Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 503: Six wings and seven waiters

Chapter 503, Six Wings and Seven Servants

Lorenborg is a small place in the West, which seems to be a well-chosen place.

Gilbert left early and went to the standing army to handle the affairs, while Tyres left the carriage with the royal guard headed by Mallos, and entered the castle that was simply comparable to the shield cabin.

He did not meet the local aristocrats to come to see the ceremony, only the servants who shivered in the distance trembled to hand the lights, water, food, and then the royal guards (strictly separated from the prince and other idlers) were sent to Thailand. Surrounded by les.

Even the guard posts outside the castle are carried out by the royal family in the periphery.

Even when Taylors subconsciously smiles toward a little maid who seems to be only eleven or two years old and rushes to the top of the table (the top of the plate is on the head), the figure of Mallos will appear in a timely manner, and the courtesy is gentle. But undoubtedly blocked his view.

Until the little maid in the hall full of the Royal Guard's fierce eyes, pale face escaped from the hall.

This could not help but let Taylors block the heart.

But because of the first arrival, and the relationship is unfamiliar, Ters cautioned himself not to interfere with the role of the Royal Guard.

And when Tyres walked into the fortress hall, which was so simple and even simple, and only somewhat military in function, when he sat down at the long table under the direction of Mallos, the feeling of heart blockage reached The peak.

"Old rules, take two people, try the meal first," Mallos did not unload the sword, standing next to the seated Tais, a quiet voice in the hall:

"After half an hour, let the duke dine."

"During this period, the others of the Pioneer Wing went to survey the castle, the guard wings were conventionally deployed, and the logistics wing went to see the kitchen, and everyone else was there."

Mallos blinked at the direction of the little maid:

"And I don't want to see it again, someone can step into this hall without permission, even if it is a chubby girl..."

"And, no matter where the Duke is going, whether to go to the toilet or take a walk, make sure that at least two people are on the side of the body and can see the figure of the Duke at all times. Once there is something, the three layers of protection on the outside should be able to react at any time. ”

Tyres couldn't help but frown.

The words of Mallos seemed to be very prestigious. Among the twenty-four people standing on both sides of the long table, twenty-two people took the opportunity to leave the hall.

And Mallos himself glanced at Taylors, his eyes calm and natural, but it seems to contain some kind of power, so that the hungry is not sitting, the latter subconsciously sat down.

"Take care of the Duke adults."

The chestnut watchman left this sentence in an understatement and walked out of the hall.

At the moment when Mallor's heel left the gate, Tells felt the air in the hall softer.

But the good times didn't last long, and the two people who left last did not hesitate to come forward, and rudely took the plate on the table of Tells.

In the horrified eyes of Taylors, they carefully opened each meal (even a faction that didn't know what the material was made) and took a bite.

Thales looked at the unhealthy meal, and even had the illusion:

I returned to the North, returned to Longyan City, and returned to the Blood Garden.

No, it is worse than that.

At least the Northland people will not eat his things.

One of them tasted it, immediately got up and walked to the door to stand guard, but the other one...

"Oh, no, this pie is made of pumpkin, it's hard to eat."

The guards who were standing closest to him complained bitterly, while dropping a pumpkin pie and giving Tyres a chic smile:

"No, Duke, you won't like this... I have to help you eliminate some, you're welcome..."

Taylor looked at fewer and fewer pumpkin pies and smiled slyly.

The knight who bites the pumpkin pie holds the air and makes a toast, smiling and nodding:

"Don't worry, the Duke is just a regular check... Our standing army is camping outside the castle, nothing can threaten your safety."

The knight in front of me said, the more brilliant the smile.

If you say this, I am even more uneasy...

"No, no, no, you can't eat, you have to wait for half an hour. If I don't have a vomiting foam on the spot, you can start eating..." The knight holds the wrist of Tyres lightly, but it is gentle but not refutable. The ground pushed him back.

Tyres had to slam the hand that grabbed the cup.

He recognized the blond knight in front of him, the " distant relative" of Diller, Doyle.

"So, forehead, Mallos is your leader, is he the highest level?"

Taylors who are bored waiting for the test of poison can only talk without words:

"Do you all have to listen to him?"

Doyle patted the dandruff on his hand and raised his eyebrows:


Doyle glanced at the door and found that the figure of Mallos was completely gone, and began to smile, walked to the side of Tyres and set the tableware for him:

"The Royal Guard has a strict and clear division of labor and systems, including the upper and lower order, and the violation is not allowed."

