Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Anonymous

Chapter 423 Unnamed

The blade camp, the bones of the bones, the ground exit is not far away.

In the dark night, a slightly fat man stood in the low alley, silently watching the huge hemispherical fortress in front, the most famous prison in the West and even the whole star.

He caged his sleeves and stared at the darkness, licking his lips and screaming.

A slightly heavy footstep sounded from behind him.

"The bones of the bones, no matter how many times you look at it, just like the ghost prince tower..."

The fat man does not look at the scene behind him, because he knows who is coming, just sighs: "These two things are equally annoying."

The slightly heavy footsteps stopped behind him.

The fat man yawned in the darkness and the cold wind, still did not look back: "You came out, so fast?"

The person behind him seems to nod.

A slightly thicker voice came out with a touch of chill and alienation: "After ten minutes, their external vigilance was slack, and I guessed it was guilty."

Listening to this reluctant tone, the slightly fat man shrugged.

But he knows that people behind him have always been like this, and they don’t care.

Until the fat man turned his face, he looked at the person behind him.

Only this one eye, he scared him away, picked it up from the ground, and jumped three feet!

I can’t wait for the people behind me to be as far as possible.

"My God! Nob!"

The fat man pressed his voice with his voice, his hands in front of him, and he looked at his peers with great horror.

Looked at the latter's body, a lot of **** and seductive costumes.

Looking at the companion's tracing red thrush, lip gloss and dazzling makeup.

Looking at each other's posture, the action is charming, if you pull the loose shoulder strap, if you have nothing to do, put a piece of shoulder skin exposed in the sand, together with the bulging chest landscape, all into the tulle-like clothing.



The fat man couldn’t stop the tremors and shook his fingers at Nobu: "I know this is a job need, disguise, sneak into the crowd, but,..."

He looked at his peers in horror:

"But do you have to wear a glamorous dress, beheaded, dressed as a prostitute in the street?"

"Is there a problem?" Nob turned his head, his tone was understated, and the light clothes were allowed to float in the cold wind, almost obscuring the body.

And this makes the fat man on one side shudder, and he refuses to look at each other, and squeezes his smile:

"Of course no problem, except for the only one..."

The fat man took a sigh of relief and said the truth in pain:

"What are you special about?"


In the scream of deliberately depressing the voice, the man named Nob just looked at his strong body shrouded under the tulle, and the lightness was light:

"Is there a problem?"

The fat man almost fainted, and he hid back into the alley, sadly according to his forehead:

"My God, Nob, you know what your women's looks like... Is it environmental pollution? Look at your cyan crimson with a lipstick, a big mouth, a tiger's back..."

The fatter person said that the more sad, Nobu could not help but look back at him.

"No, please don't turn your head, don't turn your head and look at me! I have to go back to wash my eyes today. The visual lethality after you have changed clothes is too big..."

The fat man's lingering glimpse of the other side of the light and flexible skirt, seeing the looming thick thighs and thick legs underneath, cheeks involuntarily twitched.

Coupled with a huge chest muscle...

There is also a serious face...

The fat man only felt the belly tumbling.

The goddess of the moon is on, don't wait for the book, now throw the rock down and kill me with him!

Nob looked at his own shocking dress again, and he didn't care to grin.

This smile with a sly smile is almost charming, and almost scared the man who had just slowed down.

"This is the essence, Gomez, just like your reaction now."

Nob's faint confidence in Gomez:

"When I dress up as a woman, the ugliness and discomfort brought about by the intentional contrast, breaking through the conventional abruptness and horror, but letting people subconsciously turn around and avoiding, you will not have much interest to pay attention to a lame man who has a disguise There won't be any other secrets—such as whether he is a deliberately lurking person.

Nob said, habitually reaching out and gathering the hair that did not exist.

Gomez stunned his chest and still insisted on using only the light to talk to his peers:

"You... are you sure you are reading more poetry?"

