Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Seven to three

Chapter 441 seven to three

Several embarrassing figures appeared one after another, passing by the breathless Taylors, or curious, or smashing the prince in a complicated way, and then greeted the enemy without hesitation.

Isolation of the prince from the battlefield.

And Tyres held a long sword and smiled.

Never lost.

This is one of the most precious gifts that Taylors got when he escaped from Longyan City:

Even in the black prison, Taylors can really sense that they are in the 18th floor of the underground, there is still a distance from the bottom of Sakuel, and not far from another group of prisoners.

That batch, the most special and the most embarrassing prisoner.

When Tyres seemed to be mad at the first sentence, the teenager actually doubted whether the fast rope could understand what he meant.

[Roll your mother's egg! Here is the 18th floor underground, moving your brain, where can I hide? 】——Where is the place where the 18th floor can hide “people”?

As it turned out, the fast rope that struggled for six years alone had enough urgency and strong desire for survival. He quickly understood the secret of Tyres:

[But I can't help it. Have you forgotten it? I am just a lame thief who can't open the door!" 】——Hid the cell of the group of prisoners? But I can't open the door.

After the first step of communication, Taylors can safely hand the key to the grotesque alchemy tower to the fast rope, and the communication they hide in the words is logical:

[Don't be a thief in the dark! Be a good man, a robber who robbed the door and robbed! 】——Don't worry about the door, take this key and unlock it directly!

【robber? Speaking lightly, I don't know how to be a robber...] - How can I use this key?

[Do you understand? Do not understand, you will not ask if you are fucking? 】—— Ask the prisoner inside, stupid!

Recalling the danger of being a genius, Tyres shook his head in mockery.

The situation in the field gradually got rid of the sudden confusion and became clear.


The strong prisoner who first raided the battlefield withstood a scimitar, made an unspeakable snoring, and exerted a force at his feet, hitting the enemy in a hard hit.

He never seemed to have stopped. He took the weapon he had seized and slammed it into the mercenary. Wherever he went, the swordman of the disaster turned over, but Taylors noticed that his angle of collision was very particular. The second time with the least cost in exchange for the biggest result.

The unprepared mercenaries were roaring and screaming, but they were forced to disrupt the formation and could not afford a decent multi-person defense.

"That's Sol Buri, the youngest son of the Brigid's family. It looks like a lot of retreats - it used to be much more powerful than before."

The lazy voice sounded before, seemingly doing nothing.

"He used to belong to the guard wing of the Guard and followed Tony to defend the safety of His Highness."

Guard wings?

Tyres looked back curiously and found that he was just the one who smiled at himself: he stood on the side of Tyres, playing with a sword he had just taken, and seemed to make up his mind.

But the prisoners of the Royal Guards were basically the same, and the prince didn't think about who it was.

In the distance, the sturdy Sol Buri, at the expense of a shoulder scratch, once again roared and smashed a mercenary who wanted to attack him.

"But as you can see, Brill started to be like a bear, we all think he should go to the vanguard wing - but the second prince took a sharp knife to the north, did not bring him, maybe It is suspected that he has more nonsense."

In the fierce battle, the lazy voice continued, and Tyres suddenly remembered: this voice seems to be the one who sang in prison before that -

The pace is rushing!

The prince's eyebrows moved: a figure was close to the speaker and rushed to them.


But not waiting for Tyres to be anxious to remind, this lazy person turned back like a long-eyed short shoulder, just right to avoid a knife from the side!

He held the second strike of the enemy, and immediately slammed the other's knees, and waved the sword at the moment when the mercenary lost his balance!

Bring a bottle of blood in the air.

Tyres’s reminder is in his mouth.

The lazy man turned back and wiped the blood of his chin, revealing the front teeth to Tyres like no one else:

"Fortunately, under the small hall, I am Thai Naki."

"The Earl of Honor of Yongxing City, the son of Davon Naki."