Doyle said, the movements on his hands, the knives, forks, spoons, and different meals were arranged in a well-organized manner, in line with the table manners that Taylors had learned when he was a child.

Strict and clear...

Tyres looked at the blond knight in front of his interest:

"So you are the first level?"

Doyle put a plate of vegetables evenly and laughed:

"Let's have a little time, Your Highness, this is not that simple."

"Unlike the barbaric and primitive ruins of the North, and their funny Guards, which have changed every time, the Star Royal Guard has a long and glorious historical heritage. Its system can be traced back to the Emperor Guards of the Age of Empires..."

Doyle raised his index finger at the 14-year-old prince, smiled at the sun, and looked friendly to the story of "telling you a story":

"As the sacred team on the side of the escort, the Guard of the Emperor, according to different powers, we are divided into six wings, each wing has the chief and second person in charge."

Six wings.

The spirit of Tyres rose, remembering the former royal Guards who had seen in the dungeon.

"First of all, it is the highest command wing."

Doyle smiled warmly, using a knife and fork to separate two pieces of meat on the plate.

"This is the brain of the entire Guard. The first and second seats are the chief guards who are responsible for controlling the entire Guard. They have absolute authority and are only responsible for the next person. Before being stationed with you, Mallos is the commander. , to convey command and intelligence between Captain Adrian and the heads of the wings, um, the level is not high, but the function is not small."

"And after he was pulled up as a watchman..."

Doyle shrugged helplessly:

"So that's right, we have to listen to him before and after."

Command wing.

The deputy chief of the team.

Taylors remembered the father of Little Barney, thoughtful.

"Then is the guard wing."

Doyle took a deep breath, licking his hair and correcting his body, as if he had become radiant.

"This is the main body of the Royal Guard, and it is also the most widely seen outside the world. It is responsible for the personal protection of the people," he said, arrogantly setting out two pieces of vegetables and pulling them to the meat:

"Ordinary heroes, great guards, confirm your safety with flesh and blood, and pave the way for your glory."

Doyle’s words made Taylors somewhat confused.

Looking at each other's preaching and dignified expression, Taylors narrowed his eyes:

"So, are you subordinate to the guard wing?"

Doyle’s eyebrows rise sharply and dramatically:


Looking at each other and having a glory, Tyres nodded.


"Under Danny Doyle," Doyle pressed and pressed the chest:

"Duke of the Duke, the most reliable of the six guards under your command."

Taylors blinked.

The blonde's Doyle's left eye looks awkward:

"Or simply, everyone likes to call me - D.D."

Taylors is a stagnation.


The prince repeated it strangely.

"You shouldn't have a sister, C.C?"

Or is there a brother named V.V?

Doyle stunned.


Doyle turned his eyes in confusion.

"Cough, nothing..."

Tyres coughed twice, and he said:

"Just a Northland joke..."

"Oh~" Doyle looked blank and raised his tone.

"So, Doyle," Taylors said in amazement at the plate that was being smashed into art.

"When you are young, they will call you - ‘Little D.D’?”

Doyle is a glimpse.


Tyres pulled his eyebrows and shook his head:

"Nothing, I often talk about the boring jokes of the North, and I am used to it."

"Go on."

Doyle seems to know how to blink.

"So what I said - oh yes, the other part of the Royal Guard, the Guardian image that often appears in poetry, the cute and fascinating villain, but the wartime decision-making power: the vanguard wing."

Pioneer wing.

Taylors remembered the stubborn little Barney and the nervous Cannon in the dungeon.

Tyres bends his eyebrows:

"So why is the pioneer wing a villain?"

Doyle cleared his throat and began to tidy up the soup bowl and the water cup:

"Let's say that our **** wing has a heavy responsibility and can't be lightly off the side of the people. There are many times when it is openly exposed. Many things, oh, this is not convenient."

Doyle suddenly heard a voice, and the tone gradually became cold:

"So sometimes, when you look at someone who doesn't want to be pleasing to the eye, or who is on the girl but she doesn't want it, such a trivial thing..."

Doyle stopped his hand and looked cold:

"At this time, you can let the younger brothers of the pioneer wing go to the errands."

See who is not pleasing to the eye...

Which girl is on the squat...

Trivial things?

Running legs?


Tyres looked at him eccentrically and asked:


Doyle still stares at him seriously.

Two seconds later, Doyle smiled and waved his head.

"Of course it's a joke!"

"Although in the poetry, the aristocratic escorts are often blown up like the nouveau riche, but in general, how can the pioneer wing do these boring things..."

