Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 53: Tyres and Jen (below)

Chapter 53, Tyles and Jen (below)

"The reaction of the White Eagle family is faster than we thought - the Iron Eagle went to Yongxing two hours ago. This will give you a lot of time to prepare before the news spread." Jane sat gracefully. The carriage was driven by the Knight Seychelles and was not on the carriage of the coat of arms.

He spit out the words in a cold voice and looked out the window.

Another mysterious carriage of the same identity, parked next to them, both carriages open the window to facilitate the conversation between the owners.

"But what about it? The fish can't avoid the flow of water any more quickly. This is the current that the squat is destined to face." A sharp voice came from another carriage.

"But there is something wrong with our intelligence," Jane said coldly. "There is an unexpected big man in the mission... the consequences are worse than we think."

"Do you want to give up?"

Jennton paused and took a deep breath: "No, no, the plan is still the same."

I can't look back, isn't it?

"That's good." I only listened to the sharp voice, and did not care. "The general order has been issued, and the nobles will come in a short period of time. At that time, Exeter's official response It’s time to mobilize the army, ask for territory, threats to war – guess how it will be dealt with? Will you bear the burden, or desperate to send our country to hell?”

"And you are doing this big thing, you are really willing to worry..."

Jane whispered, then shook his head gently: "As your family language - 'Power from from violence' (Power_from_violence.), this is a necessary step. I need to determine your attitude and position - you have been refusing to join 'New star', which makes us very troubled."

Another voice laughed: "It seems that you have confidence in yourself! It's no wonder - think about it, young, elegant, noble emerald city owner, Duke of the South Bank, Jon Kevindir, I am a successor! A wonderful picture!"

"We are willing to promise by the glory of the family that your rule in the Western Wilderness is unshakeable and can even benefit from the decline of the North," Jane earnestly and sincerely said: "And not necessarily me... Stars may also change Is it not a king system?"

He leaned forward slightly, slowly and softly:

"And as one of the six, you are destined to be a prince."

The carriage was silent for ten seconds.

"Well, now, you have my guarantee," the sharp voice snorted: "If the stars come to that step, there is no accident, the Falkenhaus family will follow the trend."

Jane gently clenched his fists.

He strongly endured the intolerance of his heart.

This guy.

Still refused to bet easily.

Does he think that Falkenhaus also has a chance? Or did he simply fall to another few? Coulomb? South Dust? Still the most unlikely Tebak?

"I will remember... the attitude of Falkenhaus." The owner of the tri-color iris is faint.

Although Jen is quiet, he is very jealous of the other man on the carriage: this guy’s threat on his list is second only to the fat Duke of the East China Sea, even more so than the South One-eyed dragon.

The sharp voice laughed again and continued: "It’s a great honor! The future Jen’s majesty! I heard that you have been ruined by the blood bottle. Are you not cooperating to control the gang? Cullen’s old guy is standing by. ?"

Jen heard the word "陛下" and frowned. He didn't know how to swear: "Thank you for your concern, everything is under control. I will stop here today, I will rush to the Fuxing Palace, and now you are You should take the command of your Majesty in the ruins."

“No effort,” the sharp voice suddenly chills: “Fackenhaus is never absent.”

"Very good, Falkenhaus, expecting our goodbye." Jane left the last sentence.

"Yeah," said the sharp voice. "I am also looking forward to it. Twelve years later, the kings of the nine nobles are reunited... haha."

The two carriages are each started, staggered and crossed further.

Jane closed his eyes and squinted at his nose.

"Adult," Seychelles' voice passed through the front window: "There is something wrong in front."

Jane blinked softly.

In the distance outside the carriage, a sharp and strange sharp sound came.

Seychelles released the whip with one hand and held the sword at the waist. He said: "It seems like a carriage has been stabbed."


"Stabilize," looked at the two sides of the street or lying or standing, Gilbert leaned forward indifferently, pulled a small window in front of the carriage, hesitated, or quietly whispered: "Ji Ms. Ni, there are exceptions around us."

Through the small window, Tells clearly saw that Ginny’s back was a little trembled.

"...Assassin?" She said slowly: "Come for the child?"

Her words are very slow and very light, as if they were drunk in the night's dreams.

However, somehow, Tyres heard some unstable emotions from Ginny’s sentence.

He also noticed that Gilbert looked worriedly at Ginny's back.

"Not necessarily." The expression of the middle-aged aristocrats became very strange.

"Maybe it's just an accident."

