Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 548: What the truth

Chapter 548

Since the reporter's door, the hostages in the banquet hall caused a lot of commotion, and the onlookers had a lot of discussion.

Count Godwin, in charge of the negotiations, sighed.

"Please accept my condolences, young man."

"Your father's heroic act has welcomed the heirs to the Kingdom of Stars, and if he dies, it is worth remembering."

Anke didn't speak.

The count turned sharply, slightly rebuking:

"But this cannot be a valid reason for you to do so."

Anke remained silent, but his eyes blurred.

Looking at the other's expression, Count Godwin frowned, and he realized that things might not be so easy to resolve tonight.

The count looked up subconsciously, but the king's seat was empty.

Only in the first-tier seats, Duke Xinghu, the young man said to be a genius. Being surrounded by a large group of guards.

He had a heavy expression and looked down.

Thiels stared at Ank with a shudder.

He still remembers when he woke up on the Ghost Prince Tower.

At that time, Yoder told him:

Days and nights have passed since the orcs invaded the Bladefang Dunes and the legendary wings returned to the army to assist.

Thiers pushed open the tower window and saw only the blade tooth camp experiencing a big battle. After Roman regained victory, the remains of the withering endgame.

But what he didn't see, or what he thought he didn't see, was the real blood in that day's war.

And those who change their destiny.

【death? sacrifice? interest? cost? Win or lose? These are just the most superficial things in war ... the fate of thousands of people ... will be tested in this cruel furnace. 】

The old crow Hicksell's words sounded in his mind:

[Remember ... beyond the false moral accusations, beyond the simple calculation of benefits, beyond the honor of vain fighters, let alone despise the war itself—it is far less simple than what you think, not win or win Lose is a game of non-benefit or price, or non-survival or death. 】

[And you, me, a high-weight lord, or Li Min, who is up and down in the wind, are just the weakest pieces among them, because it is often not determined by us, even if you are the initiator or winner of the war. 】

There was a noise behind him, interrupting Taylor's mood.

"New information in the wings."

The deputy captain, Vogel, took a few letter papers from his subordinates and said carefully:

"Anker Bailar is indeed a nobleman in the West, and the eldest son and heir to the Baron of Crowtown."

"You are right, he had been studying in the Tower of Termination until his father died."

Mallos groaned for a while:

"My father died in an operation to welcome the prince, so this little Bailar is in a state of injustice and wants to destroy the prince's banquet?"

The watchman shook his head:

"It doesn't make sense."

Vogel nodded, apparently also in doubt.

"and also."

He changed a piece of paper immediately:

"A few days ago, Anker Bailar applied to the House of Noble Affairs, and wanted to squeeze into the tonight ceremonial ceremony, where the Supreme King conferred the title on him and inherited his father's title."

Thiels was moved.

He remembered the tonight ceremony. Among the several nobles who had been hereditary titles, there were both new self-made nobles and old nobles who inherited their father's business, including a knife-leader who was not so legitimate.

But there is no Ank Bailar.

Vogel snorted and continued:

"The court approved:‘ Bairal is a minister of the West, and the Lord ’s demise is unconventional. ”

Frowning at Mallorce:


"How do I remember that tonight's candidate for the title, there is a child born out of wedlock that also belongs to the" Vietnamese Lord "?"

Vogel glanced at him, and folded the stationery in his hand calmly:

"The Duchess of Blades and the Royal Family are intimately connected, and it is natural."

"As for the wild west ..."

He did not go on.

It is not customary for the Lord to serve.

Thiels suddenly remembered the ancient empire sword that the Duke of Falkenhau had sent him.


Majoros pondered:

"But why is he looking for Baron Doyle?"

Vogel snorts:

"Love, hate, hatred, advantage, harm-nothing more than these five, any combination of you, there is always truth."

In the middle of the hall, Count Godwin took a deep breath:

"Young Bailar, your father sacrificed for the country and died well. You should not defile the glory behind him."

Anke woke up in the grief of losing his father.

"You are right, Viscount, I should not."

He breathed tremblingly, seemed to be suppressing something, and kept repeating:

"I shouldn't."

But Anke's expression quickly became stubborn.

"I found it until I hurriedly returned," he looked at everyone, gritted his teeth, "my father, he borrowed debt to raise military funds in order to recruit the army ..."

"I owed him huge sums that he could never finish."

Many people gathered together.

The next second, Anke took the old Doyle's collar:

"Come on, you old maggot."

Holders have a quick tone:

"Tell Your Highness, tell you, tell the whole kingdom, what you do."

