Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 415: where is he?

Chapter 415 Where is he?

In the black prison, in the face of the question of Little Barney and Belletti, Semir was defeated and was hit hard.

Tyres looked at the anti-target scene of the hand and foot, and suddenly had a deeper and deeper understanding of the Royal Guard.

No matter who betrayed, no matter what the truth, it seems that in the Fuxing Palace, facing the thrilling assassination, the problem of the Star Royal Guard itself has been undoubted.

But this is not the point.

Betrayal, this is far more than just a process of sympathy, the process of centrifugation of friends, under the most shallow and superficial fuse, often hides a deeper truth.

In the North, the rebellion of Rumba originated from the ferocious counter-attacks after the birth of the king of the king, and the sway of the dark room was in fact a rational choice after the decline of Exeter's power. The betrayal of the crow was rooted in the past. King Nunn’s means of slashing and poisoning.

In the stars, the conspiracy of the Duke of the Northern Territory has always revolved around the game between the royal family of the comet and the Arunde family against the dragon fortress and the northern boundary of the stars, and the collective conspiracy of the 'new star' aristocracy such as Kevin Dil and Nantsett. Their expectations and ambitions for the distribution of power in this country.

Even in front of the eyes of Tyres, this chaos, even to facilitate the invasion of foreign enemies, let him fall into the predicament of the blade camp, not the Baron of the Blades and the Duke of the West, the standing army and the recruits, the royal family and the Western aristocrats Is the stage of competition between Yongxing City and the ruins, the kingdom of the kingdom and the western frontier in the face of the enemy of the desert, complicated and changeable, faintly hostile, and dependent on each other?

Then, the year of blood color.

Thinking of this, Taylors suddenly had such a realization: the division of the Royal Guard on the surface is not a case, not the main cause, it is just a reflection, reflecting the biggest contradiction of that era.

In the raging waves of that era, even these poor people have always insisted on their own heart, and they can only rise and fall with the waves, unable to return to heaven.

Even a peerless master.

Even a king of a country.

Even if it is... magician.

The prison was silent for a long time.

Until Ricky's sneer sounded lightly.

"It’s the same as I thought."

Smuggling in the resentful little Barney and lost in sorrow and despair, Semirzizi turned his eyes.

I saw the leader of the sword of the disaster slowly stepping forward and standing side by side with Semir.

"Do you understand now, Semir?"

Ricky said suddenly raised the torch and illuminated the brand on his face.

A face-faced Semir was irritated by the fire, subconsciously raising his hand to cover, and stepping back a few steps.

"No matter how much you want to go back to the original point, you want to save the regrets of the past and bridge the scars of the past."

Ricky said with no expression: "No matter how much you want to remove the ugly brand on your face."

Semir put down his palms, straightened his waist, struggled, and gasped.

Ricky sneered, slammed back the torch and turned to illuminate the cell on the other side.

"But this is the answer."

The prisoners behind the fence also shunned the light that Ricky deliberately approached. Only the short-breathing little Barney stood in the same place, only facing his face, and his feet were not retired.

Looking at a few ragged clothes and describing the bleak prisoner, Ricky shook his head: "This is the past and yesterday, the answer to you."

Semir did not speak, he just looked at the arrogant look of the prisoners who had been mad at the moment, but now they are dirty and embarrassed.

Past and yesterday.

He meditated in his heart.

"and who are you?"

Little Barney looked at Ricky disdainfully:

"It's also the shield of the shadows, a member of the disgusting dross?"

Ricky stared at Little Barney as if to look at him from him, but after a few seconds, he just smiled and shook his head.

"He can't make that vow," Ricky slowly retracted the torch, making him look like the vicissitudes of the face brighter, only to see him slamming against Semirnu:

"Because just an hour ago, he joined us and kidnapped the only son of King Kaiser."

"The last blood of the comet."

When this statement comes out, the breath of Taylors is alive!

Sure enough, the eyes of the prisoners of the Royal Guards changed in unison.

"What? What?"

Little Barney slowly opened his mouth and revealed his doubts in his tone.


Tyres immediately felt that several eyes had emerged from the darkness behind the prison, and they came to him in unison.

Marina, who is in charge of the prince, feels inexplicable pressure, and the swordsmen around me have tightened the tyros.

"You said... kidnapping?" Belletti's voice shook a little.

"When," Naki, who had previously screamed at Xiaoqu, had already climbed from the ground, unbelievable:

"The new king has a son again, has a new heir?"

Outside the cell, Semir still said nothing, but his face was sore.

"Kid the prince? You? Semir, is he really talking?" Nai’s eyes widened, her cheeks twitched, and she looked quite nervously outside:

"The boy with a faint face is the present comet?"

"Hahaha, it's fun," Tarding, who had previously had a bruised face with his roommate, looked at Semir in front of him and looked at the long-term Taylors. The laughter was bleak and the irony smell became more and more intense:

"It's getting more and more interesting hahaha..."

