Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 537: Beautiful teenager

Chapter 537 Beautiful Boy

The Judith Hall is still filled with noisy sounds that continue to be restrained (except for the rudeness of the North and Dwarf guests). Many heavyweight guests have arrived, and the ballroom has become the most familiar social place in the upper class.

And the owner of the banquet, Taylors still faithfully performs his duties.

"So, the Duke of the Great, it is a pity to miss you, but I know that this is not the setting for the sunset?"

The deputy bishop of Stiliides was beheaded politely to the Duke of Xinghu. He was honest and humble, understanding, and at first sight a good heart.

"...I have the opportunity to reflect on myself: I care about this, whether it is for the vanity and status of the position, or the determination and belief for spreading the faith.... Of course, the result of reflection makes me shy... ..."

Thales had a friendly conversation with the most promising young priest in the church in the setting sun. He was polite and cheerful, with a fresh and sincere smile, and he was convinced from time to time.

"It turns out that I am far from the quality that God appreciates, and it really does not deserve to discuss the teachings of God with you..."

Not far away, Doyle narrowed his eyes and licked his chin, carefully looking at the tales who were talking to the guests.

"Oh, I recognize that expression."

Glover turned his head and glanced at Doyle: You know it again?

"His Lord is laughing." Glover was cold and cold.

D.D can shake his head:

"No, no, don't believe me, that child must be in the heart of the sea now, and I can't wait to call it..."

Goloved his head back and turned a deaf ear.

Leave Doyle shaking his head and feeling deeply:

"And according to my experience, it is the love of others in the heart, and when you can do nothing..."

Glover snorted.

Seeing that he did not get a positive response, Doyle couldn’t help but look back and lick his colleagues.

"So, you are not at all curious?"

D.D is no regrets:

"What did Count Caso say to him?"

Glover looked at Doyle and looked at him behind him, with no expression, no opening.

"I know."

Doyle is slightly stagnation.

Listening to the footsteps behind him and the familiar voice, he turned stiffly and his tone was unstable:

"The temple...the duke adult?"

I saw that Tyres didn't know when he had finished talking, and he stood behind him with his back.

How is this child like a street thief...

Doyle was depressed.

I am so whispered, can you still hear?

"Gilbert just told me," Tyres learned the tone of Doyle's talent, and he was filled with emotion:

"I love others in my heart, but I can't do anything..."

Doyle touched his head and put on a smirk with a thick face.

If he remembers well, the silly Cohen, perhaps relying on this, has captured the heart of the young Duke?

Until Tyres instantly cold face:

"Are you satisfied?"

Doyle’s smile was stiff.

"Oh, that, you are really joking. There are still women in this world who don’t have long eyes, dare to move you..."

The next second, Doyle was another tremble.

He inexplicably felt that after the words were finished, the Duke’s gas field...

It seems to be colder?

Tyres snorted and he took a step.

Goloved his mouth and followed suit competently.

"Hey," the zombie walked past Doyle, who was boring, and didn't care:

"I recognize that expression."

Doyle gave a sly look to him.

Hey, zombie, I really misread you before.

It turns out that you are also a gossip man who is gloating.

This hatred, I remembered it!

Taylors did not pay attention to the back and forth of the two men and the undercurrent confrontation, just to go forward.

In fact, Doyle said some of his thoughts.

Taylors can't remember how he said goodbye to Gilbert.

What he remembers is that he still maintains his demeanor and courtesy - like a duly Duke of the Star Lake - appears in the welcome position and continues his duties.

But only the Duke knows it.

From that moment on, his footsteps were heavy in the shackles.

The noise around him was mixed, and he couldn't find the part he wanted.

Calm, Taylors.

The duke was expressionless and silent in his heart.


She won't have anything to do.

[They captured the enemy coach...]

[Life and death unknown...]

The muscles on Taylor's arm are unconsciously taut.

The sin of the prison river flows silently.

Do not.

Taylor's breathing is getting faster.

No, calm, Taylors.

The prince once again said to himself.

Cheer up.

Selma will not have anything.

She is the female grandfather of Longyan City. The Freedom League will understand that let her live, its value is much higher than killing her to vent her anger...

Or worse...

Thinking of this, Tyres’s breathing suddenly tightened.

[Because you are a girl. 】

[That is doomed... In most of the world's games, you have to pay a higher price than men...]

When he thought of what he had said to the girl, Taylors felt more like a knife.

