Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 495: Fate as poetry

Chapter 495 is destiny like poetry

Tyres looked incredulously at the back of Falkenhaus, listening to his cane becoming smaller and smaller until it was undetectable.

After a long while, the prince did not spit out a breath.

"Jordel, do you know that guy?"

Thales grabbed the ancient imperial sword left by Cyril and digested the horror.

There was a faint discourse in the air behind me:


“Unfamiliar?” Tyres brows.

The teenager felt the weight of the "warner" and slowly opened its cold sword.

Its hilt is extremely long, and it can be held in both hands by the big sword or even the long gun.

It is slightly lighter than Ricky's "eternal truth," but the center of gravity is perfectly balanced.

It is a good sword that is rare.

but why……

Just to show the outside world, the Duke of Westland sent a prince a sword?

"Damn Farkenhams."

Tyres sighed and looked at the black gems in the center of the sword that looked a lot lower than the "eternal truth."

"Do you believe what he said?"

The long-handled sword on the handle of Tyres took a sword and slowly became familiar with the new weapon.

The sound of the mask guards faintly sounds:

"and you?"

The warning officer was in the air.

Tyres took a deep breath and slowly took the sword back.


"I always thought that he was just an elite monster."

Taylor looked at the blade camp under the window and looked stunned.


Tyres is very authentic:

"It's a Boss."

The room was quiet for a moment.

"I do not understand."

Tyres put the long sword on the table, shook his head and returned to God:

"Nothing, it’s all the slang I learned from Exeter."

But this time, Jodel returned very quickly:

"There is no such saying in the North."

Tyres spoke, but he reacted very quickly:

"Ah, you didn't follow me to the Northland..."

But what the teenager suddenly remembered.

and many more.



Tyres turned back and looked behind him.

"Jordel, when I was in the north."

Taylor has some throughput:

"I have met the red witch Kashan."

Without answering, Tyres could only hear the wind outside the window.

This made him particularly uneasy.

"She said she was yours... and she and the black prophet..."

Taylors looked up and looked at the empty, unrelenting void.

"is that true?"

Still no answer.

Taylors exhaled a breath.


The room is still quiet.

Taylors lowered his head in disappointment and understood the other side's "silent rebellion."

"Well, that's it, continue to ignore me."

Tyres sat back in his chair and slammed the plate back.

"Cold violence."

He muttered.

But this time, the voice of the mask guards resounded with a few unnatural vibrato.

"My origin is secret and not glamorous."

"I don't want to bother you."

Tyres held the hand of the grilled fish and stopped in the air.

Not glorious.

Let you bother.

Tyres put down the food on his hand and sighed.

Is it.


Why are you not?

Tyres thought of it, his lips curled up.

In the next second, Tyles turned and solemnly looked at the void.

"No, Jodel."

He is serious:

"For me, you will never be disgraceful."

The air is as quiet as ever.

Tyres did not wait to respond, but he was not discouraged.

"and also."

The prince showed a smile:

"You never bothered me."

Still an embarrassing silence.

But Taylors is no longer entangled, just laughing at himself, then he turns back and continues to deal with his food.

It is at this time.

"Thank you."

Very light and extremely hoarse voice, floating from the air.

Just like where it was squeezed out, thanks to the senses that Taylors has been subjected to the sin of prisoning rivers all the year round, it will not be missed.

Tilston had a look, but he didn't hear more.

"Is this finished?"

The boy did not look back, just shrugged.

As he expected, there was no sound behind him.

Taylor sighed pitifully.

Even if...

Say one more word wow?

Tyres didn't worry about it anymore. He ruled out the mustard of his heart and focused his attention on the food in front of him.

But it seems that the disappointment does not like to see his peace of mind to eat, Teres has only eliminated a few pieces of meat and a few cold porridge, the hurried and uneasy footsteps from the stairs under the room.


More than the footsteps of Falkenhaus.

Tyres subconsciously held the warning on the side of the table and heard the door open again.

A clear and nice voice, but unceremonious voice suddenly sounded:

"Have you seen him?"


It is him again.

Tyres closed his eyes in pain and opened it again.

The prince took a smile on his face and he turned back in the chair:

"Who sees?"

Sure enough, stepping on the unobtrusive footsteps, the Baron of the Blades, Lord Roman Williams with a windy sand (even the headscarf was not removed), without any scruples or even aggressively into the room of the Prince, leaving Standing under the door - Frank and the snake hand, including more than a dozen people behind the two - trembled, the atmosphere did not dare to take a bite.

“Can anyone still have it?”

Even if the dust is on the servant, it is still radiant and radiant, and it looks very bad.

While looking at the room with his gaze, he looked at the room and was furious:

"The ugly old thing that is sour and smelly - Falkenhaus, he came to you? What did you say to you?"

