Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 457: Nothing

Chapter 457 has nothing

In the silence of silence, Tyres quietly looked at the guard on the ground, helpless, nowhere to be guarded.

Look at the men who are desperate and will fall apart.

I have many thoughts.


Little Barney is on the ground, stiff and godless.


He looked at Naki with a sluggish look, but he looked like a stranger:


"Why is he doing this to me?"

Outside of Naki, almost everyone turned their faces, leaving only Beletti and Nai, as equally as horrified.

"Do you really don't know?"

Naki asked one sentence, sneer and ironically:

"So you live like a child in the Fuxing Palace, don't know anything, don't care, just want to make a loyal and stupid piece?"

No one is talking.

Only the fast rope opened low on the side of the ear: "The situation is not good... I think they have forgotten to escape and forgot to find a way to live..."

Tyres shook his head deeply, thoughtfully:

"Not forgotten to escape, they just... no longer care."

A quick rope:

"What about us?"

But Tyres is still just looking at his head and shook his head seriously, ignoring it.

Anxiously looking forward and looking at the fast rope scratching his head.

"Why, father."

But Barney is still as expressionless as a puppet, as if talking to the air:

"Why is he doing this?"

Naki looked at Barney with hatred and snorted.

Semir looked heavily at Little Barney and gently clenched his fist.

"You really are a different kind, Barney," Naki looked at the collapsed little Barney, his face was relaxed after revenge, but his voice was still bruised:

"You are a noble man who is born in a noble family, but who is abandoning the family and bloodlines, Quel Barney."

"In fact, if it weren't for him, if you are not from the Barney family, one of the seven servants of the comet, you will not even have the chance to enter the Guard."

Naki cold channel:

"Like all of us."

The noble existence of the family and the bloodline

Barney's lips trembled.

This statement, whether it is Belletti, Nai, or a lonely face of Tarding and Buri, and even the shaking of Cannon, all bowed down.

Only Semir, he still stared at Naki.

But Tyres felt what he was, and he subconsciously took a step forward.


The sudden speech of the teenager attracted the attention of everyone:

"If you don't want to tell him, let me know."

"Tell the last blood of the comet."

The words of Tyres floated in the dungeon, and even the fast rope was shocked.

This sentence made Naki stunned. He seemed to re-recognize the teenager in front of him and looked at the other party.

It's like trying to recognize something from the other's dignified face.

"Hey, this madman is enough to cause headaches." The fast rope held down on the shoulders of Tyres and anxiously whispered: "We should concentrate on finding a way to live now..."

"What else do you want to do?"

But Tyres just took a sigh of relief and firmly grabbed the hand of the fast rope:

"As you said, look for our way of life."

The fast rope is one of them.

Tyres revisited Naki, his eyes turned around on the key in his hand.

"Tell me, why did Barney's father and you, even Sackel, do that?"

Tyres frowned:

"Or, the king of Changzhi that year, Eddie II, what did he do except Saxel said, the so-called three-disaster alliance?"

Naki’s eyes gradually became confused.

Little Barney looked up dumbly, but just repeated the sentence:

"Why, father."

Naki looked at everyone, but found that many people have turned their eyes away, only Semir stared at him.

Finally, he figured out what he said and gave a soft smile:

"You are right, Your Highness, the tragedy of the past, is far more than just a struggle between sire and sin, not just a game of loyalty and betrayal, not just the hostility of the stars and the world."

"The natural disasters, the rebels, the chaos of the kingdom that year, of course, has something to do."

Taylor's brows are getting tighter and tighter.

"The penalty knight thinks that the first king is confused by what the legendary monster is. He feels that some people are plotting the kingdom of disaster, but that is his wishful thinking."

Naki returned to the state of no one, as if to see the past:

"Because Sakuel is just an antique surname that has been lost for a thousand years, even the castle is not covered, so he is too naive, he can't feel it."

"I don't feel our despair."

When he said this, Naki was trembled.

The other side of Tardin made a slight sigh.

In the heart of Tyres:


Naki took a deep breath and recalled the most unbearable years, laughing with a bleak smile:

"In that year, there were countless rumors circulating in the Fuxing Palace. Not everyone knows the taboos of the first king and the disaster, but there is one thing that everyone knows very well."

