Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 475: Released from prison

Chapter 475 is released from prison

"Amount, no?"

The teenager questioned and asked: "What happened?"

But this time, Ricky apparently did not want Taylors to answer.

"The power of Barney's end is the mellow of the glacier, which is known by the homeopathy. But can you feel the existence of any 'homeopathic' from his battle?"

Glacier fusion?

Take advantage of the trend?

and many more.

Hearing the familiar noun, Taylors stayed a bit.

The fusion of glaciers, this is not... the flower of the fortress six years ago, the end of Sonya Satherley?

She is the same kind of power as the end of Little Barney?

But Little Barney, he...

The leader of the Sword of Disaster has turned his head from the ground and looked at the small Barney who was guarded in the distance and spoke out the voice of Tells:

"He is a monk, isn't he?"

Ricky looked at the vaguely looming figure of Little Barney:

"Towing such a body, I can seize the opportunity and force me to look like that."

Tyres slightly stagnate, remembering Barney's battle.

The prince was puzzled: he couldn't put the flower of the fortress, and the female soldier Sonia, who was still in the forefront of Giza's endless tentacles, was still alive and well-behaved, and she was dying with blood and smashing the enemy. Little Barney is linked.

Ricky went back and asked: "Do you know Barney, what kind of person do you think he is?"

Barney, what kind of person?

Taylors suddenly remembered that the other party lost hope and wanted to self-tie.

The teenager is about to answer, but suddenly realizes that he can't give his opponent more intelligence, and he can't live without it.

Ricky didn't take it easy, bowed his head and asked himself:

"I will guess it -"

He raised his right hand and slowly pointed the finger above:

"He should have had a full knight training when he was young - from his footsteps and habits."

"But he has become like this, dare to fight for his own life, only to make an effective killing in the moment of danger."

Ricky's eyes are condensed:

"It's no coincidence: he must have experienced something unforgettable when he was young, so that he decisively and resolutely gave up his orthodox swordsmanship. In the end, he changed his style and changed his style to become the present. - Sacrifice everything, just ask for a victory."

Tyres listened to the analysis he seemed to be the head, and recalled the unusual battle of Little Barney, trying to keep up with the rhythm.

Ricky looked up again and looked at Little Barney, feeling:

"Even the melting of his glaciers has been greatly affected - I almost can't recognize it."

Tyres raised his eyebrows:

"But you still recognize it."

Ricky shook his head, revealing a mysterious smile:

"You didn't hear my point."

When Thales sneered at his head, Ricky sighed as if to talk to himself:

"I think, Quel Barney, his young experience is probably not so good, even lonely, indifferent, gray."

"And his tragic experience in the past ten years has shaped his extreme, savage and sinister fighting style, not only for the enemy, but also for himself. I think he is probably tenacious in his life, stubborn in the end, even Some dead brains, not easy to get along with - just like his end power."

Taylors recalled the little Barney in jail, and remembered the experience of the Royal Guards in the 18 years, did not speak.

Ricky put away his sigh and smiled:

"You said, I guessed it?"

Taylor looked at Barney in the distance and looked at Ricky suspiciously:

"You heard it from Semir - they are old knowledge."

Ricky heard a laugh.

But he just continued to turn his head and pointed to Sackel, who was walking on the side of Semir.

"Sackel, the famous penalty knight, what kind of person do you think he is?"


In the mind of Tyres, he appeared painfully to stop Barney from committing suicide.

Ricky should be reminiscent of the scene where Sackel rushed to him before, and he was ecstatic:

"Semir told me about his end of power, and I have seen it. The guy is a giant army with a full range of arms. Everyone is going to make a move and let everyone go back and forth."

Chaos Qianjun.

Tyres whispered in his heart.

That is the end of Sakuel's power.

This time, he subconsciously thought: If I want to imitate the power of the end...

Ricky’s words continue:

"It's rare that between the movements, he can move freely and without stagnation. When he is in the first round, he still has the leisure to consider things other than fighting. God knows when he put the tarpaulin on me."