"Tell everyone, what you did to my father, to the Bailar family."

Baron Doyle cried:

"I did not do anything……"

But Anke's blade immediately hit the old baron's neck, and even scratched a few scars:

"Think again?"

Old Doyle trembled and quickly changed his mouth:

"I, I, I lent money to your father to get him through the difficult times ..."

Tyler frowned.

Anke slammed hard!


He stomped on the old baron's back, and the latter was severely trampled into a meal, soiled and panting.

Seeing his father suffer, D.D clenched his fist, but Glover quickly pressed his shoulder and stared at the former severely.

"I investigated, and when the Duke of West Wild's mobilization order arrived, you appeared."

"It happened when my father was in financial distress and could do nothing."

Anker glared at Baron Doyle and stepped on his back:

"You cleverly speak out, borrow huge sums of money, deceive and deceive, and make great profits, instigating him to recruit soldiers, arm the army, take risks in the desert, and chase war."

"In the end, his army was wiped out, his blood was lost, and he was in debt."

He almost growled:

"Severe depression and depression in the bed!"

Count Godwin had a somber look and had a headache about what to do next.

Baron Doyle's voice cried a little:

"It is to make Zun loyal, and to respond to the call to go to the desert to fight for the country ... I don't think I can pull it ..."

Anker interrupted him angrily:

"No, you! It's your excuse to make up‘ the war has huge profits, ’pretending to borrow his money generously and draw him in.”

The old baron hissed in pain:

"I did not lie to him! How many people made a fortune in the last desert war ..."

Get rich.

There was a block in Taylor's mind: he thought of the Bladefang camp, and the Falkenhaus soldiers who had plucked hair at the gate of the camp and collected the tolls, and thought of a lot of goods that Tomdin was going to smuggle.

Anke laughed ironically:

"You mean those war merchants?"

He let go, and dragged the old baron again, so he faced everyone in the ballroom:

"Those vampires who didn't know where to learn that my father was about to mobilize for the war and sell him supplies?"

"Half of them are secretly communicating with you, or even running a partnership. You have been colluding and colluding for a long time!"

Baron Doyle seemed to have learned the interrogation method before him, and quickly answered:

"Well, it's normal to know each other ..."

"To shut up!"

The captive stared angrily at the old baron, painful:

"You took advantage of my father's generosity and lack of finances, using trapped grammar and dazzling numbers to trick him into signing an unfair contract and owing a huge sum several times the original debt."

Old Doyle seemed to take his fate, and he tried to squeeze out an "understanding" smile.

"How about borrowing, how can there be no interest? And your door is noble, your family is big, your interest is a little bit higher ..."

Anke suddenly reached out and grabbed the hair of Baron Doyle, forcing him to look up!

Angrily gritted his teeth as the baron hissed and his wife's exclaimed exclaiming:

"But in the deliberate trap of your contract, those unclear debts are secured by the land and population of Crow Town!"

"Land! Population!"

The crowd exclaimed a little.

"Ah, hiss, no," Old Doyle refused to let go, despite the pain:

"The collateral, these are the contract terms under the testimony of the authoritative accountant of the Wangjia Bank.

"Unless you had a plan!"

Anke roared!

"Unless you borrowed the debt, it was for the failure of his expedition, the debt was so high, and he couldn't pay it off. The only day he could cede the land."

The next moment, Anke suddenly turned back and straightened his sword, and pointed sharply at a guard who wanted to look for a sneak attack.

The latter and his imitators were forced back to a safe distance.

"This is ridiculous," the old baron's excuse was sharp:

"If it's impossible, I'm sure he will lose the battle? If not, I knew that the orcs would attack the camp ..."

Thiels moved.

Definitely defeated ...

I knew the orcs had attacked the camp ...

The Duke of Xinghu frowned fiercely:

Unfortunately, some people really know these two points.

And the Doyle family ...

Thales gave a subconscious glance at Doyle next to him: it happened to be the first order of the vassal, directly under the royal family, and the seven stars of the star.

Apparently, Anker was also dissatisfied with the baron's words.

"Don't put on garlic anymore, I know everything."

The host looked up, and in a loud voice in front of the guests in the hall:

"Old maggots, you've stuck your devil's claws into Xihuang long ago and into our crow town."

"The two of us belong to two places, but they border each other. For many years, you have used geography to intimidate and seduce, to cleverly grab, to connect certain vassal scums under my father's hands and corrupt officials in the crow town, secretly Conspiracy, long time. "

Anker resentfully said:

"Those scumbags concealed my father's surrender to you, illegally sublet the tenant population, privately planned the land and concealed the tax, and let the farm labor of Yaci Town cultivate and produce for you."