Not necessarily?

Tyres looked at the JC dagger at his waist and heard it here.

But even Joel is determined to be an assassin. Why does Gilbert say "not necessarily" to Ginny?

Ginny snorted: "Be prepared, I want to speed up."

Gilbert gave a slight glimpse, and he looked at the window.

"But before they really started, Ms. Ginny, be sure to keep it! Millions! Remember, they are not necessarily assassins."

"Don't let... influence you."

Ginny’s back is another tremor.

Tyres feels wrong: Ginny is not normal.

The middle-aged aristocrats were extremely dignified. They seemed to feel that they had something wrong with Ginny. He added a sentence: "Jordel, you too!"

"Is it for me?" Tyres looked serious. He closed his suspicions and began to consider the most urgent matters.

"This..." Gilbert sat back in his seat, staring sharply around the carriage, silently saying: "Your existence and whereabouts, theoretically impossible to leak, but please do the worst."

"At least seven." Despite the invisible, the hoarse voice of Jodel screamed in the ear: "Hidden and skilled, well-planned, on the way to the Renaissance Palace."

"I am ready, speed up, you sit down." Ginny's voice came, adding a cold heart to Teres.

"Jenny, calm!" Gilbert seems to be a bit abnormal, he said seriously to Ginny.

Even the most inexperienced Tyles, I feel that Ginny is not right at the moment.

The carriage passed a corner and drove from the mud to the brick floor - two more streets in the central area.

Just at this time.

An old man who had just squatted on their left side suddenly changed his mind. He used his hands and feet to catch up with one of the horses and reached out to Gini to ask for money.


The whip rang and the whole carriage began to shake violently!

Without warning, the carriage began to accelerate!

Gilbert's face changed dramatically. He slammed into the front of the carriage and couldn't take the reaction of Tyres. He shouted: "Jenny, no! Wait--"

But it is too late.

Just listen to Ginny’s anger at the leader’s position!

"Come on! Shameless!"

The whip screamed, and as Kenny’s wrist turned sharply, she slammed on the old man’s body!


The giant force surged, and a blood line came out from the body.

The old man flew five meters away with blood and dropped a scimitar in his sleeve.

The thrilling tayser was still trying to figure out what was going on, and he saw a slamming slam in the back of the carriage, his hands clasped and shouted.

"Things, hands-on!"

A dozen figures rushed to the carriage in the hustle and the tramp!

Tyres’ face changed dramatically.

Assassin, more than seven!

Unfortunately, when he counted the number of assassins, the enemy had already launched the attack.

The two horses were the first to be unlucky. I saw two assassins rolling over the horse's belly, accompanied by the sorrow of the black horse, blood smashed out.

In the anger and whips of Ginny, the carriage continued to move forward according to the inertia, but then the carriage hit the fallen horse, and the whole carriage slammed toward the side!

Ginny leaps and pulls, and a whip pulls an assassin on the side and falls back to the ground.

She looked crazy, biting her teeth and pulling out the long sword at the waist, turning back a sword and stabbing the left chest of an assassin behind.


The car finally fell to the side.

At the moment the carriage fell over, Tyres was held tightly by Gilbert. They fell to the side of the window as the carriage fell over.

Three assassins jumped over the overturned carriage!

When Tyres got up and stunned, he only felt that Gilbert pressed him to the side.


It wasn't the assassin, but Gilbert. He calmly pulled out his cane and waved his arm and shattered the window glass on his head!

The debris flew out into the sky, and the three assassins subconsciously raised their arms and protected their eyes.

Gilbert's cane, such as a poisonous snake, came out and ejected a sharp edge at the tip of the rod, accurately delivering one and one, and an assassin had fallen down on his neck.

Tyres held his head tightly, feeling that small pieces of glass fell around the carriage.

Two long swords were handed into the carriage and stabbed toward Tyres, but the aristocratic swords that were pulled out by Gilbert's left hand were ingeniously moved.

"Hey!" The two swords, one inserted into the sofa of the left hand of Tells, passed over his right arm and stabbed in the air.

Tyres gritted his teeth and felt the cold feeling from his right arm.

One of the assassins saw the scene in the carriage.

He immediately surprised: "No..."

But the assassin failed to finish and was interrupted.

Jorde appeared as a ghost behind the two assassins, and the gray stiletto cut across the back of the two men.

Two years of ragged assassin, then soft down.