"To achieve such a victory, he must observe the microscopic on the complex battlefield, be cautious and careful, and put everything into his eyes. In a moment, he will know the enemy's situation, make accurate judgments, respond immediately, physically and mentally, and take care of the enemy and me. - What a genius this is."

Ricky sighed:

"If he is not a warrior, he will be the best player, multi-tasking, quick-thinking, far-reaching, and overall."

"And our conversation proves this."

Tyres frowned.

He listened to Ricky's evaluation of Saciel and seemed to slowly grasp the meaning of the other party.

Ricky took a sip from the water bag and then left it to Taylors without hesitation:

"So I guess, in his daily life, he is a cautious, well-rounded person who feels keen and takes care of the overall situation, a person who can entrust his life."

But Ricky immediately sighed:

"This is probably also unfortunate: compared to Barney who sacrifices everything and only wins a victory, he has too many concerns, too many factors, his omnipotence and genius are likely to become his curse and burden."

"But he obviously doesn't like to complain and vent, just silently, and bear the burden. People who can carry too much will always walk in the footsteps. In time, it is not to become self-sufficient, difficult to extricate themselves, or become crazy and violent, unpredictable."

Listening to his narrative, Tyres was secretly scared.

Before Ricky... Did you know Sackel?

After Ricky finished speaking, he smiled:

"Look, through the power of the end, I can understand a lot of them - but why?"

Tyres frowned and shook his head:

"This is definitely what Semir told you - you collected the intelligence of the target in advance."

Ricky snorted.

In Ricky's laughter, Thales pouted.


The teenager turned his mind and dug a long-lost figure from his mind:

"If... I mean if, if there is a powerful warrior in a polar world, he has a rare end-of-war power..."

Ricky listened to the words of Tyres with interest.

"...can let him change the momentum and posture he has done, take back the sword, stab the next sword, make multiple attacks or fake moves, and between the defense and the unpredictable, the enemy wins - Through this, what can you recognize?"

When Teres finished, he remembered the man who had beaten him many times in the past six years on the training ground.

Also remembered...

Long Yucheng.

"佯 Attack? Hey, that is not common."

Ricky listened to the narrative but it was a glimpse of it, and it was rare to sink:

"It is necessary to know that almost every soldier is taught: the offense must be determined, the defense must be firm, the footsteps should be steady, the mind should be focused, and the style should be both out and not comfortable. If you go to the battlefield, throw a sword and expect to take back the action. A better posture - this kind of person is usually a recruit and he is the fastest."

Ricky raised his eyebrows and was not sure:

"But your friend, maybe he is a very special person, maybe he is another genius, turning his disadvantage into an advantage, and having one more opportunity to repent than the enemy."

Tyres drives away memories and looks at Ricky seriously:

"Then you think, he is... what kind of person?"

This time, Ricky has been indulging for a long time.

"What I want to guess - confused."


Tyres is a glimpse.


Ricky nodded and said:

"Retract this sword and stab the next sword - I guess people like this may always want to do things better, to some extent a person who is pursuing perfection."

"So this kind of person... I am afraid that he will not live too comfortable, I can hardly imagine that when he faces himself alone, he will not feel confused and confused."

Tyres blinked in disbelief.

No way.

That dead face... confused?

Thales couldn't help but automatically evolved Nie Lai standing in the big city, facing the traffic, staring at the map, and holding his head in a wink position.


Or, the comet stood in front of the neon lights under the night, looked up at the sky, and smoked a melancholy in the breeze and whistle.

Tyres snorted and quickly covered his face with a cough.

"Impossible." He subconsciously.


The picture is too beautiful.

The style is clear.

I dare not look at it and dare not look at it.

Ricky looked at Taylor's look and laughed.

But when he smiled for a few seconds, he suddenly put away his expression:

"Do you think this is funny?"

Tyreston was a stiff time.

Ricky's tone was quite formal, and for a moment, let Taylor think he was back in class—whether it was in the classroom of broken memories or the classroom of Ashida in reality.

This made Taylors subconsciously close his smile and sit up in danger.

"The power of the end of each person is unique. It is formed in the long-term life and battle of the user, gradually integrated into one, and is closely related to their character, experience and habits. It is inseparable - even the same kind of end. Force, in different people, will become far behind."