Outside the cell, Semir lost his head and lowered his eyes.

Looking at their different reactions, bearing their sights from the darkness, Taylors stunned.

Little Barney, Belletti, Nai, Tarding, Buri, Naki, Cannon.

The eyes of the former Royal Guards were very complicated, and the prince could not tell the exact feelings of them at the moment.

Is it a sigh, a sigh, a pity, or an excitement?

Taylors doesn't know.

He only thought that these people, the former royal guards, clearly looked at themselves and couldn't keep their eyes on it.

It seems to be watching the past.

Looking at the past.

Ricky, who had just revealed the truth, looked at Semir on the side of his body and saw that he was still in a state of despair, and could not help but frown.

Inside and outside the cell, silence and amazement only lasted for a short time.

"So you really can't make a vow, right?"

Naki sat back on the floor, his face was dull, and his voice was faintly relieved: "Semir, I really hope you know what you are doing,"

"Whether it is the year, or now."


When Semir looked at him, he looked up with a slight hope and seemed to want to find a solace and understanding:


But Naki shook his head:

"Don't talk to me, go to Barney, the person with the highest position has the final say."

When the words of Semir were stagnation, he closed his mouth in disappointment and looked at the forward vanguard, Little Quel Barney.

The horror in the eyes of Little Barney was slowly replaced by solitude and indifference.

"So this is the answer," the vanguard official looked at the stunned Semir in a complex way:

"Whether you have been betrayed in the past... So many years later, you are still a traitor."

At that moment, Semir looked a stiff.

"So what is this?" Little Barney sneered at the wall and no longer looked at the old companions:

“Abandon yourself?”

Semir took a deep breath and he moved his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

Ricky, who was watching the scene with a cold eye, smiled softly.

"How, Semir?"

Ricky gently dropped the torch and let it roll on the dusty ground.

"Tell them this," Ricky whispered:

"Then I will defend myself one by one and tell them that you are not a traitor and tell them that you are still the good brother of the year."

There is a touch of irony in his tone.

“Does this make you feel better?”

Semir stared quietly at the torch under his feet, watching the flames tremble on the ground.

"I have fulfilled my promise and gave you the opportunity to face the shadows of the past," Ricky looked back at the five cells in front of him, looking coldly at the seven Royal Guards:

"But the question is, Semir, is this really the "reunion" you envision?"

Semir’s chest began to undulate.

The light reflected in his pupils, weak and dim, like the last light spot in the darkness.

His dark back casts on the wall through the torches on the ground, dancing back and forth, erratic.

Ricky stepped forward and snorted: "How, is it full of flowers and excitement, goodness and hope, forgiveness and understanding?"

Listening to the Ricky language like a blade, Taylors only felt that it was not a taste.

"Now, Semir," Ricky said coldly to the question:

"Do you understand it?"

Semir looked at the fire and swayed, as if he didn't realize it.

"I see it, you are not a shield of shadows, man," Taldin in the prison sneered, "Listen like a brainwashing cultist."

The cultist?

Ricky first glimpsed and then smiled unexpectedly.

He did not respond to Tartin's irony, but continued to look at Semir.

"The past is gone, it is difficult to pull it yesterday. ‘Everything like yesterday’ is just a dream, an escape.”

"Because you can never return to the past, whether it was a former person or a past."

Ricky seems to have a deep meaning: "Many times, returning to the original point can't find the answer."

"Or, the answer you find will only make you more desperate."

The torch on the ground is still struggling, but it is getting darker and darker, and even the face of Semir is getting blurred.

Including that ugly brand.

"We only have to open a new path, a new future," Ricky sighed:

"Beyond that bad past."

Semir listened to Ricky's words, and the flames in the pupils became smaller and darker.

"But this is our life."

I saw Ricky looked up and looked at the stone pillar in the middle of the hall, looking at the emblem of the eye, and his eyes were slight.

"You can't save anything except yourself."

"Under the future, you can't hold anything."

The next second, the torch at the foot of Semir was finally extinguished.

Put Semir's motionless face and pupil, leaving his confused and painful expression in the deep darkness.

No more.

"You dress like a mercenary," Naki sighed and smudged a glimpse of the light in his prison. "But no mercenary has the courage and means to break into the black prison all the way - the blade Did the tooth camp have a big deal, and then let it go so that you can mix in this group of strangers?"

Ricky snorted and didn't answer.

The keen little Barney quickly reacted:

"How, the top is fighting again, so the main force is not there? Who is this time, the eight tribes of the orcs are still the three major tribes of the bones? Or is it the northern people, even the civil war?"

No one answered them.

A few seconds later, the figure belonging to Semir slowly whispered in the dim, and the sound of the torch was picked up in the air.

With a bang, the extinguished torches were re-lighted, and the prisoners were shrunk again.

