he said, no one will be difficult for us..."

They soon knew that Doro's words had no effect.


The guards guarding the blade camp stood in front of Tom Ding and looked suspiciously at the caravan, which was not left behind by the ten camels: "Is he talking?"

Tom Ding nodded in obedience, smiled awkwardly, and looked like a familiar one: "Yes, Duro is very familiar with me. When he comes back, he will know... We don't know the blockade..."

The guard frowned and looked at everyone.

"Yes, are you familiar with Douro..."

Tom Ding waved his hand and laughed. "Of course, we met on the road... I also drank together. I gave him a lot of good things before I left. He also insisted on sending the soldiers of the Stardust Guard to **** me. Come back, just I refused..."

The fast rope rounded his eyes and turned his head to give Taylors a "what" look.

The guard nodded his face and he turned his face and sneaked into the ear of a military officer with a higher rank.

"Ah, I don't feel good." The old hammer whispered.

Louisa frowned slightly: "Why?"

The old hammer shook his head and pointed to the soldiers who were in front of the horse and refused to look good. "Because I seem to recognize it, they are not..."

When his words were not finished, he saw the officer nodded.

I saw the officers marching forward and sternly ordering the stars soldiers present:

"Get them!"

Tommy’s face turned white and white!

The officer pressed the weapon in his waist coldly: "Breaching the blockade order, going out privately, and dare to bribe the army... You are so daring."

The mercenaries looked at each other with horror.

Looking at the dozen soldiers who held the weapon, Tom Ding anxiously waved: "But Captain Doro said..."

"I don't care what the freak said!" The officer sternly, he pointed to the star flag at the top of the head: "This is the land of the stars, we are the sacred army, no one can swear in front of the law!"

Tomtin seems to have turned into a helpless little cat in an instant, and he is overwhelmed by the grievances: "But... Doro... Are you not together?"

The officer frowned.

"Who the **** told you that we are with the freak?"

He took off the shield behind him and knocked on the pattern.

Thales narrowed his eyes and was surprised to see that the shield was a huge horror skull with four black-painted eye holes.

This is not the one...

"Look, is this a four-headed skull!"

Just listen to the officer and be proud of himself: "We are from the ruins, the soldiers of the Falkenhaus family!"

"With Williams's gangsters, no, one, like!"

Tom Dincher stunned completely. He stared at the strange **** and muttered:

"Four eyes skull..."

Dean sighed quietly.

Taylors thinks a little more: the guards of the blade camp are the direct recruits of the Falkenhaus family, that is to say, their commanders are at least...

"You have two choices," the officer said arrogantly: "Pay a fine, or I will send you to the bones of the bones..."

In the horror of the merchants, the soldiers of the stars are pressing hard.

The mercenaries clenched their teeth, and Tyres squeezed his palms, thinking about which of the soldiers was the highest commander.

Just at this time.


The sound of the old hammer sounded: "Little nose Colin!"

The officers who are righteous and resigned are slightly stunned.

"Who?" The officer with a small nose looked around in confusion: "Who is talking?"

"It's me," the old hammer sighed out of the crowd, "together with you under Lord Mann, even ambushed when you were in the pit..."

He doesn't have to say anything anymore.


Little nose Colin straightened his eyes.

The old hammer smiled slyly.

The mercenaries looked at each other and regained their anger.

A few minutes later, the merchants were dejected and sent to the blade camp under the **** of the soldiers. Their camels were taken away by the soldiers of the Falkenhaus as a fine. Dante’s swords stood on the other side, silently. Waiting for the negotiation result of the old hammer.

"Awkward sunset..." Colin smiled as he watched the ten camels being taken away, patted the shoulders of the old hammer, revealing the Western ridiculous habit he used to be: "Hammer, how did you become a sword?" of'?"

The old hammer sighed.

"Speaking long... Is there any big action recently? How did the soldiers of the ruins and the wing castles be recruited at the same time, and entered the desert with the standing army?"

Tyres was provoked by these words and listened to him in the senses of hell.

