Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Battle of the Sword of Disaster

Chapter 417 Fighting the Sword of Disaster

Tyres experienced the **** and heavy confrontation between the two armies before the Broken Dragon Fortress. He felt the generosity of the White Blade Guard and the Black Sands in the Longyan City. He also experienced the terror of the orc heavy and cavalry clusters in the desert, but This sudden encounter in the black prison is definitely the most strange battle scene he has ever seen.

Because this is a battle that takes place in the dark, without vision.


In the darkness of the five fingers, Taylors just entered the sense of hell, and heard the wind whistling!

"Look down!"

I don’t know where the screams came. Then, in the black and white **** of the senses, Tyres saw a sword of disaster that fell three steps away from his side, and a short arrow appeared in his chest. .

The mercenaries around him were wary of lifting swords, but they were smeared by the eyes, but they could not see where the threat was.

Hell's sense gave Taylors a lot of advantages, but he also let him see the darkness, and he was even more shocked than the mercenaries who couldn't see things.

Like people who drive by the steep cliffs during the day and night.

"Three o'clock! Hey!"

The anger of the mercenary Sonny came from the ear.

Taylor saw the figure of Sonny turning around quickly, and a hand axe came out of the palm.

"External suppression!"

In the sword of the disaster, a few flying axe and flying knife were flying at the same time, and the order of Sonny was thrown to the darkness on the right side!


The low humming sound suddenly came, indicating the result of this wave of counterattacks.

However, the counterattack of the Sword of Disaster is only temporary, and everything has just begun, and the melee has come from all around.


Tyler only heard a burst of robes on the upper left, and he turned his head. He was shocked to see a strange black shadow falling from the ceiling and flew to a mercenary on the left side!


The two fell to the ground, the mercenaries struggled a few times, and they couldn’t see it, and the assassin flexibly rolled back and avoided the enemies around.

"Look at the hostage!" In the melee, Ricky's voice came from far away.

Taylor, who was too late to be surprised, had a heavy shoulder and was crushed to the ground by Marina in the dark!

"Be honest! If you dare to play tricks..." The red-skinned swordsman unknowingly bite his teeth and press the weight of the whole person on Tyre's body unceremoniously.

Bulletin private enmity.

Taylors coughed in the dust that stirred up, thinking painfully.

He managed to straighten out a sigh of relief, and suddenly inexplicably remembered the scene of the **** elite in the birch forest in the north of the country six years ago.

The scene at that time was also like this...


The voice of the warriors broke his thoughts.

"Do not!"

A mercenary not far away, with a sword of consciousness, opened a slap in the dark, but he immediately exclaimed, his foot slipped, seemingly dragged down by the rope that did not know when it was wrapped. Then he was dragged into the boundless darkness, only screaming.


Further afielder, an experienced swordsman screamed and cut down an assassin who wanted to sneak around, but he was immediately greeted by a seven-eight-handed weapon, and fell to the ground with a bang. .

Tyres, who had a little more visual than others, looked at it all.

The solder is right.

The darkness is the home of the assassins.

And they are prepared, and they don't keep their hands. In the first round of raids, the swords that can't adapt to the dark disasters have only passive defense, and the shadow of the shadow shield is endless, and they are caught off guard!


"Use shield!"

"There is one going to your right!"

"Ah! Going up, I am recruiting!"

弩 arrows, flying knives, broken, screaming, sounds and sounds, echoing the ears.

The shadows of the assassins are swiftly swept across the perimeter of the formation, or looking for an attack, or screaming, which is nervous.

Even Taylors, who can barely see it, feel that it is hard to stop.

However, the swords of the disasters are worthy of the notorious "blood whistle". These mercenaries face the terrible situation of being nervous and unable to see things, but they show the extraordinary qualities that are no less than the military:

No one is flustered, no one escapes, and no one even retreats.

Everyone in the dark, like the most qualified soldiers, stays in place.

