Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 486: Let me be more... excited

Chapter 486 makes me more... excited


His Majesty Kaiser and Lord Hansen...

Kingdom Secrets?

Tyres clenched his fists subconsciously and glanced at the smaller backs of the Royal Guards.

Perhaps the name of the king was shocked, or the reputation of the secret sorcerer. As the voice of the knight spread, the hundreds of cavalrymen under Romans, from the periphery of the alert to the internal waiters, suddenly lost.

The two secret members of the horse are getting closer.

No, more than two people, behind them, have more than a dozen rides rolling.

The reaction of Tyres turned pale to the distant Roman:

"Hey, Xiaobai - I mean, Williams!"

He shouted out, and he was anxious in his tone:

"Maybe I can delay with my identity..."

But Roman's reaction is faster than him!

"What are you panic!"

The legendary wing rides on his white horse, and the earrings are swaying and heroic.

While urging the hoof to go forward, he roared and drunk the subordinates around him, pressing down their uneasiness:

"Do what you should do!"

Romane approached slowly and glanced at Taylor.

Tyres was shocked: the legendary wing at the moment exudes ominous emotions, and the expression is overcast, as if the thunder is imminent.

"You too."

He was cold and cold in the white.

The teenager nodded subconsciously.

Lohman raised his head and looked at a dozen more knights.

After a dozen seconds, more than a dozen members of the secretive team on the horseback finally rushed to the front of Tyres, skilled underground horse:

The first person who held the reel looked a little fat, and he was quite happy at a distance. He wore a common thin coat and headscarf in the West, and panted;

The second person who followed followed his eyes, his face was tough, and his immediate movements were calm. But somehow, Taylors always felt that his upper lip and left axe were a little red, as if he had stained with such a lip gloss.

The knights behind them are different in appearance, but they all wear different costumes: merchants, mercenaries, farmers, and herders.

This is……


Tyres is alert.

The chubby man took the lead and stepped **** the sand, trying to raise the reel in his hand higher.

"This is the decree of Lord Hansen, and there is a confirmation signature from His Majesty..."

His western slogan was very heavy, and the calm and tough man behind him carefully looked at the boy behind the legendary wing.

Tyres looked at the murder that was said to have come from the Black Prophet, thinking that he hoped the former Royal Guards would run faster.

After all, neither they are fast ropes, it is not suitable for the existence of the vision of the secret.

As for here...

I hope that Xiaobai face and he can drag on for a little longer.

Romane snorted, and he took the saddle down gracefully and gracefully, picking up the scroll in the hands of the fat man.

"So, who are you fucking?"

Compared to his handsome looks, Romance is indifferent and has a rough word.

There is no such thing as a chill.

The tough man and the chubby man are all in one, and the secrets behind them are also different.


The chubby man seems to be holding on to impatientness. He said his name and remembered something. This adds the title:

"Baron, adult."

Roman looked at him with a squint.

"I am one of the people who are secretly stationed in the West. You can call me Gomez."

Gomez, who is chubby, adjusts his breathing, and gnashes his teeth to the tough man behind him:

"When we arranged this action, we have seen it a few times, maybe you don't remember it, and this is my boss..."

But Roman's next move shocked everyone, including Tyres.

I saw the legendary wing calmly opened the secret of the secret branch, but did not even look at it, but indifferently took it...

One tear and two breaks.

Gomez and his boss, including more than a dozen people in the secret department, frowned.

Tyres raised his eyebrows and bowed his head slightly, and the hunch was not good.

"I know who you are."

The legendary wing is like ice. He is in the face of all the people in the secret, and while he carelessly, he continues to tear the reel into smaller pieces.

"I mean……"

"You fucking, ‘thinking,’ who is who?”

The two men led by the secret department looked stiff.

The wings of the legendary tears were torn down four or five times until the secrets of the Perutrics became countless pieces of paper, and he was sneered with a sneer.

"Just come here... command me?"

The fragments of the handicrafts floated and fell to the earth with the gravel.

Lying in the trough.

Tyres looked at the paper on the floor and was in a complicated mood.

Is it so arrogant?

The wing of the legend looks disdainfully at the mystery of the eyes, with a dangerous look in his eyes.

