Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 419: Different world

Chapter 419 is not the same world

"Listen, Sac El!"

Looking at the other side's unapplied look, the Rieme, who was inspired by Ricky, was a little anxious:

"It’s not easy for us to come down, not just to find you, but to..."

"Then don't waste time," Sacker carelessly touched his own stubble and raised a small stone knife in his hand: "Unless you have a razor? This is a bit blunt..."

Sakuel turned his head and looked at Ricky's waist with a scorn in his eyes:

"Well, is your sword good?"

Ricky snorted and held his own special sword in his hand, full of hostility.

Just at this time.

"Here," said Teres, who had been silent for a moment: "The razor."

"Give you."

In the next second, the juvenile, like a juggler, took a sheathed dagger from the top and walked it between the fences.

Sackel stunned, and this was how he reacted and subconsciously took over the Thales' dagger.

Looking at the JC dagger who didn't know when to return to Tyres, Ricky and Semir both changed color!

Semir looked at Tyres incredulously:


Tyres laughed.

"In the melee, Marina pressed me to the ground, and she was so tight that I didn't feel my hand."

Ricky frowned and immediately smiled.

"Good boy, this can touch the dagger, really give your ancestors a long face," Semir looked at the prince, looking displeased:

"It's a pity to not be a pickpocket."


I feel so too.

Taylor sighed in the bottom of his heart.

Sakuel smiled and shook his head, looking at the dagger in his hand with interest, touching the tendon sheath over and over, but did not pull it out, let alone shaving.

I saw him in the light of the slightest side, sinking a word that has no head and tail:

"Does the king not respect the blood?"

"Is it?"

Ricky and Semir were puzzled, only Taylors smiled.

In the eyes of the other two, the prince took a step forward.

"Who is that?"

Tyres smiled:

"Sackel, who is just talking to you... Who is it?"

Ricky and Semir are both frowning, seemingly dissatisfied with the prince's mouth.

But others don't think so.

"Ah, for so many years, someone finally asked."

Sakuel's gaze solidified on the dagger in his hand, and he stopped for a few seconds, then his mouth curled slightly: "This means that you should not be an illusion - are you?"

Tyres smiled.

"Of course I am not," the prince said faintly:

"But the one who talks to you, is he?"

Listening to this incomprehensible conversation, Semir’s expression was ugly.

But Ricky shook his head at him and prevented him from interrupting.

Sakuel smiled.

"that person……"

His eyes were a bit sloppy and seemed to return to the state of being nervous.

"When I got here, I was fine," Sacker said with a sigh of relief: "It was treated as another separate exercise, but the time was a little longer, the light was dark, the room was empty, and there was no cloth. How big is the big mouth in the sky, how good."

He was addicted, and the chill in the words made Semir unable to bear his head.

"Later, I don't know how long it took," Sacker suddenly laughed without a head and tail:

"He is coming, that person."

Semir looked a little tight:

"What? Who is here?"

I saw Sakuel once again immersed in his own world: "One day, I saw him talking, just on the side of the cell."

He pointed to a corner outside the fence and his face slowly stiffened.

"Sit there, smile..."



Sackel is dull.

Ricky and Semir glanced at the place he pointed to, where there was a dusty corner, apparently no one had touched it for a long time.

But Sakuel’s eyes were solidified and his expression was numb.

Such as sculpture.

Looking at each other's appearance, Semir understood and sighed without hesitation.


"Look clearly, Saciel, there is nothing there, and you are here the same, no one, no light!"

The words of Semir have a faint accusation: "Sakuel, listen to me, I know that all the tortures of the past are not willing to look back, but no matter how terrible it is... what you see is not true! I have seen the way they look at Barney, it’s all from this **** prison! And you have been trapped here for eighteen years, only darkness and loneliness..."

Hearing the other party's words, Sacuel returned from the immovable state of the sculpture, sneer.

"I have been trapped here for 18 years, and you?"

Sakuel fixed his eyes on Semir, and his eyes were cold: "You are trapped in your own heart, is it not eighteen years?"

The penalty knight shook his head in disdain:

"At this point, we have no difference, the second time the flag officer, Semir."

Semir was stunned.

In a slightly stiff scene, Tyres sighed.

"So, this... Sackel."

"You said that you saw ‘he’ is here and talking?”

The prince’s eyes looked at Sakuel intricately: “Who is the ‘he’ you said?”

Sakuel bowed his head.

"Who are you, young people?"

The prisoners of the Royal Guards narrow their eyes: "I think, should you not come with these people and volunteer to visit the Bonestick?"

Semir frowned, and he was about to pull Thales up, but Ricky still stopped him.

I saw that Tyres shook his head and did not answer.

"You see him talking, but ‘word’ is invisible,” the prince sighed:

"I think, you first saw the ‘he’ and then I heard ‘he’’s talking?”

Sakuel stared at him for a long time, thoughtfully.

