Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 535: Polaris

Chapter 535 Polaris

The enemy meets, like a spring breeze.

The confidant reunion, extraordinarily jealous.

In the days of the dragons and the city, the stars have been dreaming of returning to the stars.

But if there is anything that can ruin his homesickness, then the graceful and perfect smile of the Duke of Iris, Jen Kevindir, is probably one of them.

Prince Teller will not forget the crazy picture he encountered in the stars when he went north out of the country six years ago:

Whether it is a dry corpse-like blood-sucking demon opened to him a **** mouth and dark eyes, screaming, or a white bloodthirsty monster without limbs irresistibly pressed him under his body and biting his neck.

Both of them took on the surprise picture of most of his six years of nightmare, second only to Giza, who occasionally appeared as a hidden boss in the ultimate nightmare, urging him to go to bed early and stay optimistic.

Every time I think of it, Tyres feels that his neck is beginning to ache.

Like being tightened, it seems to be bitten.

So Taylors will not forget the culprit of all that.

"I didn't expect you to come, my duke friend," Tyres smiled like a flower, his right arm looped over Jahn's back, clinging to the other side of the shoulder, in the eyes of others and the Duke of iris. Brother, travel with the arm:

"At least, it won't be so early."

Jen is also a gentle smile, his left arm is wrapped around Tyre's neck, just like taking his brother, naturally:

"In the past few months, I have been deeply sorrowful,"

"I can't wait to see you."

"My prince friend."

Jen’s voice is as good as that of the past, gentle and elegant, friendly and easygoing.

Even better than ever.

I am deeply worried...

Taylors smiled.

"So what is this time?"

Tyres took out the deep skill of the fast-track sales business, the smile was sunny, the tone was high, and the volume suddenly dropped:

"Under poisoning? Assassination? Marriage? 谣 谣? Fallen?"

The voice of Tyres was very light, and even Glover, Doyle, and Jen’s old butler, Ashford, were not heard.

He is close to Jen:

"I still learn from the North, directly pick up the sleeves - do me?"

In the eyes of the public, Jane laughed.

The guards and servants were stopped at the periphery, and the guests waiting for admission witnessed this harmonious scene and nodded their heads.

Many people talked about this scene tacitly: Obviously, the Duke of the South Bank had just been able to endure because of a humorous joke from the prince. What is rare is that the Duke’s true feelings are revealed and nothing is created.

The prince is also sincere and unscrupulous.

You see, the big men are actually ordinary people. They live the same life as us, have similar joys, and are similarly troubled. Do not believe you, their smiles are naturally friendly, what is the difference between you and me?

Therefore, we and the prince and the duke are only in different positions, and there is no distinction between them. They are important members of the kingdom and strive for the future of the stars.

Since they are eager to lead the kingdom and lead the way, we must have hope and confidence in them.

Even if they have done something inadequate, we have to be physically and patiently patient.

This is the right love... Hey! This man, don't squeeze any more position - you can't see it off! I am here today to see the true meaning of His Royal Highness and the Duke! Hey, they have to go, hurry! Oh, let's just let it go! You are blocking, I can't see it! Prince Teres! Duke of Jen! You are going slower!

"Thales! You..."

Jen ignored the small twists and turns on the side of the field. He saw his prince shaking his arm and bending his head to the ear:

"You know, I thought about it for the past six years..."

He whispers, such as Chun Yu Run:

"If you return home glory, how do we get along?"

In the words, the Tibetan front.

How do we get along?

Tyres snorted in inaudible, but in his mind, inexplicably, flashing the scene of the anger of King Nunn and the duel of the killing enemy.

"We want to respect each other and make peace of mind..."

They are still steadily moving forward.

But for a moment, Jen’s mild whisper suddenly cooled down:

"Do you want to entangle the hatred, not endless?"

Tyres’s footsteps were slightly stagnation.

Even Jen also slowed down.

It sounds like an armistice request.


Tyres turned his head slowly, his smile still, his eyes getting cold.

“Reassured,” Jen patted his shoulders amicably, as if his brother was encouraging, and the waiters and guards who witnessed this scene were more reassured:

"What you have is time to think about it, because you have to worry about today..."

"Not me."

In the angle that no one saw, Jen’s eyes were slightly smiling.

at least.

