Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 542: That look

Chapter 542: That Look

"Thank you, I will remember your kindness, and thank you for your daughter's care, and wish her a happy eleventh birthday, Baron Bourbon."

Tyers raised a toast politely from his seat, and sent away a guest who came up to toast him, and returned his attention to the hustle and bustle of the party.

Facts have proved that after successfully overcoming the embarrassment at the beginning, the Holy Sunday banquet was easier than Taylors expected.

In the melodious music, not only the guests enjoyed the feast, they were eager to talk, and the servants of the Mindis Hall also kept serving meals and meals. Many of the guests' attendants shuttled between different long tables, or Help to serve, or speak on behalf of the host, to complete service and social tasks again and again.

In the middle of the banquet hall, as in Exeter, there is an empty space, which is both a stage and a dance floor. Barks, clowns, acrobats, performers, dancers, and different performers take turns to play, each show can.

For example, at this time, a bard pacing and holding a piano, has already started his performance:

"This song is a new work inspired by the number of people who visited the West Wildland over the years. It tells the story of 11 years ago, when King Kessel led the army into the desert and killed the enemy chief in the battle of the altar ..."

This is familiar to Taylor, but when beggars, there are often such bards in the sunset bar, but their clothes are by no means so neat, and the harpsichord art is also uneven.

In the melodious and atmospheric recital room of the bard, the dishes are constantly updated, and they are served on the long table in order:

No less than five kinds of cheese soup, vegetables and fruits, strange-sized roast bird eggs, catfish soup, oatmeal, poorly-selling pork blood sausage, smoked beef, grilled chicken with sauce, stewed venison, all kinds of Unnamed poultry game, raw and cooked sea shells, terribly large meatballs, a dozen different styles of bread, pancakes, pies, and all kinds of magical dishes that can't even see the raw materials ...

Of course, including all kinds of essential drinks.

How to say, his dad is really rich?

Thiels sighed.

Well, the Xingchen people really have a set of food, at least compared to the Northlanders who only roast and stew in Longxiao City ...

Longxiao City.

The thought of Taylor fell down at the thought.

"Why, not used to eating?"

Aunt Elise next to him noticed him.

"No, just too many choices ..." Taylor looked at a plate of beans, absent-minded:

"No way to start."

Princess Alice elegantly divided the vegetables in the dinner plate, with emotion:

"You should take a look at the Long Kiss Basin. Speaking of the fineness and harshness of the dishes by the nobles of Anrenzo ... Of course, I can't get used to their tastes ... After getting used to a place, it is very Difficult to adapt to the deliciousness of other places ... "

Thiels smiled reluctantly, and eventually learned his aunt, and stretched his claws to a plate of lettuce that looked very small and fresh.

Someone poked him.

Tyers turned around and found Doyle on the deputy table behind him, his cheeks full.

"Your Highness, you can," Doyle swallowed the food hard, ignoring Glover's scornful look next to him, pointing at Taylor's table, whispering:

"Can you pass me the seasoning salt, yes, including the plate of beef on your left ..."

Taylor frowned:

"Isn't it on your desk?"

"Yes, yes, but well, I always feel that it came from your highness on your table, and it feels particularly delicious ..."

Thiels sighed.

He looked around and noticed that no one noticed, so he leaned forward silently, pushing the plate of beef behind his armpit and stuffing it to Doyle:

"You're really polite ..."

Doyle took the food the prince sent him wisely and skillfully, and smiled charmingly:

"Because Lord is not ... keke, I mean, because you are the best and gentlest Highness in the world ..."

Tyler rolled his eyes and continued to deal with his lettuce.

D.D sent the beef in the direction of Glover, but the zombie just turned his head disdainfully and continued drinking his beer.

Doyle shrugged indifferently and ate it himself:

"Your loss."

With the passage of time, the music played round after round, and the performers changed one after another. The interest of the guests increased, and the atmosphere in the banquet became more and more warm. many.

Fortunately, Taylor's burden was not too heavy, because most people were diverted to the highest table-his father went there.

It is a rare royal banquet in more than ten years, and there are many guests who want to pay homage to the king on this informal occasion.

King Kessel was still calm, but he was able to dine continuously for less than a minute-often with guests from different backgrounds and strata, or friends, or single-handedly, and respectfully looked forward to coming to meet the king and fight Breaking his poor rest time also burdened the attendant's Adrian Guard captain and Quentin governor, including royal officials such as Gilbert and Juco Mann, who had to come frequently to help toast and divert salvation. drive.

