Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Three Disaster League

Chapter 447 Three Disasters Alliance

Sakuel’s words rang in his ear, echoing between the broken walls, but like a bronze bell ringing in the tower, whistling and passing back.

Sensory magician.

The penalty knight’s words were so amazing that it took Teres a little while to recover from the shock and think about the horror behind the words.


This is, what is the threshold name?

In the silent dungeon of the bird, Tyres thought to himself.

Moreover, she is still, the first king of stars, the queen of Eddie II?

What is the relationship between her and the **** year?

There was too much shock to Tyres this evening.

Taylors didn't even have time to take care of the reactions of others. He could only perceive the emotions of everyone from the disorderly and rushing breathing.

Barney squatted, Belletti pinched his weapon, Tardin and Nakiqiqi widened their eyes, and Bree’s grunts and Cannon’s whispered, and Sembil’s eyes were stern, fast. The rope clenched his left index finger and tried to make himself look unremarkable.

"No, you mean, you mean..."

In the dungeon came the breath of the second-time logistics officer Sasna Nai.

Everyone is incredulously looking at the chest ups and downs, the unstable Sacreel.


"When she entered the palace, we all met Queen Fiosa and remembered what she was like."

Penalty Belletti is pale and seems to believe in the past in memory:

“Even if Prince Kaisell poured hot black tea on her at the wedding dinner, she didn’t...”

The penalty knight snorted.


"The question is, what do you remember is what she looks like, or what the sensory magician wants you to see?"

Belletti’s eyes were slightly stagnation.

Just listen to Sakuel's cold geology and ask him:

"When you ask yourself, what do you see, is Queen Fiosa, or the disaster?


Meditating on the name, Tyres took a deep breath and his eyes flashed confused.


Suddenly, the memory of Taylors shook!

It seems that there is a bell that rings from the long past.

The eyes of Tyres gradually solidified.


He has heard the name.

Thales looked at the shocked and inexplicable people in confusion, remembering it.

He must have heard it somewhere, but he was right at the time. Yes, he must have done something that could not be distracted, so he didn't care.

Where is it?

"The queen of her majesty, she is a, is a..." Little Barney has no eyes and muttered, seemingly still digesting this fact.

Tardin’s laughter barely came.

"No, she never made any abnormalities during her time... she didn't even kill a chicken!"

Tartin looked forward to Sac El:

"Maybe you misunderstood, or admit it wrong..."

But the penalty knight is obviously unmoved.

"I thought about it at the beginning, and I hope that I am wrong."

Sakuel slowly passed, and his eyes flashed through the haze.

"I hope more than anyone."

His dark face with despair and madness made everyone sink.

Just at this time.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha..."

The crowd turned their heads and saw that Semir smacked the mark on his face, shaking his shoulders with his eyes closed and laughing without hesitation:

"This is the reason for your betrayal?"

"The reason why you have been carrying us for so long and stigma, torture and pain..."

Semir’s laughter is awkward:

"In the end, just because the king married a woman of unknown origin?"

He smiled and shook his head, but there was no smile in the pair of chilly scorpions.

Hearing this, Sackel’s face was even more stunned.

"You don't understand." The knight shook his head hard.


Sharply came, but it was Little Barney who tied his sword to the ground.

"I really don't understand."

Little Barney seems to have been hit hard, using exhaustion to squeeze out the intermittent statement:

"Where is His Majesty the King, the disaster, the dragon, or even the elves and even the orcs, no matter how ridiculous, how strange, how unreasonable, how to make you unbearable..."

Little Barney paused, his cheeks pumped, and then he opened his mouth:

"But that is the decision of His Majesty!"

"If you are dissatisfied, if you question, then he will protest and swear to him in an upright manner."

The more he said, the more angry he was:

"That shouldn't be an excuse for your participation in rebellion and the enemy!"

I don't know which word stimulated Sackel's sensitive and unstable nerves. The latter snorted in pain, and the fighting axe in the hand was heavy on the ground!


"I did!"

Sakuel is like a wild beast with a hairy anger. The neck is surrounded by blue veins, and it must be arrogant. The sharp eyes sweep like a blade.