Many people's breathing has become disordered.

The little Bani, who was squatting, slowly focused his eyes.

"What is that?" Tyres listened with dignity.

I saw that Naki turned his head and said:

"In those few years, His Majesty wanted to make a difference: he made a lot of orders."

Make a difference.

Many commands.

Tyres’s heart was tightened.

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the classroom of the old crow.

"So we... whether it is Belletti, Tarding, Barney, such as the royal family, the new year of the sages of the sages, the rising star of the seven-year-old, the seven stars of the comet, or the so-called 敕封十三13, Tarren, Karabyan, etc. Looking forward to the family, up to the six giants of the founding of Aaron and Tebak, we have all seen it and have experienced it."

Little Barney recovered from the blow and looked at Naki.

I saw Naki sweeping through every guard brother, faintly authentic:

"With every move of your Majesty..."

"The days are getting more and more sad, the future is more and more hopeless, and we are more bleak as the future of the nobility."

Taylors was taken aback.

Taldin’s face changed slightly, and he stopped talking.

But before he said something, Tyres, who had a premonition, hurriedly urged:

"what happened?"

Naki raised his eyes without a god, and smiled and shook his head. His tone was sour and sorrowful: "I don't know..."

"First of all, the amount of land, the seal of my family has been drastically reduced..."

“The farmer on the arable land moved to the city because of the household order...”

He groaned, his eyes were psychedelic.

Words and sentences are full of complex and chaotic emotions:

"The lord's bureaucrats lost their prestige after the promulgation of the Qing dynasty..."

"Our life is due to taxation orders, and it is bankrupt..."

"In the territories and castles, we had to disband the servant army to cut expenses, and the mothers and sisters had to sell jewelry to supplement the home..."

The expression of the Guard prisoners is getting worse and worse.

Naki sneered:

“The irony is that the mud-legs upstarts can get a status life like us with money, but it is illegal for us to raise taxes on our own land to overcome the difficulties...”

"There are still **** naming orders that clearly distinguish our titles and positions..."

"And finally, the relocation order that came with the general order..."

Just listening to Naki shook his head ironically:

"The six giants and the thirteen families, perhaps their family is big, can withstand the twists and turns and losses, can withstand the sanctions of the king, but for those of us who are not high and low..."

He looked at the void with ecstasy:

“Just like the night, the whole world has changed—the happiness and stability you have become accustomed to, all turned into disasters and turmoil.”

"Can you imagine?"

"At this time, I was born in a noble place, and it sounds less beautiful."

The habitual happiness and stability have turned into disasters and turmoil...

Taylors stunned.

Naki’s words were slow, but no one interrupted him.

His tone is quite a kind of self-destructive feeling of exhaustion. Every time he says a word, Teres's face sinks a point.

Assassination, foreign enemies, war, conspiracy...

Once, he thought that this is what the **** year will reveal, but now it seems...

Taylors remembered the old crow Hicks.

And the lesson he gave himself.

Win and lose.

Enemy and friends.

[Do not underestimate the war itself - it is far from being as simple as you think. It is not a win-and-loss, a non-benefit, a price, a game of non-survival or death. 】

[The year of blood color. 】

[In addition to the outcome, what angle should we be, and to what extent, evaluate the tragic year of this war? 】

At this moment, the boy suddenly touched it.

The **** year is not just a war, a conflict, a contradiction, not just the grievances of the double emperors and the disasters.

Everything is integrated into the melting pot of the Star Kingdom in the past, and there is no way to escape.

Kings, countries, nobles, disasters, politics, they are all twisted together, interacting in this furnace, entangled with each other, difficult to break down.

Taylors remembered the star "Xinjun" that made Rumba very fearful.

Judith III.

A strange conjecture was on the head of Tells, but he was quickly shaken out of his thoughts.

"I used to be very strange. When the people are distracted and the chaos will be born, why is it so powerful and powerful as the six guardian dukes, and the power is solid like the thirteen people. They are swallowing their voices and accepting silence."

