Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 498: The gift of His Majesty

Chapter 498, the gift of His Majesty

The sun sets.

Tyres rides on a new, brightly colored mount on the saddle, moving slowly, all the way east.

He crossed the shoulder of the whistle and looked at the grass and the smoke in the distance, silently.

The land here is different. It is different from the northland, and it is more humid, fertile and flatter. This is the power that never gets lost, letting him know such information in the dark.

"Your riding is very good, your Highness, no less than the skilled cavalry."

The prince who was immersed in the "never lost" was awakened by the sudden coming voice and quickly turned back.

"Count of Cloma."

In the horseshoes, I saw the Earl of the Fort, and Dreke Cloma took the stables and accelerated over several guards. He came to the prince's mount, and the guards spread out with interest, leaving the count and the prince certain. Space.

The geeks who should have guarded him personally were separated from the guards of the "Crows". The snake hand looked awkward, but he did not dare to offend the count. He eventually only bowed his head and complained.

"In this era, at your age, many of the world's most prominent aristocrats can hardly stay on horseback for such a long time, even if they are able to ride right."

Earl of Dreux is light and windy.

It’s been a dozen hours since they left the camp in a mighty way. On the way, except for a lunch break, the well-trained Raven Whiskers are all speeding up and moving forward.

Tyres squeezed his legs and turned his eyes to glance at Dele's calf on the stable, feeling that the other's riding posture had not changed.

"Persever for so long" on horseback?

The prince secretly raised his eyebrows: You are boasting yourself.

The long road has already caused the pain in the thighs and waist of Taylors, and now the horseshoe step that allows him to look at the scenery safely is already a kind of rest.

Just listening to the Earl of the Fort Worth continues to sigh:

"The military training of the northern people is really extraordinary."

Taylors nodded politely and laughed twice:

"Thank you."

As for the training of the northern people...

You should ask the comet and the death crow.

The former taught him how many years of equestrian lessons he could ride on the "normal" horseback.

The latter is a happy thing to teach him to "normally" riding on horseback.

Recalling the sweetness, Taylors sighed slightly.

Sure enough, people are forced out.

But then again, from Nilailai, Monti and then to the black sand collar of Tulha...

When I think of my own trip to the Northland, the famous Exeter Five Wars will have three people who can't get along with him. Taylors feels helpless. He is probably the most in the world - cough (the prince secretly swears) A look at the air behind me) - the second unlucky one.

By the way, how did Joel keep up?

Wouldn't it be behind the horse's ass?

"I finally saw the land outside the yellow sand, right?"

Count Dreux seems to be planning to talk to Tersto for a while.

"When I served on the border, I stayed in the desert for a few weeks before coming out," Dele looked at the wild grasslands and the villages in the distance, and smiled slightly:

"I can be excited even if I see a little bit of green."

Tyres is half-satisfied and half-heartedly took the call:

"Isn't it?"

"It feels so good."

After being accustomed to drifting in a foreign land for six years, I saw a different landform and people's smoke again. This is the first time that Taylors realized that he was neither in the dry and cold northland nor in the desert of yellow sand.

He is in the Kingdom of Stars.

A strange and familiar feeling hit my heart.

Noting the eyes of Tyres, Dele pointed to several cabins at the end of sight:

"These small villages are subordinate to the town of Boon. It is our replenishment today, not far from the front. It is the farthest west of the West and the nearest town to the Blades Camp. It has provided the western front for many years. Backup and security."

Grace town.

Diller's commentary has aroused Longs's long-lost interest—those that are in danger before, and that there is no way to pursue the moment.

"And we will be there to turn to the Avenue of Enlightenment - the road to the road will be much better." Dele apparently understands the prince's emotions (and the muscles that have been riding for too long) and continues his explanation.

"Best avenue?"

"When I was in the North, I read it in books," Tyres raised his eyebrows:

"But it is still the first time."

Count Dreux smiled:

"Then I believe that it is more interesting to read it personally than in a book."

Grace Avenue.

Tyres tried to move forward and wanted to see the road in the distance.

However, the next second, when the eyes of Tells touched the horizon in the distance, the strange feeling came.

After a whisper of tinnitus, a broad, flat, hard plane appeared on the front and appeared in his consciousness.

Tyres instinctively closes his eyes and only feels that the plane extends eastward until it touches a cold, damp, chaotic, huge, seemingly endless liquid wall.

this is……

Grace Avenue?

"Maybe not the first time."