Although the Iron Fist King has a cold temper, but on this occasion, his face was full of boredom. He also had to raise a glass frequently and responded with a bowed head. From time to time, he posted two words of good words. She is skilled and good at this.

In just half an hour, there were a total of twenty or thirty guests to the Hajj.

It was amazing to see Thales.

"Don't laugh," Aunt Elise was indifferent, ruining his mood with a single sentence:

"You will be the same from now on."

Thiels sighed.

He had trouble in his heart to enjoy his meal with peace of mind, so he called the crime of prison river to strengthen his senses while paying attention to his surroundings, while abusing his lettuce vegetables.

Compared with only male guests who are present, in addition to eating and drinking, the Northland aristocratic banquet, the stars are much more open, not only for men and women (and therefore more elegant), but also often see restlessness when drinking wine The men who were eager to try left the seat and toasted the girls who were dressed in glorious toasts.

Even a lot of young, beautiful and lively young women will take the initiative to leave the seat, ignoring the white eyes and hostility of their family men, leaving their surveillance, chatting with the person they like, changing cups, and even when the dance music is played Enter the dance floor and dance together.

It was fun and the guests and the guests were happy.

But is that really the case?

With a movement in Taylor's heart, the sound of conversation in all directions filtered and strengthened by the senses of **** into his ears.

"Oh, is that it? 'Persuad my father to come to propose him'? Well, you said the same thing last time, and you think after you said that, I would just sneak out and let you **** in the evening, just like before? By the way, I'm getting engaged, and it's not yours in my stomach! "This is obviously an embarrassing conversation between a man and a woman.

"Yaidi's courtship? Yes, the other person's family is noble, but I will marry my daughter there only when I'm blind. The old mountain savages still believe in a pagan evil **** called the Lord of the Mountains, I visited it one year ago, and now I can't forget a small village in their mountains, which is comparable to the bonfire mating custom of primitive people ... "This is a local nobleman of the central leadership.

Thiels maintained a smile, and **** senses gave him feedback in his hearing. Most of them talked about the gossip and social chat, but in different directions and on different long tables, the content of the conversation between the guests was quite different.

"After the **** year, everyone found that the 20,000 farmers who pulled 1,000 gold coins from the farmland were not as useful as the two hundred professional soldiers raised by the 1,000 gold coins. You remember the Duke of Xinghu-oh, the last Duke of Xinghu- The scene of the 2,000-thousands of armies driving tens of thousands of rebels across the mountains ... "

This is the long table of honored soldiers, and their theme seems sharp:

"I was thinking, now that the prince is back, shouldn't we go north to get revenge? If there is a battle, with your qualifications, how can you be a lieutenant of the guard? You must know that 'Horsebreaker' Dila retires After that, they climbed up to the high branches, and all became the dignified director of security ... "

"My son is studying grammar and theology, as well as mathematics." This is a political bureaucrat next door, who is worried about chatting with his colleagues to find out:

"He has high spirits and wants to stay in Yongxing City. He may be a civil servant in the Government Office. He may want to earn a title. But I would like him to return to his hometown to apply for a job. After all, the South Coast leader is far away from the war and has good governance. Better than the king ... "

"I'm envious. My nephew is my heir. He is so determined to learn Wu Congrong and dreams of becoming an orthodox knight. But you also know that unless you have a good last name, the current knight title is a joke. How can there be any legitimacy? Look at the three handsome men. They are all knights, but a Yankee, a man-in-law, and a disgusting male prostitute who eats by the face ... "

Thiers sighed, and his real name sympathized with the legendary wing that was said to be able to unify the western continent with his face.

"Yes, Exeter has no hostage, but it has exacerbated the risk of war between the two countries. Coupled with their internal fighting, believe me, the northern commercial road is dead. And all potential business in the future will be concentrated in the west and south. , If you are interested, we might as well find out more about ... "

This is a long table for executives and business people, and the conversation is biased towards practice and business:

"Twenty years, a new round of franchise sales should be on the agenda, maybe we should find the next ghost ..."

"... He must do this. His family's loan from the Royal Bank is almost due. If you don't bet on this voyage fleet, you can only transfer the land and fill the deficit ..."

