Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 421: The greatest king

Chapter 421 The Greatest King

The head of the world.

The name that has not appeared for a long time resounds in the mind of Tells.

how come……

He stared at the "broken dragon" on the piece of paper, and there were countless questions and confusion.

When I was at the Palace of the Spirit, Thales got the precious "The Enemy with the Sky" from Selma, which described the "Dragon Broken" exactly the same as the style of the Census of the World. The strange weapons of these styles are so close to his family name and blood.

Broken dragon.

The head of the world.

Is it coincidence?

Still, this is the one that will seal Giza...

"So this is... just the dowry of Queen Essola?"

Semir looked at Saciel inexplicably and awoke Tyres from his memories.

As soon as the penalty knight mentions the past, it seems to have once again entered the embarrassing state.

"More than that, it is still a testimony of history."

"Everything in the treasure house is of great significance."

Semir and Ricky are looking at each other.

Sakuel gently touched the fence of the black prison, and immediately quickly left his hand before it came into effect, light and skilled.

"That is probably one of the most stressful years in the relationship between the Star Kingdom and Exeter," the former watchman was confused:

"The invasion of the night wing king and the disaster of the third mainland war broke the political balance, and the countless small and medium-sized forces perished. The big country that spent the robbery was also uncomfortable. The Westland ushered in another round of reshuffle."

"So, the hegemony of Xilu, the contradiction between the descendants of the empire and the children of the dragon, once again reached the peak."

"Dawn Three Yingjie's two players climbed high - Hero Sarah became the real power of the Longyan City Regency and the Exeter Kingdom, and Mideel Comet was crowned as the fourth King of Midear in the history of the Stars ——But under the hate of the national enemy, the enemy is against the enemy."

Semir and Ricky looked at each other and seemed to be dissatisfied with the prisoner’s ambiguity and lack of subject matter.

Tyres quietly listened to the almost sleepy story of the other, remembering the poems that Putilei sang in the black sand camp six years ago.

"From dawn".

He still remembers Putier's tunes and the three protagonists in the song. In fact, the Prince of Stars learns to play the Lute, learning to sing poetry, and is a nobility of the Northern Palace. One of the few fun things (after the Dragon Blood Night, the less amiable Lord of the Comet, the Lord, has intensified, treating any stranger entering the Yingling Palace as a potential assassin, and the banquet-seekers are no exception) .

Saciel’s words are still going on:

"The two sides’ political and political games have started again and again, and they are better than ever."

"In this case, for political reasons, the Kingdom of the Holy Tree and the Kingdom of Stars have achieved a marriage of the royal family, even in the history of the elves and the human race."

Sacuel picked up the paper in his hand and looked at the outline of the strange short sword. His face was clear and seemed to be remembering the past years.

"So, this puts a lot of years, after the dragon disappeared, it is already a treasure more than a battle, commemorating more than a practical weapon, as a gift of political significance, with the arrival of King Esola. Star Kingdom, enter the royal treasure house."

Sakuel looked at the sketch in his hand and whispered words:

"Dragon Broken."

"A few years later, the big fortress built between the black sand collar and the northern border, on the side of the cold castle, is named after it."

"After more than a hundred years, through the fortress, the stars and the dragons attacked and defended, until Queen Elijah defeated the Exeter coalition six times in the famous "three-face pocket" campaign, and finally won The Cold Fort forced the northern Chinese to retreat to the northern plains, making the power of the Star Kingdom reach its peak."

Against the backdrop of the dim fire, the words of the Knights of the Penalty wandered in the darkness of the ruin, and the murders of the times were faintly heard.

Sacuel gently released his finger and let the paper fall to the ground.

He slowly retracted his eyes from the void and his eyes returned to clarity.

"Of course, perhaps one of the reasons why the stars of the year introduced this weapon was that they did worry about the legendary Sky Queen, worried that it would intervene in the political situation when Exeter was weak, so that they had at least one A weapon that can theoretically limit it -- even though it never shows up."

Sacreel is faint.

"It appeared," said Semir, who had been silent for a while, whispering: "The legendary dragon was in the city of Longyan six years ago."

This sentence made Sackel slightly shocked, and also caused Taylors to ponder.

"On the night when the Nunn King died."

Semir sighed: "The dragon that we thought was the character of the story descended from the sky, and destroyed a disaster before the dragon city became a ruin."

The cell was silent for a long time inside and outside.

Until Sackel closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that I have missed a lot during these years."