Not just me.

Taylors is silent.

But the next second, I saw the prince of the prince first frowned, and then burst into a big laugh!

Jane also lowered his head and smirked at the corner of his mouth.

Their stride returned to normal.

In the eyes of other people, the jokes of the Duke of the South Bank and the Duke of Xinghu are obviously getting easier and easier, and the more they talk about it, the more easygoing they are.

Mallos, who has been leading the way, frowned.

The rear butler, Ashford, is still expressionless.

The watchman signaled to Thales that he could take over and lead the Duke to the banquet hall. But the happy prince waved his hand and insisted on accompanying the Duke to finish the road.

The other side of the guests noticed this scene and expressed their friendship and feelings.

"You know, I don't understand for a while that you want me to die - even if we have no conflicts."

Tyler's laughter gradually converges, and he whispers quietly, while vigorously taking a shot of Jahn's back.

The Duke of Iris flower is slightly swaying and the smile is still there.

"But later, I just want to understand."

Tyres leaned over Jen’s shoulder and blinked:

"What do you say?"

Want to understand?

At that moment, Jen’s footsteps were fragmented.

The duke gently bowed his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

Thales worked with his steps and smiled and waited for the response.

"A little advice, Your Highness."

After a few seconds, Jen looked up and his expression changed, but his lips were slightly moving:

"Take care of yourself, children, and less on others."

Although the smile is still the same, the temperature in Jen's tone is firmly transmitted to the ear of Taylor, giving him the illusion of a cool back.

Jen gently glimpses, but if there is a cold flash:

"Don't ask for trouble."

"There is no regrets."

Tyres has a heart.

The Duke of Star Lake is silent.

The next moment, they walked into the ballroom.

Many of the guests who had previously entered the room had already taken their seats. They waited gracefully and patiently. They greeted each other from time to time, and many of them were in groups of three and five, standing together and chatting politely and politely.

The arrival of the Duke of the South Bank and the Duke of Xinghu undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention. First, the close guests greeted each other, and then the people in the distance stopped talking. Perhaps I didn't think that I could see the big man in the seats so quickly. After a few seconds, there was a small commotion in the ballroom.

The slightly more privileged guests - the smiling and charming Doyle, the Viscount of Losano Glover, including the children (when they saw the nine-pointed star badge on the baron's hand, surrounded by Mrs. Eleanor Eleanor Barney, who has increased her grandmother all of a sudden, has come up to salute.

The atmosphere suddenly warmed up.

Jen and Tyres naturally loosened each other, tacitly and cooperatively returning to the guests, and responding to their chills from time to time.

Unlike the conference where the mixed races of six years ago were different, the nature of being invited to attend the pilgrimage to the priests and the princes was not a leisurely figure. Even the guests at the periphery were not humble, friendly, and the waiters and guards did their due diligence. For the Duke and the prince to give way, they watched and did not bother their conversation.

However, only Taylors knows.

At this moment of eagerness and harmony, the subject and the guest are appropriate, and the fish and water family, his invisible confrontation with Jen reached its peak.

The teenager's stance is short and the pace is slightly faster.

Jen's stride is larger and the frequency is slightly lower.

The two marched in parallel, adjusting the pace for each other from time to time, but somehow, the rhythm of their feet was not able to step on a point.

But at that moment, Tyres was really smiling and smiling from the bottom of his heart.

Does he know, Jen?

Tyres thought quietly.

The family of the iris family and the ruler of the South Bank, who is awe-inspiring in the stars, is the Duke of Jon Kevindir.

His threat, his warning, his unpredictable tone...

Compared with those people...

Tyres has swept a lot of faces in his mind:

The king of Nunn of the Capricorn ring, the Chaman king who caressed the sword, the sinister and poisonous brazier, the strange Ricky, the wing of the legend of the processing head, the sneer of the West Duke...

Compared with them...

The teenager smiled softly.

The enthusiasm for the two people in the banquet hall was slightly reduced, and the guests re-opened and returned to the state of the three-five groups.

In the next second, Tyres smiled slightly, and he put down his greeting hand and grabbed Jen's shoulder unceremoniously.

"You know, I was in the math class of Julio's bachelor."

"So I am very curious."

It seems that, just like the prince remembered something very interesting, he leaned over and whispered to the Duke.