At that moment, his heart even rises endlessly, but even his own inexplicable anger.

Burn to everything.


Dead face, why can't you protect your master? You just broke the skin in the hands of the Death Crow, and it became a waste? Why are you still arrogant to claim to be a comet?

Brisbane regency.

The defender and guardian of Longyan City, are you not the "Dragonfly" of the king of nature? Is your calculation strategy going to **** with the first king?

Count of Kierkegaul.

It is clearly known as the first fierce commander of King Nunn. Is it a shameless boast that he squints his mouth every day and loses his arm to capture the record of the Freedom Fortress?

Ronnie Grand Duke.

The prestige, the resolute and courageous princess of the distant city, even the little free castle is not right, you still rule a fart, why not commit suicide to thank the world?

And others...

The sin of the prison river is faster and more fierce in his blood vessels.

Exeter's brave and good Northern Army...

Is it all furnishings?

The fist in his sleeve unconsciously gathered.

The sin of the prison river gradually formed and spread his body.

Do not.

Taylors thought in deep breathing.

Can't count on Exeter, can't count on the stupid waste to help Selma.

He has to do something.



Think about it, Tells, think about it, think about what else can you do?

Help Gilbert? Let the Star Kingdom come forward? Contact the Kingdom Secret?


Taylors sadly discovered that as a prince, no matter what means he resorted to, he went to what path.

Surrounded by the Judith Hall, it is still a huge shadow that cannot be circumvented.

He was so easily removed from the hostile Exeter and returned to the Star Kingdom, but still as a cage bird.

Facing friends who need help...

Nothing to do.

Still, this is the truth of his life in this world?

His fate?

Somehow, he suddenly remembered the Meigen sacrifice that he knew soon.

[Sunset testimony, our destiny has long been in the midst of it. 】

Taylor closed his eyes weakly.


If you are real, control the power...

If you are really the patron saint of my family and country...


Please bless her, help her, and take care of her.

Pity the innocent girl who was involved in my unfortunate fate.

and many more.

He does not understand the gods.


Compared to the gods, the guys who really exist and control the power...

Tyres blinked softly.


Maybe there is still a way...


The price to pay...

Tyres gnawed his teeth.

In his body, the sins of the prison river roared fiercely.

But if, if this can save her from a more tragic future...

Taylor's eyes are getting colder and colder.

The sin of the prison river has intensified, and it is almost boiling.

at this time.


Tyres’ shoulders were taken seriously!

He will subconsciously fight back, but the person behind him will hold his arm firmly, and he will not advance or retreat!

"His Royal Highness!"

Mallos stood in front of him, grabbing the right hand of Taylors and patted the prince's chest lightly:


Tyres bit his teeth and tried to suppress the desire to pounce on his captain.

The end of his body was suppressed and screamed in the blood.

It is like a hard-to-tamd beast being thrown back into the cage.

"I said something is missing here..."

The watchman still glared at the prince's right arm.

He looked at the flat, smooth front chest of Tyres, frowning and sinking:

"I guess, in the banquet hall, the comet badge on the Baron Barney should not be stolen by him."

"And it’s purely that you are too defeated, because the poor boy is sent out on the opposite side... Of course, it may be because of a pretty woman..."

When he heard the words of the sergeant, Doyle, who was not far away, smiled at his peers, but Goloved replied with cold eyes.

"For my Highness, let me introduce the guests below..."

Tyres looked up hard.

Then the same difficulty, showing a smile.

Under the introduction of Mallos, the Duke of Xinghu enthusiastically welcomed the arrival of Berne Taren, the lord of the Glacier, who had a relationship with him at the meeting six years ago, and was the 13th Earl of the Earl First, it is the distant relatives and close ministers of the comet's royal family. In fact, the first Earl of Taren was once the Duke of Fengxing Lake before the cracked land was sealed.

This makes the visit of Earl of Tarren more meaningful.

But these memorable messages are just meaningless flowing through the brains of Thales, supporting him to once again pile up a perfect smile and tell a false chill.

At this moment, Tyres suddenly had a sympathetic understanding of his enemies, Jen Kevindir.

The Duke of Iris, who wants to take him to death by the hand of the blood family, is probably the same, with a heavy heart and a spring breeze.

Welcome to send.

The seasons are as usual?

He enthusiastically watched the Count of Taren go with Mallor, decent and generous, and no one can pick the wrong place.


Is this what he can do?

Tyres thought ironically:

Standing here, for a stupid party of your own, leaning on the door and laughing?