"But after listening to Sackel's words, I seem to understand," Naki bent his lips and showed a bitter and hopeless smile to Tyres:

"When you see the terrorist catastrophe that has been passed down from generation to generation in the family, you may not have much choice."

Naki’s look dimmed, making Tyres’ inner heart more uncomfortable.

"I can't and can't judge him. After all, he is the king of the stars. He has to say what I have to obey, not to mention that he still has such irresistible power..."

The more he talks, the lower the mood, the more painful the tone.

This made Taylors subconsciously bow his head.

"But when I returned to the run-down home, I saw my wife selling dowry, seeing her son starving, seeing the younger sister who was going to marry, and seeing the father of the bed, borrowing money from the merchant, and sticking to the family. The last noble dignity..."

Naki’s words were so painful that many of the Guard prisoners looked unusual.

Taylors did not speak.

Naki returned to God and looked back at Tyres, his eyes vicissitudes.

"From my sensible circumstances, my father taught me this way: the Naji family was sealed from the sages of the sages, and we owe allegiance to the comet family, because we know that our status comes from the power of the royal family, and that the sons are elected to the royal Guards. Together, it is a symbol of our loyalty, but..."

Just like the drowning man looking at the last straw, Naki looked eagerly at Tells, and the color in his eyes was like the darkness before his death:

"Tell me, Your Highness, shouldn't the king defend the interests and dignity of his vassals, shouldn't he protect the richness and happiness of his vassals? Why are we more loyal to our loyalty and loyal to the kingdom, the more we end up... ..."

Naki’s tone was stagnation, and he was disappointed and confused:

"Is it because I don't love my kingdom enough, or is my kingdom not enough to love me?"

At that moment, the sorrowful Thales opened his mouth.

But he could not say anything.

At that moment, all the members of the Guards in the dungeon were silent.

Naki snorted, and he was filled with all the reliefs:

"So, in day-to-day confusion and heavy day-to-day despair, when someone promises us hope, someone tells us that it’s just a king’s fainting, but it’s the ghosts of the DPRK’s lords, and we need Do it, just wait for a moment..."

He did not say anything more.

On the other hand, Cannon re-started sobbing low, Brie no longer snorted, Tardin lost his soul, and Belletti and Nai, who were unsuspecting, screamed.

Only Bunny and Semir, a idiot who can understand himself, is holding a weapon with a grin.

"Tell me, Your Highness, on the one hand, the wife of the wife who is full of hope, the old-fashioned father-in-law, and the proud family glory... On the other side, the gentle and merciful King, the ruthless king's decree, engraving the life The oath of vows..."

Naki twisted his face and his eyes were moist:

"Who should be loyal, what should I betray?"

Taylor closed his eyes lightly.

"Father," Little Barney pressed his head in pain: "Father..."

"No, you... no, it's all unfair..."

The shackles of Little Barney are spread in the air.


On the other side, Tarding fell to the ground, covering his face and shaking his shoulders.

Naki smiled nervously and raised the key to the hand:

"If you are loyal to your Majesty and the stars, it means betraying your family and your loved ones..."

"Tell me, Your Highness, how to do it, not to betray, how to do it, is it loyal?"

Taylors exhaled a hard breath.

He is speechless.

Naki looked at the prince's appearance and smiled.

"It doesn't matter, because I finally understand, look at what we are now..."

He swept everyone and his tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Either Jane, Luna, my wife and children..."

"And my majesty, my vows..."

Naki looked at the void of nothing:

"No matter loyalty or betrayal..."

"We are all nothing."

At this moment, Teres felt that the air in the dungeon was stagnant and dignified, unprecedented.

With a strong dead air.

At this time, a hollow and boring voice, with the same pain and hesitation, sounded out of nowhere.


The sound echoed in the dimly lit room.

Everyone trembled together.

I saw the other direction, the penalty knight Sackel weakly supported the wall, struggling with the unsteady footsteps, standing in the shadow of the storage outside, the eyes were illusory, the sound was intermittent:

"Naki, enough."

He painfully said:

"Don't...say again."

Calm, more than a week ago, I went out to the door, nothing more.

(End of this chapter)

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