The people in the secret department looked at the confetti of a place and looked at the eyes of Romane to become hostile.

"There is still a signature on the top..."

Gomez looked at the disrespectful behavior of the other person, and his breathing was so fast that he clenched his fists and shivered his cheeks.

But just as Gomez was about to attack, his boss held the former's shoulder from behind.

"I believe this is His Royal Highness?"

Tyres, who was called to the name, had a look.

The tough man was half taller than Gomez, with a scimitar that was common in the desert. He took Gomez back and stepped on himself.

The secrets behind him, including Gomez, are also all right.

"His Royal Highness, I met for the first time. I am the highest responsible person of the Kingdom Secrets in the West, Nobu."

Nob's voice was slightly thicker, and although it was contaminated with some western accents, Thales heard it clearly and clearly recognized it from terms and habits. The other party seemed to be from the Central Collar.

Taylors took a deep breath.

Damn it.

Secret, secret, and secret.

And yes, the highest person in charge of the West...

"Amount, how are you?"

Tyres raised his chest and slammed the place where he had broken some of his mouth, twisting the bruise on his face to the backlit, trying to maintain the majesty of a king.

Nob, who seems to be more calm than Gomez, looked up and said:

"His Royal Highness, welcome to return to the country, it seems that my colleagues in the rescue operation in the Northland is very successful."

very successful.

Taylors rolled his eyes in the bottom of his heart.

The man named Nob is sharp:

"But for the kingdom, I have a few minor problems..."

Little problem...


What will he ask?

Behind the dunes, the prisoners of the bones that escaped?

But when Taylors had a headache and how to deal with the secret people in front of him, so that they ignored the backs that were slowly leaving in the distance, Romain held him down.

"Kid, go to the back."

The legendary wing interrupted Nobu’s words unceremoniously.

"Let the adults speak."

This changed the face of the two secret members again.

In the past, Taylors may be uncomfortable with Romance's tone, but this time, he was really grateful to Romain for saving him.

Tyres put on a sick face that was difficult to take off, and took a few steps back down the slope.

Let Romane be on the Nob of the Peruvian.

Nob's face is a bit ugly, but he is still politely:

"Williams, thank you for taking the prince and working hard for the kingdom."

Unfortunately, his courtesy probably hit the iron plate.

"If you have something to say," the wing of legend is scorned.

"There is a fart."

Nob's expression was stiff.

Gomez behind him is even more frowning.

But at this time, I don’t know if I saw the royal guard or the back of the disaster-stricken swords. Gomez’s face changed greatly, pointing to a group of people who walked away and walked away, and ordered the people behind them to:

"No, Nob, those people are running away!"

"First stop them..."

The people in the secret department are obviously well-trained, and before Gomez finishes, they are ready to intercept the distant people.

Tyres was shocked.

Damn it!

Whether it is the Royal Guard or the Sword of Disaster...

Have to stop them first.

But just as he was ready to stand up and take his identity to delay the time, the legendary wing suddenly waved!

"Hey, hey..."

In the next second, the sound of countless horseshoes hitting the sand rang!

Nob and Gomez changed their face and turned back subconsciously!

I saw the hundreds of cavalry under the hands of Romans, such as the wave rolling, swiftly coming!

The fierce cavalry in a dozen seconds formed a loose but not negligible, round-trip galloping back and forth, separated by a few tens of feet, surrounded by the secret group, the sword was unsheathed, and the bow was tied.

The killing is full.

"Hey, hey..."

The horseshoes are rolling, the smoke is arrogant, and the people in the secret department are so alarmed that they will seize the weapons subconsciously.


Nob looked at Roman in incredible.

The latter snorted.

"Here, the only person who has the power to command," the wing of the legend put down his hand and looked at the people in front of him coldly:

"only me."

"do you understand?"

Gomez glanced at him and then gnashed his teeth:

"No, you are..."

But Nob once again returned to hold Gomez, he leaned down and looked down:

"Adults, we have no intention of offending, and we do not intend to interfere with your command."

"Just about the joint action tonight," Nob seems to be aware of something, his tone is very modest:

"The kingdom secret, there are several questions to ask."

Luoman gently glanced at him and turned to the camp where the smoke was far away:


"So, you have to interrogate me?" he whispered.