"Don't panic, hold the front row, don't let them infiltrate! Cut all the moving steps!"

Clay’s impatient command sounds:

"Screening, lighting!"

Soon, a torch was re-started and lit in the center of dozens of disaster-stricken swords!

Illuminated a small place.

When everyone is subconsciously closing their eyes, they can’t help but feel alive.

There is light.

However, at that moment, the light of the torch is like attracting the blood of the sea shark, attracting numerous attacks by the assassin!

From smashing arrows, flying knives, and daggers to unknown weapons.



Tyres only heard a burst of noise in his ear: the swords that had prepared for the disaster had raised three shields, blocking the hidden weapons flying in all directions, and even many people used their bodies to protect the fire.

Sonny held the shield and fangs: "Hugh think! Fast - pass the fire!"

With the illumination of the fire, the swords of the disaster saw everything in front of them.

I saw the shadow of one assassin passing by in the darkness of the periphery, or stepping on it, or waiting on the ground, and even worse, hanging on the wall.

They all have black masks, only a pair of cold scorpions.

Many assassins subconsciously slightly sideways, and seem to be quite uncomfortable with the sudden fire.

"Lighting, counterattack!" Cray angered out.

Immediately after the second source of ignition, the torch from the first point was thrown out without hesitation, kneeling on an assassin in a corner!

The assassin was caught off guard and was contaminated with Mars.

This was his last figure - Sonny's second hand axe came and plunged into his chest.

The thrown torches burned especially, illuminating another assassin in that direction, and the two mercenaries immediately caught up.


The two swords of the scourge screamed at the assault, and one person cut the assassin and staggered.

"Go to hell!"

The later one waved a two-handed axe and pulled out the sharp arc without any effort!


At the same time, the axe blade broke the neck of the assassin, and it was quite shocking.

The axe screamed and snarled, as if venting the resentment.


The head hit the wall, bounced back, and a few drops of blood splattered into the mouth of Taylor, causing the prince to turn his head and lick blood.


He hates **** taste.

No matter which one.

The screams of enthusiasm are still in the ears, and the melee is more frequent.

The reversal of the situation seems to have occurred at this moment - through the first wave of panic, the counterattack of the scourge of the sword soon came.

"9 o'clock, back!"

"Before, a wave of suppression!"

The orderly commanding sounds, more and more torches are thrown out, or the assassins in the darkness are covered, or their shadows are taken out.

The swords of the disasters are tacitly matched, or combined, or killed.

Most of them were angry and enthusiastic, and cut down the nightly assassins who had previously fluttered!

Obviously, Shadow Shield is more adept at unexpected snipers and sneak attacks, but as soon as they fight in front, the assassins who live in the darkness immediately show weaknesses that cannot be ignored.


"Come on, let's go!" Josh smirked, ignoring the flames that had been stained on his body, hitting an assassin who was accidentally hit by a torch and slammed his opponent to the wall.

In the moment of contact with Josh, the assassin is like a curse, shaking and unable to move.

In the fearful eyes of the latter, Josh stabbed into the other's abdomen, then laughed and dragged the hilt.

Jianfeng pulled out a string of bright red fluid and sprinkled it in the screams of the assassin's pain.

Both horrible and disgusting.

Not only that.

Tyres frowned and looked at the side of an assassin who wanted to re-enter the darkness. He was hung up by a rope like a rope, and dragged back into the mercenary's formation.

A tall swordman indifferently reversed the hilt, and pointed the tip of the sword to the assassin's mouth deliberately and cruelly. After a sigh of pleasure, he screamed and screamed!



The poor assassin who has been pierced from the mouth to the back of the head, screams and screams, and the limbs slammed on the ground, but only with the blade of the sword, the melody of death.

Taylors is another frown.

The assassins who are out of shape are not the opponents of the old mercenary mercenaries. In addition to the kind of strange endings that Taylors had taught before, many assassins are often beaten up by the face and can’t move. Then fall into the cruel fate of tragic death in the second or third strike.