Semir’s figure reappeared in the fire.

It is like returning from the dark **** to the bright world.

"Little Barney," Semir’s voice fainted:

"You know, when you enter the Royal Guard, many people are saying that you are only inherited by the father's relationship."

This sentence drifted out of the air, leaving the hall a little silent.

Little Barney was a glimpse, then took a deep breath: "You..."

But Semir suddenly looked up and was very short and said: "And I am one of those people."

Little Barney stunned.

He suddenly noticed that Semir at this moment is no longer a painful and remorseful expression.

Instead, it is cold and determined.

Even the brand on the face seems to be a lot more fierce.

"Today, it’s true that they were right, Barney," Semir held his torch and shook his head, his eyes cold:

"You didn't inherit any of the advantages of Barney at all."

"The old captain gave up on you and chose Beletti to inherit the position of the penalty officer. It is really wise."

Little Barney frowned slightly, and Belletti, who was opposite him, turned his head.

"Because after years of imprisonment, you are still an idiot," Semir whispered, and he lost his confusion and pain. He was like a chilly meteorite, which made people feel pressure: "I don't know what is going on, people are unclear."

"A lost madman."

The Guards prisoners in the prison have a glimpse.

Ricky looked at Semir like this and smiled silently.

"It’s ridiculous," Little Barney took a deep breath, resentment and anger re-accumulated:

"This is actually said from the mouth of the traitor."

But he soon realized that the theme of this conversation had changed.

After a second, I only heard that Semir was cold and spit out a number: "Thirty-seven."

Little Barney is a god:


Semir waved the torch and made the flame burn more fully, illuminating the neat bones in the cell: "You said, in the 18 years, you made a speech for the death of thirty-seven guards."

The prisoners frowned.

Semir has no expression: "At that time, there were forty-six people who were sentenced to imprisonment."

Little Barney’s face is awesome!

"In these years, thirty-seven people have lost their lives. Seven of you have survived to this day, plus me, only forty-five." Semir’s absence of any feelings is like telling someone else’s story:

"There is still one person missing."

Behind him, Cray and Ricky laughed.

Tyres frowned.

Semir stepped forward and was getting closer to Little Barney.

"It's him, is it?"

"He is not here."

Semir looked coldly at Barney: "I didn't see his name on the sign."

"You came in with him, where is he?"


The heart of Tyres slowly mentioned.

There is another person... Who is it?

The hall was immersed in an unprecedented silence.

The prisoners’ breathing is getting more and more urgent.

"I understand."

Little Barney stared badly at Semir.

"You are not here to save us, nor to see old friends, yes, cowards, traitors," he gnashed his teeth: "As for those outside..."

But Semir's arm stretched out and the torch passed through the gap in the fence, pointing to the little Barney!

"Where is he?" Semir asked coldly.

"Oh." Little Barney looked at the flame that almost burned to his eyes, and snorted with resentment.

Semir snorted and turned to the other side.

"Beleti, you took over the penalty officer from him, you should be clear."

Belletti just closed his eyes and shook his head.

Semir looked unremarkable and turned his head again.

"Where is he?"

He whispered: "Bry, tell me..."

But the strong Buri in the cell just kept shaking his head, his face was stunned, and his throat groaned: "Hey--"

"Don't look at him," said Tardin, who was in the same cell as Bry, holding his arms and sarcasm.

"Brill can't tell you."

"After breaking the neck of Raley, he couldn't speak anymore."


Semir frowned fragilely.

Once upon a time...

He stared at Bry, who was resentful for a few seconds, and finally opened his eyes and stopped asking him.

"You know who I am talking about!"

Semir turned and raised his voice:

"Since Captain Cullen and your father died in the **** years, he is the most important person in the only remaining Royal Guard."

"In those of us, anyone can die, but he can't!"

The word "Semir" is cold and cold, and it seems that there is no longer any illusion about the meaning of the robe.

Little Barney confuses:

"The Year of Blood?"

Semir screamed and looked at him disdainfully:

"Yes, that year, the year of blood color - up to His Majesty, the Crown Prince, the princes, down to the nobility, civilians... that life is smeared with charcoal, only a year of bloody."

"They call it that year."

The prisoners were slightly stagnation and their looks changed.

This scene is seen in the eyes of Tyrell, a little embarrassing.

This group of people.

They have experienced the horror of the **** year, but for eighteen years, they do not know the history and the outside world's name for this year.

The voice of Semir was initially with a slight sigh, but he quickly returned to indifference:

"Tell me now."

"The first master of the former Royal Guards, the former Guards penalty officer, and the current Guards watchman," Semir looked at the remaining seven prisoners without compromise.

"'The penalty knight' Sacker."

"where is he?"

The next chapter is still changing, sending during the day.

Hey, how did the starting point app change after this, so... forget it, leave some morality, it must be that I have a problem as a reader's taste, it must be that I am not used to it, um, that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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