Nob's eyes glanced at Gomez, and the eyebrows looked forward to life and seemed to be angry.

Let Gomez once again have the urge to retire immediately.

Gomez can only breathe out a painful sigh of relief, pointing his finger at the distant bones of the bones, and he is very calm and calm about himself:

"Forget it... So, what do we have for this meal today?"

"What to eat?" Nob no longer consciously swayed his blouse and shook his head steady:

"The list of intelligence is clearly there."

The fat Gomez had a red face and coughed, only to take a piece of paper from the belt and slowly unfold.

"Okay, let me see..."

Gomez looked at the paper in his hand, and he suddenly felt awkward and spirited. The haze that was almost scared by Nob before was swept away.

"Well, first of all, the appetizer and the appetizing soup," he looked at the bones of the distant bones with enthusiasm.

"A private envoy of the king of the northern land."

Gomez stopped his words and held back his nausea. He looked at Nob, who was wearing a dress: "When you are inside, do you see him?"

Nob still looks indifferent, just nodded slightly.

"Russell Vader, the baron of the former Longyan City, witnessed the confirmation," Nob was quiet, but only a little bit of seriousness in his eyes. " Six years ago, I followed him all the way until surveillance. Into the Yongxing City."

Gomez nodded with satisfaction, and the short index finger stretched out on Russell’s name. The momentum was like the lord’s seal.

I saw Gomez in the cold wind:

"Well, the original baron may not be blind, but the relationship is the biggest, the status is the most special, is the key to connecting everything, the Lord has instructions, be sure to ask his relationship with the darkroom, maybe pull out the nails of the darkroom - ah It’s not bad, the appetizer is good, the quantity is small and the quality is excellent, and the entrance is exquisite.”

Nobu nodded facelessly.

Gomez blew the paper on his hand and turned his eyes to the next person.

"Then, the much-anticipated main course."

Gomez’s eyes are bright again: “Wow, guess what we have?”

"A whole pot of shadow assassins, full of sincerity!"

He is elated.

Just as before, Nob slowly vocalized and responded to Gomez's gaze.

"Cauise, the surname is ominous, the original Northland wanderer, codenamed 'Torch', witnessed confirmation."

Just listen to Nob's plain and authentic:

"He is the most valuable goal in the world. It is in line with the description of the ‘Imaginary Action’ six years ago. The Lord is very concerned about him, especially to find out the nails he put on the top of the Western Expedition – even the news.”

Gomez smirked and screamed like a top steak:

"This may be the biggest gathering of the Shadow Shield since the 18th year - the meat is delicious, the quality is excellent, as long as it is properly cooked, it must be human."

Nob is undecided, but elegantly mentions a skirt that has been contaminated with some dust.

"Next, side dishes," Gomez continued to read his list, with great interest:

“The middleman of the mercenary business, the famous ‘my family’ tavern owner.”

Nob slightly frowned.

"Tampa, the successor of ‘half-mouth’ Rooney’s more than a decade ago, witnessed the confirmation,” said the man in the women’s dress: “The intelligence and money in the hand will not be less.”

Gomez’s eyes turned lightly:

"This guy has always been very slippery, not falling, but after a battle, we want to make him flat and round, how to put him on the floor... Oh, well, this side dish is more or less Some tired..."

Gomez seemed to helplessly shake his head and look at the last line.

"Next is the last dessert."

This time, Gomez looks like:

"The blood whistle, the famous war mercenary group."

Nob's face sank.

"The sword of disaster, witnessed confirmation."

"Their bosses don't seem to appear very often, I can't recognize it... but one of them stayed with me for a long time, then went on, and his companion called him Josh, who seemed to be a regular cook and couldn't speak. Come; the other is the Cray who is stationed in the Northland; there is also one, suspected to be the fugitive of our kingdom for many years, the former royal servant second-place flag officer, Colin Semir."

Hearing this, Gomez’s mouth curled up:

"The deadly enemies of the last towers... Oh, forget it, it’s a dessert after dinner, and it’s a lingering, endless aftertaste, okay.”