Without knowing these business stories too well, Thiers turned his attention to the table of the central politicians:

"No, the riots on the border of Xihuang in the past few months were only a local incident and would not affect the policies of the kingdom. The response of the local nobles was only their own actions. The relationship between the royal family and Xihuang was very good ... what? No, this Of course, it is not the official statement of the Foreign Affairs Department, but my personal opinion, although I do work in the Foreign Affairs Department ... "This is Gilbert.

"One of the lords ordered the service to be lifted, and the leaders were required to settle the money, otherwise the land had to be transferred ... no no no, in fact, His Majesty didn't say anything ..." This was the Minister of Finance Juco Mann.

"Of course, the so-called 'asceticism is pure, and God's will' is obsolete. On the contrary, if your fiefdom market is prosperous and the goods are abundant, you can attract more money and you can do more benefits, presumably It is also in line with the setting sun ... "This is Associate Bishop Stillanedes.

"Yes, a baron led by the blade died in the plague, but he had only an illegitimate child ... the illegitimate child promised a large sum of money for the duchess to acknowledge his inheritance ... They obviously had different opinions, so they found Yongxing City and wanted to ask His Majesty to make a decision. At this step, the doorway is complicated, and no one dares to take the case ... "

The sin of prison river growled, sending more and more table conversations into his ears.

Tyres listened absently, trying to figure out the focus of the guests and Wang Du circles, while trying to explore the state of the kingdom from these words, but suddenly felt strange.

In Longxiao City, whether it is a banquet, a political day, an elder grandpa, or an earl, the private chats of the Exeter nobles are always scrutinized and angular:

Land closures, feuds, powers, marriages, northern ways ...

Often heavy and heavy, the chill is pressing, such as dark clouds.

But here, in the stars ...

"At what age, did anyone really believe that a marriage contract and two surnames can be used to build a family alliance? Come on, before, the combination of the two families meant greater territory and power. Now? It will only bring huge Maintenance costs and sky-high cost of land and title recognition, as well as the struggle for differentiation within the family ... "

"Her Baron, are you still thinking about exploiting farmers and collecting taxes to get rich? The setting sun, you really should open your eyes and learn from your colleagues from the South Bank and the East China Sea. Make good use of our identity and power. In this era, we have too many ways to gain both profits and names ... "

"Less talking to him ... This guy was rough and stupid before. He didn't change his mind when he became the lord. The rule is all the most primitive and the most soiled. I tell you, no two The generation is about to fall ... "

Thiels listened in silence and began to realize.

In Yongxing City, the social and conversation between the stars and nobles is so ...




Endless changes.

Tyers took a deep breath and suddenly had a more intuitive understanding of the Kingdom of Stars.

Mindis Hall.

Tyers looked at the royal manor, feeling with emotion:


See what you do.

But before he finished feeling, Jorge's voice got into his ear:

"Let me tell you, at that time, there were dark clouds and thunder and lightning, and the dying born king caught your North Star while holding our little dragon chick, and put their little hands together. Tuogu: 'Only true love with a heart in mind can call the true dragon to the world and save the city!' "

Taylor looked dark, and looked away.

I saw that in the side seats of the foreign guests, Jorge of Elk City drank his **** and spit, saying:

"The king died suddenly, and Xiaolong's young trembled with anger and anger, and saw her facing the calamity and screaming: 'Longxiao is immortal, and Walton will avenge it!' If you are determined to fight a battle, Can Xing will live and die with you! 'The next moment, just listen to the bang, guess what? Wow, they called a real dragon! When it was late, then, I saw the real dragon from heaven I smashed my buttocks and sat down on the spot ... "

Damn it.

Thiels listened with a grimace for a while, but felt that his mood was even worse, and he turned in one direction.

But he reacted quickly, and he was the protagonist in many conversations.

"I think that you should choose a prince and concubine who is not so high in birth, just like Queen Kaya, it is better to have a little affinity for the civilians. After all, it is not as good as before, and Prince Taylor is not the same as Midil ... ... "

"I heard the businessman from the north said that Prince Taylor was a dare to fight against Yankees, and he dared to fight five grand dukes at a young age ..."

"So he experienced the disaster? Is he alive?"

"No, it's not a disaster. I have little news. Actually, it was a secret conspiracy of a secret cult, trying to manipulate the political situation and subvert Exeter ..."

"Don't believe these little news! I have an inside line in Longxiao City, and I know it better. Here's the conclusion first: it was a big earthquake. After the disaster, the upper ranks of Yankees wanted to shift the focus and escape the crowd. , Then made up an excuse for calamity. "

"What did the dragon say?"

