Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 516: Class Schedule

Chapter 516 Curriculum

Gilbert coughed and returned to the right color very quickly:

“So, as a regular rule, as a minor prince, you will have a full-time teaching team to ensure that you benefit from grammar, etiquette and more.”

"One to two attendants..."

"Several personal guards..."

Tyres took a sip of tea to pick up the emotions:

"It sounds familiar."

Kyle's characteristics nod, it seems to have some emotions:

"Of course, six years ago, we were in a hurry, everything was simple, and we were not able to equip you with the best and most appropriate people."

"And then, the development of the situation broke our plan. In the days of the North, it is difficult for us to send you the people accepted for Exeter. I am very sorry for this..."

Gilbert’s words were deeply apologized.

"Not really."

Tyres shook his head and unconsciously raised his lips:

"As a teacher, although Putilit has been missing for several years, he still has no mouthfuls, but he did see it widely, and he was very considerate. He helped me along the way and taught me a lot."

It’s hard to imagine that the smoking pipe in the corner, from time to time, yelling at you, always insidious little old man who jumped out unexpectedly...

He is a decent friend, a courteous, courteous and well-kept Gilbert.

It is also a classmate taught by a tutor.

"As for the attendant officer, Wyah is loyal to the six years, hard work, and due diligence, is a rare prince attendant."

Tyrek keenly noticed that mentioning Wyatt, Gilbert's look was once again.

The prince could not help but feel the emotion.

When I saw Wyah six years ago, I still felt that he was a little rigid and serious, but now...

Thales glanced blindly at the star-studded Star Lakes guards.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

There are some things that are worth living in the blessing.

"Then is the guard, yes, Edda..."

Taylors has a terrible headache:

"Well... as a prince guard, she..."

He sighed and shouted:

"Very... lively?"

Under the prince's narrative, Gilbert seems to have fallen into recollections and his eyes are moving.

"Moreover," said Tyres, and smiled:

"In the last year, didn't you invite the old crow for me?"

With this nickname mentioned, Gilbert looked bright and smiled.

"And I hope that Mr. Hicks can help you."

"Call, of course he has," Taylor shrugged, remembering the special teacher, remembering the stubborn veterans in the shield, and remembering their embarrassment with their mysterious mother:

"And he gave me help..."

"You can't imagine."

After waiting for a while in the living room, neither of them spoke. During the period, the servants changed into tea and snacks accompanied by the Royal Guard.

"I assure you, Your Highness."

Gilbert revisited Tyres, the temperature and:

"Since you have returned to Yongxing City and you have been promoted to the Duke, you deserve to be educated in a noble and effective manner."

“The people of insight who I and my Majesty have assigned will do their best for your study. Start with the schedule and plan your daily life...”

Daily living...

When Tyles heard this, he could not help but scratch his head:

“In fact, I have been used to self-study in the past six years. You know, there is a big library in the Palace of the Kings...”

Gilbert shook his fingers like he had prepared:

"The conditions are limited to being forced to close the door and self-study, and there is no need to have resources but self-occlusion. This is two different things."

"And," Gilbert’s words turned sharply and seriously:

"If you have an understanding of learning, my Highness, then you will know."

“In addition to the hard-working rote, knowledge accumulation,”

“There is nothing that is self-taught.”

Taylor looked at him with a sly look.

I saw that Gilbert picked up his fingers and bitterly:

"You need someone to guide, someone to discuss, someone to ask, someone to supervise, someone to stimulate, someone to encourage, someone to help, someone to respond to your learning outcomes, these are hard books that can't be given to you..."

"Okay, okay, I understand," Tyres interrupted him with a headache, and he also hooked his hook:

"Learning, what's the course, okay, come on, come on."

Forget it.

Besides, it is not a class.

In addition to ghosts and river crabs, I have not been afraid of this in my life!

Gilbert smiled and nodded.

“Very good, so I am going to talk to you today and sort out your future study schedule...”

Star foxes lifted their glasses again, while picking up a pen in their right hand and writing something on the paper on their knees.