Tyres does not move, and it sounds from the gap between the teeth:

"I am very curious: six years ago I encountered an accident in the north, and you transferred the baron collar and the lithi mine to the royal family in order to ask my father to forgive me..."

“How much income do you lose every year?”

The voice fell.

Jane’s breathing was a little messy.

Baron collar.

Lek crystal.


Jen’s arm muscles are tight.

"this matter."

He smiled and turned to Tyres.

"I thought we were finished..."

But the prince responded to him with a more brilliant smile:

"And you know how I have been in the fierce and sinister Northland for the past six years?"

At that moment, the owner of the Kevin Dil family only felt that his shoulders were tight:

"The times have changed, Jen."

Tyres sticks to the other's ear and evokes a smile that is not good:

"Don't ask for trouble."

"There is no regrets."

Jane looked at him fixedly.

The expression is slowly stiff.

In the eyes of many people, Prince Teres is very happy, all the way to say in the ear of the Duke of Kevin Dil, while the latter patiently and pettively listen to the words of the teenager, no disappointment, public opinion is cold face.

Like a brother.

Seeing people are so happy, the mouth is rising.

Since the prince and the duke, one is pure, lively and cheerful, one is refined and wise, gentle and honest, and together builds a friendly and eager atmosphere...

Then the guests outside will naturally be deeply infected and resonate.

Hate can not be united with the two leaders, the model of the nobles in the world.

Then the banquet hall suddenly became a sea of ​​joy:

In the past, the red-eyed feuds who must see the blood will no longer, smile and enmity, and embrace each other as brothers tolerant of each other.

The strangers who are not always in love are also seeing the same, and it’s a pity to talk. It’s a pity to sigh at night.

At this moment, the Judith Hall perfectly shows the spirit and features of the noble and the special features of the inner and outer courts of the Star Kingdom, united in unity and high morale.

The person was surprised and the person was moved.

Tyres and Jen finally stopped.

The two still stared at each other with a smile, and everything was in the air.

It seems that in the second, their world has nothing else, only each other.

The front of Mallos had to raise the volume, suggesting that the two people were immersed in the view: the guest had already sent it, and His Royal Highness should go back to meet other guests.

Finally, Jane smiled and reached out and grabbed the shoulders of Tyres, his tone softened.

"I understand, Your Highness."

"Please feel relieved."

Jane bowed his head and licked his mouth:

"If the stars are there, the empire will last forever."

Tyres raised his eyebrows.

Later, Tyres grinned happily, arms out of his arms and hugged Jen!

"That's good, may we rather be friends because of..."

Jane’s face was stagnation, only the waist was firmly tightened and the strength increased.

I saw that Tyres put his side face close to the neck of the Duke, and screamed at the angles that people could not see:

"Do not kill the enemy."

The next second, the prince loosened the Duke and changed back to the happy and honest Tyres, laughing.

Jane looked at him and laughed.

In order to cooperate with the prince and the Duke, the good aristocrats around the rituals secretly peeked at the same time, the quality was greatly improved, so that the two laughter was not so awkward.

Tyres seemed really happy, only to see him smile and wave his hand to Jen, and then turned and left, and quickly walked into Golov and Doyle (his eyes looked at the prince) between.

At the moment no one saw it, the teenager loosened himself because he smiled too much and was close to the numb face.

He spit out a long breath in his heart.

Somewhat strange.

Feel the eyes of Jane from the back, and the tired Thales re-emerged.

Jen Kevindir.

As one of his most uncomfortable enemies, this guy is still insidious, as deep and as damn.

But in memory, the former Duke of Iris, it seems that there is no such...


Tyres thought deeply, accompanied by the guards to the exit of the banquet hall, ready to return to their original position and continue to fulfill his duties to welcome guests.

However, before he thinks about it...

The accident happened.

When he passed a group of foreign guests, he was tall and majestic, even more powerful than Golova, suddenly bursting!

The other side took a fierce momentum and slammed into his sight!

For a moment, Glover and Doyle were discolored.

However, the Guards' two-person team is well-trained. They instantly bend their knees and press the sword. Before the opponent approaches, the sword will be squirted and the assassin will be killed!

Until the powerful hands of Mallos stretched out just right.

