Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Intruder

Chapter 407 Intruders

The slanting moon in the west illuminates an alley, and Tels leans against the wall in the lane, looking at the front and rear and lurking in the alley, the silent, highly vigilant blood whistle mercenary - Or the swords of the disaster, the heart is awkward.

Damn it.

After leaving the pub, their people were really scattered, but they were more alert.

This can not find a chance.

From the calculation to the action, the sword of disaster can not be described as vigorous and vigorous. Whether it is the prince of the stars or the fast rope, etc., after a few minutes, he was sent out of the pub, and he was close to the bones in an efficient and low-key manner.

The Shadow Shield and the Sword of Disaster, plus Russell, the efficiency of the cooperation between the three can not be underestimated. From the "My Family" pub to the route here, apart from their deliberate and partial actions, hiding their whereabouts, No one was alarmed, and even the patrol that should have been encountered disappeared into sight.

But at this moment, it is not these things that Taylors is most worried about, but one of them who guards him - a female swordsman with an angry face.

"After eight or nine years ago, when I returned to my hometown, there was also a place where I wanted to be indecent."

Marina smacked her lips with one hand and pressed the hilt with one hand.

She was close to Tyre's ear and whispered, but there was a hate that could not be ignored:

"I want to know how he is going to end?"

Don't want to.

I don't want to.

But in the face of the gnashing of the teeth, Teres can only smile with a helpless smile.

"Oh, that, I am very sorry about the new things, but your skills are too strong, I only have to do that..."

The words have not been finished, and the eyes of the marathon are flashing!

Let Taylor, who is at a loss, have a stagnation.

His flattering did not take effect.

It’s a pity to see, no matter in this life, or in the life of the vague memory, I have never done any “sexual harassment” in my life.

However, just in time...

Tyres bowed his head in grief and avoided the fierce look of Marina.

The two world names were destroyed in one night.

Marina snorted and pulled the blade gently.

"At that time, I was like this, putting the sword between the legs of the bastard," in the goose bumps of Tyres, the frosty Marina gently lowered her weapon: "Then the wrist turn……"

Fortunately, a steady and soft voice stopped her before Thales was cold and couldn't help but ask for help.


"I want you to look at him, but it is not for you to wait for the opportunity to kill him," Ricky's figure appeared in the tight lane of the alert. He looked a little at the subordinates in the alley, his expression was dignified: "Convergence."

Marina frowned, but she took the sword in the eyes of Teresi.

"Of course." She put away her unwillingness and faint.

But Marina’s next sentence once again made Taylor’s heart suffer:

"We should block his mouth, it is best to unload one arm or one leg, in case he is on the way to our action..."

Ricky shook his head.

"Our distinguished guests are not stupid characters," Krassu, the sword of the scourge, stared at the calming prince: "He knows when to negotiate, when to resist, and who knows who is his greatest reliance at the moment." ""

The mood of Tyres suddenly rose.

He knew that the shadow of the shadow shield was hidden in the periphery, compared to those who fell into the hands of the sword of the disaster is not so bad choice.

"Is not it?"

Ricky turned his side to the back.

There, from the fast rope, Dean to Tampa, the poor three hostages were **** by the five flowers, sealing their mouths, and more than a dozen fierce scourge swordsmen escorted unscrupulously, from time to time to vote here or pitiful or not Eyes.

Seeing them, the prince can only sigh sadly.

"of course."

In contrast, Tyres was only taken away from weapons and luggage, and he was very lucky - he glanced at the time behind the back of Marina and the JC dagger tied around his waist. He couldn't help but swallow. saliva.

This behavior makes Marina's eyes more disgusting.

Under Ricky’s instructions, the mercenaries, including Marina, were obediently farther away.

Ricky stood in front of the prince and his eyes burned, leaving Taylors uneasy.

"So, what you want to do is in the prison of the bones..."

The prince coughed openly and wanted to ask some information, but he didn't want to be interrupted by Ricky halfway.

"Not enough." The leader of the Sword of Disaster is whispering.

Tyres stunned: "What?"

"The sin of the prison," Ricky looked at him with a strange look: "You haven’t experienced enough, the integration is not deep enough, and you can't even touch the threshold."

The sin of the prison river.