Ricky seems to be unable to listen to Sak's infinite and narration of the subject. He stepped forward and asked straight:

"But what I don't understand is..."

"How did the royal secret treasures of the Fuxing Palace flow to the Tower of the End?"

Sacuel squinted and shook his head.

"Ghosts know," the attitude of the penalty knight was not so good in the face of strangers. I saw his expression indifferent: "After a decade ago, for the king's wedding, many things in the treasure house were collected. Maybe this thing is on the list, who remembers."

and many more.

Tyre's ears moved.

King's wedding?

Which king?

Is it Keither V? Is he still the wedding of the prince?

With that...Keah Queen?

In front of Thales, there was a beautiful figure holding a doll, and his heart was blank.

"So we can confirm?"

Looking at the paper falling on the ground, Semir turned his head and looked at Ricky. He seemed to be asking for his opinion: "After a dozen years ago, under the order of the king, the dragon was removed from the treasure house?"

But Sacuel was just a look of carelessness, leaning against the wall at random:

"Yes or not, is this important?"

Semir is about to refute, but Ricky is faster than him.

"Good, let me change the question."

The leader of the sword of the disaster is still a cloud of light, like a smile, but Taylors feels faintly hidden in his tone: "What is special about the Broken Dragon? It does not Other secrets?"

Sakuel changed his position and the fire pulled a long shadow on the wall.

"What do you want to know?" His words gradually revealed impatience.

"In the record, this ancient weapon was dusty for a long time in the kingdom of the sacred tree. Even the sacred elves themselves knew it, and they would send it as a political dowry, not to mention the end of life."

The penalty knight is cold and authentic.

Ricky stared at him in detail, but his expression gradually changed.

It seems that the air around it is beginning to be suppressed.


The last temperature on Ricky's face disappeared: "Do you really know, or are you stupid?"

Sacuel squinted and looked back at the stranger outside the fence from his eyes.

"I am tired, you must go quickly," the penalty knight did not cooperate with the other party's meaning, but also opened coldly:

"Before the guards appeared."

Semir was a little anxious. He looked at the old colleague's unmovable look. When he was preparing to talk to his cheeks, Ricky laughed.

But Taylors felt the chill in his laughter.

"You know why we spent such a big price, but also come here to ask you these questions, penalty knight?"

The first tie of the sword of the disaster is slowly sneer:

"Because what we really want to know is..."

Sakuel still leans against the wall, and walks back to observe his nails.

It seems to be indifferent to everything.

Until Ricky asked his question.

"Thirty years ago, this piece that Semir had seen, you personally cared for, the so-called Broken Dragon," only listened to Ricky:

"Is it the legendary anti-magic armor?"

Ricky's whispered resounding in the hall.

That second, the fire flashed slightly, and the inside and outside of the cell was in absolute silence.

Soon, the breath of Taylors was unconsciously disordered, and it was only by the sin of the prison river that it was stable.

what did he say?

He said - legendary anti-magic armed?

Tyres stared at the piece of paper under his feet and slowly picked it up.

That is to say, that is to say -

Sealed the head of the world of Giza six years ago...

The dragon in the book of Selma...

The black sword of interest to the mercenaries in the pub...

The broken dragon in Sak's mouth...

The black sword that the swords of the disaster encountered in the recent time, the "broken dragon" that you saw...

Staring at the familiar and strange patterns on the paper, in just a few seconds, one event, the same kind of elements, a clue, in the brain of Taylors.

But at that moment, someone was more ruined than Tyres!



A loud bang, with a muffled sound, pulled Taylors back to reality.

He turned his head and was surprised to see that Sakuel, who did not know when to lean on the fence, fell heavily on the ground in a light smoke.

The penalty knight did not care about the pain he suffered. He just struggled to get up. His face was the shock and fear that Taylor had never seen since he saw this man.

"what did you say?"

Saciel bit his teeth and stood up straight, staring at the cold Ricky outside the cell, his voice shook with a rare tremor:

"What is armed?"

It seems to have seen the end of the world.

Looking at this kind of Sac El, the first thing that should have been most surprised is that Taylors calmed down.

He felt that something had happened.

And the few people in front of you are the insiders.


Outside the prison, Ricky’s tone was faint and self-sufficient:

"Your look... I understand."

Ricky and the sinful Sac Elmer looked at each other, and the coldness on his face slowly replaced with dignity.

"It turns out seems that you really don't know."