Colin smashed his hand: "This is also a long story... In short, not only them, this two months, the blade camp is full of recruits from all over the West, the soul of the soul, the castle, the south, and even the new A lot of sacrifices are made by nobles or nobles who can bring their own horses, even the Skull Guard and the Raven Whistle, and change into the desert..."

The old hammer frowned. "What happened? I saw them chasing the orcs in the desert..."

Colin shook his head: "I don't know, but I guess it's the wilderness or the gray hybrids that have to move eastward, because the basics are all cavalry...and these two legs..."

“I’m collecting the tolls here?” The old hammer looked far away at the ten camels and Tommy, who was about to cry.

Colin spread his hands and did not answer.

The old hammer sighed helplessly: "But, ten camels, this is all of this gang..."

"Don't, hammer, don't help them, you pity them, but who will pity us?"

"The standing army has a king to pay, what is our reward? You can't even buy a group of wool!" Colin sucked his nose with dissatisfaction: "You know, September, my home mill will start soon, I am I have already passed the service period, but my brother and I don’t know how long it will take to go back. The buddies who are with me, and a family who are born soon..."

"But you are too greedy, the merchants will protest - the nobility in the camp has no opinion?"

Colin boarded his face and apparently was in a bad mood.

"Listen, hammer, you haven't been in the army for a long time... Unlike the desert war, the blade camp is no longer a family of the Fakenholds," the little nose officer waved:

"Now here is the site of the royal reserve army. The usual oil and water are the gangsters under Williams's hands. There are not many places where we can sip oil. If it is not a regular army expedition, there is not enough manpower. You think we can stand., let him protest against protests, and he can fish and fish, and it’s Williams’ trouble anyway...”

Tyres listened to these words and thought about it.

"Listen," Colin took the shoulder of the old hammer: "I will not be embarrassed for you in the past. I don’t smoke the mercenary’s taxes, but you go back, remember to tell the old man. A letter, let him be optimistic about the mother-in-law, don't let the former village scorpion engage her..."

Finally, under the robes of the old hammer, Dante’s great swords entered the city with trepidation – or the oasis camp in the desert.

Passing through the boundaries of the low wall and the refusal of horses, the crowd is coming.

The crowd that Teres has never seen before.

Shoulder joints, shadows.

Dean coldly pushed a man who looked drunk and gave him a belly while the other fell softly.

"Come new, go to other people - we are not white pigs!"

"Dant's big sword, haven't you heard it?"

Taylor looked at the ground and climbed up. The sly man walked into another lane, where a group of fierce men looked at them with ill will.

"I thought you were dead outside, bald head," a man inside rubbed his fist and smiled. "Oh, there are my beautiful and thorny little flowers, Louisa! When will I come to my bed for a night? Guarantee More comfortable than Da Dean's bed!"

"Fuck yourself!" Louise gave him a **** with a blank expression and continued to move forward.

The man laughed.

"Free with a message, bald," he dug his nostrils: "It's been a mess here! Don't provoke a big brother! Maybe they are the guards of a nobleman!"

The bald mercenary fumbled.

Dean turned his head to Tyres: "Keep tight, don't lose."

"You don't want to place orders in the blade camp. These people are more terrible than the orcs."

The fast rope behind him nodded.

Walking on the "street" between the fortress and the fortress, Taylors looked amazed and awkwardly: he quickly learned the "features" of the blade camp.

The architectural style here is not even as orderly as an ordinary small village. The chaos is comparable to the shield area of ​​Longyan City and the lower city of Yongxing City.

Between the yellow sand and the gravel, there are people coming and going everywhere, because the road between the fortresses is uneven, the width is different, and the chaos is even more chaotic. The dress style of the people on the streets and the Northlanders and the Teres The stars I met were very different, both light and shaded, and many people covered their faces.

And if you add the sound to this picture...

"The king can't enjoy the velvet of the dragon kiss, only two bundles of silver coins!"

"Want to know the story of your life? Authentic wilderness descendants, indifferent darlings, divination of your destiny, six copper coins once..."

"Hey, little handsome guy, sleep alone at night, don't feel lonely? Want to see my face? Is it better to look at my legs? Yes, I am a man... Hey, you are not right, don't believe it. Touching, what is worse on my body than a woman--hey, you touch it, you want to go? Come, look at my pectoralis major and fist, look at the brothers behind me, you say it again : Don't give money, don't give money, don't give money?"