Nob reluctantly smiled:

"No, just discussion."

It seems that he is afraid that the other party will not believe it. Nob immediately turned back and told his men:

"Everyone, dismount, retreat."

In the hesitation and nervous look of the subordinates, Nob smiled:

“We just need a bit of space and time to talk privately with the Baron.”

In addition to Gomez, the people of the secret department looked at each other, and eventually they were dismissed, taking the reins and retreating to a safe distance.

The cavalry of the legendary wing immediately changed their position, and scored dozens of rides, coming close to themselves, almost like surveillance, waiting for them to take the horse to a distance.

Nob turned to look at Roman, and his eyes were serious.

As if waiting for something.

The wing of the legend snorted, and then raised his right arm and made a gesture.

"Hey, hey..."

The hooves changed again.

The cavalry, who surrounded the crowd, was scabbarded under the command of the commander, bowed down and slowly retracted.

The sand and dust scattered, the open space restored calm.

The tense atmosphere also relaxed.

"Grass, those people, grass..."

Gomez, who could do nothing, was unwilling to look at the mercenaries and the royal guards who were farther and farther, and slammed the thighs.

Taylors breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the conflict subsided, Nob, who was calm, nodded.

"The Baron adults, according to the original plan, we will ‘consolidate’ the loyalty and obedience of the Western aristocrats in the unfortunate death of the Blades Camp.”

"By the way, through this illusion that the camp is empty and organic," we lure and incite the hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle here, and clean up the western front."

Nob looked at Luoman calmly and his eyes burned.

“Of course, you are the key person and commander of the action, and the Secret is assisting you.”

Tyres, who listened to their conversation, subconsciously pulled the parcel.


But Roman was just squinting and didn't care to return a nasal sound:

"Uh huh."

He looks at himself and looks stunned.

Obviously, the arrogance of the legendary wing made the slightly fat Gomez very dissatisfied, but Nobu continued without any influence:

"But we ambushed in the middle of the night. In addition to a few unimportant little pawns, we only caught a Northland nobility who insisted that she had met Kesser and had diplomatic immunity from the door of the Bone."

He is unwilling to speak.

Tyres frowned:

That is Russell.

Representing... King Chaman.

"There is also a deep-rooted tavern owner, mercenary agency, and of course, the Baron. We believe that after the Tampa is beaten, the mercenary in the camp with a long history and a lot of entanglement will be much more secure, and your rule will be More stable and smooth."

Nobu spoke while observing the expression of the legendary wing. His words were very careful and seemed to be afraid of what was disturbing.

Pub owner.

In the heart of Tyres, there was another worry:

Tampa's relationship with the fast rope is not too shallow, in case he shakes something...

But Roman is still only responding to a faint nasal sound:

"Uh huh."

Like the portraits on the canvas that are full of gestures, but still.

Nob slightly frowned, but he quickly returned to normal.

This time, he was serious and cautious:

"But we didn't catch the 'braze'."


Tyres fists tight.

"He is an important target for our recent tracking and may have a considerable portion of the shadow shield, including their deployment at the Star Border and Exeter."

"And about other high-level secrets in the Shadow Shield."

Nob's look is very serious, and his eyes are unwilling.

"And we haven't waited for the group, the mysterious mercenaries that you hired by the adults, who are betrayed from the Tower of the End."

Nob said, skeptically looking to the far end of the line of sight with a knife and a sword, seeing the mercenaries who are leaving the field of vision.

"According to the plan, because the number of swords in the disaster is numerous, the fighting power is amazing, and it must be taken immediately when the net is closed."

"And their value is no less than the shadow."

Nob stared at Roman, as if he wanted him to react.

But the Wings of Legends only continued to stare at the smoking camp and did not return.

Gomez couldn't stand it anymore, and he took the words of his boss:

"Listen, our two major goals have not appeared! And you even said that good planning has not been implemented, so it may only be -"

But he didn't finish it.

"I guess!"

Once again, Nob interrupted Gomez and warned him with severe eyes:

"It must be the Baron's adult that you have encountered unexpected situations and have no time to notify us of the emergency, so you must not change the deployment of the action?"

The wing of the legend still has no movement.