On the other side, Semir was clearly outside the situation. He spoke to Sackel and looked at Ricky. He said with the same questions as Tyres: "What?"

But neither Sackel nor Ricky seemed to care about his leisure.

The former's breathing is getting more and more urgent, the latter secretly sinking and muttering to himself.

Sakuel’s chest was together and his breath was so fast, but it was not as good as his uncharacteristic urgency:

"tell me."

The penalty knight gnaws his teeth, and the mark on his forehead is incredibly obvious: "What you just said... What legendary anti-magic armed?"

"tell me!"

Ricky stood in the same place, his brows scorned.

A few seconds later, in the face of the other's eager to answer, he nodded to Semir on one side:

"tell him."

Sakuel immediately looked at Semir, his eyes were sharp, aggressive, and faint.

Semir squinted at Ricky strangely, but still silently spoke.

"According to the information we got from the terminal tower, Saciel, this...the so-called dragon breaker," Semir seems to be hesitant and does not seem to understand, "is a legendary anti-magic armed."

That second, Sac Elman was Hu Yan’s face pale.

"No..." He stared at the void in front and fell into his own words.

Semir is right: "Our intelligence is undoubtedly - it is said that this legendary anti-magic arm has been verified to seal the disaster."

Tyres unconsciously squeezed his fist.

He remembered the scene six years ago, the short sword that exudes red light seems to echo the blood in his body, seemingly life.

In the cell, Saciel’s eyes shifted back and forth, as if he had seen what was the most incredible thing.

"No, no, no..."

He muttered, eventually straightened his eyes and slid down to the ground.


Semir sighs slightly:

"Yeah, we never know, the original royal family still hides such a legendary anti..."

But he hasn't finished yet, and Sakuel behind the fence suddenly looks up!

"Do not!"

The prisoner with a sudden change in his face screamed and suddenly interrupted Semir’s words:

"No, it is not like this!"

"It's not, no!"

As he screamed, he beat the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sudden outbreak of the penalty knight made Semir unprepared. He was surprised to see Sakuel, who was breathing heavily and trembling, unknown.

Is he... crazy again?

Outside the cell, Ricky silently looked at the prisoner who had become abnormal again, without saying a word.

Tyres is as unclear as Semir, and there are many doubts.

"Do not……"

Finally, Sackel finally stopped the action of the squatting and slammed the floor.

"Dragon Broken Dragon... Broken Dragon?"

He shook his head incredulously, as if he wanted to ask for help from the people in the void.

The fire was so low that the air was full of surprises from several people outside.

Ricky sighed slightly and said an inscrutable statement: "It seems, you understand, yes."

Sakuel’s expression changed back and forth several times, and the emotions of the various colors stirred up.

A few seconds later, the prisoner in the prison seemed to figure out what was going on, and his horrified face faded away.

His shoulders began to shake.

The next moment, the long-faced man looked up, his face turned awkward and helpless, and he laughed nervously:

"Hah, ha, that's it!"

For a full ten seconds, Sackel’s laughter echoed in the hall.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The laughter is full of relief and then the sorrow seems to contain pains that cannot be solved, and the doubtful Taylors feel uncomfortable.

"Ha ha ha..."

In the end, Saciel’s sorrow slowly disappeared.

He kneels in the same place, slowly closes his eyes and spits out a call full of remorse and pain:

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

Thales frowned.

He does not understand.

Sackel’s laughter disappeared, but another laughter followed.

"Ha ha ha ha, Eddie II, a good king of Changzhi!"

Compared with the pain and embarrassment of the penalty knight, this laughter is full of heroic and magnificent, like the excitement and desire after seeing the truth.

"A good king of kind!"

Both the prince and Semir turned their heads in surprise and looked at Ricky, who suddenly laughed, watching the rare excitement and ecstasy on his face.

Eddie II?


The doubts of Tells are more complicated.

"Ricky?" Semir asked.

But the leader of the Sword of Disaster did not pay attention to him, but immersed himself in the rare joy and pleasure, and laughed loudly:

"Whether it is the revival king, the dragon riding king, the front king, or the big Cadillac, these so-called heroes in the history of mankind, their wonderful achievements, timid pride, really less than one in ten thousand!"

Ricky laughed at the extreme, snapping his thighs happily, in sharp contrast to the painful tremors and trembling of Rysac Elena.

"18 years ago, 18 years ago! It's a pity, it's a pity!"

In his eyes, he released a rare excitement and said: "Why didn't I be in Xilu in the past, and I didn't witness this magnificent and exciting crazy scene!"