The same kind of power of ending will also be far behind...

Tyres listened carefully and immediately remembered the fusion of the glaciers of Sonya and Barney.

Ricky's tone has dropped:

"In this way, the style of the end of the force and the characteristics of the users match each other and echo each other, reflecting their understanding of the battle, their own, the enemy, is a unique coat of arms imprinted on each soldier."

Branded on each soldier...

Unique coat of arms?

Tyres immediately remembered the subject of their conversation and raised doubts from the bottom of his heart:

But the sin of the prison river, the so-called end of omnipotence...

Ricky looked at him, his eyes were cold and sharp, and his tone was firm and determined:

"And you, you want to observe and touch with a few minutes or even a few seconds, it is perfect to present every battle of countless masters in life, every life and death, accumulated in each experience, by their character , the great power that experience, the body, and even the enemy and the opponents have created together?"

Taylors stunned.

Character, experience, body...

Even enemies and opponents...

Ricky narrowed his eyes:

"When you are fascinated by 'imitation', the biggest mistake you made, Tyres, is to use the power of the end as a tool to break with the warrior himself. You imagine the power of the end as a few dead. Partially spliced ​​platters, you feel that you can take this part at any time regardless of the other part, you think you can just choose their advantage and ignore their shortcomings."

"You think you can only imitate the strong benefits of the soldiers at this moment, and easily throw away the sweat and the price they have paid in the past decades of life; you think you can only remember the state you want to imitate now, and I don't care how they have changed from the past to the present."

Tyres frowned and began to think carefully about Ricky's words.

Ricky leaned forward and looked at Tyres, his tone was even more intense:

"Do you know that on the battlefield in the West, even the most desperate death squads need help with Chaka wine when they commit suicide?"

"But Quay Barney, this noble guy, was so easy to do it - it meant that he had to pass the knife-edge blade countless times, hone his own and win over. Spirit, abandon the pros and cons of hesitation, seize the opportunity of the moment, and turn it into the normal state, to achieve him today."

"So his glaciers melt, his power and battle, I imagined, but can never learn: because I can't feel the horror of the millennium, I can't train the kind of decisive play. Can't reproduce his battle with distinctive features."

Ricky's eyes flashed, and he cut the iron:

"So, no, Tyres, the power of the end is not a force, nor a weapon, it is not a state."

"It is the soldier himself."

Tyres is a little shock!

From Yongxing City to Longyan City, to West Wilderness, although Tyres himself awakened the sin of the prison river and practiced swordsmanship, he actually kept his attitude toward the end of the power in his heart. .

Quite simply, the words of Eichda have influenced his judgment: the power of the end is just an accessory product created by the wizards for the knight. In this world, the magic of taboos represents the highest knowledge.

What's more, after experiencing the magic power, and even experienced the "trick", after entering the "things" stage that Toros said...

But until now, Taylors suddenly understood and he forgot.

Forgot the teachings of the old crow and his own understanding:


Yes, magic may be all-encompassing, all-encompassing, seemingly vast and intoxicating.

But the power of the end...

According to Ricky, it is much more focused and much simpler than magic.

Because it is - the warrior himself.

Taylors meditated.

Ricky’s words are still going on, and one sentence is more severe.

"In other words, Tyres, your guilty prison now is your own true portrayal."

"Only I know the imitation of random strain, I can't find the unshakable self."

However, Ricky’s next sentence is like a long sword, piercing his heart:

"This is your ultimate power, but now you are: forced to move forward, dragged and dragged, no goal, no direction, swinging left and right, drifting with the tide, even..."

At that moment, Ricky was glaring, as if to see the soul of Tells:

"No self."

Taylors is stunned.

It was also interesting when he looked at Ricky's observation of the power of the end to speculate on the characteristics of Barney, Sacker and even Niele.

But when it’s really his turn...

Taylors took a deep breath.

If his sin of the prison is his own.

The teenager bowed his head.

No goal, no direction?

Swinging left and right, drifting with the tide?

No... self.

Ricky didn't notice the abnormality of Tells, but the juvenile was stunned and could only hear his breathing.