"It's also made up! It boosts morale and gathers people's hearts. Think about the timing of the dragon's arrival, the death of King Exeter, the timing of Rumba's kingship, and their detention of the prince. Alas, such a product, Is the truth about to come out? What is the truth? Hey, I ca n’t tell any more. I can understand it and understand it naturally. In a word, we ca n’t look at the problem in isolation and look at it. , Force the bullshit, the big picture! In the force of the **** of national strategy, everything is connected ... "

"So it ’s true, you adults, you have a long-term vision, you know how to push the bullshit, it is truly professional ..."

"Where and where ... Thank you for the invitation. I was in Exeter and just got off the carriage. No, I was asked by you soon ..."

Thiels could only hum in his heart.

"But how do I feel that the prince and Rumba are like a group? You see, they provoked the alienation among the Northlanders, first made the Grand Duke Zhao, and then joined forces to kill King Nunn? I dare to pack tickets, our The secret department definitely has a share ... "

Taylor's face changed.

"Shh, don't talk about state affairs ... Think about it, we know what our Kingdom of Stars is, how many things are too busy every day, how can we do such things? Two words: not worth it."

"I heard that the prince hooked Long Xiaocheng's daughter-in-law into a fascination, for he was going to die or live ... Ha, think about it, the mother-in-law knew all the stinky men from the north. We are handsome, handsome and elegant, and have the knowledge and grace of the star man, hey hey, that is not immediately shocked to heaven, can not extricate themselves, or he will not marry? "


Hearing here, Taylor twitched his cheeks.

Maybe the Kingdom of Stars and Exeter, what they have in common ...

More than expected.

But, Selma ...

Thiels clenched his fists.

"Aren't you drinking?"

Taylor looked back and found it was Princess Alice next to her. She saw the beautiful aunt shaking her wine glass, tilted her head, and looked at him playfully.


He looked at the new wine glass at hand, thinking of a certain grandpa who had invited him to drink.

The Duke of Xinghu walked away slightly:

"No kid ... I mean, I don't like drinking."

Elise showed her face.

"Drink as much as you like."

The princess had a few flushes on her face, and obviously enjoyed the things in the cup in particular:

"According to the rules, members of the royal family, it is best not to let people see the rules of eating ..."

"Yeah, I heard that."

Thiels sighed with a headache and looked around the warm banquet hall:

"Fortunately, we are sitting high and no one is watching me."

Iris chuckled, staring at the wine in the glass.

"Yes, no one is watching," the princess shook her glass, her voice changed a little, her eyes looked deep:

"But I bet you will feel like everyone is watching you tomorrow."

Taylor saw his aunt was a little drunk, smiled, and didn't answer.

"Are you used to it?"

Elise looked at him:

"Your first banquet after returning home, um, probably the first one that the royal family has been hosting for more than a decade, everyone must thank you."

Tellston took a moment.

He looked at the increasingly lively banquet scene and tickled his lips.

"I feel very good."

"Peace is all right, there is peace."

Tyler breathed a sigh of relief.

"Neither dozens of aristocrats have agreed in unison that you are an illegitimate child."

"And no **** king is pushing you to find the killer of his son."

"Or a group of ferocious northern men clamoring, trying to unload you eight pieces."

Thiels was slightly surprised:

"If you omit the meeting and greeting ..."

"I haven't encountered such a peaceful and festive aristocratic gathering for a long time."

Taylor was silent.

He suddenly felt a warm wrist.

"It's okay, Taylor," Taylor looked back, realizing that Aunt Elise was holding his wrist under the table and said softly:


The princess gazed silently at him, and the tender compassion in his eyes made Tyles somewhat unbearable.

Just then, Majoros appeared beside them.

"His Royal Highness," the watchman leaned down and whispered:

"You should go."

Elise let go of Thales's hand and frowned:

"Lord Lord?"

I saw Mallos lowering his voice:

"The queen needs to go back to the palace, now."

"She ..." Elise turned to the queen's direction and reacted:


Tyers narrowed his eyes: the side of the king, Queen Koya's face was pale and murmured, she was tightly grasped by a wrist, and the maids on the side were orderly and ready to go.

Thiels then heard the voice over there from the **** senses: "What about my children? Luther is still young, and he wants to change his diaper ...".

He felt dark.

Some guests noticed the queen, but most of them turned aside and turned a blind eye.