Ricky turned and looked excitedly at the tales in the drums, his arms swaying and holding the prince's shoulders!

Tyres snorted, and he felt that the other party did not have the slightest effort, as if he was really happy to forget everything.

The torch swayed sharply on Ricky's hand, sprinkling a point of ignition.

"Children, you should be proud of it!"

Ricky was short of breath, as if he was full of emotions, watching the rise and fall of the ages of the travellers, long sighed: "Your grandfather, is the greatest and most fearless supreme king in the history of mankind since the end of the war!"

Tyles looked at him in a dull manner, feeling the unusual passion in his words, and couldn't help but ask.

But Semir is faster than him, and the former Royal Guard’s flag officer asked solemnly:

"Sac El? Ricky? What the **** is going on?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ricky's laughter slowly disappeared.

He loosened the shoulders of Tyres and took the paper from the prince's hand, but did not answer the question of Semir.

"The penalty knight, I finally confirmed it again," Ricky replied with a normal expression, solemnly watching Sakuel, who was lost in the prison: "This thing, the so-called broken dragon, 18 years ago, from your hand On the top, when you shed from the treasure chest, is it just a broken dragon?"

Sakuel trembled a little, as if he woke up from a nightmare.

He smiled nervously.

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Sakuel's thick laughter swayed out of his chest, filled with empty holes: "Look at it now, think about it that year..."

The penalty knight hangs his head, low and low:

"Do you still need to confirm?"

Ricky laughed.

He turned around.

"Semir, let's go."

Ricky underestimated the authenticity, but the look in his eyes was full of unprecedented self-confidence: "We are not white."

He stepped forward and left Sackel behind him.

Stay in the boundless darkness.

But Semir was quietly speaking.


The flag-flag officer raised his head coldly and raised the torch. His tone was full of dissatisfaction:

"I need an explanation."

Ricky’s footsteps stopped.

Tyres frowned and looked at the interaction between the two.

Ricky sighed and turned back.

"Semir, you are from the nobles of the king, tell me..."

"How did we win the battle for the end?"

His expression was light and his mouth was slightly tilted. It seemed that this was just the most unusual friend conversation.

Semir first took a brief glimpse and then subconsciously opened:

"The legendary anti-magic armed."

Ricky made a snap and saw his ease at the moment.

He turned and approached Semir, ignoring Sakuel, who had low hair and trembled, as if he had lost value.

"Yes, for more than 600 years, as their biggest nemesis, every legendary anti-magic armed weapon can seal the disaster."

Ricky whispered:

"But ironically, every legendary anti-magic armor that can seal the scourge is paved by the strength of the two most powerful disasters, together with the wisdom of the human mage, and countless costs during the end of the war. Co-casting."

That moment, Taylors is a scream!

and many more!

They are talking about...

A nice male voice rang in his mind, awakening memories of the recent time.

[Under the counters we don't know, the two magicians who have always seemed to be out of the way, who have remained neutral, have already cooperated with humans and the survivors of the magic tower... to create the largest nemesis of the magician. ......

[The legendary anti-magic armed. 】

In the black prison, Ricky continued to speak in the face of Semir’s burning eyes:

"Until the victory of the war, the Master was extinct, the two magical queens parted ways, the human alliance collapsed, and the famous catastrophe hunter group was disbanded. A limited number of legendary anti-magic armed forces spread around them."

"However, what most people don't know is," Ricky sneered. "Bloodthorn and Blackberry, the two most powerful disasters on the same front as us, as the founders of the legendary anti-magic armor... ”

"In their works, they secretly moved their hands and feet."

Semir glimpsed: "Do you move your hands and feet?"

Tyres’s breath was so fast that he unconsciously straightened his body.

Once memories have captured his brain again:

[Wait, I thought of a problem... If the legendary anti-magic arm is the greatest nemesis of the magician...]

[What about the two emperors? Will the weapons they create themselves not pose a threat to themselves? 】

At that moment, the appearance of Thales was the elegant smile of the blue man and his faint eyes with blue light.

[Ask well, you are getting closer and closer to the truth of the world, His Royal Highness. 】

Taylors stunned.

He understood what.

Until Ricky’s words came quietly:

"The post-war human heroes proved with tragic facts that all the existing legendary anti-magic armed forces could not seal the blood spines and the black orchids."

Semir in the black prison light eyebrows.

