Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 532: guests

Chapter 532 Guests

Six years ago, Gilbert came here with the first-time kingdom of Teres, avoiding a wave of enemy temptations.

And six years later, Tyres became the owner of the Judith Hall, and this place was naturally used by him—although Gilbert believed that with the openness of the identity of Tyres and the presence of the Royal Guard, this place It should be "not used."

Tyres locked the secret door and opened the thick cloth that covered the luminous stone. In the low light, he could monitor the small holes in the halls of the Didis Hall:

In the front hall, Mallors is politely sending out the restless Julio bachelor, and he may doubt that the restless subordinates have done something to tease the teacher.

In the hallway, Glover and his colleagues stood up and performed their duties with due diligence.

In the garden, Conmuto and Piroga, who had dealt with Tyres, talked about what they were talking about. Thales lazily named the party "Prince-specific sandbag exchange meeting."

After the kitchen, Doyle was bored and stunned in the corner, biting a long butter bread and watching the servants busy for lunch.

Tyres took a deep breath and the whole person fell on the sofa in the secret room.

After a few deep breaths, in the dimness of the four walls, he rubbed his eyebrows against the sofa and felt a long-lost peace of mind.

It's like... a cavern where the shacks of the abandoned house are sheltered.

Although it leaks on all sides, it is solid and reliable.

Protect all the weaknesses he can't take care of.

Tyres rested for a while, sat up again, opened a few other pieces of luminous stone, and lit up in the secret room.

The duke muttered something, near an iron plate next to the sofa, and touched the knobs above.

A few seconds later, in the light of the sound, Tyres pushed open the iron plate that was divided into two sides and opened his private storage room. The former owner of the Judith Hall should also use this place frequently, but Taylors can I want to see that after the **** year, the King Kaiser, who was on the throne, was emptied.

What caught your eye was a pile of unstructured debris.

Looking at the front, Tellston lived.

A few seconds later, Tyres took a deep breath and walked to the empty weapon rack to see the biggest protagonist - the famous imperial sword "warning".

The sword's hilt is started, the touch is unfamiliar, but the feel is good, and people have a desire to pull out the sword.

If not every sword can think of the respect of its former owner and the trouble it brings to himself, Taylors should prefer this sword.

The duke bowed his head in a sullen mood, grabbing the dagger who was familiar with him at the warning.

JC's handle was so cold that Taylor couldn't help but think of it and the hardships he had experienced.

But its sheath is warm and suitable.

Just like the two people behind it.

Since entering the Judith Hall, there is less chance for Teres to take the JC. Every morning and night, there are martial arts classes that make him have to go back and forth and put on the dagger, but Taylors doesn’t want too many people to watch. To it, even if it is the most trusted in the theory of the Duke of Star Lake, the Royal Guard.

But when Tyres pulled out the familiar dagger, the sense of security still made him feel gratified.

Tyres sighed and reluctantly put it down and turned to the other side.

The masked black cloth that Yala gave him was folded neatly, and its material, Taylor, has not been clarified until now.

Taylors unconsciously raised his smile.

But this smile disappeared when he saw the next collection.

It is a string of bone yellow bracelets, and the crystal red long fangs at the tail are especially embarrassing.

It’s like... from where it’s hard to pull out.

Taylors resisted the bad memories behind the bracelet and looked at the next one.

That is a map.

Well, it belongs to a detailed topographic map of a palace in the capital of a second largest country in the world.

He sighed again.

Tyres re-stacked the map. Just Julio's words made him realize that it was not just the church, even if this map was seen, his troubles were only a lot more.

When the duke stacked the map, an old painting paper fell out of the map, causing Tyres to move.

That is a... girl sketch.

It was a long time ago that Taylors turned it out in a book in the Judith Hall.

The sketch of the artist's sketch is not very good, at least it can't enter the master's eyes of Uhran, but the payment behind it is not ordinary - at least Taylors finished watching "End of the 11 years, Necker in Exeter" After Ru and Tomond, Exeter and the Stars deal with the border issue, I thought so.

Tyres stuffed the map and the sketch into the mezzanine under the cupboard, then looked up and saw a pair...

Black-rimmed glasses.

Thales took it off and was a little bit fascinated.

He subconsciously put on his glasses, and sure enough, the moment he opened his eyes behind the lens, a stun came and he had to take it again.