But Nob’s eyes are stunned and stunned to Tell:

“You opened a secret exit that was only used in an emergency for some reason – for example, to save the prince?”

"So let the target, unexpectedly escaped from our net?"

He seems to be asking what.

Luo net.

Taylors thought of it: whether it was Ricky or Semir, the swords of the disasters went down to the dungeon, no matter whether they faced the shadow shield or faced them, the attitude from beginning to end was "don't go back to the ground."

He understood what.

This time, the Wings of Legend finally responded.

"So when you close the net and go out of the camp, you will come here."

He turned his head and scanned the solemn Nob and the angry Gomez.

"Not too stupid."

Nob’s breath out of his nose seemed to have suppressed a wave of emotions:

"Well, the sword of disaster is even..."

"But the solder of the Shadow Shield, I guess he is in your hands?"

Roman suddenly snorted, as if breaking the ice of the iceberg.

"do not worry."

"I have handled him well."

Nob’s eyes shrink:

"'deal with'?"

The wing of the legend turned and knocked on the huge skull on the left shoulder, and the delicate earrings of the left ear swayed with his movements:

"Your solder, I happened to find that he was the main murderer of the murder of the Prince of Heyman and the Venomous Blades in the Scarlet Year."

"So I gave him... the punishment I deserved."

Both Tyres and Nob are moving at the same time.


Nob frowned and glanced at Gomez.

The legendary wing turned sideways and gestured to an open space in the distance:

"If you want him - at least most of the body, please."

Nob and Gomez looked in the direction and saw a headless man who had already entered the yellow sand in the open space.

"As for the other part - sorry, I want to collect."

Even though Tyres has seen many dead people, the body of the brazier that has been "processed" by Roman is really imaginative:

The part above the shoulder is a mess, covered with red and white unidentified liquid and the soft tissue (such as eyeballs) that has been cut, which is not like human shape, which makes him have a vomiting desire.

At the moment of seeing the target corpse, Nob and Gomez’s face turned pale, and Nob even swayed!

Do not.

"That is, that's really..." This is incredible Gomez.

"He is dead?" Nob bites his teeth, and his emotions are no less than Gomez.

The legendary wing snorted and turned:

"Tell your father when you go back and tell Kaiser: Revenge, no thanks."

Tyres licked his nose and looked away.

The two people in the secret department were short of breath, and they automatically ignored the other party’s direct call to the name of the king. They just stared blankly at the body of the brazier.

It is a whole few seconds.

The unwillingness of the death, even Taylors could not help but feel sorry for them.

The wind and the sand came, and the morning light was everywhere.

But the two of the Peruvians, like the dead mother, looked back.

"It turned out to be..."

Tyres can see that Nob has endured the unhappiness and anger in his heart:

"So, adults, as for the group of swordsmen who have been hired to do dirty work, have they been 'treated'?"

The wing of legends satirically looked at Taylors.

"They have the prince in their hands, so yes, I can only let them go."

Taylors had to cooperate with Roman, and a smirk of a sneak peek at Nobu, who was suspicious.


"Let them go?"

Nob tightly clenched his fist and his heart was unwilling.

But Gomez behind him couldn’t help but yell out:

"Impossible, you obviously have an overwhelming force..."

But Nob once again pressed Gomez very quickly.

Gomez resentfully closed his mouth, but did not hide the disgust in his eyes.

"Baron adults!"

Nob struggled to bite words from the teeth:

"I know that you trust you, and I know that he gave you great autonomy in this action..."

"But for this...inappropriate arrest."

Noblow stared at the body of the brazier, as if it was extremely painful:

"I think that both the Kingdom Secret and Lord Hansen may need an explanation for you."

At that moment, Tyres seemed to feel that the temperature around it had dropped.


I saw the wings of the legend look up and the expression was dangerous.

"such as?"

Nob, holding Gomez, who was so angry that he smoked, said:

"Adults, whether it is the Shadow Shield or the Sword of Disaster, their value is very high, and they are of great importance. Some even involve plans and actions that our Secrets have implemented for months, years, or even longer."

"And you shouldn't arbitrarily 'handle' it, but control them, let us deal with it!"

"This is the act of being loyal to the kingdom and loyal to your majesty!"

Nob's voice fell.