But his answer is still unrestrained.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it," the former star of the Royal Guards looked like a dream, but fell into memories:

"Sometimes I saw his people, and then his voice came."

"Sometimes, I will hear him first, then he will appear in front of me."

"it's the same."

"no difference."

After saying this, Saciel’s expression stopped again.

The four people in the hall were silent for a moment in this extraordinarily strange conversation.

This is meaningless.

He is already crazy.

This is Semir shaking his head and calling Ricky's look.

But the leader of the Sword of Disaster did not pay attention to it. On the contrary, he listened to this conversation with great interest.

"Yes, it's the same," Taylors smiled reluctantly:

"So, ‘he’ is talking to you...?”

The face of Sakuel became a bit sad.

"Yes, he is as usual, talking and talking, smiling, and even giving me orders," Sackel is like walking away, staring at the corner he just pointed at:

"But I know, I know, he is sometimes true, I was very happy at that time."

In the next moment, Sackel's cheek muscles were tense, gnashing his teeth, as if he had seen something evil:

"But I also know that he sometimes pretends to be something else, just to seduce the weakness and darkness in my heart, to kill me."

Tyres's eyebrows:

"other things?"

A side of Seemill saw a sigh in the ear of Ricky:

"It is meaningless madness."

But Ricky obviously didn't care: "Just let him speak."

Sakuel ignored the whispers of the other two, but focused on the conversation with Tyres:

"Yes, those who want to harm you."

This long-faced middle-aged man stares at the void of nothingness. The words are full of emotions: "You know, he is very good, but those things are very embarrassing. I have a hard time distinguishing their differences."

Sakuel said and said, faint.

It seems to be talking to himself.

"They will tell me about the past, the training of a child, the selection after growing up, the duty of the revival palace, the Northland, the desert, the south, the sword, and of course, the father, the mother, the brother, the sister. , Your Majesty, Your Highness, the old captain, the big bani, the old smoker, Golov, and of course her, then..."

Speaking here, Sackel trembled slightly.

Taylor looked at him with all his heart and encouraged him to go on.

"Those things are especially abominable. It likes to whisper when I sleep," Sacker seems to have returned to his previous state. He only saw him gnash his teeth and face:

"Then, they show me something else."

"Trying to kill me."

He stared at the dagger in his hand and looked cold.

"What," Taylors said gently, as if guiding a child to learn:

"What did they show you, Sackel?"

Sacuel looked up and clenched his teeth like a beast.

His eyes stared red in front of him, as if there were his deadly enemies there.

"Sometimes it's a rotten face that looks like a cockroach and a fly..."

Sakuel’s words shuddered with his chilling temper, and he trembled with his body: “I can’t recognize the rot, but I’m still moving, but I can know that those who are the guards are everyone’s. The skin, appearing from the darkness, suddenly appears in front of your eyes..."

Semir looked at him with regret and shook his head:

"He is crazy."

Ricky ignored him.

"Sometimes, there are countless heads that are inserted in the spears, so they are inserted into every corner of the cell, so that I can live without a place, and even sleep can only stand against the wall."

Tyres listened silently, his eyes sorrowful.

"Those heads have been dead for a long time, but they can still speak. I like to blink suddenly when I squeeze them to get food, and some will try to bite me," Sacker held his hand tightly. The dagger, his left hand on his shoulder, as if the monster he said there bitten like:

"I have to say that the head of Prince Bank is quite similar. His words made me sleep for a few days."

Sacuel snorted with a smile.

He squinted and stared at Tells with fear.

"Even one day, when I woke up, I saw the hanging body hanging over the ceiling. It was there, all rolling my eyes and spitting my tongue, but I looked down at me..." Sakuel pointed at his head and breathed. Become more and more urgent:

"They swayed back and forth across my head, slowly twitching, sometimes the dead feet and robes would wipe my hair, and these would probably continue for a whole... three meals."

He is faintly authentic.

Semir couldn’t help but speak.

"But you don't even have light here!"

The flag officer looked at the former Guard's first master with sorrow: "Wake up, Sackel, there is nothing in the cell, just the illusion that you think of yourself! We are here to save you!"

Sakuel sneered and looked back at Taylors.

"Sometimes, they don't let me see anything, just leave me with a dark voice."

He is cold and cold.

Taylors squeezed a smile: "Sound?"

Sacker nodded and his face became sluggish:

"Infant crying."

"Just like in the boundless darkness, the baby screaming at any time, crying over and over again, once and for all."

"Circulating back and forth, front and rear, sometimes near the ear, blocking the ears are clear, sometimes invisible, only to calm down and smell one or two, sometimes clear and fierce, sometimes full of malicious, sometimes, will change A strange baby laughs."

Sakuel sat down against the wall, and the whole man curled up and his expression was lost.

Tyres swayed and tried to maintain his emotions.

"That must be very difficult."

He said hard: "Living in a different world."

Saciel’s expression became a little numb.

"A different world..."

"In the beginning, yes, I can only tell me over and over again: This is a test. Later, I got used to it..."