Dele’s words interrupted the prince’s migration in the world of consciousness, and he crossed a line in the air:

"The Avenue of Essence is centered on the city of Yongxing. It extends to the west and connects the western wasteland such as the Aliens, the Wing Fort and the Gifted Town to the west. To the east is the direct access to the Seven Ports of the East China Sea headed by Huigang City."

Dele smiled and said:

"So, if you have set foot in Yongxing City, then you have to go through the avenue."

Taylors also laughed:

"Thank you, and your comfort."

Drey nodded:

"Plus the same through the Yongxing City, through the North and South Fuxing Avenue, these two avenues complement each other, connecting countless towns and castles along the way, dredging the geographical blood of the kingdom, is the ‘star cross’ that the merchants call.”

Fuxing Avenue.

Star Cross.

Tyres picks an eyebrow:

"Revival Avenue, I have really been there. Six years ago, when I went north to Exeter - I also knew that it passed through a large birch forest until the Broken Dragon Fortress."

Once the memories came, Tyres couldn’t help but be ecstasy.

"This is due to the early twentieth century, your ancestors, 'the thorns' of Tomond III. It is his policy of encouraging the pioneering, let him and his later generations of kings begin to rebuild the old glory of the empire era, only then The territory of today's territory."

Dele reached out and gestured around:

“So, in order to express gratitude, and to gain support, the earliest aristocrats here named this border town that was threatened by the desert as “the gift of His Majesty.”

The gift of His Majesty.

"It's very smart," Taylors looked at with interest in the looming villages in the distance:

"When faced with foreign enemies, ‘a piece of land fell in the trap’ and ‘the gift of His Majesty fell,’ or the latter’s more powerful influence on the Fuxing Palace, right?”

Drew nodded, and he turned his head and scanned the way he came:


"At that time, the Western Expedition was not a good place. Let’s not say that the Blades Camp is still the obscured Sand Pirates in the desert. Even the centuries-old ruins are just outside the realm of the kingdom - from its The naming can be seen."

Tyres’ eyes turned.

Wild market.

Which lord with a brain will name his home city "ruins"?

Dyle looked at the village that was receding in sight and added some emotion:

“Historically, the ruling family of the town of Nong is a few times easier because of the singularity and marriage.”

"Now, its owner is the Herman family. They are the vassals of the ruins. The ancestors are the blood branches of the Fakenhaus family, and even the family tree of Bozdorf and our Klomma. ”

Kedler’s tone is slightly different:

"But their glory is no longer there, and the current gifted town of Viscounts even has to borrow money."

Tyres frowned back:

"Lossing? Why?"

As the team continues to move forward, there are occasional reconnaissances to open the road or to protect the rear whistle and ride, bringing a powerful commanding voice.

Dre's eyes drifted into the distance, a little stunned.

"Because of the war."

Tyres' eyes look:

"The Year of Blood?"

Dyle stared at Tyres, raised the horse, and went hand in hand with him.


"But not only."

He fixedly looked at Taylors:

"Eleven years ago, in order to recover the fairness of the Scarlet Year, the kingdom decided to expedite the desert."

Expedition to the desert.

Tyres thought:

"You mean the desert war, and the subsequent campaign to clean up?"

Dele raised his eyebrows and seemed to think of something. He immediately apologized:

"Oh, I almost forgot, of course you know. You were raised by Viscount Mann, he was sacrificed in that war."

Taylor's face is a stiff face.

No, I do not know.

I was listening to an unscrupulous tavern owner.

The setting sun shines ahead, the team is still moving forward, but Dreux looks at the distance and seems to be somewhat ecstatic:

"Before the war, His Majesty and the State Conference adopted a mobilization resolution: in the emergency period, the front baron of the Blades of the Sand Dunes can exercise the wartime control of the town of the gift in the name of the king, including but not limited to public order and martial law. , convene soldiers, requisition materials, and even bureaucratic appointments, taxation, and judicial enforcement."

Wartime control.

Taylors stunned:

"It turned out to be."

But he immediately felt that something was wrong:

"Emergency period?"

Dreyer nodded and his face was heavy:

"And since then, from the prolonged eradication campaign to the recent orcs..."

Dre's eyes became extremely sharp:

“The so-called “emergency period” in the blade camp has lasted for eleven years.”

He turned his head and looked straight at Tells, and the meaning in his eyes was hard to understand:

"It has never been lifted."

Taylors stunned.

Eleven years of martial law and ... military management?

"In this way, Viscount Herman is still the lord of the town of gift, but has lost control of it."