Tyres sighed and sorted things out.

Here, let him put all the private collections after he arrived in the world.

Each piece represents a different past.

Wait, there is one more,

Taylors looked back uninterestedly, picked up the "Apostles of the Sun" from the sofa, pulled out the navy invitation, did not open it, and did not carelessly stuff it into the mezzanine.

A few seconds later, Tyres took a blank piece of draft paper from another page, padded it on the cover of the book, and sat down on the sofa.

He looked at the blank paper and sighed slowly.

While still in the North, the relaxed environment gave him a clear goal:

Survive, return to the country.

However, since returning to the stars, I met the king, the old friends, the banquet preparation, the sacred course, the temple visitor, including the invitations of the previous days. When all the strange and familiar things flooded, especially for a long time. After the blow, Tyres, who has already come up with experience, can’t eat it.

Today, if Julio is inadvertently, he will wake him up.

This is not the North.

He is no worse than before.

Even Tyres had to admit with frustration that for him, everything at the moment has started again and everything is unfamiliar.

He needs to adapt again.

Just like adapting to Longyan City before, adapt to the big desert.

Now, he needs to re-adapt to Yongxing City.

Tyres spits a sigh of relief, pulls out the pen, and touches the tip of the paper.

and many more.

In order to prevent this paper from being discovered, it is possible to figure out the clues (after all, even the stupids of the comet can find the secret of Lilan's hard paper), he can't use too obvious writing.

Tyres thought, and the tip of the pen was moving.

[One, two hundred and fifty gold coins]

Tyres wrote the first entry.

Originally, I wanted to write "stupid big" directly, but I was afraid that the reference was too obvious and changed to this generation.

Well, you can't count on him too much.

But he knows other powerful people...

For example, the secret.

So Taylors indulged for a while, and wrote a small sub-item in the font below:

[1. Red-eyed little brother]

Taylors was silent for a while.

Related to this matter...

At first, Tyres wanted to write "dogleg knife", but suddenly realized that Yala's weapon was also hanged at the sunset bar.

He wants to be more careful.

Especially as Gilbert said, his identity is not what he used to be, and every move can bring disaster to the past.

So Taylor lifted the pen and wrote:

[2. Big sister]

This is the first priority.

However, Taylors must also see that although he is a prince, he is isolated in the stars.

He needs help.

And where is the helper, comparable to the old department in the Northland for six years?

So he wrote the second item:

[two, the little old man, dumb and old man]


Tyres wrote the sub-item "Little Slipper", but the Duke hesitated for a while.

The person who knows this nickname is not without it. One of them still sees that he is not pleasing to the eye and vows to want him to look good.

So Taylors also painted off the "small slick" and rewrote:

[1. Triumph]


Tyres wrote the unofficial nickname.

[three: small stupid]

Taylors wants to laugh.

But when he thought of the heavy meaning behind it, he couldn't smile.

Under the third item, Tyres never stops.

Just writing a word, he frowned for a while, and finally gave up writing "disaster", but instead painted the previous "three" and rewritten:

[1. League]

By the same token, Thales decided not to write "Ricky", not to write "can't die", not to write "sword of disaster", instead:

[2. The mercenary who almost did not have a head]

No, Ricky has been doing mercenaries for so long in the desert, and it is hard to guarantee that no one will know him.

Tyres thought for a moment, with a full of bad taste, and changed the "mercenary" to "nick."

At the same time, considering that Eichda may know that he did not write "Toros", then wrote:

[3. Daxie]

Thinking of the knowledge in the theological class, Taylors wrote:

[4. Young and old]

Finally, he framed the four words and wrote a sentence:

[5. Poor information]

Ehida Sackn, dear.

Tyres is faint in his heart, this is for you.


[four, insect group]

Tyres dares to guarantee that this should be the most rigorous code name.

After all, it’s not a simple matter to find the traces of magic through the Temple of the Sun.

So Taylors made up for it again:

[1. Athanis]

But many years ago, with Ramon, good clues can't be ignored:

[2. The person being beaten]

Seeing this person's code name and the organization it represents, Taylors wants to laugh again.

But the thing that bothers him is not just magic.

[Five, the carriage of the scattered frame]

Write this entry, remembering the haze of Fakenhaus, and remembering the cold tone of King Kaiser in the Chamber, and Tyres was uncomfortable.