He blinked slightly and licked his lips, seemingly feeling the taste of dessert.

Nob looked at him, still not saying.

Gomez licked his fat hand and filled the paper with excitement, like a man who came home after a busy day:

"So, this is the menu of today, it's on the same... The sissy person should be almost in place. When do we act, close the net, and then open the meal?"

He looked at Nobu, the women's dress with great hope, trying not to look at the skirt that the latter was blown by the wind, and the looming scenery at the bottom of the skirt.

"Do not."

But Nob just shook his head decisively: "We don't act."

Gomez's smile solidified.

"Do you say it again?" The fat man can't believe it.

"The unknown person found me in prison: the prince is also inside," Nob straightforward:

"We can't act."

"What about that - just the prince..." The fat man was very dissatisfied at first, until he understood the other person's words.

The face of Fat Gomez has changed.


"Wait, you mean the heir to the kingdom who came back from the North?"

Nob did not speak, and nodded very little.

Gomez's lips opened and closed, silently twitching: "Our scorpion and fake bait for this action - that ruined our innumerable plans?"

Nob nodded.

Gomez, like seeing something that wasn’t clean, raised a pair of chubby short hands in horror and grabbed his mouth.

"I - you - this - no - yes - that is the bones of the bones! He, he again and again... how did it get in? Is it caught? Or like you, sell The **** went in?" The fat man looked at each other with a shocked look, and even the latter's clothes were forgotten.

"I hope I know," Nob shook his head:

"But the nameless person told me that."

The fat man wants to argue, and the words are on his lips.

He could only take a slap in the face of his face.

"I am really **** - do you know what it is like?"

"It’s like the appetizer, the main course, the side dish, and the dessert. The guests are wiping their mouths and drinking a small wine. When they are satisfied with the nod, the predator of the prodigy, but with a large dish of pungent sauce, is unpleasant. Shrimp, suddenly burst out: Surprise! Hey, there is a dish, haha! Hold your nose, give me a sip, idiot!"

Gomez, the fat man, danced and danced, screaming and swearing.

"It’s a genius, he, he, he just ruined the whole table!"

"The most interesting thing is that we are the idiot!"

Gomez looked like a face to collapse.

But Nob was unmoved, just shaking his head and his voice was low:

"What's worse is that the prince was held in the black prison, and rash action is just a meaningless adventure, we have to wait."

Gomez’s face changed again:

"Black prison?"

Nob nodded.

"No," Gomez is unbelievable:

"The question is, how did they get into the black prison? The Shadow Shield is so capable, can you open the magic lock? What do they do to the black prison? Release the political prisoner? Search the antiques of the Alchemy Tower?"

Nob shook his head and looked cold and indifferent:

"This is what we have to figure out."

Gomez finally calmed down and gritted his teeth:

"What is going on below? In which side of the prince is it? What did the nameless say?"

"We don't have the keys, we don't know the situation below, we have to wait for the baron to come back and redeploy before we can act." Nob carefully bowed his head: "And the nameless, you know,"

"He doesn't have much words."

"Great, the task of getting in touch with the unnamed is always thrilling," Gomez satirized: "And we can't do anything until a cold-blooded sissy with the army to support, or, wait until Since the trouble, the prince of the murdered prince was rescued by the unknown?"

Nob pulled his skirt down and silently nodded.

Gomez took a sip: "It's hard to imagine, now our menu, I hope that the unknown person who is the same as the neuropathy."

Nob brows.


"The unknown person..."

The man in the women’s dress whispered: “He is not a member of Corey, but he can act with us more than once. He often grasps the key to the situation. Let us cooperate with him. Do you know what it stands for?”

Nob pointed coldly to the top.

Gomez’s face was stiff and he grinded his teeth:

"Damn nepotism?"

Nob did not speak.

The fat man was so sad that he exhaled a patriotic sigh of darkness in the officialdom and fainting of the royal family.