But this is not the most important thing for Taylors.

"Haha!" Sonny had a shield on the front, and an assassin was hit by a forceless move. He used a hand axe to throw away the shield, to hold the assassin's body, licked his mouth and pulled a dagger from his arms.

"Do you like to kill like this?"

Sonny screamed with enthusiasm, stepping on the assassin three steps before, the right hand dagger is like piling, and stabbed more than a dozen times in the assassin's chest!

Every time in the assassin's sluggish eyes, brought out countless warm blood, splashing on Sonny's face.

Set him up even more embarrassing.

"Like? The mouse in the gutter!"

Until the **** red Sonny pushed the unconscious twitching assassin away and smiled back.

Then he licked his lips again.

It’s like just eating dinner.

“Hey,” Marina sneered. “The mouth is not clean.”

Tyres looked at the chill.


The prince looked incredibly at the sword of the disaster.

Looking at these sophisticated, but sizzling people unscrupulously open the belly, giving the opponent the most tragic death.

Looking at almost every swordsman who fought the enemy, they all came back with blood or worn back, with a look of pleasure or satisfaction.


Tyres looked at these murderous swordsmen, and suddenly there was a long-lost panic in his heart.

not like this.

For more than six years, the prince has not been more knowledgeable.

Whether it’s the unbeatable way of the vampire sister’s revenge, or the anger of the kingdom to break the front of the army, or the precise shot of Edda’s shuttle, and even the **** battle of Nicholas and Monty in the wilderness, Every confrontation is wonderful, and ordinary people can hardly watch one of them in their lifetime.


Taylor looked at the group of mercenaries who were bathed with blood.

But those people, regardless of blood, Arak, Elves, or comets and death crows, are the best, most efficient, and purest fighters outside their hands. They are not moving. Once they are shot, they are only winning. , only for the advance, only for the goal.

Whether it is killing or bloody, it is only the most one-sided and most marginal accessory product in this process.


These people in front of me...

Thales looked at the battle slyly, watching Josh, the **** Sonny, watching countless hand-wrenched and endless swordsmen.

Not the personal style of a warrior, not the special movement of a martial art, not a person, nor two people...

But almost everyone, in the battle to immerse themselves in the frenzy, enjoy the enemy's misery and sorrow, pain and bloodshed.

Seems to have forgotten myself.

Tyres was more and more scared.

No, this group of people must have something wrong...

Fighting, ordinary fighting, definitely not like this!

He suddenly noticed that only a few leaders such as Ricky and Cray did not move in the sword of the disaster, and the expression was as it was.

It is like a bystander.

Just at this time.


A whistling and long, strange whistle suddenly sounded.

The swords of the disasters are all in one!

But it is not them who responded.

It is the enemy.

The assassins who saw the Shadow Shield gave up the battle under this whistle, no longer attacked, turned back and turned, or dragged the body of the companion, or just ran away and fled.

Hidden into the darkness again.

The battle came quickly and went fast. In a short time, the assassins disappeared into the eyes of the crowd, leaving only a few bodies that could not be taken away.

"They retreated," Cray grabbed a torch and looked disgustedly at the shadow of the last assassin disappearing into the distant vision: "Drilling into the corners, stairs, winding roads... everything that can hide." ”

Ricky nodded, but his look was not soothing.

"Check, return!"

After this terrible encounter, the sword of the disaster has retreated from the opponent, but it is far from being so easy: many people fell in the first round of raids, more people hang ribbons, sit and bandage Even people who have been poisoned, or treated in situ, or bitter teeth.

Tyres was dragged from the ground violently, painfully licking the dusty chin, trying not to see the blood of the ground.

"Your people, every battle is so crazy and ... enjoy?"

The prince looked at a sword that was both wounded by the assassin and lying on the ground in pain. It was like a sword of a disaster with a bandaged chest. It was intentionally said: "Just follow, just like a beast."

