Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 481: I want to eat, and drink.

Chapter 481 I want to eat, and drink


Hearing Tyres is another block of heart.

Ricky coughed at the face that almost everyone didn't look good.

“Can I see this as a deal?”

"Since we have helped you so much - ‘busy’?”

This sentence brings the Romans who have just completed "art creation" back to reality.

The wings of the legend slowly turned around and headed for Ricky.

His footsteps are slow, but there is no one that is amazing.

Cray and Josh stared at the baron, who couldn't help but shudder, and wanted to be hard-headed, but was stopped by Ricky.

The leader of the mercenary greeted him without fear.

"grown ups?"

Roman and Ricky looked at each other, one side was indifferent and the other side was calm.

The people around him were nervous, and many mercenaries and cavalry tightened their weapons.

The Royal Guards stood subconsciously and moved closer to Taylors.

But Tyres has lowered his gaze and pondered for a long time.

Finally, after a few suffocating seconds, the legendary wing snorted from the nose:

"How far away you are, the bladed sand dunes no longer welcome you."

Many people breathed a sigh of relief as soon as they spoke.

"And if you dare to come back..."

Roman did not say anything.

Ricky smiled and he nodded:

"Good, fair."

"I wish good luck? And... happy cooperation?"

Ricky reached out to the palm of his hand.

But the wing of the legend with indifferent expressions does not look at it, and he walks over him and goes to his subordinates.

Ricky raised his eyebrows and reluctantly put away his palms.

The cavalry in the first few rows took up the weapons under the direction of Frank and others.

"Great," the fast rope whispered gratefully behind the tales:

"No more fights."

On the other side, Roman took his white horse and shouted to the surrounding:


At this moment, Romans faded from the previous **** and abnormal, became neat and simple, and had its own majesty:

"After dispatching the flying wing, first occupy the lookout points around, detect the enemy's situation, and don't rush to catch the battle. If the wilderness and the hybrids are really coming, then I need to know the position of each of them!"

The horsewoman shouted in response to the baron's orders. Under her leadership, hundreds of cavalry on the sand dunes turned neatly and vanished, disappearing in the dust.

The wing of legend turns back:

"Frank! Slope!"

"Equipped with a broken front ride, feeding the last ration, including the one-month rotation of the troops - especially the slope, your newcomers from the inland - I will come later, remember, we are all Four legs, try to play on the outside and on the ground."

Slope - another knight next to Frank seems to have some doubts:

"We shouldn't... ask for help from the fire first?"

Roman did not hesitate to answer:

"Who do you want to see? Is the ruins or the soul of the soul?"

"It should be noted that the great old men of the Western Wilderness are shaking in the camp and waiting for us to save lives!"

Frank and Poe nodded and led their respective subordinates to ride.

Tyres quietly looked at the deployment of Roman, and the brows were deeper and deeper.

Half of the cavalry left like this, and the scene was not inferior to the half when they arrived.


The new freak captain, who was named, stunned for a few seconds, and hurriedly responded:

"Big... adults?"

Roman gave him a look.

"People who are ready for the Guard, especially the freak, wait for us to solve the outside. There are only thugs and chaos in the camp. It won't be very hard, but it will be very troublesome."

The snake hand is hurriedly, and is not very skilled to lead the newcomers to leave.

There are only two or three hundred cavalry left on the four dunes, and it seems that it is the most trusted guard of Roman.

In front of Tells, the mercenaries began to count the number of people and the number of people under the orders of Clay and others.

"Karl," Roman finally turned his head and ordered the remaining cavalry:

"You and my guards took the prince to the first supply whistle in the east."

Taylors raised his head subconsciously.

The wing of legends looked down at Sackel, who was sitting on the ground.

"By the way, the prisoners of the bones are taken care of."

"Go back after the war."

Roman is cold and cold:

"They don't belong to the sun."

The public servants of the royal family have a sly look.

Romans went to his white horse, and the cavalry rushed forward to look at the prisoners with a hostile look.

Tyres took a deep breath and refused a cavalry officer to take him to the horse.

"They helped me a lot in the Bone Ghost, and even saved my life," the prince stepped forward, attracting the attention of many people:

"Can you... let them have a horse?"

Little Barney and Belletti have a look.

But the wing of the legend is just shaking his head coldly.

"They are prisoners," Roman said. He didn't look at Tyres. He just sorted his clothes on his own:

"And I am a jailer."