He looked up and said: "You know, the good thing about this is that he or the things... at least when they appear, I can hear the voice that belongs to him."

"Whether it is true or not, that is the voice before his death, his laughter, his words, his orders."

Sacuel used his dagger to hold his forehead.

"Let me be in the eternal purgatory, comfort one or two."

Tyres was a little sad. He did and took a deep breath and asked:


"Who's the voice?"

This issue attracted the attention of the other two.

Sakuel snorted.

"Of course it is him," the former Royal Guard watchman showed a sad but gratifying smile:

"The former Crown Prince."

Semir shook a little.

Taylors also glanced at it.

"What I saw, who spoke to me, smiled at me, tested me, tortured me, and came to visit me all the time, that is, before he died."

I saw Sackel hold himself tighter and tremble:

"Wang Changzi, Midier Comet."

There was a long silence in the hall.

I only heard Sakuel’s sobbing.

Tyres looked blank and closed his eyes gently.

Live in a different world.

He repeated in the heartlessly.

But closing his eyes, the tales in his thoughts seemed to be thrown into a stormy wave.

With the ups and downs.

Until I hit a long-lost memory fragment, I took him back to a world that I didn't care for a long time.

Inspires strange feelings that are equally long-lost.

That voice.

Still the voice.

That nice, gentle, unconscious, and always let him laugh at the female voice.

[Hua Ren, are you afraid of ghosts? 】


This abominable guy knows what to ask.

Probably laughing at him again.

[Yes, I remember, you are most afraid of ghosts, even the horror film can not see. 】


He sighed slightly and grabbed his head.

[But you have never seen a ghost, yes. Because in many people's worlds, it does not exist, of course, I can't see it. 】

The female voice on the other end of the phone paused and was a little depressed.

[But you might as well imagine that there is such a kind of person, the world they see... the ghost is there. 】

【existing. 】

He frowned.


[So, they may see a sly face appear on the pillow, or on the ceiling when they sleep at night... Or, when they open their eyes in the morning, they see a **** person standing in the window, a body The whitish dead people are in the corner... When they walk, they will see the little girl in red, no face, when she eats, she will see **** eyes, when will she feel...

The female voice was a little low, shivering and intermittent, as if trying to suppress certain emotions.

[Hey, don’t you scare me, my grandmother, oh... you know that I am most afraid of these...]


The voice trembled.

He is uncomfortably uneasy.

[So... for such people, the ghosts are real, at least in their own world, they are real... really, they can be seen... but they can’t tell if it’s true or not. ... In their opinion, they really saw the ghost...]

The female voice seems to be unable to control her own emotions anymore. Numerous negative emotions are like the sounds of her fragile, cracking sounds.

[They don't want to, they are also very scared... but they, they are not watching ghost films, but... they are living in the world of ghost films... they can't struggle... they really can't do anything, really All the time, you can see live, face-to-face, and trueth in life...呜...Ghost...]

Do not understand, confused, uneasy.

In addition, he is still anxious.

What's up with her?

[Hey, is the signal not good? No, oh you... how are you crying... Is it, are you seeing something? Hey, don't you cry, it's okay, no matter what strange things happen, I am, not afraid, not afraid...]

[葺仁, beg you, don't be afraid, don't be afraid of me, I am not... I, I don't... I beg you, I am just... I am just... Hey, I am just living, living with you. The same world...]

The gentle voice was panicked and feared, and the crying room was shaking.

This made him extremely flustered.

What is it... a world different from him?

he does not know.

He can only do his best to comfort her.

[Come, follow me to take a deep breath, don't be afraid, nothing to be afraid, right, if something really happened, it would be a big deal to find a priest, find a goddess, find a super power expert... better, come, tell me... what? ? Why did you suddenly say, say...

There was a slight sob on the other end of the phone, but it was just a little smoother.

[Yu Ren, today, doctor... The doctor told me the diagnosis. 】

The female voice is much lower.

Even with a touch of despair.

He wants to say something, but what he wants to say is stuck in his heart, only three words can be drawn.

【how about it? 】

The female voice smiled.

[schizophrenia, have you heard it? 】


A sudden fear captured his brain.

[Schizein, and phren... The Greek roots before and after are "disjointed, split open" and "mental, thought". 】

[The doctor said that this is the disconnect and separation between perception and thinking, so some people translate this into a 'sense disorder'. 】

The voice was sobbing low, like being strong, but not laughing.

Let his heart be like a haze, very sad.

He is only silent.

[But here we have a more common translation. 】

He swallowed.

【what is it call? 】

The female voice snorted and opened her mouth weakly and weakly.

[Schizophrenia. 】

At that moment, Thales blinked sharply, breaking free from the boundless memory of the sea, and sweating back to the dark underground prison.

He gasped and looked at Saciel, who was in the prison like a wood man.

I only feel that my chest is empty.

If it is lost.

Update three chapters, theft two chapters, everyone seems to be very dissatisfied with theft.

That next improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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