An ugly old thing that is sour and smelly.

Taylors licked the name in his heart.

If the Duke of the West and the Baron of the Blades have at least one thing in common, it must be their perception of each other.

At least they describe each other as appropriate.

Tyres coughed and put the weapon on his hand down:

"In fact, I didn't have anything with him..."

But Taylors hasn't finished yet, and the legendary wing that tears off the headscarf is striding forward with a full sense of oppression, and reaches out!


The prince was stunned.

I saw that Roman was full of frozen gas, and grabbed the left wrist of Tyres.

In the eyes of Taylor's astonishment, the legendary wing held the hilt coldly and pulled the "warner"'s sword from the left hand of Tells, and then let him go.

Tyres looked at the empty scabbard and his eyebrows were drawn.


I saw Roman with a murderous expression swaying the long sword back and forth, and finally fixed his gaze to the rough mark at the bottom of the hilt.


Romane stared at the mark and looked up coldly:

"F, ‘F’ of Falkenhaus.”

When Terston was getting bigger, he shook his empty scabbard:

"Amount, yes, but -"

Romance snorted and gave him a chance to speak out.

"Good sword."

I only listened to the deep irony that the wings of the legend can be heard by Lian Nilai.

"Good prince."

"I want you to live here, but it is convenient for you to carry me privately and accept bribes?"

Asking for bribes?

Taylors a glimpse.

He looked at the warnings on the hands of Roman, and suddenly there was a sense of guilt:


The next moment, Romane's arm moved, Jianguang stabbed him!

Everyone was taken aback!

And Taylor only had time to lift the scabbard and block it in front of him.


A rubbing of leather and metal, when Taylors came back, he was surprised to find that the warning had been perfectly inserted into the scabbard on his hand.

Strictly stitched, extremely precise.

This... how did he do it?

The Frank and the snake hand behind Roman were pale, and both of them stepped into the room with their arms extended, keeping the expression "I don't want adults" or "That is a prince."

"If you like their gift so much, comet..."

Luoman put down his arm and used his eyes to force his grievances back, and then looked coldly at the unidentified Tyles.

"Then you will get out tomorrow - with the lords."

"Get out of my place."

The legendary wing slammed into the air and immediately turned and left.

Tyres looked at the warnings in his hand and had not returned to God:


Roman's footsteps stopped at the door frame.

"As for you, the nameless."

The legendary wing does not return:

"Do you know that when you think you are hiding there perfectly, is that wooden board sag?"

Tyres was taken aback and looked at the floor of the room.

But if he does not enter the sense of hell, he will not see any problem with such a flat floor anyway.

The "freak" captain at the door, the snake hand is the same expression.

"And you, freak."

The wing of the legend suddenly turned, and the snake hand and the "freak" behind him were visible to the naked eye.

"I don't care how many soldiers they bring, how noble they are, how many people can play, not to worry about how different this tower is. How scared you are and how tired the shift is."

Tyres couldn't see the expression of Roman, but he could feel the chill of Sensen from that tone:

"Next time, you will let outsiders break into our territory with impunity."

"Take yourself back to the bones of the bones."

The snake hand who wants to please or justify what is scared is immediately snoring and stands upright.

The next second, along with the rumbling footsteps, the legendary wing took down the face with a face of "you can do it yourself", leaving the snake hand and others to use a hundredfold respect and caution to close the door.

The footsteps of Roman and his guards rolled away.

The tales in the room also maintained the posture of holding a sword, and looked ignorant.


what happened?

In the old ghost prince Tari, Roman Williams, who was down the stairs at the first level, did not speak, and the guards behind him did not dare to come out.

Everyone knows that the current wing of legend is the most difficult time to provoke.


The wing of the legend suddenly opened.

Frank behind him immediately echoed echoly.

Just listen to Romance cold and cold:

"Go and tell the noisy aristocrats, every aristocratic chariot we caught in the camp yesterday... don't pay enough compensation, and one wants to go out of prison."

Frank, who was just preparing to nod, was embarrassed by the reaction:

"But some of them are sons of big aristocrats, and they are sensitive..."

Rohman's cold voice, forced his next words back.

"Yes, those people."

The wing of the legend turns a corner of the stairs, cold and authentic:

“Additional income is twenty times more.”

Frank is a stagnation again.

A few seconds later, Frank sighed:

"Well, they will hate us more."

Roman's footsteps.

The dozens of people behind the baron stopped at the same time, just like the thousands of times of exercise, the movements were neat, no stagnation.


The legendary wing cold channel:

"And we are able to stand here..."

Having said that, Roman suddenly raised his head and reached the top of the stairs, his eyes solidified in the darkest of the top:

"It is because they hate us."