"I especially want to kill someone? Especially hate someone? Especially want to go to someone else's wife? Experienced, see countless mercenary horses, ten gold coins to help you kill! Guarantee not to do it in the city, clean way, throw the body The neat, not illegal, is legendary! Now you can pay the deposit first, and the task is completed and then the final payment!"

"What? You said that you stole your wallet? Grandma, do you look like someone who will steal your things? You see if this is your wallet? - Yes, yes! You never steal, This is Ming grab! Go to your grandmother!"

"The believers! Lambs! The disaster is coming soon, the night will return, and the believer will be born! Now go to the Temple of the Night, watch the latest repertoire, "The Story of the Night and the Queen of the Revival King," Have the opportunity to get an unexpected reward - ah? This is not allowed to play? You have misunderstood, I am talking about the latest repertoire "The God of the Night and the Queen of a founding king has to tell the story" - what are you doing - - Let go of me - oh, you don't - you can't interfere with the freedom of art - you will return to the night - save your life!"

"Receiving weapons, receiving weapons! Knife and sword axe, bow and shield spear hammer, pipe it second-hand or new, control your military or private possession, large quantity priority, fair price!"

"How to do camp blockade? Merchant Billy helps you! From the east, bypass the desert, avoid patrol, absolutely safe! Comfortable camel team, direct to the Principality of Sera, a gold coin!"

Merchants along the street, mercenaries with knives, hurrying adventurers, almost all the prostitutes who can reveal the exposed parts, of course, the squadrons, the bustling, hustle and bustle.

Dante’s big swords are accustomed to crowding through these strange and strange crowds, and from time to time scare away many people who are tempted with evil eyes and unkind actions – according to McGee, it’s a pair of white pigs. "The look of the " attracts a lot of people's attention, if they are fully armed, the trouble will be more.

They finally turned to a fortress with a window and came to an open space that was not so narrow.

Dean stopped and dipped: "I have to go to the house and look for Frank. He has to know about this."

"I am going with you," Louisa said with a blank face: "I am the captain after all."

Dean nodded.

McGee glanced at Dean and glanced at Louisa, sighing: "So... I'm going to dispose of the extra equipment."

"Then we go to ‘my house’ and meet them with Seaman,” the old hammer said. “By the way, ask Wyatt to ask his family to fall.”

Tyres was taken aback, but he hadn't had time to say anything, and the mercenaries had a tacit agreement.

And he was squatted by the fast rope, followed by the old hammer and turned to another remote road.

"I tell you," said the fast rope. "You don't know how terrible this place is. When I first came, I met a beautiful young lady. The result... Hey, life is impermanent, Wyah. You have to cherish life, for example..."

Tyres smiled ugly and looked at the old hammer for help.

The old hammer heard the smile and did not hesitate to interrupt the fast rope to start doing business.

"It is said that the sand dunes of the blade are only sand dunes at first, and there is no camp. Until a long time ago, a caravan built a fortress for rest here. With the increase in the number of people entering and leaving the desert from here, the fortress will increase one by one... ...when it was comparable to a small town, a king of stars or a certain Western Duke took it down."

"Obviously, the location here is too important... Although the blade camp has been given to many families, most of the families have died because of war and desert harassment."

"After the **** year, it became the cover of Baron Williams, and the desert with the West, but he is not a vassal of the Falkenhaus family, but a direct vassal of the king - I used to be very I wonder if he can get enough tax from the land that is not in the cultivated land, but obviously, look at it now..."

The old hammer looked at the strange people on the street and shrugged.

Tyres nodded.

"The blade camp is famous for its chaos, there are many opportunities, and there are more dangers," the old hammer sighed, with nostalgia and emotion to Tyres: "Many criminals in the kingdom have been sentenced to exile here, some Go to the bones of the bones, some to do the death squad, the one who survived became the city - I don't know if it should be called the city - the residents, plus the surrounding farmers who can't live, craftsmen The big-headed soldiers who have no place to go have become like this. The bad guys are more than good people, the criminals are more than the good people, and the weapons are more than food."