Having said that, Doyle’s expression was a meal.

"You know."

He was cold and cold, and he moved closer to the prince, and he had a deep mysterious smile:


Tyres was a little bit dumbfounded by his performance.

"But you said they have a 'wartime decision-making power'..."

Doyle waved:

"Oh, that doesn't matter..."

Doyle cleared his throat again, grabbed the knife, and began to sort out the test that the test was so overwhelming, and only half of the pumpkin pie was left.

"Then, the fewest people, but the status is detached - the penalty wing."

Penalty wing.

Taylors remembered Luton Belletti, the former chief of the Royal Guard, and nodded.

“For example, if you want us to go ‘running legs’ as mentioned above, but we are unfortunately arrested and caught,” Doyle’s eyes condensed:

"The penalty wing is going to play."

"So... no one in the Guard likes them."

Doyle turned to Tyres and warned:

"I believe that you are also - it is said that even the punishment of the royal family members is also responsible for their execution."

Doyle put down the knife. I don't know when, only half of the pumpkin pie was cut into six pieces, and it was placed around the plate. It looked delicate and beautiful, and it was symmetrical and symmetrical.

Seeing Taylor is amazed.

Doyle licked his head and licked his face like a trick:

"Then is the logistic wing, just like the literal meaning, is the most boring part of the six wings, and there are even a lot of extra-committee inside."

Doyle smiled and pulled all the extra messy scraps from the main plate into an empty dish. He threw his hand into the depth of the unlit fireplace and heard a crisp sound.

"To tell the truth, I don't know why they want to keep this department until now - I mean, for the sake of your Majesty, who cares if the room you live in is one night of six copper coins or six silver coins?"

Logistics wing.

Well, my Majesty cares.

Tyres silently.

Doyle breathed a sigh of relief:

"The last is the worst, the level is unknown, and the flag wing outside the five wings."

The flag is winged.

Think of the dungeon, the former flag-bearer of the sword of the disaster, Semir, Tyre singularly said:


Doyle snorted:

"It is said that every **** officer has a small book in his arms. His usual duty is to peek at us and then give a small report to it."

Thales blinked:


Doyle's arm turned over and I didn't know where to get a piece of tablecloth.

Tyres only felt a flower in front of him, and the piece of cloth was wrapped around his chest:


Doyle walked to the side of the prince and arranged the position where the tablecloth and collar were folded:

"They are like the secrets in the Guard, insidious and sinister, uneasy..."

Doyle is half seriously and jokingly said.

The secret department in the Guard.

Is it.

Taylors recalled the different royal guards in the dungeon.

"So this is the 'defensive six wings.'"

Doyle walked up to the front of Tyres, welcoming the guests, and his arms swayed.

The prince was surprised to find that, not only when, the meals and cutlery on the table were in order, the dishes in the plate were arranged beautifully (there was no way of being tested for poison), even on his own body. The table cloth and the collar are all rounded up and the angle is just right.

Even when he moved a little, it would destroy the beauty of the piece.

"And your Majesty attaches great importance to your guard. Basically, in the twenty-five people around you, there are people in the six wings."

Doyle ignored the expression of Thales's "Where to eat from" and licked his fingers to enumerate:

"Lord Patterson, in addition to Marmaris, you are the highest number of judges around you. It is the second-degree penalty officer of the penalty wing. Like his chief, it is basically a type of fear."

"Dvord Stough, the grandfather of the logistics wing - don't look at the uncle's face, but he is full of bad water, if he wants to fix you in the food..."

Doyle sighed and shrugged with a chuckle.

"And you saw Gerlen Glover in the past, the brown-haired guy behind Marlous, usually does not open, even the opening of the Earl of the Fort Worth."

You are yourself too.

Tyres secretly said in his heart.

Doyle did not notice the face of Tyres:

"Glover is one of the pioneers. By the way, the guy is a face-to-face, not crying or laughing. We privately call him a 'zombie.'"

"I heard that the grandfather of the zombie served in the Royal Guard, and the official is not small."

Doyle blinked:

“So he’s been a little bit stunned, knowing a lot of doorways in the Royal Guards – and even know the secrets of the old guards years ago.”

This phrase attracted the attention of Taylors.

"Old guard?" asked the prince.

"Yes," Doyle glanced at the table and found that there was no place to adjust and disappointingly regained his gaze:

"18 years ago, the royal guard in the **** year."

Tyre nerves are tight.

"Although the old people in the palace are not willing to mention the things of the year, if they ask, they are almost taboo..."

