Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 389: To laugh

Chapter 389 is to laugh


During the time, the light that was originally glaring was extinguished in the sound!


A blunt sound of a human collision came.

In the dim, Tyre's **** sensory magnified the perception of light, but he didn't have time to notice what happened, and felt the neck loose - Dean's knife left his artery and trachea.

"When it is!"

The knife landed.

Tyres moved backwards an inch, like grabbing a life-saving straw, frightened and touching his throat, trying to breathe under the soothing sin of the prison river.


The collision between the bed and the closet is clearly audible, accompanied by intense fighting.

"Do not!"

The next second, when Taylors looked up, he was surprised to find that the bald mercenary had already been hugged by a pair of arms extending from the back and slammed backwards!

Dean slammed the bed and slammed the ground to maintain balance, not letting the opponent drag him down, and twisting his head back in shock:

"Quick rope, what are you doing -"

His words can't go on.

Because I don’t know when, the arms of the fast rope have already been fastened together!

Deadly strangled Dean's neck!

Tyres looked at this incomprehensible scene with surprise: in the sense of hell, the fast rope was firmly attached to Dean, locked the neck of the latter with his left arm, and withstood his struggle and resistance, binocular A rare outburst!

Under Dean’s unbelievable face, the cool fast rope left the right elbow and the right palm against the mercy of the mercenary.

"You know, Dean..."

The fast rope was almost stuck behind Dean's left ear, and it was coldly opened with a tone that Teres had never heard before: "There is a lot of mistakes in the news about Moral Walton."

With the tremendous pressure on the neck, Dean looked pale and painful, but he experienced his movements in an instant, releasing the bed and rubbing his legs, and the whole person went backwards!


The back of the fast rope slammed into the cabinet!

But the fast rope still locks the opponent's neck, and the two are still inseparable.

In the bed of Taylors, the whole line of the fast rope was put on the cabinet by Dean, and even the legs were off the ground.

Tyres was so surprised that he even forgot to breathe.

This is not what he imagined, the "accident" that should be there.


"He learned some skills with the comet, but his results are really terrible..." The fast-track face was distorted, and the teeth were tight, as if the weight was pressed against the opening.

In Dean's expression, doubts slowly disappeared, and more and more surprises.

Do not.

Do not……

In the fight, Dean, who turned red, gnashed his elbow and slammed it backwards!


The muffled sound of human collisions hit.

The fast rope shivered slightly, but his face did not move, as if the hit was only scratching.

Dean's face is more rosy, the pair is currently squatting, and the cheeks are struggling.

At the next moment, the legs of the fast rope are instantly clipped, and Dean's waist is fastened from the back to the front!

"He may be looking forward to the life of the mercenary, but he is definitely not the legend of the war in the novel..." The look of the fast rope is more dignified and stern, and the arms of Dean's neck are slightly shaken, as if tight. The bowstrings are faintly visible between the squares.

Tyres looked incredulously at this scene, his JC dagger had already been in his hands, but the two people and the chaotic thoughts made his choices quite difficult - the blade was constantly Swinging between the two people who violently shake.

"He may have received a lot of education, but his orc language is a mess, and he doesn't know much about intrigue..." The fast rope still clenches his teeth, locking Dean's head and neck, right palm forward, left arm toward After that, push and pull, maintaining a strong pressure on the mercenary neck.

On the other hand, the struggle of the bald mercenaries is getting weaker and weaker.

His elbows slammed back and slammed in vain, rubbing and colliding violently between the cabinet and the human body. His legs were forced several times and the enemies on his back were slammed on the cabinet.

But these means can't affect the firm eyes and the killing action of the fast rope.

A few seconds have passed.

The anger and hatred in Dean’s eyes faded away and replaced with fear.

The fast rope did not let go.


He still has a strong expression and is clinging to the opponent's key points.

It seems to be a lover who never let go.

It seems to be deducted to the end of the world.

"And, she, the woman he likes..." The fast rope bowed his head and was difficult.

The muzzle is full of pain.

As if he realized what was happening, Dean at the last moment looked up in fear and looked at the tares holding the dagger in front of him.

At the same time, the fast rope behind the light mind also raised his eyes and looked at the Prince of Stars.

Tyres accepts two pairs of gaze: one is full of incomprehensible remorse, a pair of grief and indifference.

Finally, after the rabbit's fallen battle, this amazing encounter ushered in the end.

Dean finally trembled, his expression frozen at this moment.

His eyes closed slowly, his hands hanged weakly, his legs slowly softened, and with the fast rope on his back, he slowly slipped off the closet.

The outcome has been divided.

For a time, there were only two breaths left in the room.

A careful, the rest of the robbery.

"The woman..."

The fast rope lowered his head and hid his expression in the shadow.

"She is not a blind man."