The wings of the legend are motionless.

Gomez squeezed the fist.

"Of course, now the brazier is dead, this is irreparable," Nob saw the other side unmoved, and brought a bit of anxiety in his tone. He pointed to the distance:

"But I can see that the sword of disaster is still in sight."

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief:

If Ricky and his people fall into the hands of the Secrets, then Semill, including the Royal Guards who have dealt with them...

Nob bites his teeth and softens his tone:

"As far as I know, your Stardust Guard is the top elite in the light ride, interspersed with the pursuit of no one can rival, the charge is in the desert..."

Nob is anxious and serious:

"Lord Baron, as long as they stop them, we still have a chance... to make up."

The wings of the legend raised their heads and looked at the direction in which the swords of the distant disasters disappeared.

He was silent for a few seconds.

In just a few seconds, it made Taylors nervous.

Finally, Roman returned to his head, lifted his footsteps and slowly moved forward.

"Tell me, kid."

He looked at Nob's eyes more sharply:

"Are you teaching me this?"

Nob's a trip.

"Teach me how to do my job?" Roman arrogantly.

Teach me.

Nob understood what he was and his face was pale.

In the next second, he took a deep breath:

"Of course not, I am just..."

Roman snorted and interrupted him:

"That's good."

He is literally:

"And I tell you now: let - he - they - go."

Nob was stiff and his clenched fist began to tremble.

It seems as if you are holding on.

Gomez also bite his lower lip.

The wings of the legend turned to the line of sight, looking far away from the chaotic camp for a long time:

"You just do it."

He turned back and left behind the two secret members who were trembling.

But at the next moment, when Taylors thought everything was going to end like this...

"Roman Williams!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

When he heard the full name, Roman was a little stiff.

Standing tall, he slowly turned back.

Unexpectedly, this time, the person who spoke was not an angry, slightly fat Gomez.

It is his boss.

The calm, courteous and noble.

"Are you sure, let them go?"

I saw Nob's eyes narrow and his face was gloomy.

Gomez was scared behind him.

The wing of the legend wrinkled and seemed to see something strange:

"Are you stupid, or stupid?"

Nob closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"No, I am just..."

Gomez behind him seemed to realize what he was holding on his shoulder:

"Nobu, you..."

In the next second, Nob slammed his eyes!

"I just had enough!"

Thales found that Nob, who was the former head of the secret priest, was no longer seen.

Instead, it was an angry man who was trembling and gnashing his teeth:

"The wing of legend, the three handsome stars of the stars?"

"Do you really match?"

"Just because you like to kill, like blood, like carving skulls for jewelry?"

I heard Taylor frowning.

The wing of the legend seems to have been shaken by this sentence. He was silent for a second, and this slowly opened his mouth:


The wing of legend seems to be chewing this sentence:

"What do you mean?"

Nob stepped forward and stared at the looks of Romans.

"I mean."

"From the year of Scarlet, I came to the West for a decade."

"Roman Williams, you guy who is full of girls..."

"In addition to the tolerance and oversight of His Majesty, in the blade camp, I am doing my own way, arrogant and self-disciplined, cutting the ground from the evidence, ignoring the orders, flying and swaying, making a fortune..."

Nob's eyes seemed to be raging with anger:

“Did you still do something good?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone else on the scene was shocked.

I am doing my own way, arrogant and self-contained...

Cutting the ground, relying on the order, ignoring the order...

Flying, making a fortune...

Lying in the trough.

This series of descriptions – or accusations – made Taylors open his eyes.

He was shocked by the bottom of his heart, frowning at the wing of the legendary movement, recalling his impression of him.

Well, it seems...

Is there nothing wrong with it?

Gomez behind Nob seems to be frightened by the boss. He clung to Nob’s chest and wanted to drag him back:

"Nob, you are crazy, stop talking..."

But the wing of the legend waved his hand to stop him, and his eyes showed a rare interest:

"No, no, no, let him talk."

Luoman stared at Nobu, full of anger, and slowly walked back:

"I like to hear different opinions."

"They are good."

"Let me be more..."

The wing of the legend licks his lips and is matched with a handsome face, which is more mysterious and delicate:


At that moment, Taylors smelled a little bad in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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