This awkward topic made Taylors nervous.

"What does it mean?"

I can't even touch the threshold...

The prince stiffened his body: "So, what do you need like a black sword?"

But Ricky still shook his head and denied it.

"He is not enough."

He looked at the prince's gaze with unconcealed ruthlessness and disturbing fanaticism. These two contradictory implications made Tyres more uncomfortable:

"So you need more tempering, in the blood and danger, let it mature as soon as possible, strengthen it, release it, and finally surpass the extremes and reach the legendary 'real world'."

Tyres frowned and became more confused: "Beyond... What?"

"what are you saying?"

"That's the only way," Ricky didn't seem to hear. He looked at Taylors intently: "We believe that you are chosen by the prison river and returning from death is not without reason."

Tyres eyelids.

"In fact, as far as the King of Iron, Gil Coos, the Black Knight, near the ninth, Solon Tann, Yau Krassu," Ricky read a tales or strange or slightly heard The name: "Even you, Tells Comet."

Taylors is in confusion.

These names...

The King of Iron and Blood, seems to be the ancient northern king who led the soldiers against the ancient orcs...

Gil Coos, he has never heard of it...

Black Knight, um, he seems to have been in the pile of bitter knight novels on the bed of a small slick head or in a poetry...

The ninth person, what a ghost, is a nickname...

Solon Tann, Tan En, a familiar surname...

Qiu Krassu, strange, is Krassu not a title for the chief of the sword of disaster...

As for the star of Tyres... No, what happened to me?

Damn, if he has Selma, he likes to go through the books and forget it...

Ricky continued: "We believe that in the thousands of years of history, everyone who struggled to come back on the edge of the prison has their mission in that era."


Tyres could not help but ask: "What mission?"

But Ricky didn't answer him, but revealed a disturbing smile.

"You got a key, the prince, can open a door for us to wait for more than a hundred years," the leader of the Sword of Disaster, said with a smile: "Don't waste it."

A misty prince was waiting to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of a carriage coming from outside the alley.

Surrounded, the quietly lurking mercenaries were as alert as the invaded beasts in the territory.

Ricky looked up and looked at the figure outside an alley.

"Their signals are coming," Krassu, the sword of the disaster, frowned. "Go."

Tyres' face changed and he did not wait for the reaction. He was ruthlessly escorted out of the lane by Marina, who was impatient behind him.

On the empty streets, a long-distance team came to them, both man-made carts carrying unknown goods and horse-drawn carriages.

Behind him, Tampa made an uneasy "squeaky" sound, and he quieted down under the "remind" of Sonny's unrelenting action.

Looking at the glass on the team's flag, Tyres immediately reacted: this is the supply team of my pub.

There are about twenty people transporting the team, all wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes, shabby and light, like the local people in the extreme blade camp, their horseshoes keep on, and they are from the alleys of Ricky. People turn a blind eye.

On the carriage closest to them, a driver lifted a hood on Ricky and nodded politely.

Taylor recognized the driver: it was a solder.

"Don't worry, the patrol closest to us has left."

Sitting on the driver's seat, the brazier smiled at Ricky, who was close to him. "There are three thieves who want to sneak into the night and have already solved it."

“All the factors that may expose our trip...”

But Ricky did not pay attention to him, but looked at another person sitting beside the solder.

Beside the brazier, Semir, who is the former Star Royal Guard, squats.

"On this road... I have to say that they really have a set," I saw that Semir did not hide the color of disgust, but still nodded: "The Shadow Shield."

The brazer lifted the hood without any comfort:

"As we promised."

His eyes crossed Ricky and looked at the tales in front of Marina, and smiled as well.

Tyres raised an eyebrow.

Before and after looking at the team, Ricky noticed the gaze of the solder and snorted.

But he didn't say anything after all, just boarded the carriage behind the carriage and waved his hand.

A group of people in the scourge of the disaster caught up with the team and walked into the gap between the carriages and merged with the team. Taylors was pushed to one of the carriages by Marina.

The different wheels are swaying and the team continues to move forward.

The team is very quiet, whether it is the hidden shadow of the hidden head or the murderous sword of the murderous, at this moment, no words, silent, driving the car, walking, the ear only the horseshoe and the wheel sound, the atmosphere is depressed.