At the same time, the girl who owed a lot to herself may be trapped in the enemy camp...

Taylors took a deep breath.

At this moment, a word was lowered into his ear.

"I was thinking, maybe letting you practice the sword last night is the wrong choice? Let your youthful heart be more incited?"

Tyres had a meal and looked at Mallors, who did not know when to return.

I saw the latter close to his ear, quietly:

"Unless you have to start a life and death duel with a guest tonight to show the fierce glory from the north," Mallord said:

"Otherwise, please be careful about managing your end."

Tyres is steady and steady:

"you know?"

"Don't forget, I am your martial arts teacher." Mallos is faint.

He turned his head to nothing, blocking Thales behind him and reprimanding D.D who made a face to Glover.

Tyres adjusted his breathing, but his heart was realized.

Wake up, Tyres.

You are still far from the last step of flipping the board.

Pick up the enemy.

Check the enemy.


Tersmo meditated on the three principles of the enemy and considered it carefully.

The sin of the prison river seems to be in sync with the state of the master. At this moment, it is ruthless, dark and sullen, without the madness of the past.

Chaman Rumba.

A name has passed through my heart.

Exeter West was defeated, and even the coach was captured. This is far more than just a problem with the three territories.

It is about the dignity of the entire Exeter.

If King Chaman still wants to sit still, he can't turn a blind eye and pretend to be dumb.

He must retake Selma from the Freedom League in the name of the whole kingdom.

Of course, this may lead the black sand to the three cities, and expand the kingship as a price...

and many more.

Expand the kingship.

Tyres thought clear.

The Freedom Allies are weak and weak. It is impossible to fight against the mighty dragons, praying, and guarding the three cities with their own strength, and reverse the victory and defeat.

They may have strong support and have external forces to interfere with the situation.

Tyres frowned.

King Chaman.

It's you?

you again?

That is not the case. He will use the captured Selma as a bargaining chip, use every value of her, divide, buy, extort, deceive, and do everything.

Weaken the city of Qiyuan.

Deterrence guards the city.

Conquer the city of Longyan.

As for the little slipper...

[Be careful, Tyres, when people smell your weaknesses...]

The voice of King Chaman was screaming in the ear, and the fist of Tyres was again gathered.

How to do.

A thousand miles away, how do I face... Chaman Rumba?

How to do?

The more fists of Tyres, the tighter they are.

The sin of the prison river seems to smell the master's mood. After discovering that he has signs of a new sign, it is eager to move, trying to get on the master's body again.

But the next moment, a new guest interrupted the memories of Tyres.

When the people strode, the cloak was slightly raised, the left eye was covered with scars, and only one of the remaining eyes revealed a cold color.

Taylors breathed a little.

It's him.

Six years ago...

Old friend.

The moment when the nobleman appeared, the original noisy courtyard of the Didi Hall, if there was a baton in the hands of the conductor, the rest of the music was drawn.

Even Doyle is no longer hippie smiling.

I saw his guests screaming and recognizing his people, but at the prompt of each other, in twos and threes, went to see the ceremony.

The aristocrats of the prime age are not enthusiastic, and they are arrogant and arrogant in dealing with the greetings of the lower aristocrats.

The young aristocrat entered the hall door, handed the cloak to the waiter, took the pen and paper, and took a handful of the guest on the list of guests, looking around the room.

"Rudolf told me before that this is a good place and it is worth coming."

The aristocrats of the prime year snorted, cold and cold:

"Now, hey, I still prefer cliffs."

The next second, the one-eyed guest stopped his gaze and landed on Tells.

Under the direction of Mallos, Tyres slowly stepped forward and smiled.

"The respected Duke of South Château, welcome..."

But the other party interrupted him straight away.

"How are you so thin?"

"Not too long?"

Tyres’s expression is stiff.

I saw the Duke of the Daddy, the owner of the giant horn deer, and the nicknamed "One-eyed Dragon", and he looked at him with a frown:

"In the past six years, the North has abused you?"

As the Duke of Star Lake, Tyres was silent for a while and could only continue to give him a decent smile.

The cold and cold humming sound:

"Then you'd better still color, not the stars."

In the end, the Duke of the One-eyed Dragon did not look at the prince, and pushed the waiter forward.

Do not.

Tyres squinted, but his heart was smooth.

At least, he still has the ability to do things.

"Master Goss, do you know Levi Tuluda?"

The footsteps of Gossett stopped.