Frank stunned.

But his commander did not speak any more, just stepping out of the tower.

In the room on the top floor, Tyres looked suspiciously at the door and slammed the sword on his hand.

He suddenly felt that this is one of the purposes of Falkenhaus.

Let everyone see that the prince received a gift from the Falkenhaus family.

But just, what he said to himself...

[Hold it and grab your sword. 】

[Don't lose it. 】

For a long while, Taylors can only sigh a sigh.

That damn, ugly old thing.

Has he always been like this?

What did he say to Prince Hayman that year?

When I thought of this name, I thought that Hayman was killed here, and Tyres had no appetite.

Hayman and Shadow Shield.

What kind of connection do they have?

As for the one mentioned by countless people...Teng?

Who is he?

The expression of Tyres was a meal.

What he remembered.

The prince stood up and walked quickly to his baggage and rummaged.

After a few seconds, he finally took out that volume of expensive stationery.

But just at the moment he opened it, Tyres stopped.

"Jordan," Taylors took a deep breath. "How much do you know about my four sons, Heyman Comet?"

After a few seconds, the air came as always, a faint answer:



Tyres gently closed his eyes.

"I guess so."

The prince smiled and opened his eyes.

The next moment, Tyres was careful, but he did not hesitate to unfold the letter that was not meaningful to him.


To my angry kitten:

You didn't write to me.

Before we met eight months and twenty-one days ago, it was precious after the meeting of gold.

You may not understand.

You may not understand, I am writing this letter with any kind of mood.

As the end of the quarrel.

That's right, cat, you have always been keen and understanding, intuitive and accurate.

However, my most precious friends and lovers, you may not understand what you mean to me.

You turn away, free and easy, proud, and cool.

It took everything away from me.

In the past eight months, the urgent business has become boring and cumbersome, and the wonderful life has become uninteresting. The daily friends have become mediocrity, and even the imported wines of the Principality of the Principality and the brilliant novels of Hebrew. The manuscript has also become uninteresting.

You know, my dear cat, from squatting to adult, from prince to viscount.

No one, no one, no one has treated me like this.

Treat Heyman Comet like this.

My father can't, my mother can't, Midi can't, Horace can't, Serom and Alan can't, even grandmother can't.

Rustic, pure, kind, sincere, and optimistic, they have taken a lot of things from me.

But they never took everything away.


They have never ruthlessly dragged me out of the noble palace and the gorgeous mask, and pushed it to the muddy abyss. I was so heartbroken under the heavy rain and cold moonlight, I was suffering, just to show my chest. The scarred heart in the heart.

Because I don't allow it.

Hayman, he may not be known for being able to fight.

But believe me, in my heart, he is a warrior who has never surrendered to anyone.

No one can let him bow down and admit defeat, compromise and admit defeat.


Except you, cat.


only you.

Losing your emptiness and pain has always afflicted me, abused me, tore me, even defeated my pride and dignity, my defense and self, all my pride and self-confidence in front of them.

I am like a fisherman's shark's unruly city, like a man, hysterical, lost, sleepless, sleepless, and can't eat - hell, that is the most devastating drama scene I used to.

You know, cat, if I want to admit it, it would be better to kill me directly.

But those are not important.

Before I met you, I was very angry and self-love.

After being separated from you, I have nothing to do with myself.

But that doesn't matter either.

If in the arrogant indifference, there must be a person who bows first between us, then I want you to know, the cat.

In the days without you, I am suffering and tortured.

I can't stop thinking about your heart, I can't stop the hand that writes to you, I can't take your reflection in the mirror.

All over the body, the only thing I have the right to dominate, only the one who cares for dignity and dignity, regardless of pride and tradition, just wants to give up completely and completely fall back to your childish impulse.

Cat, for eight months, I often think:

What brought us differences and discord?

Are they sensitive to each other?

Is the future without blessing?

Is it a completely different life?

Is it a difficult character?

Is it the experience of the sky?

But every time we argue about responsibility and freedom, life and love, unity and independence, reality and dreams, when the rhetoric between Cahill Yeh and Bosse Kaandi is higher, The result is the same.

No answer.

Until recently, in the years when the turmoil was everywhere, and the kingdom was in a state of great decline, I suddenly understood.

I understand that in the days when there is no tomorrow, for me, what is most important to us.

Just now, the night squad of the Blades Camp rang.

But what flashed in my mind was our first meeting.

That night, you pointed at me with a sword, with a scornful smile that I can't forget, whispered:

This kitten can pull out your heart.

you did it.


If you don't believe me, my cruel and lovely friend, then gently bow.

Now, have you seen it?

My one, the incompetent, bloody, but also the true heart of nothing.