"Well, then wait here, go to the **** black prison - if the cold-blooded girl knows that his beloved toy house has been invaded, it will certainly not be happy."

Nob shook his head:

"That's not our problem."

In the sound of the wind and sand, two people waited for a while in the alley next to the prison of the bones.

"Speaking back, Nob," maybe tired of silence, maybe unable to withstand the cold, Gomez digs his ear and opens:

"There is no name, even though he has always been mysterious, but he does not fight, but..."

The fat man glanced at Nobu carefully.

"Are you really willing?"

Nob slightly frowned.

"You know, after Norfolk hangs, Lancer leaves, and Booker, you are the first of the three "wise men" in Corey, talking about the qualifications and the achievements in the West, regardless of It’s the **** year or the desert war, you are the best fit for the Lord’s successor...”

I saw the fat man shrinking his neck, if you pointed out the truth: "But ten years ago, when the ridiculous boy came, the Lord trained him as a successor and even got access to the "status" level of intelligence..."

Nob suddenly turned his head!

This time, he has no enchanting look or deliberate weakness in the women's dress. A pair of shots in the eyes are a warning of fierce cold!

Let the fat man subconsciously cold.


Nob is literally:

"Do you know, who is the fastest in the secret?"

Gomez was cold and knew that he had said the wrong thing. He replied with a swallow:

"Amount, too many people?"

Nob smiled coldly.

"No," the women's peers bit their teeth, like a beast before the killing: "I think too many people..."

The fat man looked a little stunned and slammed his mouth.

The atmosphere has become very stiff.

Until Nob chuckled and added the last sentence:

"...and fat man."

Gomez looked stiff.

He looked at his slightly fat body, and he shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand: "Forget it..."

"Anyway, your level is higher than me... you are happy."

The two regained their former silence and silently watched the dark and deserted desert horizon.

After a while.

"I said, Nob... that..."

Nob turned back impatiently.

I saw the fat man's face reddish, his face twisted, and a coughing faintly:

"Are you going to wear women's clothes in the future?"


In the black prison of the last layer, no one knows how it happened.

Including Semir.

In that zero o'clock, the former Royal Guards flag officer only saw the light of the fire shining a dark color, which gradually appeared in front of Ricky.

Just like the air instantly turns into a paper with a little bit of ink, fainting the creation of the hand.

But this dark color shows not the beauty, not the still life.

It is a blade.

Semir is eager to remind Ricky.



But he found that when he recognized the shape of the blade, the weapon that appeared out of thin air had slanted up into Ricky’s throat, breaking his cartilage, squatting, tongue, cerebellum, and back skull. Wear it mercilessly.

Even the fastest brain thoughts can't keep up with the shock of this moment.

"Hey!" The metal is in the sound of meat.

The leader of the sword of the disaster only had time to make a sigh, and it trembled!

Ricky stared at the unbelievable eyes, staring at the figure that appeared with the blade in front of him - a face-to-face standing in front of him, the action was unremarkable, but the assassin who sent the blade with one hand.

But he was already unable to return to the sky - under the piercing of the blade, the slain of the sorcerer's sword was only the "giggle" bleed from the mouth, and could not stop the trembling but uncontrolled limbs.

It’s like being lost and ignorant.

The assassin gently retracts the dark blade and shakes off the blood.


Ricky knees on his knees and his upper body falls.

He twitched and lost his life in the blood pool that was sprayed out of his neck.

Still holding on to the eyes that are hard to die.


This is the next thought of Semir, whose brain is almost blank.

A powerful person like Ricky...

This trick of Shadow Shield...

how come……

How can it work?

The next moment, like the paper stained with water stains, the assassin's figure disappeared again.

In a fraction of a second, Semir’s instinct allowed him to pull the sword, and he was ready to scream!


But in addition to the friction between metal and leather, another attack brought a fierce wind from the darkness and broke through!