I saw Ricky smiled and dropped the torch: "Yes, the strongest weapon in the end of the battle can seal almost every magician, end the disaster they bring, but they can't hurt their founders, even if they One point, one."

The torch fell to the ground, splashing Mars, but gradually dimmed in the rolling.

No longer glowing and glowing.

"Yeah, think about it too. If I were them, why do you want to do something that hurts others?"

Ricky looked up and sighed softly in a dark black prison:

"So, bloodsucker and black orchid, the two magic queens as the world's most powerful magician, as an exception to the seal, such as two unbreakable taboos, across the world."

"They have not been able to control for many years, and they are superior to everything. They have created a seven-century terrorist balance in the world of Errol. The nations and all ethnic groups are like a cold, and they are angry."

Listening to Ricky's words, with a touch of horror and a little understanding, Thales's thoughts turned more flexible.

The words of one of his mysterious teachers sounded again:

[But the secret of the legendary anti-magic armed forces has been pinched in the hands of the double emperors, we do not know. 】

[This is the shackles that have been pressed against our shoulders for nearly seven hundred years. 】

[It’s hard to solve. 】

At that moment, he felt that many fogs had come to light since he came to the world, and many mysteries were solved.

There is more than one person who has this thought.

Semir’s cheeks moved slightly.

He seemed to want to understand something and raised his head abruptly:

"Wait, the Broken Dragon was not a legendary anti-magic eighteen years ago...that is to say..."

Semir’s words stagnate and his face freezes.

Ricky looked up and laughed, and laughter was spread in the hall.

"Yes, although I don't know the details, if we didn't guess wrong..."

Ricky took a deep breath and bowed his head.

His eyes reflected Semir's torch in the dark, sharp and sharp, like a beast hunting.

Ricky was light and easy, and the paper with the broken dragon on his hand slipped:

"Eighteen years ago, the first and only legendary anti-magic arm that was not from the hands of the Queen of Magic..."

"In the Kingdom of Stars, on the embryonic base of this dragon, it is awesome."

His voice is like a swimmer sitting by the fire in the night, but the rhythm is mysterious.

The whole of Semir was frozen.

As Ricky's words gradually spread, the atmosphere in the black prison was never so terrible, as if they were talking about it, the most unbearable secret in the world.

Tyres stared blankly at the piece of paper that floated twice in the air and landed on the burning torch on the ground.

"Eighteen years ago, the king of Changzhi, Eddie Comet II, and his star kingdom, recreated the miracle of the ancestors of the end of the war, creating an unprecedented taboo weapon."

Ricky's voice became fierce and dignified, with a faint chill that went straight to the back of the wales:

"There is no legendary anti-magic armed with no traces of double emperors."

The broken dragon on the paper with the flame tongue dyed the still clear sketch into a disturbing sizzling black.

It is thicker than the hue in the black cell, and it is deeper.

"A secret weapon that completely seals blood and black orchids..."

Ricky’s voice came out cold and cold, and every word was accompanied by the burning of the paper:

"One that can completely end their horror haze for seven centuries..."

"Perfect anti-magic armed."


The flames trembled and Mars burst.

Tyre's thinking is almost frozen, he only feels breathing stagnation, cold hands and feet.

The inexplicable attitude of the Black Prophet.

Aishida’s fanaticism.

The Duke of the Northern Territory was in hysterical before the prison.

King Nunn was intriguing when he told the truth.

The words of the little slicker were stopped.

And... the secret of the Year of Blood.

Countless terrible answers and questions climbed into my heart.

"Of course," Ricky sneered:

"It's also in the **** year, the comet's royal family went to the prison river..."

"The ferry bell."

In the darkness, the punishment of the knight with a trembling voice slowly sounded: "No..."

Taylor suddenly felt that the surrounding environment was so dark, so dead, so - cold.

Ricky eats and laughs, against Sakuel's faint sob:

"Unimaginable, Eddie II, such a worldly seemingly incompetent, almost incompetent mediocrity king."

Ricky's face appeared in the darkness with layers of shadows, accompanied by his endless sighs and ridiculous voices, gradually spreading:

"He is probably the first authority since the end of the war, the authority and strength of the disaster, the strength and pride of the double emperor, while stepping on the soles of the feet..."

"Human king."


A soft bang, the torch on the ground broke out the last Mars.

The unusually short swords on the drawing paper were reduced to ashes.

The inch is broken.

Drowning in the boundless darkness.

Are people together? Done? Ok, stall, step on the gas!


Add nitrous oxide!

(End of this chapter)

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