Tyres looks a little:

"Is it."

However, Doyle looked up and said:

"But it is said that in the decades that King Eddie ruled, regardless of quantity or quality, the legendary old Royal Guards reached their peak in history."

Tyres’ attention was drawn to him.

"Don't say anything else, it's just personal force. They have more elites than any other generation."

Having said that, Doyle’s eyes are shining, as if singing a poetry:

"Someone doesn't move, it's a thunder, and there is no need for a second strike to make an enemy."

"Someone is a thousand miles, the gloom is unpredictable, and the white scorpion kills the enemy without leaving it;"

"There is a knife in the hand, the head is rolling, the **** battle is not moving;"

"After a thousand steps, the arm is stretched, and the soul of the dead is hard to fall;"

Doyle breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward to:

"The most exaggerated thing is that the legendary Guards at that time, and even some people can use one enemy and one hundred, to squander the public, to squash thousands of horses, what is Monet."

Doyle's tone is gentle.

With one enemy, one with one,

Long Qianjun Wanma...

Taylors thought of the mighty, but crumbling lonely figure, and it was a sudden moment.

"Is it."

Tyres’ eyes are moving:

"So, what about the current guard?"

"just now?"

Doyle blinked and his corner was bent.

"Now, most of the people in the Guard are reorganized after the **** years. You know, people's livelihood is dying, no matter whether they are noble or civilians, and the super-order seedlings trained in the battlefield and the army have long been The newly risen three handsome nets are gone."

"I have heard that Steyr, the chief avant-garde officer, is a polar world, but he has no famous record... Because of this extreme thing, unless you really harden another extreme, others will admit that you are also ,otherwise……"

Doyle shrugged and the yearning for the future turned into regret.


"I wish I was born in that era, I can see the unprecedentedly powerful Guards, and I can do it with the lost legendary masters."

But Doyle shook his head.

"No, there is nothing to be a pity. After all, it is also a shameful guard."

Tyres' eyes look:

"Shame? How?"

Doyle sighed slightly:

"You don't know? It's the same Guard. In the **** years, they are not well protected, poorly dispatched, and they have lost ground and lost their chances."

"I also personally ruined... the best era of the Royal Guard."

Poor protection, poor scheduling...

Taylors clenched his fists subconsciously.

"It is said," Doyle's face is complicated, I don't know if it is disdain or helpless:

"It’s just said that there are even people in the Guards and even outsiders."

Litong foreign enemies.

The clasp of Tyres’ grip is getting tighter.

"Watching people."



Taylor looked up and asked seriously:

"You just said that Marles was promoted from the command wing to watch people a year ago."

"Which position is this position in the six wings?"

“What is the specific responsibility?”

In the face of this problem, Doyle also took a moment.

"Watching people?"

He frowned:

"To tell the truth, in the first eight years of the Guard, I didn't know that this position existed until Marcus was promoted."

"But there is speculation in the team, you know, watch, watch, so we guess this is a role to stay in the dark, secret guardian watching..."

Having said that, Doyle’s eyes turned and he said: “For example, if you go to Hongfang Street privately, it’s not convenient to bring a guardian. The watchman will secretly follow, waiting at the bedside...”

Tyres originally listened very seriously until he felt that something was wrong.

Looking at the expression of Tyres, Doyle picked an eyebrow:

"Right, Duke, you are still young this year, but do you know Red Square?"

Hongfang Street?

Without waiting for Tyres to answer, Doyle raised his index finger and laughed:

“Hey~oh, I haven’t been there since I saw it!”

"It doesn't matter, I will take you to play when it is empty."

Just at this time.


Clear but loud voice.

That second, Doyle sat in perfect mouth, turned, laughed, and stunned, in one go:

"Oh, see who is coming, Lord Marlows! Oops, and you, zombies - I mean the Goloved Pioneer!"

Doyle opened his arms with enthusiasm and looked at the third person without any embarrassment:

"Welcome, Earl of Caso!"

Sure enough, the watchman Marlous and the vanguard Glover appeared in the foyer, and Gilbert followed behind them, watching Taylors with a smile.

Tyres only reported a smile.

Mallos reveals a perfect and indifferent smile:

"Doyle, I heard that you are very interested in Hongfang Street?"

"Oh, you said this..."

Doyle looked like "just remembered" and said:

"Of course, I'm just getting some of the Dukes of Thales, um, he should know this age - common sense."

common sense?

Tyres sighed and silently turned away.

