Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 393: Technical work

Chapter 393 Technical Work

In the quiet and secluded cabin, the two face each other.

"What should I do next?"

Tyres worried: "I mean you."

The fast rope sinks for a second.

"Let's find a good explanation for this scene," the fast rope shrugged and said to Dean, who was covered with linen on the floor: "Louisa should come back tomorrow morning, I don't want to be caught by them."

"You don't leave right away?"

"Dean is dead, and the fast line of the same team has disappeared." Fast rope refused to politely: "Do you think people in the dark room are fools?"

"I need to find a cover, Tyres, find something that won't be suspicious..."

"But a lie always needs more lies to circle," Tyres stared at Dean on the ground and meditated:

"Unless we can guarantee that this guy will disappear mysteriously - no one knows, never will."

The fast rope eyeball turned, revealing a good look.

"Well, if you don't plan to kill me, and you don't plan to do anything to see what's going on, the respected Prince of Teres..." The fast rope smashed his hand and looked at the way to sell insurance money:

"Is it possible to go to the official star in the camp and let them secretly handle the body? I am innocent, you are going home, all happy..."

"The original sentence is returned," Tyres snorted. "Do you think the people in the Secret are fools?"

The fast rope blinked.

"But you are a prince."

Tyres frowned.

"I mean..." The fast rope stretched out his hands, patted himself first, and then politely gestured to Teres, smirking: "The kind that can see the light."


See you light?

Tyres sighed and refused: "Now the star army in the camp is complex, the main force is searching for me in the desert. Among the remaining people, the local aristocracy and the royal family do not buy each other. They give me very much. Bad feeling, or don't expect them to keep their mouth shut for me."

Fast rope brows a pick.

"After the moon is on, have you seen it? This is the chain of power," he said, shaking his fingers and shouting: "Be careful, Tyres, you are already trapped."

Tyres gave him a blank eye without any disguise.

"How about this, for those of you, you can say half and half to cover me," the fast rope scratched his head:

"For example, the spy in this darkroom is to catch you..."

Tyres shook his head: "You have been outside for too long, fast rope, underestimating the suspiciousness of those people - the dark room sent spies, lurking for five years, as long as he has contacted the contacts, where he has been, daily care Messages, special behaviors, intentional appearances... I don't think the Secrets will miss them. Are you going to put your life in the carelessness of the Black Prophet, or simply goodness?"

The face of the fast rope smashed down.

"Call, I probably shouldn't have appeared." He leaned against the wall in pain.

"It really shouldn't be," Tyres muttered.

Fast rope heard the protest: "Hey, I just saved your ass!"

Thales grinned.

"How do you know that I will suffer?"

Tyres looked at Dean on the ground, thinking hard about the way, not forgetting to fight back: "I am best at countering the Jedi."

Fast rope gave him a "I believe you have a ghost" expression, serious:

"So, we can only deal with him by myself."

Taylor sighed helplessly.

"Okay," the boy stood up and picked up his bag: "Where to dig?"

"Digging the pit, let's two of our laymen?" Fast rope patted Tels with a heavy heart and shook his finger: "No, no, no, we will definitely be discovered."

"what do you mean?"

As soon as the pair of people came over, the mysterious smile: "This is the blade camp. We follow the rules here."

Tyres made an eye-catching look.

"We have to find a professional, see the money, and never ask more questions." The fast rope shook his head and his eyes became brighter and brighter: "He has rich experience and many doors, knowing how to deal with it silently." Have a body."

Tyres moved: "Professionals? What you said is..."

Fast rope hit a ring.

"Yes, it is him."

Looking at the faint smile face of the fast rope, Taylors suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Ten minutes later.

"It’s time to turn a corner and wait... Wait, look at the wind first... Ok, you can go... Hey, tap, tap, this guy is heavy..."

In the dim moonlight, Tells and the fast rope slammed into a one-size sack and turned a corner.

They bent over, padded their feet, and walked through the alleys.

"Go to visit him at this point... Are you sure this is a good idea?" Taylors gasped.

They came to an inconspicuous wooden door.

Fast rope gritted nodded: "Reassure, Tampa is definitely at home - OK, let go first - you know, ‘my home’ was wrapped tonight.”

But the hand of the fast rope ready to knock on the door stopped in the air.

"Strange," the fast rope stared at the lock on the wooden door: "The lock is outside... Tampa didn't come back?"

"Hah, you are really reliable." Tyres smacked down the sack and sneered at the numb shoulder.

"Next we can only... What are you doing?"

He was stunned by the action of the fast rope.

I don't know when it started, three fast irons have been bitten in the mouth of the fast rope.

His hands were still holding two of them, and they slammed the lock on the door.