Naki pointed to himself, his expression was lazy, and even the sin of his left was set off:

"Please be sure to be familiar with my Highness, if you can, it is best..."

Tyres heard it one by one, but was interrupted by another sharp and mean voice.

"Thai Naki, one of the most boring idlers in the guard wing."

It was another man. He walked two people, showing a sharp and gloomy eye under his long hair, staring at Naki with a sinister look, which looked quite scary:

"Stay with him for a long time, you will be unlucky."

Naki stopped his words and touched his nose with helplessness.

Tyres raised his eyebrows and saw this mean man carrying a dart that didn't know where to come. He faced a sword with a shield holding a shield, but he was careful and didn't shoot until the other party rushed. He was flexible. Flashed to the side.

The mercenary who held the shield passed him by, and then the neck slammed, like a mountain collapse!


The mercenary was on the ground and the breathing gradually stopped.

He stared at the mean man in front, staring at the incredible eyes.

Tyres was taken aback, only to find out: When the deceased's neck, I don't know when to put a dart.

The mean man who throws the darts squats down and quickly smashes the enemy's leather armor and weapons, throwing it away to other companions who have no weapons, and even the darts that are inserted in the body are not missed:

"Speaking of this, idler Naki, why don't you come to the handle?"

Naki shrugged unconsciously and eloquently:

"Protection is my duty..."

The mean man stared at Naki with a sullen look, and the darts were re-issued in the hand to solve the enemy behind him.

Seeing the other side turned and joined the battlefield, the idler Naki frowned, raised his hand to block his mouth, and whispered to Tyres with a complaint:

"That's Sasna Nai, the **** second-time logistics officer... You see how he kills, full of the tricks of the logistics wing..."

"When I was out of the field, he gave us the worst hotel every time. You know, that kind of beer is like a horse, the swimmer sings like a pig, the bed sleeps like a chopping board, the girls touch A black shop with big birds..."

Taylors can only raise eyebrows.

In the noisy sound, the melee continued for only a dozen seconds.

The mercenaries encountered a surprise attack and lost the leader, but the experienced ones seemed to adjust quickly, organized a counterattack, and circled in the direction of Tyres. The top Brigade was slowly slowed down, Nai’s The pace has also been hampered.

But this time is enough for the rest of the prisoners to get their arms and arm themselves.

A squad prisoner with a strong hair and a "wild man" is far from the axe thrown by Nai, and he is axe!

At the moment of the intersection with the enemy's blade, the axe in the "wild man" hand trembled!

His enemies are smirking.

This is their special end power, as long as...

When Teres was surprised, it reminded me of an important thing!

"Be careful, their end..."

However, without waiting for Tyres to open, the "wild man" swooped fiercely and slammed into the enemy's arms!

In the eyes of the enemy's unsuccessful eyes, the "wild man" fell and fell down with his injury, and he got up and took another one.

His enthusiasm and hard-working means, and the words that Tyres worried about were hard-pressed.


This "wild man" screamed to remind his companions: "There is a problem with their end-force - it is the traitor of the group of towers!"

"Sword of Disaster!"

The mercenaries were shocked and seemed to be a little surprised at the fact that their bottoms were broken.

"Don't entangle with them, attack the key, hit it down!"

In the ups and downs of other prisoners, the fierce and savage "wild man" welcomes the next enemy.

"Oh, this guy who is so **** his body, Luton Belletti," said Tyre's side, and the neat Naki began to chatter again:

"The distant descendants of the famous Beletti family."

"Hey, he used to be a good person, eat and die with us..."

Was it?

"Until the old captain unexpectedly promoted him, he succeeded Sakuel and became the chief of the penalty wing."

Hearing the name, Tyres was sinking.

Naki looked at his eyes fiercely, like Bereti, who stood in front of the enemy like a beast, shaking his head like a singer:

"There is always a kind of person who says that together with the scum into a dog, he quietly squats out..."

"Leave you alone and continue to pounce on the street..."

