Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 445: Someone needs an answer

Chapter 445 Someone needs an answer

In the boundless silence and the eyes of the crowd, Little Barney frowned and looked behind the penalty knight.

Looked at the man who appeared in the scabbard and appeared on his face with the same brand.

"It's you." Little Barney whispered, with a touch of disdain.

Finally, Sackel, who had been listening silently, sighed and turned slowly.

He showed a weak smile to the people behind him:

"I am very happy that you are fine."


I saw the second servant of the former Royal Guard, and the chief culprit who brought the sword of disaster to here. The person who had just been stunned by Jodel, Colin Semir, with his cold eyes, stood in Sac Behind him.

Taylors was a little embarrassed.

In the past 18 years, only the remaining nine former Royal Guard members, with nine ugly imprints of eternal life, reunited in this deepest, dark, dark, dirty, and invisible bones.

When I saw Semir, many people's faces were a bit complicated.

"Wow, people are really right," Naki’s voice came in untimely. His smile was stubborn, but Tyres could see that he was trying to ease the atmosphere:

"Bani, Saciel, and of course you, Semir, I really think that our old friends should sit down..."

Kesemi did not care about them, but just pointed to Sacreel and interrupted Naki:

"And he!"

"Respected Sakuel, the reason why he is tight-lipped, does not say anything, would rather respond with force..."

"Because that thing is about the depths of his heart, the dirtiest and darkest secret."

Semir speaks word by word, but every word seems to carry some kind of magic, so that everyone's breathing disorder is not smooth, making the atmosphere in the field more dignified.

Tyres frowned at Semir.

The latter sneered and glanced at the seven prisoners and continued:

"And they asked to cover up and vomit... because that's the scariest nightmare in their hearts, isn't it?"

The seven prisoners outside Sakuel exchanged their eyes, but Taylors tasted the horror and dodge.

Little Barney even closed his eyes.

"Not only Sakuel."

The words of Semir are as sharp as a sharp knife, and the look of the avant-garde peers is indifferently inch by inch:

"In fact, each of them is escaping, unwilling to face, can't believe it, and refuses to uncover it."

"Because that secret!"

Semir angered and raised his arm, pointing to Tyres!

"That drives Sachuel's secret to this child, to Prince Teres... It happens to explain the past, isn't it?"

Tyres had a heart.

Once in the past...

The next second, Little Barney blinked!

"You are not qualified to speak here, Semir!"

He looked at Semir angrily:

"You are just abandoning the guard..."

But as if to return all the resentfulness of the previous confrontation, Semir also raised his eyes and slammed back with a louder voice than Little Barney:

"And that secret!"

I saw the Semir Road:

"It included the time when the chief flag officer of the year went south, it was our most awe-inspiring Sakuel, who represented some of the duties of the flag officer, and our watchman 'just happened to be' the closest to the Crown Prince, every day. Anyone who can get in touch with his warrants."

As soon as this statement came out, it seemed that someone had turned off the sound, and everyone’s breathing, footsteps, molars, and clothing rubs disappeared without a trace.

Only leave Semir gnashing teeth:

"Including, it was Sackel, who took you with me, me, him, with most of the guard wings and the vanguard wing, with the most elite people in the Guards, and with the assassins and mobs. Fighting **** battles, but still a step late, unable to return to the sky, can only watch the first king and the crown prince unfortunate..."

Thales breathed, the members of the guards trembled, and Sackel breathed in a sluggish manner.



Little Barney couldn't stand it anymore. He slammed the wall on his sword and screamed in the harsh noise:


"Shut up, run away from traitors and cowards!"

Under a shock, Semir subconsciously gritted his mouth.

The little Barney sword refers to Semir, who is angry:

"This is the conversation between us and Saciel, without the words of your traitor!"

Semir was silent and immediately gave a laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

He lowered his head and raised his head again, pointing to the little Barney with a scabbard, mocking:

"Do you know, Barney, just now, I am just like you."

Barney's pupils tightened more and more.

"Until I saw myself."

Semir sneered with open arms as if to embrace all the darkness in the dungeon:

"What are you afraid of?"