"Why, is the **** scene scaring our Highness," said Marina, who satirized him without giving her face, and smothered the prince, and said with no good intentions:

"Don't worry, you will see more."

Taylor sighed in his heart and turned his attention to the leader.

"They retreated, but they didn't give up," Semir took away the sword and looked dignified:

"The environment here is too dark and too complicated. It is very suitable for them to hide in it. Sniping harassment and sporadic order will give us a lot of trouble."

"We have to do something."

But Ricky looked at the messy scene, but shook his head.

"No, you can never kill you."

"Only take care of ourselves."

When Semir was thinking about the moment, Ricky looked at Cray, who had just finished counting and stepped forward.

"How is the casualty? Who is the first to fall?" Ricky was calm, but the question was very strange.

"A round down, we poured eight people and injured a dozen." Cray is difficult to suppress anger:

"The opposite is almost the same number, a little more or less. As for who is the first one... can't tell."

"And the Baron from Exeter is missing, I suspect he may be with the assassins."

Ricky sank and nodded.

But he immediately raised his gaze and scanned the audience.

"Somewhat wrong." Ricky faintly said.

Semir frowns:

"what happened?"

Ricky turned and looked at the where the assassin disappeared:

"The braze is not worth believing, but he is not stupid."

"For the heirs of the Star Kingdom, it is normal for him to threaten us in this situation. However, it is not in his interest to slap the board and shoot it."

This sentence makes Cray and Semir a glimpse.

Ricky did not give them more time to think, and Krassu, the sword of the disaster, turned decisively and ordered.

"The execution of wartime defensive, the standard will follow the clearing campaign."

Compared to before, Ricky's words brought a cool and majestic battle:

"Cray, Josh, Sonny, you are behind me, keep the rear, from here to dispatch personnel, regular contact, the top and bottom of the five floors must be strictly guarded, especially in the corners and overhead, the group of assassins can not only walk Ground - I don't need absolute security, and I can't encircle them in this situation, but I want to make sure that when the attack strikes, the news can come in the first place."

Under the command of the leader, the swords of the disasters have moved up, and they are efficient and neat.

The swords that experienced the **** disasters seemed to wake up. The irons that they had never concealed were full of frost.

"Warning, you, this time, our opponent is not the tower of the end," Ricky said coldly:

"It’s a terrible assassin who is famous for the West. They will never attack in front and will only secretly shoot."

"Semir, you come with me, this time we go straight to the goal, quick fix."

Semir kept up without saying a word and came to Ricky's side.

The mercenaries who met the blood followed Ricky and they continued to look down. They watched the darkness around them with vigilance. Every time they went to a corner and a winding road, they placed guard posts and kept their backs to ensure their Krasu was safe.

Soon, under the illumination of the torch, they came to a special stone hall.

"It should be here, the last layer, the stone steps stop here."

The empty and icy empty hall that is still in front of them is heart-rending, but the strange thing is that this stone hall is not as clear and clear as the previous layers, but it has three roads leading to three deep aisle.

“The structure here is much more complicated.” Semir frowned.

"According to the information I got from the shrine," Ricky raised the torch and observed the three passages. "This is the place where the Institute of Imprisonment developed anti-magic weapons, although later the Star Secrets converted it into a Prison, but the general pattern can't be changed too much."

Krassu quickly found an emblem of the eye.

“Here,” Ricky pointed to one of the passages: “Through the original storage room, I guess...”

His face suddenly changed.

"What is that voice..."

This sentence made everyone nervous. Although many precautions have been made before, many people still turned around and watched the road when they came.

But Taylor also frowned: he heard what Ricky said.

It seems to be coming from the other side of the passage...


The voice of Hell's senses became clearer and clearer, but it also made Taylors more and more confused.

Ricky listened to the ear for a while, revealing the question: "Listen like...someone is praying?"

The swords of the disasters held their breath, and sure enough, on the side of the dark passage, there was a slight human voice.