"Give him away!" Gilbert roared, blocking the glass that had fallen from the sky, pressing it on the carriage and flipping it out of the car!

Jodel grabbed Tyre's belt and took him out of the carriage.

In the roar of Ginny, Tells saw the situation around him: under the illuminating lights, seven or eight assassins dressed as scorpions, pulling long shadows, rushed toward the overturned carriage!

Unrelated road people, running in the screams and call signs, fled, and the streets suddenly became a mess.

To the nearest assassin, Gilbert kicked a piece of broken carriage and handed it out, forcing a knife-bearing assassin on the left.

Yodel's figure flickered, cutting a rushing assassin's throat, and then holding the wales in his arms.

Just as he is ready to enter the shadows, the difference is steep!


A shrill scream, suddenly bursting in the air!

Jodel’s hand suddenly released Taylors.


It is a very high decibel sound!

At that moment, Tyres painfully bit the back molars, only to feel that under this voice, the head must be blown up!


What is this sound.

He subconsciously grabbed his ears! But the rush was like a magic sound, and it got into his brain without any hindrance.


The sound continued, and both Ginny and Gilbert seemed to be greatly affected. The expression was distorted, the movement was distorted, and even Ginny was scratched by a knife with her left arm.


The magic sound is getting more and more urgent.

Jodel trembled and resisted the attack of this magical sound. He bowed his head, and Tyres knew that he was talking, but the boy’s mind was full of sharp, and he could not hear clearly.

Tyles squinted, resisted the pain of the eardrum, and tried his best to tighten his ears. He looked up, but he was shocked to see the assassins with painful expression but no action. Five people reached out to the back. , pulled out a device, aimed at him and mask guard.


Or, oh.

Tyre’s heart was cold, and he no longer doubted that it was a carefully planned assassination.

The opportunity was trembled.

There is no sound in the magic sound, but five long strips of black shadow appear in the eyes of Taylors.

The next moment, Tyres was thrown a few meters away by Jodel.


In the horror of the tormenting man and the gust of the air, Taylors looked desperately, and the black shadow flew to the mask to guard.

Yodel’s figure trembled in a sharp turn!

Do not.


Yodel Gato.

He thought with fear.

Tyres fell to the ground and rolled outward two turns.

"Hey--" the magic sound is getting closer.

He licked his ears and barely got up in pain and trepidation, but met a ragged figure.

It was a young, awkward young man with a delicate face and a lot of age than Tyres.

I saw his lips open and constantly trembled at high frequencies.

As he approached, the tormented man's magic sound was getting closer.

His eyes were cold and he took a dagger from his waist.

Tyres, who bites his teeth and endures the magic sound, understands what.

He followed the instinct of training in the past month, subconsciously pulling the right foot, pulling the left arm, moving the center of gravity, and posing a standard Northland military sword.

One of the three defensive styles, the iron body.

Among the magic sounds, the dagger that rushed quickly, piercing his left arm!

The pain struck, but Tyres, who was biting his teeth, knew that he was right.

The young man was a little surprised, but he immediately opened his mouth to Tyres, and his tongue trembled, and the magic sound was higher!


The feeling of that moment, let Taylor close his eyes!

He called wildly and in vain, almost wanting to dig the eardrum out of his ear!

In the violently vibrating air, every cell in Thales seems to start to tremble.

He feels that he is getting hot – just like food that is exposed to microwaves.


He slammed his arms and instinctively licked his ears.


The dagger was pulled from his left arm and brought out a blood.


Tyres painfully stretched his face and fell on his knees in a terrible magical sound.


The dagger once again stabbed his throat.

Stop now!

At the last moment, Taylors opened his eyes in despair, saw the cold-blooded face of the young assassin, and gradually turned into a vague other face.

It was a slender girl with bright eyes, staring at him with curiosity.

"Hey? You call Wu Haoren?"

"It’s a weird name."

"My name? Guess..."

The boy trembled and reached out to the vague face.

Excited and hot, he hit his heart at the same time.

His left shoulder hurts, and the magic sound in his ear suddenly rises, covering the girl's next words, only seeing her fuzzy lips one by one.


He whispered unconsciously.


I can't hear her words!


His outstretched hand slammed, as if he had caught something out of thin air.


He muttered.


The magic sound really stopped.

His head is no longer chaotic.

The eardrum is no longer painful

The picture in front of me is back to normal.

Tyres shivered and blinked.

The dagger that stabbed him throat was now tied to his left shoulder.