"Common sense?" Sure enough, Lord Mallorius narrowed his eyes, and Glover, who was beside him, snorted.


Doyle turned to Taylors without any twilight:

"Geography common sense."

"About the administrative division of Yongxing City, adults, as we just said, Hongfang Street is leaning against Linhe Street, separating the West Ring District and the Lower District..."

Mallos and Glover are looking at each other, one side is laughing, and the other is disdainful.

And Tyres can only look at Doyle with amazement, and his heart is filled with endless admiration.

A few minutes later, Tyler finally took the knife and fork and was able to eat, and Mallos and others left silently, leaving only Gilbert to look at the prince with relief.

"It's nice to see you talking to Danny, the Duke."

Tyres smiled helplessly and cut it without mercy, destroying the perfect meal that was made perfect and called art.

"I have no other choice, is it?"

Gilbert laughed and smiled:

"Relax, Your Highness."

"Either Mallor, Golov or Doyle, they are all ‘seven servants’, not ordinary local nobles, your father believes them.”

Tyres forked a piece of meat, humming:

"Seven waiters?"

Kilber nodded.

"At the end of the war, there were seven enemies on the side of the Renaissance King. The travellers collectively called them "the seven stars of the comet."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs once again brought up the tone of storytelling. Although there was no ups and downs and enthusiasm in Putilla, the victory was straightforward and straightforward.

"After the founding of the People's Republic, they took root in the central collar and were sealed from the Viscount to the Baron. They became the direct vassals within the king's territory, and their family became a powerful arm of the comet's royal family."

"For six hundred years, although the time has changed, the members have changed. But in every era, the most intimate trust of the comets, the vassals of the comet are still called "the comet seven waiters" - although sometimes they will exceed, sometimes Less than this number."

"In addition to the six giants and the thirteen generations, the Seven Stars are also frequent visitors to the Royal Guard, especially in the last hundred years."

For nearly a hundred years...

Tyres chewed the word.

"On status and influence, they may not be as good as the nineteen aristocrats, but when it comes to the power and significance of your family rule, the seven waiters are definitely there."

Gilbert seriously said:

"So, maintain and be a direct vassal..."

The prince interrupted him.

"What about a hundred years ago?"

Gilbert's eyes moved.

Tyres bites a steak:

"The Duke of the Western Expedition told me that he had a great-grandfather. He worked in the Royal Guards a long time ago and even helped my grandfather to take the throne."

Tyres swallowed a sigh and stared at the steak that had been cut in front of him:

"So, Gilbert."

"When did the six giants and the thirteen people of the family gradually disappear from the king's most trusted guards, from the royal guards?"


The porch outside the hall.

"how about it?"

Watchman Marlous walked forward with his hands, and Doyle slowly followed him.

Doyle shook his head and looked calm.

"do not know."

“It’s not like people who are so magical geniuses, to some extent, there are some...speaking?”

Mallos took a rise from the nose:


"How to say?"

Doyle glanced behind him and licked his mouth:

"Be credulous and unsuspecting."

"I just sneaked a few words to remember the past, our Duke of Star Lake..."

He shrugged and smiled faintly:

"Just for a while, I almost touched him all over. The dagger in his arms couldn't protect him - I could break his neck in a few seconds."

"I am wondering - how did he survive in the hands of the beggar who killed and killed?"

The expression of Mallos remained the same, oh.


Doyle sighed and narrowed his eyes:

"I say so, if that is a princess..."

His eyes are ridiculous:

"That's it... she has long since blushing, lying in my arms and learning to call me."

Mallos frowned.

What Doyle remembered, smiled: "Of course, if he is really a girl, then this character is quite cute."

Mallos exhaled.

"You just don't want to stop."

"Wang Duoli, which innocent girl has not been harmed by you?"

Doyle blew a whistle and his eyes turned:

"Well, there are still a few."

Mallos bent his lips.

"Return to the post," the watchman's expression was restored to a lighter tone, and the tone was serious:

"And, don't play anymore, you are protecting..."

Doyle raised his hand.

"Of course, rest assured," the blonde guard of the guards laughed and turned away:

"I know, I know how important he is - the blood of the kingdom, the Duke of Star Lake."

"Whether it is for the royal family, or for us."

Doyle's figure is gradually drifting away.

Mallos stopped.

He looked back and looked at the back of Doyle.

"Do not."

Mallos has the same expression, but slowly shakes his head, whispering:

"How important is he."

"I am oblivious."

The watchman snorted, with a touch of disapproval in his tone:

"Small D.D."

(End of this chapter)

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