Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 395: New guest

Chapter 395 New Guests

Black sword.

This name...

It hasn't been heard for too long.

Thales was on the table, thinking about the strange man in memory.

Listening to the words of the masked man, Ricky and Cray looked at each other.

This time, it was the turn of Tampa.

"You already knew him? Black Sword, and his Black Street Brotherhood?"

He looked at the mercenaries in confusion.

"We met him."

Ricky was plain and plain, but his eyes stayed at the same angle for a long time: "There is also his unusual and ancient sword."

"It was not long ago."

The masked man raised his arms and said coldly:

"deep impression."

Tyres gasping on the table was amazed.

Black sword.

He used to be a mercenary?

Nine giants.

And this group of people - blood whistle and what is his relationship and grudges?

So that they did not hesitate to try the law, hijack Tampa, but also force the man's intelligence?

Look at this with a ignorant Tampa, and look at that: "Since you know, why?"

Ricky raised his hand and interrupted him.

"I need confirmation."

"So he is really the leader of the Brotherhood."

Ricky folded his hands and looked at Tampa seriously. The tone of the solemnity and solemnity of his demeanor seemed to be a sacred ceremony.

"And now, we want to know his past, Tampa."

"Especially before he was a brotherhood, in the days of the mercenary era: every mission, every business, every story."

The doubts in Tampa's eyes are getting worse.

"His origin, his identity, his bottom." Kremer added, silently, the tone is like an enemy.

Tampa's brows are getting tighter and tighter.

"more than."

The masked man raised his head and opened his mouth coldly:

"It also includes his skill, his swordsmanship, his weapons, especially his..."

The masked man paused.

There was a glare in the depths outside his mask:

"The power of the end."

Black sword...

The power of the end.

Taylor's breath is rushing.


Listening to the other two, Ricky agreed to nod.

"In other words, we want everything, Tampa," Ricky looked at the pub owner and narrowed his eyes:

"About the black sword... everything."

Tampa seems to be aware of the unusual things.

"You are not hired, not even for blood bottles, right? Since the red snake was driven out of the Baron's guard..."

Ricky and his two companions looked at each other and laughed.

The pub boss squinted:

"The name of the blood whistle is not small, and the history is not short. If you are hiring people, then you will never be offended by the ‘my family’ self-destruction process – what do you want to do?”

Tampa looked at them inexplicably and wanted to find the answer from the face of the mercenary mercenaries.

But he failed.

The three headed are still calm, and the mercenaries around them are silent.

Tampa had to sigh: "Black Sword - How much hatred does he have with you? Is it worth paying so much?"

Ricky snorted.

He slowly shook his head and looked at the light.

"You can't imagine."

"You can't imagine how much we have something of interest in him."

When the voice fell, the eyes of Cray and the masked man were sharp.

"You can't imagine what kind of miracle and opportunity he represents."

Tampa looked at him with dignity.

Ricky curled his mouth and tapped the tabletop, as if immersed in his own world:

"For us, he will be the end of the old era and the beginning of the new century."

Tyres listened to all this.

He felt that he seemed to be stirring into something big.

"What cult group is this?"

The fast rope bites the ear on the table and whispers:

"I have seen it in Warrior. A group of madmen shouted the names of demons and evil spirits, and then bleed the sacrifices..."

"I don't know," Tyres whispered to him: "I don't want to know, I just want to leave here."

The fast rope sighed on the table and carefully squatted around:

"I think too, but they are too many people."

Looking at the murderous dozens of mercenaries, watching their steady and orderly breathing and well-trained movements, Tyres was in a tight heart.


They are too many people.

No matter who it is.

At this time, the mercenary Sonny, who had previously stopped Taylors and others, came up.

"Ricky," Sonny squinted. He didn't mean to lower the voice, so everyone in the pub could hear it clearly: "Our guests are coming."

"One person comes."

At that moment, Ricky's eyes were extremely sharp.

Cray and masked people also reacted. The former gently pressed the hilt between the upper back and the latter's line of sight stopped on the table.