Mallos nodded:

"The queen needs your help."

Princess Alice sighed slowly, and she gave Taylor a helpless smile, and then stood up.

Mallorse gave her a cloak intimately.

Taylor can only say goodbye to her.

But as she turned and left, the princess suddenly spoke.


Hearing his name, Majorston was delayed.

Iris looked at the queen and tightened her cloak tightly, but said quietly:

"Have you regretted it?"

When he heard this, Taylor frowned, and froze his hand as he pulled the lettuce.

Frowning for Majoros, he paused and repeated:

"The queen needs you, Your Highness."

"I know."

Alice smiled, glanced at the watchman, her eyes were hazy and clear:

"I regret it."

Mallos froze.

The next second, Alice drifted away and joined the Queen's team.

One second.

Two seconds.

In the extremely embarrassing silence, Taylor cleared his throat and looked at the back of the extremely rigid guard captain, tentatively: "That, you and your aunt ...

"Do not ask."

Without looking back, Mallorce sat down gently beside the prince:

"You're still my favorite duke."

He was respectful and expressionless.

But Taylor had no reason to chill.

Fortunately, someone appeared in time.

"What a bad luck."

Behind him, Doyle, who returned from the toilet, patted Glover on the shoulder and sat down with a grin:

"As the prince's guard, we must pad our stomachs in advance, we cannot go to the banquet, we can't dance with the girls, we can't ... it's so boring, I miss the past.

Doyle yawned.

"You can," the watchman turned from his seat, glancing at D.D:

"You can do exactly as before."

"Go down to your father's table, join the banquet, and dance and laugh at the girls."

Doyle shuddered!

Under the sympathetic eyes of Glover and Taylor, he found stiffly that in the seat of Princess Elise was his boss.

"Hun ... Lord?"

Doyle realized that the calamity was imminent, and put out an ugly smile.

Mallos snorted:

"You know, I can get Vlateng to come up to your class so that you can enjoy, receive, feast, meet."

Doyle trembled authentically:

"For—for the class?"

"Yeah, don't you know?" Mallos looked at him blankly: "In the Mindise Hall, I can always find someone to replace your class whenever and wherever."

"Whether it is today."

"Still the rest of your life."

The secret of Mallos:


"Want to go to a banquet?"

Doyle looked at Glover and Taylor in horror, but they shook their heads at him in pity:

It's not your fault, kid.

D.D swallowed a spit, then reacted, and he shook his head with a serious expression:

"No, no, sir, you are wrong."

Mallorce raised an eyebrow:


Seeing Doyle holding his arms up, he felt generous:

"This body may be buried at the seat of the throne, or the king may die halfway, and there is no end."

Doyle looked right:

"Banquet or something ... As royal guards, we should do our duty faithfully, should we be selfish?"

Glover looked at him scornfully.

Thiers smirked:

"Really? But there are many ladies and noble girls tonight, many good bachelors ..."

"Well, I'm going to mention that again," Doyle waved his hand, his expression resolutely unmoved: "Since Your Highness is by your side ...

"... what girl do I want?"

Thiers just shoved a piece of lettuce gracefully from the plate.

Mallos ticked the corner of his mouth. He was just about to say something, but trembled slightly.

The next second, Mallorce turned his head sharply and looked at the hall!

At that moment, Taylor shivered.

He suddenly had an illusion: the watchman in front of him turned into a sharp blade.

I saw Mallorse staring at the entire banquet hall coldly:

"Doyle, go to the banquet right away, mix it with the guests, and pay attention, especially those with a restrained look and rigid movements ..."

Doyle remained stern:

"No! I want to protect Your Highness here ..."

But Mallorce turned back, with a look:

"I was serious!"

His look surprised all three:

"Glover, you go and tell Captain Adrian, let his guard quietly leave, and then call for a man."

"Sir," Glover looked at each other in confusion:

"what happened?"

In the melodious and light music, Mallos revisited the lively and extraordinary banquet below, and his eyes were alert:

"Just now, someone glanced from the bottom up."

A glance?

Taylor frowned:


"I don't know," Mallos shook his head:

"But I recognize that look, that is resentment and despair that look at death ..."

Thales froze.

Take it home.

Resentment and ... despair?

What do you mean?

"At the banquet tonight."

In the horrified eyes of the three, Mallos slowly held down the long sword at his waist, expressing his conclusion blankly:

"There are assassins."

I don't think it's right to write anything. I'm desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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