During the talk, Naki suddenly changed his face!

He stepped back to Tyres and pushed the prince down.


Tyres coughed to hold the ground, and saw a hand axe across the top of his head in the horror and slammed into the wall.

"Don't worry, Your Highness."

Naki did not care to climb up from the prince's body, patted the dust on his body, and was not conscious of the attack by the flying axe:

"We have someone responsible for dealing with this type of sniper attack..."

When he didn't finish his words, Taylors saw it far away, and the mercenary who sent them a flying axe looked at him with a sharp edge on his chest!

As he was still shaking and touching his chest, a pair of thin arms stretched out from behind him, dragging him to the corner.

Taylors saw the guardian of the guard behind the knife, the so-called "special person":

Although his actions of dragging the body were incomparably skilled, the whole person was shivering, his eyes were frightened, his body was stunned, his sneaky sneaky, his hands and feet looked around, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

Tells recognized the look of horror.

It was the Guard prisoner who heard the shadow of the Shadow Shield in the dark.

"The skinny monkey is Jon Cannon, the detective rider of the pioneer wing, responsible for collecting intelligence, transmitting news, investigating threats..." Naki smiled and pulled the prince from the ground, and smothered the stunned prisoner:

"The private soldier from the comet family, the family is just a lord, but if he wants to look down on him, he can cut your throat in the middle of the night..."

"If it weren't for a temporary cold, the guy would have joined the Stars and the Duke of John."

There was a slight emotion in Naki’s words.

Tyres was not surprised to see Cannon, who was both thin and awkward. He left his opponent's knife and threw it to the next person.

Another figure took over the knife that Cannon handed and entered the sight of Tyres.

"Ha ha ha ha!" The former desolation laughter sounded again.

"The last time I swung my sword..."

This figure is very strange, the left hand holds the knife in the right hand holding the sword, the left hand knife is sharp, the right hand sword is strong, and the offensive alternates back and forth, which makes people dazzled and dazzling.

"Still in the palace of revival..."

Blood is splashing!

The prisoner who smiled and took the enemy took back the sword. His two opponents couldn't even hit a decent counterattack. They licked the deadly wounds on the thighs and neck and slowly fell down.

He turned and fanatically searched for the next goal.

"This mad side laughs and hands, is Guti Talding - the Tardin family is the dignitaries of the Central Collar, one of the same as the Belletti family, one of his seven grandsons, his great grandmother even It’s a princess, you can see it from his gorgeous moves.”

Naki looked envious of the sword and looked at the sword in his hand.

"But unfortunately, our Guti Talding rejected his father's "evil conspiracy" and eventually avoided the "tragic destiny" of inheriting the family business and becoming a happy rice worm. For noble love, he ran as a guard. ""

"Love?" Tyres frowned.

"Yeah, everyone knows that he was fascinated by Princess Constance..."

"A lot of nonsense, Naki," Taldin in the battle seems to have heard, and he doesn't go back to the big voice:

"I will be happy to help you sort out the kidneys!"

Naki shined the bright front teeth. First, he smiled innocently at Tarding. He didn't pay attention to it. He showed a look of "I saw it?"

Tyres took his eyes back from these former royal guards.

The rampage of the "bear" Buri, the cautious darts and the squadron of the logistics officer, the beastly tearing open the opponent's Beletti, the free corner of the detective Cannon, the sword flurry of Tarding, and the guards in the body Side lazy Naki...

This is a different skill, six people of different styles, cooperate with each other, and kill three hundred and ten times the swords of their own disasters, not a team.

Tyres frowned.

This is... 18 years ago, the Star Royal Guard?

"We have regressed a lot. If it was before, the Royal Guard formed a formation - ah, there is meat!" Nakinu grinned and rummaged through a corpse on the ground, making a happy embarrassment.

Tyres turned his eyes and looked at the seventh person.

The most calm, most calm, and most special in the field, just holding a pair of sword shields, slowly walked through the man in the center of the battlefield.