The owner of the dagger, the young juvenile assassin, grabbed the handle of the dagger and squatted weakly.

The young assassin fell into the arms of Tells face to face, his mouth twitching and shaking.

Taylor looked at him doubtfully.

The face of the young assassin gradually became pale. He looked at the eyes of Taylors, and his eyes were full of confusion and puzzle.


Taylors read this information from his gaze.

Tyles gasped, endured the pain on his shoulders, and looked at him with suspicion.

The boy also wants to know why the murderous abilities of the aggressor in the previous moment... and so on.

and many more.

this is……?

Tyres helped the boy and gasped and bowed his head.

In the space enclosed by the arms of the two men, Taylor lifted his warm right hand.

He shuddered and looked at his hand, the warm, moist thing.

It is an irregular red sphere.

There are also many pipes inserted.

Seems to be - vibrate?

The eyes of Taylors are focused.

He saw it.

His gray pupils jerked back!

In the past life of Taylors, the high school biology class did not perform well. After attending college and taking a postgraduate degree, his biochemical knowledge was even more difficult.

But this does not prevent him from recognizing what is in his hand.

It is a hot, still pulsing...

Bright red, with liquid...


Its two heart chambers, which can not draw blood from the blood vessels, twitched hard.

Tyles subconsciously looked at his chest and then looked at the chest of the juvenile assassin - but their chests were complete, intact, and there was no blood at all.


This heart beats more and more slowly.

Slower and slower.

Tyres stayed for a few seconds before he trembled!

The **** fresh heart slips from his hand to the knee of the juvenile assassin.

The teenager's assassin's breathing is getting weaker and weaker, and he looks pale and seems to realize his fate.

"Lucy..." He was at the ear of Teres, screaming without power and power.

This is his last last words.

Until he stopped moving.

The killing sound in the ear finally returned to the channel of Tells.

The trembling boy stretched out his right hand with warm blood, and tried to pull out the dagger on his left shoulder. He did not look at the ground and threw it away. He even fled to escape the young assassin.

The body of the juvenile assassin fell down weakly and pressed down the heart...

Belong to his own heart.

what is this?

I am "out of control" again?

Thales groaned, remembering Jodel who was killed by the arrow.

He subconsciously turned his head, but the carriage was not empty except for the assassin's body.

Taylors was still in the painful ear... Another assassin fell beside him.

At the moment when the magic sound disappeared, the assassins noticed the anomaly in this corner. Under the entanglement of Gilbert and Ginny, they managed to free up their hands and help quickly.

The assassin who came to help, looked at the teenager who fell to the ground in amazement, and looked at Tells, without hesitation, slamming his right hand and showing a sleeve sword from his wrist.

Tyres reached out to JC, thinking about the two options of defensive and escape, their respective possibilities.

Or - he glanced at the body of the juvenile assassin - with that force...

At this time!

Tyres squats, and there is intense pain in the inside and outside!


Tyres clenched his teeth and slammed down.

It’s like someone is tearing his soul!

Do not!

Do not!

However, the assassin did not pay attention to his movements, but only stabbed him with a sleeved sword coldly - but at this moment, Tyres, even the danger of life can not be taken care of.

He has never experienced such pain.

As if every molecule in the body is roaring and protesting!


Taylors couldn’t stand the pain of torture. He screamed, twitching, and staring at the enemy’s sleeves.

So far?

It hurts.

Ok... it hurts.

That kind of power is really not... no cost.



Just before the assassin succeeded, behind him, there was a tall and slender figure.

The assassin had not had time to turn back, and he was pierced by a long sword from the back of his head.

Tyres, who fell to the ground softly, looked up dying.

A well-dressed, elegant young round-faced aristocrat, walked out from behind the assassin.

The young nobles frowned and wiped the liquid on the sword on the latter's clothes.

The pain is like a tide that fades.

Feeling the pain in the body, Tyres like a drowning man, struggling to breathe a sigh of relief.

He looked at the shoulder of the nobleman and immediately trembled.

There is a complex coat of arms embroidered there.

Tells recognizes this coat of arms.

Red, blue, green, three petals

Three-color iris flower.

In the distance, the eyes of the Seychelles knight, waving his sword, stood beside Gilbert, who was on the ground, and took the head of an assassin.

"After me, the child," the emerald city owner, the guardian of the South Bank, Jen Kevindir is indifferent and elegant:

"Yongxing City does not welcome murder."

This is the first time that Taylors and Jen have met.

(End of this chapter)

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