"And the town of gift is only one of those attachments."

Dele’s voice is low, just like his emotions:

"Now do you know that this storm in the blade camp means something?"

Tyres frowned.

This time, the Earl of the Wings gave him a big proposition.

It’s so big that he can’t start.

But Dreux did not want him to answer the question, the Earl is just self-sufficient:

"The war is bad, right?"

The young Earl rode on the road, and the sunset dyed his armor golden.

But his eyes are filled with indescribable sadness:

"Because it is destroyed, it is not just life."

Taylors licked his mouth and didn't know why.

"In wartime, in the face of the king's pro-independence army and the enthusiasm of the people, the old Herman viscount only bowed down, obeyed, worked diligently, and devoted his loyalty to the family's territory in the name of the kingdom."

Dreux's voice undulates:

"And after the war, facing Williams, the 60-year-old Viscount of Herman had only one hand holding the genealogy and the yellowing of the gift of the town, and holding the sword in one hand against the neck, at our lord meeting I screamed in tears and tried to get home the land."

"The whole West is watching, but our so-called so-called big lords, the so-called guardian Duke and the Earl of Seal, can only do it with persuasion - with delays and lies."

Dele frowned and looked ahead:

"So, when the old prince was depressed, and his son sneaked into the wing, whispering to borrow money to maintain the time, I did not hesitate or embarrassed."

The Earl of the Wing Fort is flat and peaceful, but there is a repressed power in the discourse:

"This is what we owe him."

Taylor's eyes are a bit heavy.

The silence lasted for a while, and only the hooves sounded.

"How many."

After a long while, Thales made a sound from the unspeakable silence:

"How much is there in the West?"

Dreux bowed his head and seemed to be thinking.

But he still spoke up after all.

"I do not know."

"But I know that about five years ago, my majesty, the Baron of the town of Emory, who had been inherited for hundreds of years, was sick and unfortunately killed, and it was absolutely inevitable - at least to the outside world."

This time, the count's voice was exceptionally low.

Tyres frowns:


Dele looked up and screamed out of his nose:

"Obviously he has been protesting the implementation of the "Border County Tax Exemption Order" - according to him, the countless nouveau riches who were born by the decree are eating away his interests every day, taking away his people and cutting them off. His livelihood."

"Right and whether or not Baron Emory's excuse is exaggerated, but in the end, the worst thing is that I don't know because I am stupid and have nothing to do, or I have nowhere to complain and stubborn too much, or I have too much brains to drink... He did not listen to our dissuasion, but followed the instinct and chose the radical style of the ancestors of the Rondo Empire."

Taylors a glimpse.

Radical style?

I saw Diller clenched the reins and revealed the chill in his eyes:

"The guy recruited the troops, mobilized the army, and planned to cross the West, and make a 'big news' that the whole star would see, and ‘protest’ to the king and the kingdom.”

Mobilize the army.

Big news.

Tyres’s mood is getting tighter.

"And then, how did my father react?"

Unexpectedly, Dreer just shook his head and closed his eyes.

"Nothing," Earl of Wing Fort faintly:

"The Renaissance Palace never knew about it - at least, before they knew it, the Duke of Falkenhaus and the Count of Bozdorf made a decision with me."

Taylor was wondering for a moment:

"Don't know? Make a decision? What is that..."

Dele answered him in one sentence:

"We handled him."

The statement is short, the grammar is simple, and the semantics are concise.

deal with?

At that moment, Taylors felt a heartfelt cold.

"you know."

I saw Dele squint and the words were indifferent:

"The **** years are not far from the past, the lessons of the blade are still there, and the West is..."

"We can't let that happen."

In that second, the count’s eyes became extremely hazy, and the voice seemed so tight that the air could not flow:

"we can not."

and so……

Handled him.

Baron Emory...

I am sick at home.

Unfortunately died.

That's it... absolutely.

Teres only felt the back of his back.

He couldn't help but think of the words that the Duke of the West had said to him, about the nobility and the kingship.

[The stalwart will not succumb to the iron whip, and the sergeant will not give up the whipping, and the person in the carriage, no matter who it is, cannot sit on it. 】

In the sound of the hooves, the bite of the Earl of the Fort Wing is heard:


Taylors took a breath.

The prince's team is still moving forward, and the gold-winged single-winged crow shines in the setting sun.

But in those few seconds, Tyres had the illusion: he and Dele, the air between the two mounts, cold enough to freeze the northern people.