Tyres made a downward gesture to the three men of Mallos, and he kept up and stood opposite the one-eyed dragon.

"He is the son of the rebuilt tower, and he also came to the banquet today."

Gossett raised his eyes and looked at Tells.


The Duke of the Cliffs disdain:

"A shameless Northland **** has many sons and many hybrids."

"God knows which of his sons."

"God knows if it is his kind."

Listening to the other side's emotional confirmation of Tluedida, Taylors thought thoughtfully.

The rebuilt tower is adjacent to the northern border and is related to the border defense of the two countries.

However, it actually has more mountainous territories, borders with the cliffs of the Nantsett family, and survives and confronts each other in the sighing mountains.

("The two widowers, separated by a large canyon, nestled on the peaks on both sides, and confronted each other: there is a kind of you coming over!" - while digging into the nostrils, while boring to listen to the two children on the North History Course Nilailai.)

Tyler approached one step and forced himself not to see the left eye covered by the scar, and whispered:

"Leviwang, I help, buy some food, take it home."


The one-eyed dragon is slightly moving:


Tyres didn't have time to feel the reaction of the other party and nodded:

"The autumn harvest has passed, and the winter will come."

Taylor looked at the one-eyed dragon and the two eyes met.

For the first time in six years, Goss turned and looked at Tyres, and his thoughts flowed.

Just like this is their reunion.

Tyres raised his hand with a smile and gestured to the other side.

The two marched forward.

"But I think, not just food." Tyres said lightly.

Gossett picked up his one-eyed eyes.

Taylor smiled and nodded.

One of them lives in the North, and the other is bordered by one.

Have all the enlightenment, do not have to say anything.

As the territory of the southwestern border of Exeter, the rebuilding tower is located in the sighing mountains, easy to defend, difficult to attack, stable and peaceful, and rich in minerals, and profitable.

But also in the terrain, they are divided into complex, vassals, and even less arable land, the soil is poor.

In recent years, they have absorbed many immigrants who have fled from the growing number of local conflicts in the kingdom.

The cold weather every year is a test for the lords of the rebuilt tower.

They have to trade the output of minerals and metallurgy for a long time and import food.

"In the past, there was Ollen and Willa's Lenba on the side of Weilan," Taylors was careless, but his eyes were savvy:

"The three territories are tightly contracted, and the relationship is very good. The in-laws are coming and going, and they are in the same breath."

“The rebuilt tower has its own way of importing supplies and storing food for the winter.”

Of course, if you are willing to pay the price, let go of your dignity, and pull down your face (it is the personal strength of Grand Duke Luda, and you are deeply despised in the North), the powerful Longyan City and the food-producing city are not condescending. , to help one or two.

"but now……"

Goss listened to his words and his expression moved slightly.

Tyres snorted.

Since the death of King Nunn, King Chaman was crowned...

The dragon is weak and the shackles are curled up.

As for the praying, guarding, ice sea, elk, whistle and other places, either the whip is too late to be thirsty, or the ghosts are not related to each other.

But what is even more terrifying is that the neighbors of the rebuilt tower, the black sand collar, have been led by King Chaman, and the ambition has emerged.

Ever since, the balance in Exeter has lost its balance.

And the black sand collar of Lombard, the Weilan collar of Olsiu, rebuilt the tower of Tluedida...

In the south of Exeter, once the Trinity, the same enemy, the North refused the dragon, the three stars in the south...

Fighting and screaming, the three northern families who have made the Fuxing Palace and Broken Dragon Fortress fearful for 18 years...

I have already parted ways.

Looks like a god.

Bothers and Gustad slowly paced, and both were thinking.

"So they turned to find you? Looking for the comet royal family?"

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief and started his brain:

"According to my understanding, deceit, such as Teludida, they will not easily bet," Duke of Star Lake whispered:

"It should be a handshake with Lombard with a smile and continue to buy food from the old channel, as if business is the same."

"On the other hand, as it is today, from the channels including the stars, the reserves are divided and the pressure is reduced, and it is accumulated over time."

The one-eyed dragon snorted:

"They have always had two sides and three knives. I am not surprised."

"If it is true, then it must have been done at least six years ago."

Thales Dagger:

"If you want to transport goods from the stars to rebuild the towers, but also avoid the black sand collar, you can't go north. They either take the sea directly from the East China Sea..."

Gustad took over the topic inadvertently:

"Either take the land and pass my territory."

Tyres sighed and nodded:

"The cliff land."