Tyres, who is fighting for the freedom of the rice worm, is looking at him bored.

"So, grammar, etiquette, history, military..."

Gilbert blinked his head:

“What are you learning in Exeter here?”

Taylors looked up and thought about it.

In the Palace of the Spirit, in the day of the Selma study... um...

Grammar, etiquette, history, military.

"They are not classified like this..."

"But let's skip the grammar and etiquette first," Taylors said with a headache:

"First of all, history."

Tyres knocked his fingers and recalled:

“In the past six years, they have exchanged a lot of history teachers, from scholars and nobles to priests and priests in the temple church. Even when the Earl of Brisbane is free, they will teach in person.”

"Charles Risban, I remember, the ‘Long Yao’,” said Gilbert’s eyes:

"When he was a peace talker 18 years ago, he was a tough opponent."

Thinking of the regency of Brisbane, the eyes seemed to be able to see through his mind, and Tyres nodded in his heart.

“Northern people, especially the history lesson taught to the nobility, is not so much a history as it is... a traditional lesson.”

Gilbert's eyes moved:


Thales Dagger:

"From the countries of the ancient northern land, the first king Takmu's "The Alliance of the Beasts", to the "Human's Last Line of Defense" of the Iron King, the Knight's Temple was completed, and the kings jointly launched the sacred battle..."

"After the wars of the kings, Tianma was born, **** honours, the Empire conquered..."

"And the uprising king against the emperor's first righteousness, the Northland independence, the six kings duel, the mountain spirits moved east..."

"After the modern empire collapsed, the orcs in the ‘no moon in the winter’ went south, and the last line of defense re-established, and the thirty-eight whistle looked at the land...”

Tyres counted one after another, and Gilbert also remembered something on the paper.

The duke sighed:

"There is no saying that the entire ancient empire is built on the invincible North Knights, and then they are overthrown, and finally rely on them to defend the human world..."

Tyre's tone is helpless.

"But, until Nakaru reversed the cold wind, the ten knights shared the Exeter, and when they heard more, they would find out..."

The duke’s eyes gradually became serious:

“It’s not so much to remember history, but to remember the unique traditions of the North: survival, iron and blood, co-governance, duel, war, glory.”

Gilbert thought for a moment and then said:

"Or the jurisprudence and orthodoxy that belong to them."

Thales nodded.

Or sum up a sentence:

Eat, sleep, fight the orcs.

The last item can be replaced at any time with "empire" or "star".

Well, maybe one day it will be replaced by "Tells".

The Duke of Star Lake sweeps away unnecessary thoughts and returns to the subject.

"Then, it is the etiquette class in the North."

"Yes, you have not misunderstood, the northern aristocrats also have etiquette classes, how to meet, say hello, greet, get along, courtship... Of course, there is a duel."

Tyres sighed:

"The Northern Heavenly Etiquette of Scorpio... The higher the status of the nobility, the more it is."

"Ceremony..." Gilbert thought, chewing the word:

"No matter which aspect, people who don't like the empire, the more they despise it, the more they will be aligned with the great empire once - such as etiquette."

Tyres remembered some past events and sneered:

"Believe it or not, in a version of the story, the tradition of the duel in the North is derived from an ancient brother: they have fallen in love with the same woman."

Like a lion, in order to fight for damn...

Community mating rights.

Thales licked his mouth.

In fact, in the first year of Longyan City, the unfamiliar Tyres recruited a variety of friendly and eager duel applications from the Axe nobles.

Fortunately, his status is high enough (prince), but fortunately his backstage is hard enough (female grandfather), but fortunately his face is thick enough, and Teres has lived peacefully for the first year, and vowed not to be in public with Selma. Walking together ("It is obvious that she came to pull my hand first!" - in the dead of night, the nine-year-old Teres was facing the pillow alone, complaining irresponsibly).

“In addition to this, they will also explain religion and belief in etiquette classes.”