The fast rope is vague and succinct: "We can't just like this cat outside, just go in and wait for him..."

"I didn't mean this!" Tyres said with a sigh of relief: "You are sure not to be directly used as a thief -"

“It’s calm and calm,” said the fast rope. “You don’t understand the rules of the road. If you do this business, you have your own way. As long as your money is enough, don’t pay too much attention to other details...”

He saw the lock on his hand not moving, so he changed his iron in a quiet manner.

Tyres frowned. "Wait, where did you learn to unlock?"

"You know, when you first arrived at Commas, life was not good," the fast rope whispered and changed the second iron: "I have to learn more."

Thales rounded his eyes.

"Handicraft - if your father knows, his son is a thief at Commas..." He is incredibly authentic.

"Sorry, when I was a thief, I lost my face to Nakaru and Sarah." The fast rope sarcastically, without any apology, impatiently changed the third iron: "But really - damn, Tampa I must have changed the new lock. This stuff is more tight than the virgin - where did I say?"

He was annoyed and clumsily swaying the lock that he couldn't move, and eventually had to change back to the first iron.

"Do you really?" Taylor looked at him suspiciously.

"You don't understand, but I mixed it on the street," the fast rope didn't care about the tunnel, his hands kept on, and his forehead began to seek cold sweat: "You know, you can't just go anywhere as a thief... ”

Tyres sighed and couldn't stand anymore.

In the next second, the prince of the stars took the iron and lock in the hand of the fast rope and pushed him aside.

"Hey! Don't mess."

The fast rope squinted and protested against Thales dissatisfiedly: "Unlocking is a technical job, not everyone will..."

In the time he spoke -


Microscopically invisible.

The fast rope is slightly stagnation.

Thales exhaled with a sigh of relief, and he turned his head back and threw the things in his hand.

The fast rope caught the things that Tyres threw and slammed.

When you are.

The iron in his mouth fell to the ground.

The fast rope looked at the things in his hand, and his mouth was so big that he could put an egg down.

"Impossible -" his voice was crying with aggrieved.

That is a...

Inserted with two iron brazes...

Has been opened...


After three seconds.


The fast rope holds the lock, and the face is deceived and sorrowful, and trembles: "Why are you so skilled!"

The Star Prince shrugged indifferently and opened the wooden door with ease.

"Come on."

Tyres cloud lightly pointed to the lock: "Unlock this stuff..."

"Everyone will."

The fast rope froze.

The words, the prince who died and smiled, bent down and went to worry about the sack.

Just keep a fast rope alone, looking incredibly at the lock in his hand.

I want to cry without tears, and my mood is complicated.

He looked at the lock and looked at the back of the taylor.

"Maybe... no, sure..."

"It must be that I loosened it first." He was dry.

Yes, it must be like this.

It must be.

Thinking of this, the feeling of the fast rope is much better.

Say so...

The fast rope smiled and thought with satisfaction: my technology has improved.

Put it before...

This kind of lock can't be opened.

But just as the two princes leaned over and prepared to pick up the sacks...

Two light-swords, silently sticking out from the darkness of the door, and tying the necks of Tells and the fast rope!

The two were shocked.

"Look, what guest have we been here?"

A face appeared from the house, but it was not Tampa.

It was a strange young woman wearing dark red leather armor and braided her hair around her forehead.

She is left and right, holding two swords with a slight smile:

"Two crappy thieves."

During the speech, the blade in the woman's hand turned slightly.

Taylor's neck is cool.

He exchanged a look with the fast rope in horror, rushing to raise his hand.

"Are you sure we're going to be right--to the door?" Tyres gnashed his teeth at the fast ropeway around him.

The fast rope also looked at the woman in the door in horror, and resigned intently:

"Yes, when I last came..."

"Hey, don't talk," the woman shook her sword and scorned: "The thieves, my mother didn't allow you to speak..."

The next second, taking advantage of the woman's energy distraction, Tells and the fast rope tacitly swayed, by the narrow angle of the door, dodging towards both sides, avoiding the sword front!

"Wow," the woman who fell through the blade was slightly surprised: "It's still a good thief."

But the crisis has not been lifted.

In the infernal sense of Tyres, footsteps sounded on both sides.

He froze again.

I don't know when, two strange men have stood behind them with no expression.

One is burly and the other is lean.

But both of them held their own swords against the back of Taylors and the fast rope.

Tyres and the fast rope had to raise their hands again.

These three people...

Taylor's forehead was slightly sweaty.

In the sense of hell, the three people exude a cold meaning, the hand of the sword is steady and powerful, the muscles are tight and the breathing rhythm is good, and the end of the body is endless, obviously a skilled hand.