Finally, in the uneasy thoughts of Thales, a familiar building appeared in the swaying sight: a bowl-shaped giant fort, leaving only a protruding archway.

The bones of the bones.

As the supply team approached, a group of soldiers guarding the arch held the torch and walked up.

Tyres looked away and couldn't help but frown.

"You have come too early," a captain-like guard approached the first carriage with a few robes and looked at the smiling driver. He frowned:

"Now there is a break from dawn..."

The first carriages stopped.

The coachman jumped from the carriage and directed the "buddy" to carry the goods, accompanied by a smile: "Special period, considerate..."

But the captain’s eyes shifted to the rear of the team.

"and many more."

"Your team is a bit long," the guard captain looked at the steady follow-up team, and his face was suspicious: "How come some weapons?"

But the driver didn't panic, just spread his hand and sneered and explained: "We are new, and you know that the camp is not too flat recently..."

The captain's gaze solidified.

He took a step back and subconsciously pressed his hand on his waist.

The seven or eight guards behind the captain were also alert.

By the side of the watch, Tyres squeezed his fist: he saw that the captain's armor had the logo of the Stardust Guard.


"Not too flat," the guardian guard who did not hesitate to pull out the weapon without hesitation, and warned: "The delivery of supplies is not available to so many people!"

The guards behind him changed his face.

The coachman’s face was white, and he quickly explained: “No, no, it’s because we are the prisoner’s—”

The captain of the weapon in hand heard a little bit: "What is the prison river?"

In the next second, a guard behind the captain suddenly stepped forward and hugged him from behind!


"-The ferryman." The insider behind the captain took the driver's words lightly.

The guard's mouth was smothered, and he twitched, glaring at the incredible eyes, looking at the blood-stained blade thrown from his chest.

Tyres breathed tightly, but he was firmly held by his side.

Suddenly, the rest of the guards did not react, and the driver was violent!

He crossed the unsuccessful captain and came to the second guard. In the shocked eyes of the latter, he broke a dagger into his throat and nailed his yelling between the trembling teeth.

At the same time, six or seven secret figures appeared from the dark!

A horrified guard took out his weapon and just shouted out, and he was squeezing his chin by a "buddy" who was around him.

Desperate, he looked up to his peers, but found that the latter was strangled with a handful of wire by an assassin who did not know when it appeared. His face looked back at him painfully, his hands twitching in his neck.

Another guard was subconsciously asking for help from the arch, but before turning around, with a terrible break, his head was reversed by an assassin.

There was even an assassin who took out his handcuffs and shot it through a guard's back neck that turned and fled, cutting his footsteps and his screams in the spinal cord.

In the eyes of the horrified Tyres, these sudden appearances of stunned figures or thorns or shackles, or swaying, stunned and efficaciously ended the life of nine guards.

Everything happens between the blink of an eye.

Taylors is almost forgotten to breathe.

This is……


As the mercenaries coming to the team all eyes wide open, they were shocked to see this scene under the moonlight.

When the same surprised Marina let go of the breathless Thales, the assassins in front of them had carefully guarded the guards who were no longer moving, skillfully catching the torches and weapons they had dropped, and dragging the bodies into the dark. Disappeared outside the eyes of everyone.

Soon, the bones of the bones became empty and the last traces of the stars soldiers disappeared into the streets.

Only if there is no trace of blood on the ground, telling what has just happened.

Ricky's brow lock is tighter than ever.

"Williams's men are really alert," the squeaky snoring looked at the eyes and didn't care: "It's not the same as the group of recruits. If we are not prepared, only you..."

Ricky slightly decapitated and walked down the carriage.

He was quiet, knowing that this was the torch that was demonstrating to him.

In order to be seized by the "goods".

"Damn," I don't know when the Northland swordsman, who was walking next to Ricky, was ugly, and commented on this quiet **** killing: "I have also killed a lot of people, but this is too ......"

He looked at the blood on the street and couldn't say anything.

But Tells understood what he meant.

Ricky patted Cray's shoulder and gestured.

The mercenaries who were stunned by the scene just came back.

The disguised team continued to move forward, stepping through the arches and entering the deep passage leading to the bones of the bones.