Thales felt that Semir seemed to have changed a person. After passing through his peers, Ricky died and reappeared in front of everyone like a devilish evil spirit:

"Fear of the past, fear of the truth, fear of the answer, or fear of the incompetent and cowardly, ostrich-like self?"

"When you just accused me, what kind of courage and determination is unquestionable?"

"You kind of ‘I’ve suffered so much so I’m qualified to marry you’.”

"Where are you going?"

"Little Quill Barney?"

Semir’s smile was great.

And every word of hiss seems to be deeply penetrated into the hearts of the members of the Guards, and the thickest blood is drawn.

"In the name of the chief pioneer..."

The voice of Little Barney shook with his sword, and his eyes were murderous:

"I said the last time."

"Closed, up, you, stink, mouth."

Semir’s smile is even brighter, like the fireworks that will disappear in the next moment.

He raised his hand and shook his head, his eyes provoked.

Before the situation in the field began to get out of control, Naki’s words were reinserted, but this time, he was particularly cautious:

"Bani, Semir, I think maybe we shouldn't be so rushing..."

Little Barney turned his head sharply:

"You shut up too, Naki."

"This is the order of the vanguard."

Naki was so stunned and suddenly looked ugly.

Barney tried to adjust his breathing and turned his eyes.

"A shameful traitor is accusing you, Saciel."

Little Barney looked coldly at the penalty knight:

"Because you were loyal and loyal to you 18 years ago, you were mad at 18 years later and suddenly pointed the finger at the blood that you vowed to protect."

"And you have nothing to justify?"

The fast rope scared to look at Tells.

Barney paused and took a deep breath. It seems that what he is currently doing is a very difficult task:

"For example, you know some secrets we don't know, and land on this prince, so you have to find him?"

"Or do you have a better reason, such as the prince is an imposter?"

"Or, what secrets are hidden in the blood of the comet, as you said, you are the first king, have a mission that must be completed?"

Little Barney’s eyes have a faint expectation, and if there is nothing to ask for.

"And even... is he a scourge that must be removed?"

"What about?"

Tyres’s heart was another hop.

But don't know why.

he knows:

He doesn't have to worry.

The field became very quiet.

Let Taylor think of the gutter in the waste house - there are only dead bodies.

Little Barney looked at himself and he didn't know what his emotions were, waiting for Sackel's answer.

Semir still sneered and looked at everyone with disdain.

Other members have different faces.

The atmosphere in the field is getting more and more embarrassing.

"No, we used to be guard brothers, we shouldn't fall to this point..."

Naki gave up the possibility of direct communication with Little Barney, but he did not give up his efforts, but turned his head to ask his colleagues for help, and the tone even brought a pleading:

"Beleti, your position is high, beg you, say something..."

Even the fast ropes are seen. This small and powerful soldier is trying to distract everyone's attention and only wants to drag the arrival of that moment even later.

Who knows, the sorrowful penalist Belletti shook his head:

"According to the rules, the penalty officer must not interfere with the vanguard's wartime decision unless there is a command from the guard captain."

Naki's discourse is a stagnation:

"Wartime? But now..."

At this time, I have been standing still, and Sakuel, who hasn’t spoken for a long time, suddenly raised her head, and the dull and boring voice sounded again in the prison of the bones.

"It's ok!"

But this time, his voice was accompanied by a touch of joy and relief.

The penalty knight looked at his former Guards with a gentle look:

"Naki, Belletti, and Semir."


He slowly turned his head, his eyes and the little Barney who had been staring at him in the air.

There is no spark, only heavy.

"Someone needs an answer, that's it."

Sakuel is **** and authentic.

Unconsciously, Tyres’s breathing was tense.

He immediately discovered that it was not only him, but the performance of many members of the Guards was somewhat unstable.

"Thank you, Barney."

Sakuel's tone is very calm, with a touch of gratitude and friendliness, like a kind and gentle neighbor.

"Thank you for asking so much, and thank you for asking so much."

He looked at Little Barney with a sly look and nodded:

"Thank you, thank you for your trust."

Touching the moment of the other person's gentle eyes, I don't know why, the little Barney shook.