Gossett thoughtfully:

"But since I found you on the head, it must be..."

The next second, the one-eyed dragon is discolored!

He jerked his head:

"What happened after the war of the Freedom League?"

"The North lost us?"

Tyres sighed in his heart.

This guy reacts really fast.

Even if he himself, he still got some sporadic news about the Northland from the Foreign Affairs Division and the Secret Branch by asking Gilbert.

"No, the North is impossible to lose," Gossett immediately reacted and looked dignified:

"So it must be... Lumba won?"

Tyres is in a big mood.

He stopped and cleared his throat:

"I said so, the results are still unknown."

"But King Chaman... has a big advantage."

This news made Gossde sink for a long time.

"What do you mean, I want to let my good intentions let go of the goods of the rebuilt tower to increase their emboldenedness and compete against the king of the black sand?"

"For the stars in the future, weaken the enemy?"

Tyres stared at each other's one-eyed, silent for a long time.

It was the duke in front of him that ran rampant six years ago and led the palace at the national conference.

It was also the Duke who glared six years ago and planted the seeds of doubt in the heart of Tyres.

What does he want?

"No, just remind you."

Tyres faintly said:

"This is an opportunity."

"It's a bargain."

The one-eyed dragon looks slightly moving.

"If the rebuilding tower really has such a plan, then you can set up a card, threaten blackmail, and even send a special person to kill."

Tluedida spoke for him in the Hall of Heroes, and the scene that led to the election of the king was still vivid, but Tyres just shook his head and waved his sincere apologies for the big man.

"It's profitable anyway, why not."

At this moment, Gossett saw his eyes become interesting, a little more vitality, no longer so cold and indifferent, and difficult to live.

The tyros can turn a corner:

"But you can also release all the way, even take the initiative to reinforce the code, so that they are increasingly dependent on the benefits of your supply line - in the past few decades, the King of Nuen has dealt with the Elk City."

Tyres is cold and cold.

The play in the eyes of Gossett disappeared and replaced with seriousness.

“Stop the barriers, re-define the business, generously deliver, and support.”

Tyres gently reached out and slowly gathered in the air:

"Beside the other person's habit of getting drunk, relying heavily, then slowly close your hand and gently lick your neck."

He suddenly made a fist!

"In this way, the elk city is in a dilemma, and it is arbitrarily slaughtered, and it has been suppressed by Long Yucheng to obey the post, and there is no power to fight back."

斯德德狠狠 frowned.

Tyres puts down his palm and looks up and smiles:

"If you go in and out, or attack or defend, what you want is all about you."

The Duke of Star Lake is happy to give a gift:

"Happy day by day, Master Gustad."

At least, this is what he can do now.

Taylors stunned in his heart.

But as he turned around, the one-eyed dragon whispered behind his back.

"and so."

"The king of nature," Gossett paused, one-eyed:

"You learned a lot from him?"

The king of nature.

Tyres’s mood was tight without any reason.

He seemed to be back to that night, watching the king of Noon reach out and reveal the "triumph" ring.

"Do not."

I don't know why, Tyres subconsciously denied that it was categorical:

"The time I met him was less than a day."

"Talk about learning."

Gossett walked in front of him leisurely and stared at him for a long time.

He is only faintly open:


Although the other party's reference is unknown, Tells knows what he wants to ask.

"As a thank you," Taylors looked up, his smile still:

"Thank you for being honest with me six years ago."

The Duke thanked him with sincerity:

“Really, I have seen a lot in these six years and have grown a lot.”


Gossett still stares at him deeply, without a word.

It seems that Tyres is a big stone, and he has to use his eyes to sculpted.

" Six years ago, what happened in the north, that changed everything, right?"

Change everything?

Tyres thought for a moment.


"The king of nature is no longer there."

Nuen VII.

As the years passed, the influence became obvious, and Tyres became more and more emotional:

In the early hours of the morning, the Exeter Kingdom lost...

Not just a king.

Thinking of the unruly hegemony, as in yesterday’s voice and smile, the teenager shouted:

"And on the vast mainland, the ten heads have been firmly in his hands, bowing their heads and suppressing the nature of bloodthirsty beasts..."

"It is vying to get out."

"Hungry is not good."

"Don't die."

According to the old crow's point of view...

It may also jeopardize neighbors.

Endless harm.

Goss stared at him tightly.

"Do not."

"You didn't see it? Six years ago, it wasn't just about this that affected Westland."