He has always been... like this.

Until Ricky spoke again, the stern tone brought the singer Taylors back to reality in the cold wind:

"The power of the end of omnipotence? Imitation? No, it is far less beautiful than you think."

"If you are not me, if you don't know my character, don't know if I am radical or cautious, don't know if I like stabbing or slashing, you don't know the habit of my enemy, I don't know the strength of my sword. I don't know which muscles I used in my sword, I don't know the situation and history of my past battles, I don't know the life and past I have experienced, I don't know why I will form such a final power..."

Ricky’s eyes are getting more and more terrible, as if looking at the unbearable shame, as if Tyres had committed a great crime:

"So, you can't imitate the most important and essential of the power of my end, the things that make it and me ‘what’s so.’

Tyres, who had just thought about it for a certain sentence, could only listen quietly.

"You haven't experienced the life of the Knight, you can't just get Sakuel's multi-purpose but ignore the terrible burden that he bears every moment. You haven't seen Barney's world, you can't do anything. Only enjoy the horrific lethality of Barney and ignore the tragic cost of his ruin."

Ricky snorted and reprimanded:

"No matter how exquisite imitation of the sin of the prison river, its products can only be inferior, it is a squalor."

Inferior products...


At that moment, Tells looked at Ricky's eyes and suddenly felt that he had a long-lasting impression of the power of the end. The pride and pride of the sin of the prison river was smashed at this moment.

No, maybe not just the power of the end.

and also……

Tyles clenched his fists subconsciously and bit his teeth.

he himself.

Ricky looked at the slightly stunned Tells and shook his head slightly:

"More importantly, when you rely on imitation but ignore it, it is equal to the end of your life with others, the imitation of each of your opponents, your opponents, and even yours. I lack the most basic things myself..."

That second, Ricky was in a correct posture, and his eyes were very serious:


Lack of...respect?

Taylors was shocked by his attitude.

But the teenager couldn't help but start thinking: Black Sword, the imitation and reproduction he taught himself in six years, the so-called "power of universal end"...

Is it...

Not a good thing?

Ricky's tone can almost freeze the entire dungeon:

"You are not imitating at all, but plagiarism."

"For plagiarists, the sword in your hands or in your heart is never your own. The fakes you imitate are just fur, and the most important core will always be missing."

"You can never become those great warriors who have internalized the power of the end in their lives."

Ricky finished talking about him, staring at Tells motionless.

Waiting for his response.

Taylors did not speak.

He didn't know how to respond.

It was not until a few seconds later that the teenager exhaled a hard breath and asked:

"So, the so-called "the power of the end of the omnipotent" of the prison river is actually nonsense?"

Ricky snorted.

"No," he leaned forward and gently raised his index finger at Tyres: "This is true."

"But your path is wrong."

In the confused eyes of Thales, Ricky whispered:

"The meaning of imitation lies in understanding."

"Understand your opponent."


Thales blinked.

Ricky looked around and lightly curled his mouth.

"I don't know Barney, I don't know Sakuel, I don't know your confused friend."

"But I can understand them from another level by feeling about their end."

Another level?

Taylors thought hard.

The eyes of the chief of the sword of the scourge flashed:

"For example, through analysis and speculation, I can know..."

"In the face of Barney, I may not be able to fight the sword that he took off his life, but he must delay, disrupt, and defeat his attack through other factors on the side until he finally defeats him."

"In the face of Saccar, I can't compare with him as a perfect global situation. I can't hesitate or think too much. I have to concentrate on my strongest point and concentrate on it. The power of war."

As he spoke, Ricky suddenly stagnate.

Tyres, who is humbly listening to the teachings, has doubts.

"It turns out, ha," Ricky squinted at his palm. He looked at the direction of Little Barney and Sackel, as if they understood something:

"Bani is probably a good matchup for Upper Saxel."

Ricky dissipated his excitement and turned around:

"And in the face of your confused friend, my best choice is not to confront him positively, not to fight back with him, not to drag him for a long time, not to give him the opportunity to bully and attack and find out my weaknesses. Instead, he concealed himself, concealed his motives, and waited for him to react, and he was deadly behind the scenes and secretly breaking the enemy.