He looked at the vaguely mighty, and looked up in the past, once swearing, vowed to defeat the target, trembled unconsciously.

At that moment, the words of Little Barney were softened, no longer aggressive, and no longer cold and unpleasant:

"Then answer me."

He is hard to say, with a hint of suspicion:


No one is talking.

Sackel looked at Barney silently.

He knew that he knew what kind of answer Barney wanted.

He knows each other's expectations and contradictions.


Sakuel bowed his head and exhaled a long breath, revealing a comforting smile:

"You already have the answer, aren't you."

Little Barney trembled slightly.

Saciel’s eyes swept through every colleague, and finally stopped in the empty void: “Reunion with Semir before you, after you finally decided, after you determined that Semir was not that person...”

His eyes are a bit sluggish:

"You have the answer."

At this moment, Tyres felt a lot of things from the people who were present, from their breath and heartbeat.

Relieved, painful, dull, surprised, resentful, sad, disdain...

"Sorry to bring you in, everyone."

Sacuel looked up and passed the ceiling, but his melancholy look was like looking at the sunset:

"But I just have to finish...the unfinished business of the year."

He is amazed.

Little Barney is swaying and his chest is ups and downs.

that year……

"Unfinished business?"

He forcibly suppressed the things in his throat and asked him to bite his teeth:

"What did you do in the past, Sackel?"

"What is the relationship with this child?"

In the eyes of Thales, Sackel still looked up at the dark ceiling, as if there was his exit.

The opponent's mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

He gently raised his hand and touched his forehead, squeezing a sly smile that seemed to be pinched out by hand.

In the middle of it, there is a kind of laughter with tears in the air.


Saccar’s faint opening is like telling a bedtime story:

"Bani, the answer you have been searching for for many years... is here."

Tyres frowned and stared at the penalty knight.


Suffering from the complex and profound gaze of everyone, Sacuel took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"18 years ago..."

Tyre's nerves are tense.

"That was the prince of the Crown Prince in the Fuxing Palace, and specially removed you from the Star Hall to create a gap..."

"Let the Shadow Shield and Suritoton slash the first king..."

"And the people who deliberately led the team to leave the palace gate and leave the Crown Prince to the assassins..."

The penalty knight slowly pulls the palm of his hand, combing his forehead to the top of his head and behind his head, exposing the ugly brand on his forehead to the air.

He bowed his head and looked at everyone.

Losing the coverage of the forehead, the five senses on the face of the Knight’s face became sharper and more aggressive.

Everyone is chillingly waiting, his words are becoming more and more indifferent:

"The key figure in the big rebellion..."

"Betrayed the Royal Guard..."

"Betrayed the Crown Prince..."

"Betrayed the First King!"

"The family of the comet family is broken, the whole royal family is dying, and the kingdom is up and down..."

Every word, every sentence, is incomparably dull, not warm, like the drowsy chanting in the temple.

But everyone in the room was nervous.

The penalty knight continues to faint:

"The one who really should bear the crime of confessing the enemy, but despicablely concealing the truth for eighteen years..."

"The shame, sorrow, hypocrisy, disgusting, self-sufficient, high-spirited, and incomprehensible."

The penalty knight pulls the corner of the mouth:

"It is me."

In the inhalation sound that many people can't suppress, the penalty knight breathes a sigh of relief.

With a sense of relief, his smile is unchanged. After a series of descriptions and titles, he added the unusual name that made everyone sad:

"Imanu Sakuel."


I know that you are a book shortage, to recommend it, "Azeroth Death Track" wrote 250,000 words, will be on the shelves, telling the story of a death knight, to understand?

The author is the one who wrote "The Track of the World's Overlord" and "The Azeroth of the Light of Azeroth", and I used to play World of Warcraft (cough) with me!

The day is even more than 8,000 to 10,000, and the author of the swordman who is more and more broken than a broken one gives more strength!

By the way, this author has a tradition, and every time it is on the shelves, it must be updated!

Ok, let's go and have a look, don't forget to leave a paw print, saying that there is no sword to introduce!

(End of this chapter)

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