Tyres came back to God, a doubt:


"Compared to a certain king, you will enter the earth..."

Gossler stepped forward and clasped his shoulders, lowering his voice:

"more importantly……"

The next moment, the one-eyed longan stunned, and Tyres only felt that his chin was tight!

I saw that the left hand of Gustad pinched the squat of Tells and held the face of the prince to his eyes.

Not far away, Doyle and Goloved together, they are going to stop, but they are held down by Mallos.

"Six years ago, a young star, after a tempering, faded."

The Duke of Xinghu was horrified, looking at the pupil's one-eyed eye to his pupil, listening to the low and subtle voice of Gossett into his eardrum.

"Rising up..."

In that terrible eyelid, it seems that there are countless peaks and squats:

"Odd light..."

With the words of the master, Feng Feng opened the fog and went straight into the sky:

“Hey and shine.”

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

The prince who was shocked by the peak of the other party suddenly woke up.

Oops, everyone is seeing it, if it is seen by people...

It is not the child's old face that is conscious of redness. He opened the finger of Gossett and took a step back.

"You... that... I... can't..."

Behind Doyle and Golova face each other, and Marcus frowned.

However, the Duke of the Cliffs did not rely on it, and steadily moved forward, quite aggressive.

"Less star homing," Gossett is calm, but the opening is antique:

"Daily update."

Until the one-eyed dragon's tone changes, such as sudden changes in water flow, rushing thrills:

"When is it going to heaven, shining the Milky Way?"

Go to the sky, shine the galaxy...

The Duke of Xinghu was stunned.

Taylors stabilized his pace and calmed the sudden panic.

"Your ancient empire is very literary," the prince took a deep breath, and finally adjusted his mood to avoid the topic that the other party meant:

"Unfortunately, the grammar is not my own."

Gossett stood in the footsteps, ignoring the stunned eyes of others, and locked the tyros tightly.

After a few seconds, he smiled:


The Duke of Cliffs made a disturbing sneer:

"If the king is a martial artist, he has nothing to do, everything is comprehensive, and he is well versed."

"What do we have to do with these vassals?"

Tyres tried not to deal with this sentence in a myriad of ways, and he replied in the grass:

"So we all do our job, a total of stars?"

Gossett narrowed his eyes:

"So you promised?"

"Our proposal?"

Tyres is a tight heart.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

The duke boarded his face and used the light to smash the people around him:

"What proposal?"

Gossett’s eyes were cold and he took a step back.

But he immediately looked around the room and felt a sense of heart, his mouth curled up.

"Of course, hehehe, of course..."

Goss first whispered, then sneered, arrogant and self-evident:

"No proposal."


I saw that Teres was slightly uneasy and worried.

After a second, the Duke of South Pent, who laughed enough, bowed his head, deep-eyed and straight into the heart:

"There is only a long journey."


He snorted and his eyes were pleasing, but his mood was full of dissatisfaction:

"And you have to go."

"I was forced to set sail."

The voice fell, the owner of the cliff, the south of the giant horn deer, the one-eyed dragon stalk turned and walked away, chic away!

He rudely pushed away the two waiters who were graciously guiding the way, no one in sight, and sneered all the way.

The cloak of the cloak was slightly chaotic, and the tales of the gods stood in the same place.

Leading to countless people.

Face to face.

Guess countless.

After a long while, Doyle, who has been keeping a distance from the waiter, carefully watched the side of the clothes and thought about the tales.

"So, zombie."

He licked the same suspicion of Glover, whispering:

"He asked him if he was thin, was abused... and then took him... put him..."

"I finally gave my Highness a poem... I seem to have vaguely heard something like ‘Are you promised?’, ‘forced’...”

Glory heard a look back at D.D, and it was rare to see the ground color.

"You said, the Duke of South Dust..."

Doyle is incredible and full of doubts:

"He preferred, it should not be..."

D.D looked at Taylors with a worried look, and looked at the ballroom where Goss’s back disappeared. He was terrified:

"Beautiful teenager?"

When I wrote it, I still felt that the scene was very tense, but I didn’t know why, but it was a straight male story that was angered by the crown. When I finished reading it, I always gave it.

But they have all been written, so let’s just do this.

By the way, adding a D.D passerby reaction is also normal.

(Although I don't do it often, but I am persistent and big every time! By proudly mentioning the sword of the pants)

Ok, I am going to make up my mind, remember to vote for the moon, and I have to eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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