After a while, Thales made a difficult voice:

"You don't like it, right?"

"My father has done what he has done these years."

When he heard this, Dele took a deep breath.

Fortunately, it seemed that the setting sun shook the cold of the count and restored his expression to a few warmth.

"I can't talk about it or not."

Dre's meticulous riding posture has a hint of looseness, only to listen to his faintly authentic:

"Just, I live here, feel the place, connect here."

"My people, my vassals, my family, everything I cherish is in the West."

"I am responsible for them and have an obligation to this land."

Dre's expression is slightly ecstatic:

"When they are alive, I think they live with peace of mind. When they breathe, I think they breathe smoothly. When they die, I think they are dead."

The count’s eyes slowly focused:

"And if they are destined to die..."

"I want them to be peaceful and relieved, without regret."

The Earl of the Wingseng spit out a breath:

"Rather than in the unknowable waves, the bones are broken."

Another embarrassing silence.

At this time, the prince’s heart passed through countless thoughts, but no one could make him happy.

Taylors had to sigh deeply.

It seems that he noticed the prince's emotions, and Dele smiled and changed a relaxed tone.

"But about the town of Gifts, do you know what is the most ironic thing?"

Taylors returned with a questioning look.

"Before the lords gather the army and greet your Highness before you return to the country, the Count of Bozdov of the Inspiring Fortress asks His Majesty to win the order to lift the emergency. For the withdrawal of the Standing Army from the Standing Army, the town of Grace It will also return to the rule of the Hermann family."


Drew’s smile faded away, and he sighed softly.

"For eleven years, if you count the wars and dying years before and after the bloody, the Herman family has been in the business center for more than 20 years, away from the operation center of the town of Entrepreneurship."

Tyres was in a tight heart.

"So, the little Herman with his father's wishes found from the first day, from official execution, public security, to system management, to the coordination of talent reserves and relationships..."

"They have lost the ability to rule the town of gifts."

Dele’s voice is inexplicably surprised:

"If a horse has not left the stables for twenty years, a letter crow has not flew out of the ark for twenty years..."

At that moment, Taylor suddenly felt a little cold in his heart.

"After the first week of rushing and sloppy, the people are protesting and everyone is not satisfied."

Dele stared at the reins of his hand:

"In order to avoid confusion, the town has to stay and even recall some of the official residences appointed by the royal family."

"After the things in the blade camp, the Herman family even had to compromise to the royal reserve army that was supposed to withdraw, in case of a sporadic threat that might penetrate the line of defense. After all, even the lords were in the army of the blade camp. Are you all defeated?"

"Poor Herman, can no longer be the master of the gift town."

"Or, the town of Gifts has long since belonged to Herman."

Dele’s expression:

"Then you saw it, the storm in the blade camp was fixed, Williams came back, the standing army came back, and the decree of the army came back."

"Everything is back."

He turned his head and looked far behind the sunset at Xishan, which was about to end in a few words:

"Everything, I can't come back."

That second, Tyres did not take a deep breath unconsciously.

He remembered the words of Cyril Falkenhaus not long ago:

[Hundreds of years, from the succession of the family, the succession of the title, the ruling of the tax, the appointment and dismissal of officials, the judgment of the law, the mobilization of the army, the revival of the palace are all in a step-by-step, unstoppable way, moderate Slow, but resolutely, take it from the hands of the lords...]

The speed of the team slowed down, and the speed of the Mercedes before and after the whistle was more and more frequent. A large part of the cavalry had already accelerated and disappeared in the corner of the hill ahead.

"So, sometimes I will think, if there is no desert war, then?"

Döhler seems to have forgotten the existence of the prince, and at this moment he is more like talking to himself:

"Even even further, if, is there a year without blood?"

If there is no **** year?

So many people...

When I read this, Tyres’ eyes were also a moment of ecstasy.

A few seconds later, Dreele exhaled a heavy breath, seemingly to drive out the resentment of the past few days, his tone became normal:

"Sorry, Your Highness, I am dying."

Buter is just bent over the corner:

"No, thank you for your frankness."

The team turned to a hillside, and in front of it, a small town that was different from the style of Exeter and the Blades Camp was in sight.

"I understand what you mean, and I will remember it."

Tyres is awesome.

The prince looked at the smoke of people getting closer and closer, and the smile was a little bit stubborn.

But his sentence is more sincere than the previous politeness.

"You are right, Earl," Tyres is in a complicated way:

“Sometimes, it’s more interesting to read it personally than in a book.”