Everyone was shocked by him.

"I tried to directly advise him to warn him of the threat from the pillow, but he always laughed and stunned."

"I tried to contact the nobility who remained loyal to the royal family and trusted by the king, and hoped that they would exert influence on His Majesty."

The penalty knight was a word, and he was angry.

"I tried to help the Crown Prince and ask Lord Hansen of the Secrets, but it didn't work..."

Having said that, Saciel showed a sad look and shook his head:

"Too late."

The people face each other, and in this, especially the eyes of Little Barney and Semir are the coldest.

The penalty knight lowered his head, and the tight shoulders and tone softened together, revealing helplessness and despair:

"I don't know when to start..."

"Your Majesty is like a person. Once he was gentle and tolerant, he became tough and sturdy, and he said one thing..."

His confused eyes slowly gathered together and seemed to look for approval from the eyes of the people before him:

"You know, you have seen..."

“The meeting with the ministers is getting shorter and shorter, and calling private consultants is more and more frequent...”

"He began to alienate the ministers, ignoring the controversy, even including his family connected with the blood: reclaiming the Crown Prince's position, rebuking the second prince of the United Army, overlooking his duke brother..."

The swaying tales can't help but frown.

The Cavaliers’ complaints and bitterness continue:

"The relationship between him and the big vassals is getting worse and worse. Even the Duke of the North, who has been screaming in the public, has been accused of reprimanding the dissatisfied Duke of the Blade..."

"He strongly awarded Wang Ling, and also held a high-level aristocratic parliament - to punish the loyal aristocrats, to copy the dissidents, and to believe in the tempting traitors and the instigators of the national government..."

The word is buzzing and the sentence is painful.

"He ordered tax increases, expansion, borrowing, and clearing. Every order is challenging the patience of every subject in the country, whether it is loyal to him or dissatisfied with him..."

Listening to Sakuel’s words, many of the former royal guards’ eyes were stunned.

"Until the people in the country are not happy, the crowds are raging, the ministers are centrifugal, and the rebellion is four--the ruling of his ‘changzhi’ has been ruined for decades.”

Having said that, Sackel twitched his shoulders, like a child full of fear, and trembled:

"At that time, I knew..."

"Our adored Eddie, the former King of Changzhi, is no longer our majesty."

The surrounding audiences had different expressions, either angrily or sadly, or hesitant or dejected, but they were silent, as if the latter’s words had poked their weaknesses.

It is no longer our majesty.

Tyres listened to this sentence, but it produced a wonderful feeling.

Their original Eddie squat...

What is it like?

Or, what should it be?

Saciel’s voice is getting deeper and deeper:

"He has been enchanted, cursed, and manipulated by the most evil being in the world."

His voice is low and his eyes are dull.

It seems that the weak travellers who have been trekking in the desert have drank the last drop of water and finally fell to the mirage of hope.

In the silent silence of the crowd, Naki put down the torch, and Sakuel's body pulled a long shadow on the wall.

"Bewildered? Be the Queen? Is it a disaster?"

After a while, Little Barney uttered a sentence in his dry throat:

"How do you know?"

"You just judged the crime for the queen by relying on the words that were dug out from the old pile of yellow paper, and broke the death penalty for the first king?"

Sacuel returned to God and chuckled.

"how could I know?"

"That night."

His eyes drifted and he seemed to be remembered.

"That terrible rainy night."

The penalty knight forced the sentence with anger, letting everyone have a cold on their backs.

Rainy night?

"In the name of meditation, His Majesty dispels all the entourage, servants, and guardians, including the old captain and the Dani who keep the Supreme Shield and the ruling gun."

"And he took his new queen alone and went to the incredible offer."

The people of the Royal Guard are tight inside.

"What kind of invitation?" Naki couldn't help but speak.

Saciel’s expression rose.

It’s like being lost in the past years, unable to get out of the shadows of the past.

"That night, I clung to the Sword of Supreme, and with her ability to follow them to the hall of the sacred stars, hiding in the shadow behind the pillars, the atmosphere did not dare to take a sip..."

The pupil of the penalty knight is slowly tightening:

"Finally, I saw them."