Hold the shoulders of two people!

Avoiding the eyes of the public, the first appearance of the Star Prince, it will hurt the guests to splash three steps.

"Stabilize." Mallos whispered.

At the same time, a thick and rude voice, with the familiar tone of Tyres, sounded in the ballroom:

"Look who this is?"

The majestic guest stood in front of Teres and laughed.

Nervous Glover and Doyle were shocked, and the two looked at Marlios who stopped them. Only then did they notice that although the other side was scary, they were unarmed and stood outside the safe distance.

They are overreacting.

Instead, Tells stared blankly at the stranger in front of him—the body was as thick as the beard, thick and rustic, and looked like a man with a big bear.

"Our old friend of the Exeter people!"

"Prince Taylor..."

I saw the big beard in front of my eyes open and wide arms, cheerful, and screaming out the next word:

"North Star!"

Taylors stunned.

You wait a minute...

What are the stars in the north and north?

He ignorantly looked back and looked at the guests around him. They were curious and waited for them to look back and do their jobs and find each mother.

But this does not prevent Taylor from recognizing the familiar accent of the other party.

He is from...


The bearded laughter is sturdy and strong, and full of enthusiasm:

"The prince who drank the milk of our northern people is not the same!"

Taylors stunned again.

What... What water?


The prince finally adjusted himself and responded politely and gracefully:

"In fact, I... I have already been to Longyan City, already that..."

Tyres answered in the bottom of his heart:


Wait, in this world, when he was a child...

Have you ever drunk milk?

But the greet him is still a rude laugh.

"I am Jorge, no surname."

The northern people who claimed to be Jorge patted the chest. If there were drums rumbling, several stars and aristocrats who were not far away were subconsciously far away.

"I am the official of the Grand Duke of Gadero, bringing you the pride and grandeur of the Elk City!"

Tyres has changed.

Grand Duke of Gadero.

Elk City?

The northern geography, once incomprehensible, once again returned to his mind.

In the top ten territories of Exeter, if the city of Qiyuan is in the extreme west, the Elk City is in the extreme east.

In fact, the Gadero family in the Elk City is located in a remote location, but it is based on the cliffs of the mountains, and the ice is close to the sea. In the case of rare ports and poor coastal environment, it is difficult to maintain the narrowness of the entire Exeter kingdom. Coastline:

To the north, they can support the whistle and the glacial sea to defend against glacier orcs;

To the south, the fleet of the Elk City can echo the rebuilding tower and the black sand collar, and the stars of the East China Sea;

To the east, the vassals of the Gadero family are going to sail with the "children of the girl", the "girls of the girl", to defend the route;

Even in some extreme times, they have to face the threat from the end of the sea and the first horn of the mainland war.

Six years ago, Grand Duke of Gadero did not respond to the invitation of King Noon, and came to Longyan City to witness the night that shocked Westland.

But Thales remembers how the Count of Brisbane called him - "the goatee with a slap in the face."


Tyres thoughtfully looked at the familiar and strange Northland man Jorge.

He came to participate in... his returning banquet?

"I am really lucky to see you, and I am shocked!"

Jorge said the grammar of the shit, but he laughed happily and happily raised his arms to Tells:

"My Polaris!"

Taylor's eyebrows shrugged.

"North, Polaris?"

Tyres repeated inexplicably.

What is this ghost name?


Every call from Jorge seems to have to shake the floor tiles of the soles of the feet:

"You have been in Longyan City for six years, the surname of the comet!"

He clap his hands, ignoring the contempt of Golov and Doyle:

"So after you return home, everyone calls you Polaris..."

"Because you are the most abundant of these centuries, the longest living in the north -"

Jorge looks excited and shocked:

"Star King!"

At that moment, it seemed that the entire ballroom was quiet.

Everyone turned their eyes and stared at this corner.

One second, two seconds.

Jorge noticed the silence of the people around him and stunned.

He carefully looked around.

The officer of the Lulu City took a deep breath and looked at the prince of the prince who had a stiff face and had no love.

He seems to be aware of something.

"Forehead, I might mean..."

Jorge opened his mouth and clumsily licked his belly, like a big bear in the shower.

I saw him innocently spread his hand and smiled:

"To be a king?"

At the beginning of the month, you must have a meal and a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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