"The action is going fast, we still have a mess to clean up."

Tyres clenched his fists.

On the other side, the three cavalry rudely slammed the bristles that looked the biggest, and the latter struggled.

"Hey!" Little Barney protested, but he was immediately **** by countless cavalry.

Taylors took a deep breath.

"Nothing, don't resist," Sackel calmly waited for the cavalry to pick themselves up from the ground, tie their hands, and persuade others:

"Just back to...the place we belong to."

His tone is very common, it seems that this is a walk.

Soon, Tardin, Cannon, Belletti, were escorted.

Little Barney gave him a smile with irony and helplessness.

Sakuel left him with the most profound expression.

Taylors is set to be in place, watching it all silently.

"Happy, everyone, at least... at least we saw the real sun... no more **** fire..." Tardin was walking, still holding his neck in the direction of the sunrise, with tears laugh.

It seems that I can't bear this last sunshine.

Tyres looked at the cavalry one by one and looked at the prisoners of the guards, and tied the ropes on their hands to the mount.

Finally, he was escorted by Belletti, who was next to him, and sighed at Tells:

" Take care, Your Highness."

"We can only send you here."

"At least, you are safe."

Tyres nodded bitterly, but he didn't talk.

"Oh, I am not --"

"I don't even make silver!"

The prince turned his head and found that the fast rope was also escorted. The poor latter struggled and excitedly shouted both Commas and the North accent:

"Wea! Tyres!"

"That, I don't have..."

"I am the prince's favorite attendant, my father is a nucleus - what is the chorus!"

But the cavalry ignored his protests and sent him to the ranks of the prisoners.

In the fierce struggle and shouting, Tyres closed his eyes and immediately opened!

"Baron Williams!"

For the third time, the prince refused a cavalry to invite him to the horse, and decisively walked toward the wing of the legend, tremble:

"Let them!"

In the strange sight of Romance, Tyres gnawed his teeth:

"In any case, the bones of the bones have been broken."

"If you are worried, it is your responsibility as a 'Jailer' to guard the bones of the bones, then..."

He looked up:

"Responsibility is borne by me."

"In the name of the heir to the kingdom, the name of Tells Comet."

His voice has attracted the attention of many people.

Romance glanced around and the cavalry, who was somewhat curious about the prince, bowed their heads and worked hard.

The legendary wing turned back and he strode forward until he stood a few inches in front of Tyres, looking down at him.

"Before you tell me what to do - tell me, prince."

Romance whispered, and the handsome face didn't have a sharp point at the moment:

"Do I look like your father?"

Thales pouted and secretly gritted his teeth.

Roman did not intend to wait for him to answer, cold and snoring:

"Then don't cry to me."

The legendary wing is short, sticking to the ear of Tyres, whispering:

"Because I don't care at all, who is your **** son, which dog **** kingdom to inherit."

Tilston's face was blue!

"But you are the baron of the kingdom, stationed in the territory of the stars, holding the standing army directly under the royal family." The prince braced the anger in his chest, his face flushed.

The baron snorted:

"Very good, then I guess, what you think now should be ‘When I become a king, you have to look good~? Right?”

The clasp of Tyres’ grip is getting tighter.

"Don't be surprised how I know your thoughts."

Roman sneered, whispering:

"Because... waste will think so."

After saying this, Romane straightened up and walked away in front of the ugly Taylor.

Leave the prince alone, tremble in the wind.

Ricky came from the side, looked at the back of Roman, and looked at the wrathful Taylors, and understood what.

But he just shook his head.

"I guess this is the difference, Your Highness."

Tyres forced his temper to turn to him.

Ricky smiled slightly:

"Don't drop the sin of your prison, we can look forward to your future."

Tyres clenched his fists:

"Semir - his face is also branded. If I remind Williams, Semir is also you robbed from the bones of the bones..."

"You guess, will he be shut down by Williams?"

Ricky gave a slight glimpse of this sentence, but he quickly reacted.

"Yeah, maybe," Ricky shrugged and smiled:

"But do you really have the heart? After Semir has been sinned for your royal family for so many years, is it still such a stop?"

Taylor took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

It turned out to be the case.

Ricky glanced at him in confusion, eventually picking his eyebrows and stepping on his mercenaries.

Listening to the sound of prisoners in the distance being held in custody, Taylors clenched his fists for the last time and immediately released.