The dungeon is very quiet, only the flames of the gloom reflect the old wall of the ruined magic tower, as if the coffin was dead after the earth.

Little Barney still looked stiff, and Semir tightened his lips, and others looked at each other in confusion.

Taylors held his breath.

"They?" Naki did not consciously take a tremolo.

Sakuel didn't look at him, just nodded.

"The storm that night was so big that even the tower could be overturned..."

In the dim dungeon, Sackel faintly confessed to the past:

"On the terrace of the hall where the lightning, thunder and wind and rain, the two mysterious guests showed up without warning."

Mysterious guest.

No signs of appearance.

Just in the 18th year of Yongxing City.

Do not.

Taylors only felt that his heartbeat began to accelerate.

Sakuel's words are mixed in his uncontrollable breath, sinking and sinking:

"They are like the gods that have come to the world in the legend, and the demons that are awake in the abyss."



"Who are they?" Tyres said stiffly.

Sakuel suddenly bowed his head and glanced at Taylor.

Let the latter's heartbeat miss a beat.

After a few seconds, the boring voice was rustled from the **** lips of the penalty knight:

"The man, he emerged from the rain, his posture was elegant, his manners were self-sufficient, his body was dry, his life was as clean as new, and he was arrogant and arrogant. He looked at the Fuxing Palace arrogantly, as if he was watching the dead chess that was to be eaten sooner or later in the game. ”

Taylors subconsciously tightened his body.

In the dungeon, the knight’s former colleagues stared at him intently.

"And that woman..."

Sakuel shook his head, and his eyes showed fear and jealousy when he was dying:

"When rainstorms and squalls hit her, the sights will make you unforgettable: just like the wind and rain caught in her active skin, it is absorbed and left."

Everyone slowed down their breathing, as if they were afraid of waking up the beasts in their sleep.

"They respected or dismissed the queen's real name: Fleetland."

Sak Elmo named a chill:

"Similarly, our queens are like reunion, calling their names."

"The two names that are equally taboo."

Tyres closed his eyes tightly.

Little Barney interrupted the Cavalier's narrative with a gasping voice:

"Watching people, you are saying, no, you are accusing you..."

But Sakuel’s voice suddenly rose and spread loudly:

"The night of the heavy rain, I witnessed it!"

Little Barney was stunned by his words.

I saw that Sakuel’s face was illuminated by fire, but the mark on the forehead was hidden in the darkness, showing a face that was as firm and indifferent as ever.

"That night, I was scorned by Eddie and starred as a star."

The voice of the penalty knight seems to have infused a certain force, and the blood vessels of the people are pulsating between the words.

"His Majesty."

"Sense the magician."

"The scourge of anger."

"The disaster of blood."

The fire is faint, and Sakuel no longer ignores the expression of others, cold and bite:

"The unprecedented kingdom of the Star King and the three major disasters..."

"Concluded here."

At that moment, Taylors blinked!

He remembered it.


The name he has heard.

Just six years ago, Longyan City, in the shield area that was about to become a powder, was holding his trembled girl in his teeth, sandwiched between two terrible confrontations.

[You forgot the original intention of our cooperation, Giza. 】

At that time, the grace of the body, the eyes of the indifferent gas magic master said.

[The cooperation of the three of us, whether it is my plan, or the ideal of Fleetland, or your persistence, is not for the magician to have a day...]

Can you get rid of that shackle? 】



Tyles cold sweats, shortness of breath.

But others have no time to take care of his gaffe.

"You don't understand what kind of taboos our sire has broken."

In the dungeon, Sacuel looked up and screamed in front of the more nervous people:

"He tries to touch the power that mortals should not be jealous, and hopes to use it to rule the kingdom we are proud of and rule the kingdom we built on the ruins of the end of the war."

The complex gaze of the penalty knight swept through every listener and eventually stopped on the face of Taylors:

"In the conversation, Your Majesty even took them and called the three monsters his -"

"Three Disaster Alliance."

I am in a hurry. I need more mental energy to fill the pit than to dig the pit, and let me carefully finish this section.

(End of this chapter)

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