Taylors recalls:

"From the ancient ancestor worship, to the ancient mountain beliefs, to the modern Holy Church, to the present moon and sunset, the throne and the dragon after the end of the war - the Northern ceremonies and beliefs are inseparable."

Gilbert remembered a few strokes and nodded:

"I am afraid that it will not be able to break away from the influence of the empire."

"Several centuries ago, when the Church of the Holy Day was still an imperial state religion, almost all the secretaries and bachelors of the imperial aristocracy came from church schools. Almost every aristocratic family had its own priests, and the belief in the Holy Day was even compulsory. Lessons are second only to the loyalty to the throne. In fact, religious etiquette and knight etiquette have considerable commonalities."

Taylor shrugged and didn't know whether he agreed or was helpless.

"Beyond history and etiquette, it is the ruling class."

"As the name suggests, it teaches a lord's heir how to govern the territory. Of course, only noble families above the count will have such a class."

Taylors looked back in a headache:

"Including financial calculations, farming, business administration, human etiquette, aristocratic marriage, and so on... are many and complicated."

Gilbert thought thoughtfully.

"But do you know what is the most interesting?"

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief, half of which was ridiculed and half scorned:

“Under normal circumstances, women are not qualified to listen to this class, they are only prepared for male heirs.”

Of course, in the past few hundred years, Exeter has never had a female heir to the table.

So he was fortunate enough to accompany someone to class – ironically, Taylor was more able to inspire the teacher's guidance in this class than his **** table.

"But in fact, the content of the Northern Territory's ruling class, whether it is to measure the income and expenditure of the housekeeping, or to try to understand the situation, or to arrange marriage according to the ritual law, especially the part related to the number and marriage, is the marriage of the hostess. In charge - especially in some male aristocrats who only drink and hunt, but the arithmetic brain is not awesome."

Tyres thought about it with his head, remembering Nilailai:

"In fact, there are quite a lot of such Northland men."

"So, in my many careers with the female princes, the inexplicable ruling class is the most unconstrained by the aristocracy of the Longyan City--because she is a girl, she also uses these when she marries. I am a man, it makes no use for me to learn."

The prince is ridiculous.

Gilbert smiled at him.

"In the chaotic era of the kings, the wife and daughter only connected the family and the family, the bond between the city and the city, and there is no place to speak."

"Only from the empire, the intelligent woman has her own stage: a good girl can become the husband of the future husband, sharing the duties of the male master, rather than the beauty who is stuck in the portrait."

"It can be seen that the rise of the status of the nobility depends on the external conditions and the maturity of the environment: only the war is no longer the case, the grain is full, the production is restored, the rule is stable, the horse is useless, the weapon is devoid, the physical work is less, and the work is less When things are more, the physical disadvantages of women will be reduced, and intellectual knowledge will have room for play."

Gilbert seems to have a deeper say:

"If the world is not on that day, then you can only fight for your own Longyan city, it can only be in vain."

However, Tyres has come to interest:

"So, if the external conditions are never mature, such as underdeveloped production, economic backwardness, unstable times, and frequent wars; if the world never reaches that day, for example, the way people work depends on physical strength and strength... then the woman Should it be a vassal, will it last forever?"

Gilbert raised his glasses:

"It's a pity, but this is an obvious objective fact, and we can't do anything about it."

Tyres stared at him and suddenly smiled.

"Really and should."

A glimpse of Gilbert:


"You gave me an answer to ‘is’, Gilbert,” the young duke sighed:

“Respond to my question about ought.”

"This is not right."

Gilbert was a glimpse first, then stunned.

"It seems that our grammar class can improve a little progress," the foreign minister smiled softly:

"Especially the logical part."

Taylor smiled with a smile.

"But before we solve this eternal problem, let's return to the theme," Gilbert wisely no longer entangled the topic:

"So, apart from history, etiquette, and domination?"

Taylor sighed, but couldn't whistle.

But this does not damage his complex feelings about the next answer:

“Finally, it’s also the most northern part.”

"Northern people..."

"Military class."

(End of this chapter)

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