Tyres frowned.

But Ricky immediately turned around:

"But do you know..."

He stared at Taylors with deep meaning:

"These, you can do better than me."

Tyres thought about it.

Ricky sighed:

"My end-of-power is self-contained, and the style of the enemy has become a fixed trend - this will be my strongest."

"But you, Tyres, the sin of your prison river is changing all the time. You can do more, understand and master, through short-term contact and observation through so-called imitation. Know your opponent faster, better and better than me."

Understand my ... opponent?

In contrast to Ricky's example, Tyres chewed the meaning of this sentence.

"The power of the end is one of the most amazing forces of mankind. How many masters have gone through countless times and have worked hard to achieve such an achievement?"

Ricky seems to have a lot of feelings.

"The imitation of the sin of the prison river is not to simplify the process. On the contrary, it is to better grasp the process of the opponent, and then better adjust and gain yourself, add advantages to your battle, and respond to you. Give a choice."

Tyres shines:

"What do you mean... I am not trying to copy my opponent's advantage, but to find my victory?"

Ricky laughed.

The astonished teenager recalled the masters who had "seeed" through the sins of the prison river:

The volcanic eruption of the volcano in Araku Mu.

The flower of the fortress fills the colorless but persevering power of the whole body.

Nicholas Lai's undulating silver needles.

Raphael's gray color.

Taylors suddenly understood.

He is not going to become them.

But to...

Beyond them.

"Through the imitation ability of the sin of the prison river, thus launching his experience, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, grasping the most essential and pure parts of their respective martial arts, turning them into your superiority against the enemy, instead of Skip this step, and I want to be directly into them and copy their achievements."

Ricky used his finger to smack something that Taylor had:

“Remember, the point is how you are, not how strong your opponent is.”

“It’s about gain geometry, not how much it mimics.”

“With this in mind, you will be able to find a way out in every situation and find a solution when dealing with every strong enemy.”

Tyres was slightly shocked.

It’s like, in his mind, what has been blocked for a long time has been opened up.

Ricky blinked at the eyes of the clearer eyes, and the sternness of his face slowly melted away:

"The infinite advantage of the sin of the prison river is not that you can become a real opponent by sham."

"It's about letting you face all your opponents with no fear."

Ricky took a deep breath and looked at Tyres, who had a different expression, sighing softly:

“This is the real thing – the power of omnipotence.”

Tyres stared at him firmly, nodding his face with a serious expression.

"I understand."


Tyres hesitated for a while, still asked the mouth:

“Why tell me this?”

Ricky stared at him and didn't speak for a while.

But still not waiting for Ricky to answer...


A slight sway, coming from under the feet.

Everyone has a look.

Including Taylors.

After a few seconds, the thunder is no longer, and everything goes to silence.

Taylor looked at his feet in surprise.

this is……

Feeling the suddenness of the soles of the feet, the face of Thiels sinks.

The platform... stopped.

At that moment, everyone on the platform stood up, causing a small commotion.


After a few seconds, Cray walked slowly with the torch and said:

"We are on the ground."

Ricky nodded and waved.

The swords of the disasters have taken action and are ready to go.

Tyles looked subconsciously, and found that he and his companions were still prisoners.

"why tell you?"

Ricky looked back at Taylors and seemed to have a deep meaning:

"I said, dear, you have a key..."

"Can open a door we have been waiting for for a long time."


Tyres frowned:

"Is there anyone who told you that your **** is like a temple?"

Ricky is a little bit sloppy.

But he laughed.

"Yeah, yes."

At the same time as Taylors was stunned, Ricky looked up and looked at the ceiling, which was close to the door, as if he had seen the outside world.

Just listen to him loudly ordered:

"All the staff is ready, and the day of the prison is over."

"It's time for the bones of the bones..."

Under the watchful eye of all the mercenaries, Ricky’s eyes condensed and turned sharply:

"Say goodbye."

Yesterday's homework after leaving home, so many people answered it so quickly?

Then let's update!

(End of this chapter)

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