"When you are fighting, it is more exaggerated."

Tyres walked up an uphill, and the noisy surrounding was suddenly quiet.

Then he saw a very tall tower behind a round bunker.

It is twenty or thirty meters long, long and tall, and seems to stand in the middle of the empty space of many fortresses, but away from other buildings, it is particularly isolated.

Tyres couldn't help but notice that the tower was sparsely populated, and the people who had been screaming and screaming were strangely silent when they passed it, turned to look elsewhere, and quickly left.

As if afraid of anything.

Thales narrowed his eyes and he saw: at the top of the tower, the tallest window was sealed with wooden strips.

Sparsely high-rise buildings...

Taylor's heart moved.

"That tower is really high, is there a big man living in it?"

The teenager asked strangely.

The old hammer looked down his gaze and suddenly his face sank.

"Do not."

"The nobles never lived there, I guess the Baron Williams is not... the tower is called the 'Ghost Prince.'"

"For so many years, no one should dare to live there."

Tyres frowned:

"What prince?"

"I know I know!" The fast rope eyebrows danced: "The legend in the blade camp... there is ominous in the tower..."

"Oh!" But the old hammer severely interrupted him.

"Eighteen years ago... when the **** year, the Bone Tribe and the Orcs once captured the Blades Camp. I was here to serve."

I saw the veteran look tense and pointed at the tower: "Before the camp collapsed, a noble prince - I mean the son of the king, the real blood of the royal family, not the prince in the fairy tale - came to the western front, came to In the blade camp, the army is in town."

"He lives there, the tallest tower in the Blades Camp."

Tyres was in a tight heart.

He looked at the solitary tower and threw an ominous premonition.

"In a dark night, the prince was there, being taken from the highest window..."

"Push it down."

Taylors stunned.

He looked at the farthest point of view, the small window that was sealed by the wooden strip, and his eyes slowly moved from there to the lowest open space.

The prince suddenly chilled.

"The story behind, I resigned and listened to other people," the old hammer slowly exhaled: "It is said that King Kaiser caught the murderer after the war."

"As a punishment, he put the murderer and his accomplices into the highest room, igniting from the first floor and burning up."

The fast rope spit out a sigh of relief and licked his mouth.

"Many people can't stand the fire, jumped out of the window and paid the price for the death of the prince."

"Burn it or burn it, the screams and mourning of the prisoners disappeared in the first hour," the voice of the old hammer became cold and clear: "But the fire burned all day."

"Oh, the tower is still standing still, even if it has been burned for a whole day." The more mysterious thing is that after the flame is extinguished, no matter the outer wall or the interior, it has a trace of fire. No."

“Bright and clean as new.”

The fast rope licked his mouth, and with the explanation of the old hammer, he nodded and looked at it. His eyes were dignified.

Taylor looked at the tower and looked at it intact, his scalp slightly numb.

"At that time, all kinds of strange things happened there - from the night songs to the window ghosts, even the screams of sorrow, even the burning of the flames, even in the daytime... the baron had to be sealed That window."

"The aristocrats stationed here have also wanted to live in unbelief... but..."

The old hammer shook his head silently.

"Everyone who has lived there has died in the desert, never returned, and even the luggage remnants have not been removed."

"So everyone said that the tower was cursed by the death of the prince."

The old hammer unknowingly pulled a little closer to the nearby Teres.

His expression is ugly:

“Since then, local people have called it – ‘Ghost Prince’.”

The fast rope shook his head.

Tyres looked at the tower that was sullen and unremarkable.

Ghost Prince...


The teenager asked dumbly: "Death there..."

"Which prince?"

The old hammer shook his head.

"Forgot," the veteran squinted. "I only looked at him as he entered the camp."

"The prince is very handsome, even beautiful, and pretty than the girl."

It looks very handsome.

Tyres swallowed his throat.

A long-standing name comes to mind.

Ghost prince.

"But what good is it to use again?" The old hammer snorted and looked at the open space under the "Ghost Prince".

"That night, I was the first patrol to arrive. And I remember very clearly, that beautiful prince..."

He sighed slowly:

"It’s the face that touches the ground first."

(End of this chapter)

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