Tyres squinted at the fast rope.

What are you doing?

Fast rope turned helplessly.

I do not know either.

"That is the two thieves," behind him, one of the strange swordsmen said coldly: "Tampa will exaggerate."

The woman in the blushing smile smiled and raised her sword.

"Then it will be finished soon."

Tyres and the fast rope are in sync!

"and many more!"

In a hurry, he blurted out: "You must be the bodyguard hired by Tampa. Right? We, we are here, come..."

"I came to him to talk about business!" Taylors took his words tightly.

The woman's double sword stopped.

“Looking for Tampa to talk about business?”

She frowned.

"How about using shackles?"

"See the business of not being light, hey, forgive me."

The red woman exchanged a look with the two swordsmen.

A swordsman smashed the sack on the ground and frowned. "Is there a person inside?"

"Exactly, it's the body," Thales nodded. "So we have to shackle... understand?"

The woman looked up suspiciously.

"You, know Tampa?"

"Yes, the relationship is very good, I am his business partner..." The fast-tracked eyebrows danced, while not forgetting to stare at Taylors.

“Very good!” Tyres nodded like a woodpecker: “Today is still drinking together...”

The red woman and the swordsman looked at each other again and nodded.

"Well," the young woman sneaked out of the door, "Go with us."

"Tampa doesn't live here tonight."

Tyres and the fast rope were relieved.

But the swordsmen behind him are welcome, they still use the sword to force the two.

"Put your goods up," one of the swordsmen said coldly. "Slightly, don't play tricks, don't you want to alarm the patrol."

Thales and the fast rope reluctantly looked at each other and felt that the sword front against the back waist could only be done.

Under the surveillance of the four swords, the two men slammed into the sacks, plucked the secluded path and walked the streets again.

They quickly moved to a new location.

"My home" pub.

This gave Taylors and the fast rope a sigh of relief.

At least, this is indeed the land of Tampa.

"It seems that they are indeed Tampa's people," said the quick rope, dissatisfied. "The guy who is awkward is really more and more suspicious."

The red swordsman's swordsman knocked on the pub's door four times, quite rhythmic.

"Listen, I will negotiate after a while..." Fast rope whispered.

[Humans will die, the orcs will fall, the queen will die, and we will never close the door - starting in the final calendar of 462 years, the last wine glass of Queen Elijah]

But looking at the familiar signs on the top, the Star Prince suddenly thought of a point.

If these people are the bodyguards hired by Tampa, look after him for him...

That Tampa's house...

Why is the lock from the outside?

And tonight, the "My Family" pub is not being...

The pub's door opened.

Before I had time to think about it, both the tales and the fast ropes were pushed into the pub by the swordsmen behind them.

At the moment when the fast rope and Tyres walked into the pub, dozens of eyes were shot at them.

Let the two men carrying the sacks hold their hands.

There are many people in the pub, all armed and waiting.

A suffocating murderous rush.

"They..." the fast rope muttered.

Without his reminder, Tells recognized it.

It is "blood whistle."

The mercenary team known as the 100-member group.

That's right, they packed a pub tonight.

But there is no such thing as the imaginary wine cellar and the night carnival.

On the contrary, the pub is terrible.

Even the whispers of these mercenaries are low-key and quiet, and they are well-trained.

The heart of Tyres is filled with anxiety.

How is this going?

What happened to the pub?


"Go inside," the red female swordsman turned and said: "Tampa is inside, talking about business with our boss."

The mercenaries of the blood whistle are sitting or standing, some leaning against the wall, some leaning against the column, some holding the table, and even people sitting on the ladder, kneeling on the railing of the second floor, even the cat in the corner, big Some people are relaxed, but their eyes are burning.

It's like a soldier guarding a bunker - no, Tyres shook his head in his heart - from the atmosphere, like a soldier ant guarding an ant nest.

When I saw the two princes coming in, the expressions of these people changed.

The eyes are fierce and unwilling.

Tyre’s heart panicked and took a look at the same suspicious fast rope.


It seems that it is not right?

He quickly gave him a look.

rest assured.

Everything is under control.

With dozens of cold and terrifying eyes, Tyres smacked his scalp and smashed his sack, ignoring the unscrupulous smile of the fierce man on his left hand, and followed the female swordsman.

A mercenary carrying a shield in front of the sword was held in front of them and raised his hand to stop their pace.

He blinked slightly and looked at Tyres and the fast rope.

"Marine," the mercenary is cold and icy:

"They have weapons."

The red swordsman named Marina looked back at Tells and looked at the daggers, scimitars and armons on them, and then laughed and said: "Why, Sonny, do you think the boss will be afraid of this?"