Tyres is also in it, his expression is dignified.

"As you can see, the ground guards outside the Bone Ghost have been quietly dealt with. We have arranged for the staff to replace their sentinel posts." Over the torches and the ground, the blood on the carriage It’s nothing to do, laughing at Ricky:

"The patrols in the curfew will pass after fifteen minutes, but they are the recruits of the major families to fill the vacancies, complaining about the days, bad morale, inefficiency, and no match with Williams' standing army - they I can't see it."

"It’s up to four hours until we get to the wheel of the bones."

Listening to the conversation of their friends, Taylors.

Ricky nodded. "Is there anything else I should know?"

“Even if there is an emergency in the middle,” the brazier smiled and said: “The patrol soldiers responsible for the two nearby districts belong to the soul of the soul and the new offerings. The two families of the subordinates also have a suspicion. We can try to delay them. Look at it and set aside enough evacuation time."

The former messenger of Exeter, Russell Vader appeared in the ranks, and he frowned:

"As far as I know, 'Running Horse' Frank is still in the camp. This is a sly character. The few Stardust Guards he commanded are the elites of Williams's standing army. They are quick-responding and amazing. They are also well aware of the camp. ”

The solder smiled and nodded.

"Yes, but at this moment the blade camp, there is a lot of nobles than Frank, who is noble in mud. Don't expect a group of counts and visors to listen to his orders. It would be nice not to drag his hind legs. ”

The brazer smiled slyly: "Adding some of our little efforts - recruiting soldiers and standing army, local aristocrats and royal families, in the commanding of the blade camp, they realized the problem, gathered forces, and rushed to help, It will be more than a little slower than usual."

Russell understood and then applauded the nod: "The Stars recruited troops to march westward, seemingly to promote the desert, but they are bound in the camp - you are really lucky."

Semir licked the mark on his face and snorted: "Do you think we chose to come in at this time, Northland?"

The two people who saw each other and did not deal with each other had to stand up and quickly opened the subject.

"And even if it is the last step," the drill coughed: "We can also slam the west and adjust the tiger to the mountain."

Cray wondered for a while: "What?"

The brazid smiled smugly: "This is the saying of the old home, meaning distraction - think about it, the bones are out of the accident, the aristocrats who are coming from afar, the military warehouses are in flames, facing this happening at the same time. Three things, if you are Frank, as the watchdog left by Williams, which one to deal with first?"

The three men of the sword of the disaster understood the meaning of the words in the brazier. They exchanged their eyes and looked dignified.

"You seem to have forgotten the secrets of the kingdom, and their eyes and ears in the camp," Ricky silently said: "They will be ignorant?"

The solder is bright.

"They may have seen clues, but they didn't react: we released the bait very early, a teenager who looks like a prince of stars, and recently appeared at the Tower of the End - believe me, for this news, the blade camp The secret agents are busy on a business trip north."

Hearing here, Taylors in the rear carriage spit out in disappointment.

Ricky was silent for a while.

"You didn't happen by chance, or when it happened suddenly, you came here," Ricky thought of something, and raised his vigilant eyes: "You have premeditated."

The solder smiles indifferently.

"Maybe you are better at fighting and fighting, but you have to talk about this..."

The solder glanced around: "We are professional."

Semir roared:

"Like eighteen years ago?"

The solderer smiled and wisely did not answer.

They finally finished this long and short passage and walked into the main building of the Bone.

A wooden gate with three or four people is in front of you.

After the gate, there was a vague shout from the prisoners.

Cray went forward and knocked on the door.

"My pub, send supplies." He said coldly.

A small window was opened on the wooden door, revealing a man's face, and looked at the team in confusion: "Supply?"

"You are coming early, and... aren't you supposed to be accompanied by the guards?"

This is his last words.

In the next second, the long sword at Cray's waist stabbed like a thunder, and went straight into the window to guard the face.

There was a flustered cry behind the gate.


Obviously, the guards behind the door realized the situation outside, only heard a voice anxiously sounded: "Fast, pull the police - hey!"

His voice stopped abruptly and disappeared with other panic.

A few seconds later, in the sudden, chilling silence, the sound of several heavy objects came from behind the gate.

In the unchanging smile of the solder, Ricky on the carriage loosened the hilt of the waist.