"It’s really fast, it’s an hour faster than saying good time.”

Cray was cold and cold: "I guess their people are also in place - I have dealt with that guy, he is definitely not alone."

Tyres clearly felt that the atmosphere in the pub had changed.

If the previous blood whistle appears to be loose inside, and when Tampa and Tyres are detained, they are relaxed and relaxed in the boring...

After the words of Sonny, the air here is only dead with pressure.

Many of the mercenaries' breathing became heavy and their faces were angry. Many people stood up and even pressed their own weapons.

"Convergence, you all."

Ricky looked around and looked unhappy, as if yelling at the disobedient wild dog: "Our plan will not be interrupted by this accident."

"No matter what they do."

The swaying blood whistle is quiet, face to face, and return to place.

Tyres looked at them strangely.

The guests?

Who is here?

What is their plan, not just kidnapping Tampa?

The fast rope also casts a questioning look.

"I guess, our friendly conversation will be left until next time, old friend." Ricky turned back and restored the very nice expression.

"Next time?" Tampa gnawed his teeth:

"You are not going to let me go, are you?"

Ricky ignored him.

Marina came forward: "I took them upstairs..."

Tyres’s move: If they are held in isolation, there will be fewer opponents to face...

But his hopes fell through.

"No, they stay here, under the supervision of everyone."

Cray interrupted Marina, and it seems that his status is second only to Ricky here.

"Tampa has been working here for too long, too much about his pub, and his role is too important for us," Cray said cautiously. "Before dawn, we can't take a little risk."

Taylors had to sigh.


Before dawn.

Taylors noticed this detail.

When dawning... What are they going to do?

Marina frowned slightly and looked at Ricky.

Ricky had no objection, he just indulged for a moment, then slowly nodded to Sonny:

"Take him in."

"Be careful," the masked man at the same table screamed coldly: "The **** cockroaches are best at surprise."

Finally, in the deep doubts of Tells, the door of "My Family" was opened.

A man hidden in a cloak, under the watchfulness of the mercenaries behind him, walked into the pub controlled by the blood whistle.

As Tyrell first came, the fierce eyes and iron-blooded mercenaries of the mercenaries instantly oppressed the new guests.

However, the guests in the cloak still have a steady pace and a low attitude.

The mercenary Sonny stopped the guests.

"Search body." He said coldly.

The guest shrugged and raised his hands in obedience.

"Forget it, Sonny," Cray shook his head, his face was not good: "I dare say that if you really want to hide some weapons, even if you lighten him, this guy can also take a dagger from the ** ""

Sonny will let the road open, not forgetting to throw a bad eye knife to the guests.

The guest seemed helpless until he walked into the middle of the pub and saw Ricky, Cray, Masked and Tampa sitting together.

"What did I bother?"

The guests looked at the four people with different expressions, and looked at the princes and duo who were obviously forced to sit here. The voice was confident and calm, with some music-like ups and downs.

Tyres felt that Marina, next to him, had a disgusting look, holding his hilt in his hands.

"You can't bother you," the masked man in the mercenary was cold and cold:

"Because there is no seat here, the ripples in the gutter."

In the face of the hostility of the crowd, the guests sneered out and put their hands out of the cloak.

At this moment, the mercenaries behind him all figured out the weapon and stared at his movements with a grin.

“Relax,” the guest seemed to be taken aback: “Just my hood.”

He spoke and slowly put down his hood to reveal a white and ordinary face.

At the moment of seeing this face, Taylors only felt that there was a sense of familiarity.


Tyres secretly gritted his teeth: he had seen this man.

I have never seen it.

Just don't know... when is it.

As the leader, Ricky looked at the man standing in the same place and turned to ask Cray:

"is it him?"

Cray stood up and walked to the guests.

The new man showed a obedient and respectful smile.

Cray stared at him for a while, his face slowly tightened.

"It's him."

The swordsman of the Northland nodded: "I saw it several times six years ago."

His face is not very good looking.

six years ago.

The heart of Tyres was slowly tightened.

Is it coincidence?

The man noticed Cray and showed a blank look.