With the laughter of Marina, many mercenaries who looked at Tells laughed.

But compared to Dante's big sword, compared to the kind and casual atmosphere, Taylors can only feel the burst of killing and cold in the crowd of "blood whistle".

these people……

Tyres looked ugly and looked around, feeling that he fell into another pit.

It is still muddy inside.

The trapped mercenary, Sonny, smiled and seemed to be amused by the joke. He patted Marina's shoulder and let the road open.

With a sly mood, Tells and the fast rope walked into the center of the pub with sacks.

Here, the mercenaries keep a distance and are sparse.

Only one empty table in the middle sits four people.

At first glance, Taylor recognized the man with a scar on his neck.


The fast rope expression was loose, and the sack rolled down from his shoulder. He resisted the strange atmosphere around him: "Hey, I can't find you..."

But Taylors noticed that Tampa’s expression at the moment was extremely ugly and his posture was stiff.

"Quick rope? And you?" The pub boss frowned and looked at the two people in disbelief.

"Of course it is us! I said, you are really..." The fast rope is stiff and the volume is slowly getting smaller: "Do I bother something?"

Tampa didn't answer him, but his face was even more ugly.

The other three people on the empty table turned their heads.

In the heart of Tyres, he recognized the person in front of him.

Ricky with a smile on his face, a middle-aged man from the Northland with a look of indifference, and a sorcerer with a face.

It's them.

"Blood whistle" first came to the three people in the pub.

"The only two people who have just met," Marina inserted the double sword back into the scabbard at the waist, and grinned at Ricky: "It is clearly shackled, but it is said to come to him to do business."

Ricky nodded and looked back and forth on the body of Tells and the fast rope.

He looked at it and let Taylors have a sense of horror that was seen through from the inside out.

"Thank you, Marina," he said politely. "Helped a lot."

Marina nodded intently and retreated to the side.

"I recognize you," Ricky looked at the two and smiled softly: "Dante's sword."

"And it's a newbie."

Tyres and the fast rope squeezed two crying smiles.

"Listen, Tampa," the fast rope preemptively opened, a look of heartless scorpion:

"You lick my single business, we are done, come tonight..."

He kicked the sack under his kick.

On the empty table, Tampa looks strange.

Ricky turned to Tampa.

The pub boss twitched his face and coughed: "Okay, I know. Listen, fast rope, you go back first, I will take the time to talk to you tomorrow."

"Ah, I can see it," said the fast-eyed eyeball. "You are a little busy now... nothing, we can do it tomorrow..."

Marina on the side smirked.

Ricky thought thoughtfully.

Tyres slammed the rope quickly, and the two bent down tacitly, ready to pick up the sack.

But Taylor's waist was only halfway, and a boot stopped on the sack and stuck in front of his chest.

"Listen to my mother's words, stand up, thieves." Marina sat on the side of the chair, carrying the slender thighs, laughing and hooking the shoulders of Tells.

Tyres and the fast rope glanced at the double swords at the waist of the marathon, and the rest of the light swept the mercenaries around the front and rear, and they could only straighten up.

Really bad.

It seems that it is not so easy to get out.

Ricky spoke up the leader of the mercenaries.

"Oh, so, they are what you claim, your ‘backup’? Are you a reliable ‘security consultant’?”

Tyres frowned.

I saw Ricky sigh and put down his arm: "You are really funny, Tampa."

Tampa's face was unsatisfactory and he covered his face in pain.

The fast rope reveals an inexplicable complexion, then squeezes out a smile: "In fact..."

Tyres coughed and blocked his words in his mouth.

"Alright alright."

The boy slowly opened his mouth. He looked at Tampa and looked at Ricky. He held his hands and showed his harmlessness. He cautiously said: "I know, gentlemen, maybe we are not coming... but really I don't understand, I don't want to know what you are doing now, so no matter if you are..."

Tampa's face became more and more languid. He coughed and his tone was not good:

"That's fast!"

Tyres and the fast rope bent down for the second time to pick up the unreachable sack.

But they stopped again halfway.

Marina’s sword did not know when it was in front of their chest.

"Ah, ah, ah."

I saw this woman with a delicate face playfully opening her mouth and shaking the sword in her hand. She said with a good heart: "If you don't listen to your mother, you have to spank."

Tyres and the fast rope once again looked up straight and ugly.

Ricky sighed and looked up and smiled: "You really don't understand the situation, but it doesn't matter, let me tell you."

"The situation is very simple."

Ricky showed a friendly smile to the two, and pointed to Tampa, whispering: "We, blood whistle..."

"In the tavern of Tampa."

"Hijacking Tampa."

(End of this chapter)

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