Tyres' breathing is getting faster and the muscles on his arms are getting tighter.

Soon, with the fragility of the metal, the door opened in a thick squeak.

Two assassins wearing guard costumes walked out of the darkness behind the door and nodded facelessly at the brazier.

In the sigh of Tyres, the sword of the disaster leaped from the team and held the torch.

In the dark, fierce fighting sounds sounded one after another.

Soon, the short wrestling is over.

Tyres took a deep breath and, under the urging of Marina, entered the prison of the bones.

Leaving the light of the moonlight, only the faintness of the fire came to the cellar's unique noises—knocking, screaming, crying, drinking, and the noise of the prisoners.

"Hey - come see, there is a good show!"

"Ha ha ha who is so courageous!"

"What happened?"

"The trough, I seem to see the green skins fall to the ground!"

"Hey, staying outside and saying, what happened to the door?"

"It seems that the greens are fighting?"

"I am betting ten gold coins. Lear is a big man and will definitely win!"

"Twenty gold coins, I am going to live in Murphys! He trained at the terminal!"

"You two smugglers, there is a gold coin of fart!"

Tyres removed his gaze from the guards who died on the ground and looked at the place in front of him.

Although the bones of the bones look like a round rough Colosseum from the outside, the distribution of the buildings inside is quite complicated. Obviously, they only enter one of them.

The first thing that came into view of the eyes of Tyres was the hard-stoned ground, which was hard and rough. The walls of the giant rock were filled with a few torches for illumination, whether it was a low ceiling or a darkness in the passages on both sides. Or the cries of the prisoners who kept on the ears kept Tyre feeling depressed and uncomfortable.

The chaotic noises are heard from the curved passages that the fires on the left and the right are not visible. It is faintly visible that many of the arms stick out of the fence and sway.

"Awful, can't see clearly!"

"Jailbreak! There must be someone who is jailed!"

"Get it, every week people call for jail, can you change a story?"

"That's awkward... help the prisoner, and give the grandfather a lock?"

The swords of the disaster did not pay any attention to these voices. They were trained to spread out under the command and entered the darkness on both sides.

The solder stopped and turned to Ricky.

"We have come in, of course, there is a fish that slips through the net. After all, the guards have to patrol, but the export is the same."

"According to the intelligence, there are many people in each floor," the torch took off a torch and gestured to the left and right: "The first layer we saw was the most, and the next layer..."

But Ricky raised his hand and interrupted him.

"That is our business."

The bran that ate the soft nails was not annoyed, but sighed with a smile and still bowed friendlyly.

A few minutes passed, there was a burst of wrestling in the darkness, and the fierce shouts of the prisoners.

After a while, in the increasingly loud drum noise, many scourge swords with traces of battle, coming back from the channel on the right side, the eye-catching tays noticed that there were more of them. Many ragged newcomers seem to be prisoners of the bones.

Among them, a strong prisoner came to Ricky and looked at the weapons and clothes that Sonny had thrown at him.

"It seems that you are quite used to the food," Cray said coldly: "Josh."

"Exeter, Anlenzo, Ellen Bia, stars, different places, but the cells are all the same," said the prisoner named Josh, put on his clothes, looked around, and chuckled: "Except them. It’s no big deal to shut me up with a disgusting man in a women’s dress.”

"Really, I thought you would be very big."

“Fortunately, we got some unexpected ‘help’.” Ricky smiled and replied.

The brazid blinked friendly.

Russell looked at the prisoners who were released and frowned.

"You are jailed, just want to let go of these people?"

Russell seems to be somewhat dissatisfied: "To tell the truth, just make some money..."

Ricky shook his head and smiled.

"You are the first time to come to the bones of the bones, Baron Russell?"

Russell gave a slight glimpse.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at the solder beside him. The latter just smiled helplessly.

"In fact, there are two parts to the bones of the bones," Ricky patted Josh from the jail, and turned to Russell: "Lord Baron, what you see is just one of them - The so-called white prison."

"And we are going..."

He looked at Josh: "Tell me, you found it."

Josh shrugged. He took the weapon he had just arrived, took a torch and walked into the darkness: "Of course."

"Follow me, we have to go down."

(End of this chapter)

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