He gasped and his voice trembled slightly.


The fast rope was still buckled on Dean's body for a few seconds, although the expression on the other's face had lost its look.

Until Taylors breathed out slowly, let go of the dagger.

"Quick rope, this set of cutters." Tyres swallowed a dry throat.

"Where did you learn from?"

It seems that the fast rope has suddenly reacted and recovered from the state of life and death.

He sighed first, then bent his mouth and snorted.

"Look at your expression, Tyres, you already know, aren't you?"

Tyres stared blankly at the fast rope sitting on the ground, watching him slowly release his arms, loosen his legs, and break free from Dean who lost his breath.

An amazing answer comes to mind.

Do not.

"War is the art of bullying..."

Tyres muttered to himself, not long ago, on the southern border of Exeter, on the rocky ground of the city of Qiyuan, a rare, wonderful and unforgettable thrill.

The comet is on the death crow.

that time……

In the dim, the fast rope squeezed out a silent dumb smile.

"What you just used is 'the fire that doesn't extinguish', Tyrend's favorite strangling technique," Taylor looked incredulously at the fast rope that slowly climbed up, watching him shake and hold the cupboard. Only in the Dragon Blade White Blade Guards of the King of Nuon..."


Tyres squeezed the dagger on his hand.

His eyes were locked on the fast rope.

The cheerful, happy, and greedy, always remembering the promotion of small business mercenaries.

"You..." Tyres was bitter.

The next moment, the fast rope stretched his limbs and took a few deep breaths, as if he had been freed from the state of war that was mixed with tension and compassion.

"It's time to re-introduction, Tyres."

He hung a bright smile in the early days of the big desert and extended his right hand to Tyres.

The Star Prince hesitated to look at the other's palm and stepped back.

With an indescribable mood, Tells looked at the people in front of him.

This looks less than thirty, freckled, red-haired, with a Commas accent, regardless of appearance, manners, from any angle, ... young man.

I saw that he first took back his palms in a sly manner, and the sneer was rubbed on his body. This smiled:

"Moral Bertrand Nunn Walton."

"Against the name: ‘fast rope’.”

At that moment, absolute silence ruled this room.

Dean lay quietly in the ground, and the fast rope smiled, and Tyres was frozen.

For a whole few seconds, only the moonlight cares about this small world.

Tyres stared at the man in front of him, and after he woke up in the desert, he opened the man he saw at first sight.

Fast rope.


There is also Dean in the darkroom.

how come?

The doubts and incomprehensions in his heart have not diminished.

Still more entangled, mixed together, chaotic.

"you know……"

"When I was helping an unscrupulous aphrodisiac boss to run the goods, I heard him say," the fast rope squatted and poked the remains of the underground: "There are a lot of mercenaries around the three countries, and there is a pretty inside." It’s insightful and unique, and it might look like a Northerner from a nobleman...”

The fast rope shrugged and looked at Dean's godless eyes, sighing with subtle emotions.

"In a way, his strategy is right."

"It’s just a loss of intelligence."

Still silent.

The next second, the fast rope patted his ass, crossed Dean's body, and the smile was bright and cheerful, as if the man who had just sighed and killed the sorcerer was not him.

In the face of the "acquaintances" who had just cleared him, Tyres took a step back with vigilance.

His eyes swept over Dean on the ground.

"In other words, I am going to go to the big one," by moonlight, the fast rope turned and took a roll of rough hemp rope and leaf paper from the cupboard. The smile still remained, and did not seem to care about the reaction of Tells:

"Come here?"

He happily handed out a roll of hemp rope: "Don't worry, don't line up - there are two pits!"

But Taylors looked at him intricately and did not speak.

JC is still in his hands.

No one knows how the stars prince feels at the moment.

In the silence, the fast rope seems to finally realize the atmosphere in front of him, and he slammed the hemp rope.

"Haha, make a joke," said the quick rope, and reluctantly stuffed the hemp rope and leaf paper back into the cupboard and raised the inferior oil lamp that had been extinguished for a long time:

"Laughter, Tyres, laugh."

In the suffocating silence, the Prince of Stars finally regained his gaze and opened his mouth with difficulty.


Tyres seemed to be able to hear the friction in his throat due to dryness: "How..."

But the fast rope interrupted him.

Still using the optimistic, open-minded, simple, seemingly encountering all the problems can be solved with a brisk laugh.

"Why? Because..."

He, fast rope, the real former Exeter Prince, the son of King Nunn, Moral Walton, comfortably leaning on the cabinet behind him, revealing a white tooth to Tyres immersed in inexplicable emotions .

"Because life is already heavy enough. Taylors, especially for you and me."

The fast rope has a bright smile that makes people think deeply.


"In order to make it lighter."

Three thousand words, yeah, I broke the chapter successfully!

(End of this chapter)

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