It is lying quietly in your hand.

Lying in the fate that it is destined to fall into.


At this moment, the soldiers and civilians under the watchtower were bustling, and I suddenly understood the little insistence that Little Kessel had in my opinion.

He loves her and frantically loves the humble, infamous little guard officer.

He loves her whole person more than she loves the world.

Then he can naturally give up everything for her, do not hesitate to take the world, be enemies with the entire aristocratic world, abandon the decent marriage, give up the surname of the comet, give up the status of the prince, give up the property of the royal family, give up the inheritance of the throne. Give up... the father’s strict love.

In contrast, my brother is a coward.

It is me, cat.

It has always been me.

I am dragging you down.

It is my unnecessary worry and dignity that has always hindered you and hindered our future.

Cat, you have always been free and unconstrained, proud and brave and strong, and do not hesitate to aim at the goal.

As the son of the so-called king, after the comet, I am sullen, burdened, sensitive and fragile, and worry about layers.

Status, identity, age, gap, outside world, decent royal, prince's responsibility.

Excuses, everything is an excuse.

I am enjoying the happiness of being with you, asking for your understanding and understanding, but I am not willing to make excuses for sacrifice.

You are right, cat.

Maybe you can open the chest, open the skull, tear open the skin, and truly show the Heyman comet in the sun. It is just a coward who has no name, no responsibility, and no courage to face the true self.

Now, the intelligence of the desert rush, the orcs and the ridiculous people gathered on my desk.

But I can't miss the years when we live together.

I miss your light footsteps, miss your moving voice, miss your melodious piano, miss your timeless poetry, miss your pure smile, beautiful lips and clear eyes.

There is also a walk in the forest, dancing in the moon.

I can cite the classic eloquence in front of the most dangerous enemies, and calmly and eloquently talk in front of the most treacherous profiteers, and behave freely in the most critical situation.

But I can't, can't be tough and confident in the letter written for you - at this moment, even my pen tip is shaking, my writing is as ugly as the orc painting.

But I understand, cat.

You gave me the most precious opportunity to discover the most authentic me.

My world is only relevant to you, it makes sense.

But when I think that I will lose you because of a quarrel that is meaningless, maybe not so unnecessary, my heart will be as painful as a knife.

You are like the rain of heaven, washing all my filth, cleaning my sly camouflage, watering all my madness.

Without you, what will I look like?

Do not.

I can't imagine it.

So I understand, cat.

I love you.

No conditions. Excluding the cost. There is no turning back.

Here, no it.

No it.


Looking at the gradual confusion, but still maintaining a different kind of handwriting, Tyres, who read the letter silently, couldn’t help but notice that between these lines, the ink was somewhat open, like it was contaminated...

Tear marks.

Tyres was out for a few seconds and continued to read.



Maybe you don't understand, but risking your anger again, my cat.

Beyond you and me, I still have one thing to do in this dirty world.

The last one.

I know that in our mutual coexistence, I should not pollute your eyes and ears with my own annoying customs. I also know that you are tired of me working for the boring and unnecessary government affairs, and that you have never been accustomed to my worry. The worried side.


But since you left, I have no one to talk to.

I can't tell you how hard it is now.

Blood relatives, family, kingdom, politics, history, the future, everything is intertwined, free from liberation, and unable to open.

Sorry, cat, I love you.

But I can't walk away here, at their most desperate moments.

I want to beg you to forgive me, my cat, my love, my blood, my natural sin, my source of madness.

forgive me.

Forgive me for going into the bottomless whirlpool and even disregarding the future we have already dawned on.

But as you said, you love me, not the body of my skin, not the verses of my love, not my status.

It is the love of my soul, the light.

Now, the light suddenly flashed.

It tells me what to do.

After I finish, my cat, no matter how cruel the reality is, the weight of the shackles on us, no matter how much the identity of each other will leave us, no matter how the father will answer our love, no matter how fat Give a blessing or a curse to our union.

No longer important.

Anyway, in the history of the family, we have only arrogantly offended the gods, and the gods have never forgiven us.

I love you, cat.

forever and always.

wait for me.

Waiting for me to settle everything in this suffocating whirlpool and pay off my debts.

wait for me.

————————I love you, hope is also the person you love


————————On the evening of November 19, 660, at the Blades Camp

[Destiny is like poetry, what is the rhyme? 】

And: I will let Romance convey this letter. Since the tragic death of Tylenol you are familiar with, he is my most reliable messenger, knowing the route to the half tower - it is a temper, and sometimes some skin.


For a long while, Tyres exhaled.

With a bit of trembling, he gently put down the letter.

This is written for "cats," but she never waited...

love letter.

(End of this chapter)

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