"Do not."

Semir spoke, and he moved slightly, staring at the other end of the passage: "Not a prayer, but..."

"No doubt," Semir gritted his teeth, and the torch illumined the first half of the passage that brought the mysterious voice:

"Our goal is here, at that end."

The swords of the disasters have a concerted spirit.

"You take people to ensure the exit first. If I remember correctly, there are two other roads," Ricky nodded to Cray. "Don't let the rats stop."

"Once we are done..."

Cray smiled and took people to another passage.

"The others are outside, especially paying attention to the rear," Ricky said to Sonny and Josh: "Semir can go in with us."

Just as Tyres thought that Ricky was going to look for his "goal", what surprised him was that Ricky came over and looked at the prince's eyes.

"You can rest, Marina."

"Now, our guests are taken care of by myself."

When Taylors was still amazed, Ricky came forward and could not help but smashed Tells from the doubtful Marina.

The prince stumbled and followed Ricky through the crowd, and Semir followed them, and the three walked step by step into the deep passage.

"Why me?" Tyres managed to stand firm and follow Ricky's torches, groping in this two-person-high passage.

Ricky chuckled.

"The friends we lurk in the dark are too worrying, I would rather look at you myself... listen carefully."

Ricky's face moved.

Sure enough, when Tyles entered the **** of the senses, he heard an unusual vocal.

It was a dull and cold male voice, with a faint sense of drag and drop, and a word.

"I know... I know... I know very well... there is something coming..."

The sound of this sound is like a dusty antique, echoing through the narrow stone walls, and faintly proclaimed.

It seems to be muttering.

The three people in the channel are moving at the same time.

"It's him," Semir couldn't help but look at the other side of the deep, "Yes, it's him!"

"He is still alive!"

Ricky is still calm: "Continue."

But compared to the two, Tells has the help of the **** of the senses, but has heard more things.

The sound that only listens to the end of the passage continues silently:

"I know that your appearance is not without reason, you must indicate something, want to remind me..."

Tyres frowned deeply:

It sounds like that boring male voice is talking to people...

But he did not have time to ask his own questions, and he was forced to move forward by the pace of the two scourge swords.

Getting closer and closer to the source of the sound.

"But what do you want me to do? Once again? Save again? Remorse again?"

This voice with doubts and longings seems to be asking for opinions, and it is like begging for forgiveness, but the emotions that are inside and overflowing, but let Thales faint.

The person at the end of the passage.

What is he doing?

Soon, with the slight tremor of the torches, they walked out of this disturbing passage.

The fire flashed, illuminating this small stone hall.

There is still a ruin scene of gray defeat. The difference is that there is only one cell in this stone hall, wrapped in a thick iron curtain, on the other side of the hall.

And the boring male voice that had been lingering for a long time came from behind the iron curtain.

"No, I know that you are testing me... but please believe that I have never been jealous of sacrifice. I know that this is what I have to pay, whether it brings merit or sin, good deeds or bad consequences, and I will Accept it, never escape..."

The sound is high and low, undulating, but rhythmical.

Ricky and Semir looked at each other, one frowning and one nodded.

They slowly approached the cell.

"Yes, I foresaw my mission, my redemption, but when will it come?"

That voice is still going on.

Tyres looked at the iron curtain, and there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

That being said, what is closed in that cell is...


Rather than waiting for his thoughts to complete, Ricky had already walked to the wall, and the dark green strip-shaped "key" in his hand was tucked into the center of an alchemy tower emblem.

Soon, the iron curtain slowly descended in the rumbling sound of the rumbling.

The cover is opened and the cell is visible.

The ultimate goal of the sword of the disaster.

The lowest prisoner in the Bone Ghost.

It’s time to go to the long-lost weekend and stay up all night.

It seems that many people are very dissatisfied with the last time they opened a chapter.

Then next time... theft two chapters?

(End of this chapter)

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