Once the flag-bearer official took out a perfect sword-style, backhand cut out, and opened the hidden weapon.


Semir saw this, it was a torch that had been extinguished for a long time.

In that direction, the look of Tyres, who kept the torch position, looked at him indifferently.

But the most unexpected thing about Semir was that he was shocked by the fact that the prince’s torch was not only angled, but also with a strange swirling force, causing his sword to tremble slightly!


In the time of zero and a few seconds, Semir looked at the indifferent Tyles.


Despite the lack of proficiency, lack of strength, the method is not very orthodox...

But that's right.

That technique.

He has met.

Just eighteen years ago.

on that day!

Semir is unbelievable.


Why is the prince of the Star Kingdom...

Actually, the fierce assassin's flower will be used, and the unique flying knife skills of the Saarton family will be used!

Kill the knife!

The loss of Semir only lasted for 0.11 seconds.

But this is enough.

In the blink of an eye, the sinister ink that once took Ricky’s life, appeared again behind the former flag officer!

The murderousness filled and forced Semir's hair to stand upright!


Before falling to the ground and losing his mind, the singer of the flag officer heard the scream of the prince:

"Leave your mouth!"


With a muffled sound, Semir fainted to the ground.

When you are.

His torch and long sword landed at the same time.

Not far from him, the body in Ricky's pool was motionless and there was no more sound.


Tyres took a deep breath and relaxed his nerves for a long time.

The sin of the prison river on the arms, waist and calves gradually subsided, mimicking the soreness of the slashing posture of Yala.

Tired he sat down.


Tyres breathed the air with a big mouth, but smiled.

These swords of disaster.

Damn mercenary.

How great people are!

The prince secretly groaned in his heart.

After waiting for so long, I was forced to wait for the opportunity to place a single order!

The real strong man is planning everything, not winning for a moment, not only the strength of the size, not a certain moment of honor and disgrace.

At the end of the laugh, it is the winner!


Looking at Ricky and Semir on the ground, Teres screamed in his heart for a few seconds, which wiped the sweat on his forehead and smirked.

The sound of screaming behind him seemed to face the momentary lore of the rabbit's fall, and Sackel in the fence was also secret.

But Taylors has no reason to deal with him.

He looked up and looked at the front of Semir, the dark figure.

Tyres sat on the ground and gasped, massaging his sore right arm, looking at the back of the other person, and his heart was mixed for a while, and it was hard to say.

"You are... are you standing there?"

The prince opened the door.

The figure was a slight meal.

Finally, the figure slowly bent down and picked up the torch left by Semir and turned around.

Step by step to Tells.

The pace is light.

If nothing happens.

On the fire, Tyres silently looked at the person.

Still the same.

The same figure.

The same costume.

The same weapon.

The same... strange.

The man stood in front of Tells and seemed to be looking at him carefully.

Tyres said nothing, let him look at it.

It was not until a few seconds later that the other party was sullenly screaming a low-pitched voice.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Your Highness."

"You have grown up a lot."

Tyre's fist was tight and his heart was moving.

Hearing the familiar and unfamiliar voice, a long-lost feeling of intimacy and peace of mind came to mind.

Drive away every inch of fear and tension in his heart.

It seems that from this moment on, the overall situation has been set.

Taylors looked away, first took a deep breath, then snorted from the nose and shrugged.

"Just like this, there is nothing else to say?"

The fire in the black prison is slightly swaying.

The opposite figure was silent and did not say a word.

Taylors is also silent. He looks at the familiar dark purple mask on his face in a complicated way, and if there is nothing in the lens, including the dark glossy short sword in his hand, the first time they appear in their minds. The situation of meeting.

Silence did not last long.

The next second, the geek in front of the eyes put away the dagger, seriously step back, the right hand to raise the chest, the left hand to shake, one knee down.

As they met for the first time at Hongfang Street.

"Jordan Gato," the geek's tone is solemn and solemn, but slightly ups and downs:

"Once for you."

(End of this chapter)

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