He seems to be a cold ice, and he is motionless in the face of a dangerous situation, but it bursts out after every pair of people who have killed him, such as the snow and ice collapsed like swords and shields!

The man passed through an enemy with a Bryvite force, and the Shield slammed down, hitting the enemy's knee, and the latter painfully receded, and immediately the Bronze hammered the sternum.

The third set of attack - cold attack.

Tyres silently.

After the man passed through two people, Belletti, suddenly broke into the battle group, the shield against the enemy blade, the sword opened the blood in the neck of the other person.

The third set of defensive styles - counterattack.

Tyres squeezed his fist: it was clearly a defensive style, and he was actually used to attack.

The man faced an imposing enemy, subtly deflecting the shield and slamming the enemy. Then, Nai’s darts came out of nowhere and broke the throat of the latter.

The first set of defensive styles - iron body.

Tyres tightened his lips: the first form he learned.

After passing through a strong enemy, the first strike was defeated by the other side's strong sword, but the sword was released and bullied into the other's arms. Both hands climbed the shield and angered out, and the enemy was shielded. The skull is born and concave.

The sixth set of attack and the second set of guards - the assault type?

Thales recognizes the two styles that are combined together, and the rumor can still be used like this.

The man with blood picked up his sword and just turned back, and a torch hit him!

Mars splashed and burned his clothes.

The enemy rushed fiercely.

Tyres was in a tight heart.

But the burning man did not retreat in one step, but instead made a progress in the shackles, with a fire and the other's long sword, waving a fierce shield!


In the next second, the man's blade pierced the enemy's jaw and put the other's back of the head on the wall. This pushed the enemy sword that scratched his arm and slowly smashed Mars.

The fifth set of attack - welcoming?

No, there are some like the second set of attack-side?

"Little Quill Barney," Naki noticed the eyes of Tells, sighing slightly:

"After Nolanur followed Horace north, the old captain named him as the chief vanguard."

"There is nothing to say, there are few in the team, with the same level of extremes as the guards Tony, Walker and ‘骷髅’, a man with a paranoid horrible.”

"And you can see that... he does not rely on his body, but he is fighting by his life. Eighteen years ago, he was as deadly as he was eighteen years later."

Little Quill Barney.

Tyres looked at the man with the sword shield in his hand, looked at him or with a contract partner, or attacked alone, as long as he took a few steps, he quickly and effectively knocked down one person.

Every time you fight, you are clean and quick.

Nothing to drag the water, no enemy.

Tyres was puzzled.


The same is the Northern Army military swordsmanship.

But why, in front of this man’s hand, just like that...


"Northland was once the toughest barrier of the empire. It was the first gathering place for the knights. It was also a scattered sand-like human being. It was a place against the origin of foreign enemies. This set of swordsmanship is full of war and The era of blood, death and hope bears witness."

Unconsciously, the familiar voice came to the front, steady and cold.

Tyres frowned and looked at the murderous little Barney.

"No matter who taught you this set of swordsmanship..."

"The seven sets of attacking three sets of defensive styles, seven to three, this ratio is for a reason," Xiao Quer Bani took a long sword from a body and looked at Tyres with a sly look:

"In those days, if there was no death with the enemy, the courage to take a risk..."

"There is no point in this sword."

"There will be no human empire that will be brilliant afterwards."

At that moment, in the **** background, Little Barney's eyes were aggressive.

"The most primitive killing is not to do the arithmetic than the size, nor to fight the style than the speed, and there is nothing to attack and retreat..."

Little Barney looked at him with great enthusiasm.

"It's a life!"

"If you gamble on your life, you may not be able to win," said Tyres, listening to the other person's words: "If you don't want to bet on your life, you will lose!"

"If you don't lose this time, you will lose the next time."

"The prince who has never met."


Changed the previous chapters, you can go back and look.

It will be revised in the next few days.

(End of this chapter)

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