Ginny’s stern and full of worried eyes flashed through his mind.

At that moment, it seems that the cold voice of the Iron Wings is not so unbearable?

First of all, it is the group of old guards.

The eyes of Thales condensed, and the figure of Saciel and Barney caught his eye.

Their past is closely related to the revival of the **** year.

That group of branded warriors.

No, "branding warriors" will let many people find clues, and Taylor simply crosses it and writes:

[1. Guss]

Six years ago, the murderer that Nunn Wang pointed to him could not be ignored, um, but also related to the Black Sword:

[2. Map]

And Hayman, his unlucky uncle (what is said, it seems that there is a lucky one):

[3. Cats]

After writing the above five items, Taylors breathed a sigh of relief and rested.

And the rest...

[6, you]


Tyres clenched his fists and passed the warning of Toros: Who are you?

He shook his head.

First of all, the thing about his life: the sin of the prison river.

Related to the Black Sword and the Sword of Disaster.

Tyres is a bit worried.

There is only one code for the black sword. His weapon, his nickname is shared, but the man is still inconspicuous and can't think of any code that can be replaced.

But Taylors suddenly remembered that Black Sword was the founder and leader of the Brotherhood, so he took the initiative to write:

[1. Big Brother]

Plus Ricky:

[2. Nick who almost didn’t have a head]

There is more than one thing about himself.

Tyres held the pen and hesitated.

But after all, he still wrote the pen:

[3. Mother]

Tyres stared at the word, and there was still doubt and strangeness in his heart.

Long language, broken dragon, desert, slave, magic... countless words come together

Finally merged into a name:

Serran Rana.


who are you?

Tyres put down the pen and sneaked through the contents of the paper.

To-do items...

Tyres sighed:

It’s really a lot.

Just like when writing a thesis.

Before writing down, compile the catalogue and write the paragraph theme, always the smoothest and most convenient, isn't it?

At that moment, you seem to have thousands of gullies and all omniscience.

It’s just that the matter is coming, the eve of finalization.

These exaggerated catalogues of Haikou, how many can be realized, how many things are filled, how many are not worthy of the story, and how many can not be completely removed from the catalogue?

Just like... you are confused about an unknown life.

Tyres was stunned.

Fortunately, the meal has to be eaten bit by bit, and many things are not in a hurry.

Taylors took a deep breath.

The duke raised his gaze and stuffed the paper into the mezzanine.

There is no time to be sad.

Too many things are on the body, too many eyes need to bear, too much responsibility needs to bear.

First of all, he has to cross the most urgent level in front of him:

He only welcomed the banquet just a few weeks later.

There, the new Duke of Xinghu, the second prince, the heir to the Star Kingdom, and the comet of Teres, will face the entire kingdom again after six years.

"Duke of the Lord?"

Tyres opened the door of the Chamber of Secrets with a blank expression, responding to the inquiry from Marlous outside the door.

He kept secrets and depression behind him and took optimism and strength out of the door.

"Your banquets are arranged almost the same, the schedule of the day, the guest list, the specific arrangements," he opened the door and saw that Mallos handed him a document:

"I think it is necessary for you to look ahead and prepare."

come on.

Taylor steadily paced and silently said to himself.

He smiled and took over the documents of Malos, who, as always, were as dull as the water.

Since six years ago, all the way to the north...

The disaster came, the king was assassinated, the rebels forced the palace, and such hardships and hardships, he had all experienced it.

The vampire female grandfather, the magician Giza, Chaman Rumba, the terrible enemy of this level, he has all been hard.

As for the banquet of his return to the country on his site...

Is there any opponent that can make him jealous, is it a headache?

Taylor lowered his head calmly.

The guest list is surprisingly long and dense.

However, at the forefront of the list, only a few people after His Majesty the King, along with their conspicuous titles and family crests, entered the sight of Tyres:

[Koya Comet - Your Majesty the Queen]

[Wal Allende - Lord of the Fort, the Duke of the Northern Territory]

[Bob Cullen - Lord Huigang, Duke of the East China Sea]

[Gustad Nantester - Lord of the Forest City, Duke of the Guardian of the Cliffs]

[Jean Kevindir - Lord of the Emerald City, Duke of the South Bank]

After three seconds.

Taylors put down the list and revealed a bitter face.

This Roche banquet...

Can't he go?

(End of this chapter)

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