It is also heavier.

He silently said in his heart.

This time, Dele stared at him for a long time.

"Thank you."

The Earl responded softly but was very serious:

"His Royal Highness."

After the words, Deller turned the horse's head with the slow-moving mount, and extended his arm to the town that appeared unconsciously in front of him:

"So, welcome to the town of Grace."

Tyres took a deep breath and turned his head.

He looked far away at the town where the house was scattered and the stone paved roads were wide and wide. Nearly hundreds of residents waited nervously after the whistle line of the Raven Whistle, and turned their curious eyes to the center of their team. .

Tyres lightly clenched his fist.

"Don't forget the source of its name."

Just listen to Dyle with a deep meaning:

"This is the gift of His Majesty."

But the next second, not waiting for Taylors to reply to anything, the "welcome crowd" in front of the eyes appeared a commotion.

The attention of Tells and Diller was raised at the same time.

Under the vigilance of the Ravens Guard (and the "freaks" who yelled at the periphery and want to be close to the prince), a team of dozens of black armies violently opened the crowd and stepped on the heavy steps. However, the momentum is stunned and the voice is fascinating.

"Give Way!"

Many civilians complained again and again, but no one dared to oppose it. Everyone would reluctantly or reluctantly leave the road and make way for the soldiers.

Tyres frowned.

Many Ravens whistle and lightly subconsciously touched the weapon, but no bigger movements.

Because a banner is marching along with the ranks of the black armored soldiers, as the sailboat breaks the waves and tears open the crowd, rising high.

Looking at the flag, Taylors stunned.

I saw the flag was pure yellow, and there was a lion outlined by black lines.

Yellow lion on the bottom.

"That is..." Taylors had some doubts.

Count Dreux sighed and turned to Tyres sideways, whispering:

"The black lion of the British soul castle, the Bozdorf family, they are earlier than I expected."

British soul castle...

Black lion...


Still not waiting for anything to think of Tyres, Döhler crossed the saddle and pressed the arm of Tyres:

"That is Count Lewis. Although he is also one of your father's vassals, I sincerely recommend you, Your Highness, no matter what he said..."

Dreux’s tone was extremely cautious, and he saw his mouth curled slightly:

"Just smile."

Tyres is another fog.

At this time, a sorghum but a thick voice, with a little enthusiasm, a little sly, maybe a little cold and gloomy, in the black armor of the soldiers:

"Dele, Dele, my dear little Dreux!"

"You come so fast, isn't it!"

A middle-aged aristocrat with a medium-sized body and a slightly fat body, but with a black armor and a hanging sword at the waist, rides on the horses on both sides and comes to the front of the "Crow".

Dele’s guards apparently knew him, no one stopped, and no one spoke.

The middle-aged aristocratic guards also tacitly stopped at the front line, letting their masters move forward.

Taylor was keenly aware that Dreek took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

I saw the middle-aged aristocrats with a bit of enthusiasm and a false smile, and settled in front of Diller’s horse, and extended his arms to him:

"Sure enough, the whole West, whether it is a horse or a crow, or you have produced much more!"

The middle-aged aristocrats looked at Dyle's mount and looked at the horse's meaning. The style of the voice gradually changed:

"Be both obedient and easy to use, fast and convenient."

Dreek frowned.

The middle-aged aristocrat flanked the Earl of the Fort, revealing an intriguing expression:

"Below to the people, to the king, you can all like it."

Thales licked his lips: the deep meaning of the other side of the words.

I saw that the Count of Dreux didn’t hear anything like it, and I kindly nodded and smiled.

"The Earl of Lewis Bozdorf."

Drey politely took off the iron gloves and extended his right hand:

“I am honored to meet you.”

The middle-aged aristocrat smiled and took off his gloves and held Dray’s hand.

He didn't answer, only his eyes were like a knife, and he shot straight to Teres next to Dele.

Tyres, who was staring at the smile, was tight.

"So, where?"

The next moment, the man known as Count Lewis, stared at the prince, but narrowed his eyes, his face was arrogant, and his tone was gloomy:

"Our one is said to have defended the world peace, conquered the dragon kingdom, and saved the heroic prince of the whole star... Where?"

No, no, no, the sword of the day is not coming back! No! He is just...this...this is just a negligible rebellion! Just awkward! It will be settled soon! Attached to the chaos, all the heads, killing, killing! The throne is my mother, I am, I am! ——The sword of the moon that is ruined

(End of this chapter)

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