"It's you, Salander Cray," the man looked quite happy: "It's really old acquaintance..."

Compared with Ricky's cold and masked hostility, Cray did not have much better, and did not give him any "old acquaintance" any face.

"There are few sets," Cray sat back in his seat and bluntly refused: "We all know what you are."

The man’s expression was stagnation and his tone was stunned: “It’s a moving reunion.”


Ricky still has a calm expression, as if he only received a farmer who needs a weeding service: "Your intention."

The newcomer blinked.

Tyres looked at the man and became more familiar.

Who is he?

"I can see that you still have some things left unfinished, and some unrelated people are present," Bai Jing’s man looked at the ugly Tampa and the reluctant Taylors, and smashed their hands. Like a salesman selling his inferior drinks to the pub owner, be careful:

"But what I want to say now is very important, it is best to keep it secret..."

Ricky laughed:

"Speak, or shut up."

The mercenaries above and below the pub sneered in a threatening sneer.

The man’s face was slightly stagnation.

"Please forgive me, but what I am going to say next is not a trivial matter." He looked around and seemed to be a bit embarrassed: "This will be related to..."

The expression of the man becomes cloudy:

"The success or failure of you tonight."

As soon as this statement came out, Ricky and others frowned.

The mercenaries have been shaken.

The new guest turned around and faced the bad looks of the audience.

"Yes, I know what you are going to do, please believe me: I am here to help you."

"And what we need," the man raised his fingers in a strange expression, his thumb and forefinger gently twitch:

“It’s just a little communication and cooperation.”

The man smiled happily:

"Before that, we need to be cautious and well prepared. We might as well open a small room and talk - what do you mean? Cray? And this..."

He looked at Ricky and seemed to politely wait for the other person to introduce himself.

"Like their usual despicableness," Tyres heard, and Marina and Sonny whispered something behind him. The tone was full of bitterness: "Differentiation, provocation, and useless."

The turm in the pub is getting bigger and bigger, pointing to the man in the center of the field.

However, Ricky spoke.

"I repeat it."

Ricky raised his hand and suppressed the objection of others: "Speak."

"Or shut up."

The man stopped.

He looked around and was disappointed to find that the mercenaries of the blood whistle had no objection.

"Oh, okay, since you all have no scruples..."

The man sighed and looked awkward.

He glanced at it, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, sorry, old, bad memory, I forgot to introduce myself," the man shook his head embarrassedly and patted his head: "As you can see, I am an ordinary Northlander. May you call me..."

The man bowed, blinked slightly, and showed a glimmer of light in his eyes:


At that moment, Tyres shook a little!

The fast rope gave him a strange look, but Tyres did not respond.

He just stared at the new man.

The white look, the sly movements, the talking tone, and this strange name...

Taylors remembered.

This man.

He did see it.

Just six years ago!


Marina snorted: "This is a **** name."

The brazid touched his head and looked apologetic.

But the people in the middle of the pub spoke.

"The brazier," Ricky's masked man on the left hand leaned forward and looked at the unidentified guests: "Carpenters and stonemasons use it to force through even the most indestructible wood in repeated taps. With hard stone."

The masked voice reveals a deep hatred:

"It’s really relevant to your group of insects that eat into the world."

The mercenaries sneered.

The brazid exhaled helplessly.

"Don't care," said Ricky, the leader of the mercenary, calmly nodded:

"Semir is more straightforward."

The brazier shook his shoulder and motioned that he didn't care.

"Then I can ask, who is the gentleman who talked to me?" He smiled as it was.

Ricky glanced at his companions and chuckled.

"My current name is Ricky, at least my brothers call me that."

Ricky sighed and sat down slowly in the chair.

"But you, Mr. Brass, out of respect for the people behind you, and respect for your organization..."

He seems to be ignorant of the person in front of him, his right hand gently flicking a long sword at the table.

"You may call me..."

In the silent and admiring eyes of the mercenaries, Ricky whispered and spit out a strange name that Teres had never heard before:


At that moment, the face of the brazier changed.

(End of this chapter)

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