"Jordel," Taylors closed his eyes and whispered to the air:

"I need you to do me a favor."

A few seconds later, a weak and hesitant voice came from the void:

"I can't kill Williams."

Taylors blinks!

"Do not."

"I want you not to show up."

There was a questioning throat in the air.

But Tyres just looked at the back of the guards who were tied one by one, whispering:

"no matter what happens."

When the voice fell, Tyres did not wait for Jodel's response, and strode forward to catch up with Roman and Ricky:

"Hey, little white face!"

Williams' back is a stiff.

"And you, little stupid!"

Ricky's footsteps are stagnation.

Under the strange attention of many people around, the two almost turned back at the same time, frowning at Taylors.

But this time, Romane frowned slightly: he felt that the prince seemed to be a little different.

"We have to talk, we are three, privately," Tyres strode up and waved to indicate what other people should do:

"Exactly, I am very hungry, it is best to eat a little."

The juvenile's pace is exaggerated, the tone is casual, and the way it is to drink, it is like this is his home.

Roman and Ricky looked at each other and seemed to have some reaction.

And Tyres stepped over and looked at them, arrogant.

A few seconds later, the legendary wing exhaled and watched the eyes of Tells almost as much as watching a madman.

"Now it's a wartime state, there is no time to meet your royal family," Romane shook his head slyly, screaming out the name:

"His Royal Highness."

Taylors snorted.

The teenager inserted his waist and pointed to Romance:

"No, you are not in a hurry to rescue, because everything is under control."

He turned aside and pointed to Ricky:

"And you are not in a hurry to leave because you are not worried."

Another silence.

The scene was awkward and seemed to be overkill by the horrible sense of horror of the prince.

After a few seconds, the legendary wing never wants to pay attention to Taylors again. He snorted and turned back.

Ricky shrugged and turned away after revealing an ironic smile:

"By the way, a good try, child."

Looking at them back and forth, Taylors sighed.

"Do you want me to be so straightforward?"

However, after the next sentence of Taylors, the scene changed:

"Or I need to tell everyone after the war - are you actually a group?"

At that moment, the back of Roman and Ricky trembled at the same time, and immediately stopped!

The cavalry, who were close by, seemed to hear something, and they looked at it doubtfully.

Tyres sighed.

He stepped forward and slowly approached the two while reducing the volume:

"...and the legendary wing himself, was the culprit of the disaster in the Blades Camp last night, to the culprits behind the disaster?"

One second.

Two seconds.

Finally, in the third second, Roman and Ricky, who were stiff in the same place, turned back at the same time.

Look at the raised eyebrows of Taylors.

At that moment, there was no statement that could describe the expression of both of them.

The teenager went to face to face with them and stopped.

Wind and sand, sunrise east.

Roman, Ricky and Taylors, the three pairs of eyes are in this atmosphere:

You look at me, I look at you, and stare at him again.

"The Baron, we need to go -" a cavalry officer in the distance approached, reminding Roman.

But the Wings of Legends turned back uncharacteristically and angered with his uncommon sternness:

"Do your thing!"

The officer was scared to retreat and quickly went away.

Many of the cavalry and mercenaries who stared at this side also subconsciously bowed their heads.

Roman took a deep breath and looked back at Ricky, his voice was impatient:

"What did you say to him?"

Ricky’s face was blue and red, and he gnawed his teeth:

"Nothing to say."

But at the same time, Tells blurted out very quickly:

"Everything is said."

Ricky turned his head and stared at Taylors in disbelief and resentment.


Tyres shrugged helplessly and showed a thumb to the mercenary leader:

"By the way, a good try, Ricky."

Romane looked ugly, he looked at Ricky, and looked at Tyres.

The wing of the legend takes a deep breath and only feels that the power in the arm is nowhere to vent.

Then, in front of two nearly petrified adults, the filthy teenagers took care of themselves - sitting cross-legged.

"Now, can we talk about it?"

Taylors stood up in his chest, with a bruised face, and two strange expressions in front of him:

"Then I want to eat, and drink."


At that moment, Luo’s face was full of anger and filled with the expression “How dare you dare”.

And Ricky’s eyes are almost out of the eye.

"Hey," Tyres suddenly remembered something. He patted his thigh and looked back at the Guard prisoner who was escorted. He added:

"They are the same."

(End of this chapter)

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