"And you get up and down, stealing the sky and changing the sky, and even the transportation path from Jinghe to Crow Town, across the central west desert has been repaired early."

Old Doyle wanted to excuse him, but Anke's hand strength was obviously getting stronger and he closed his eyes and moaned in pain.

"So my father can only see that his territory is drying up, the harvest is diminishing, and he is getting more and more distressed ..."

Hearing here, the old baron couldn't bear any more pain:

"I lease the land with them, if you like, your father knows ..."

But Anke roared again:

"I know a fart!"

His blade was close to the baron's neck:

"Do you want to go down and confront him now?"

The guests exclaimed in unison.

Seeing that the scene was out of control, Count Godwin immediately interrupted:

"Mr. Bailar!"

He solemnly said:

"You can't accuse Baron Doyle so arbitrarily, let alone use lynching ..."

Anke heard a sneer:


The captive sneered, and after a few seconds, finally drew the short sword away from Old Doyle's carotid artery.

"Doyle, your fiefdom, this year's bumper harvest, right? Or even to the point of export?"

The old barman hesitated.

Anke gave the old Doyle angrily angrily:


The painful Baron Doyle hurriedly spoke:

"Feng, Feng, good years ..."

"Rich Year?" Anke smiled angrily:

"But not only this year."

He gritted his teeth and looked at the onlookers:

"Last year, the year before, the year before, the year before ... for eight or nine years, your grain production has been 'harvest', driving the flow of commercial goods, the market is booming, and the financial surplus is enough to feed a small army!"

"Thanks to the narrow parcels of your Jinghe River? On the worst soil in your entire central collar? Because of your appetite, which was thriving and prospered by the king, you must squeeze into Yongxing City with all your heart, and you will be proud and hard-working. Is it really possible to grow so many crops and squeeze so much money? "

"And you even have surplus grain and goods that can be circulated out of the country and sold to the desert and even the north, making a fortune?"

Hearing here, Taylor was shocked!

He looked subconsciously at the other seats, and found the pot head among the many stomping crowds.

Levi Trudida.

At this time, the Northlander who rebuilt the tower was lowering his head in a low-key manner, and did not feel the eyes cast by the Duke of Xinghu.

[I'm going to buy some souvenirs and take them back ... food, clothes, play ... **** bureaucrats and merchants conspired to increase prices ...]

Damn it.

The teenager gritted his teeth.

"Those are our arable land, our food, our wealth! And God knows that there are no other victims besides Crow Town?" Anke's cold words echoed in his ears.

Talk in the crowd sounded again.

This time, there was much less controversy, mostly whispers.

At this point, Mallos began to groan:

"Speaking of this, Glover is ..."

The watchman suddenly looked up:

"Remember, before the banquet, what did your brother, Viscount Lossano Glover, say when he met His Royal Highness?"

Glover, nicknamed "Zombie," changed his face slightly.

He looked subconsciously at a table, the other one with a calm expression, another Glover.


Glover was babbling and seemed extremely sensitive to the name:

"Lo, Lossano, he told D.D. to ask his father not to give money to the Treasury-sending money?"

Doyle, who was held firmly by Glover, trembled, and looked at his colleagues in disbelief.

Mallos nodded.

"Viscount Lotsano saw His Royal Highness respectfully and decently, and even his half-brother had no time to deal with it."

"Why did he want to talk to D.D and bring up this as a matter of internal affairs of the Treasury? Just to say bad things about the Doyle family?"

Doyle froze, and Glover's expression became unsightly.

"I remember."

The zombie recalled, his face pale:

"Lossano also told D.D. Even if he gave away money, he wouldn't be able to avoid land settlement and tax inspection this year?"

Land clearing ...

Tyers took a deep breath and focused his attention back to the center of the field.

Anke shook his dagger and sneered:

"So old maggot, how long did you originally plan to do this?"

"Are you going to keep it forever? Anyway, why harm others?"

Old Doyle almost cried:

"I said not ..."

The captor interrupted him:

"But you didn't expect it."

"Six years ago, in the face of the crisis in Exeter, the vassals were bitter at the meeting in the country, complaining about financial difficulties, poor food production, difficult recruitment, and difficult expeditions ...

"As soon as the crisis passed, Her Majesty Kessel resolutely reissued the Land Measure of King Eddie to revitalize agriculture and encourage production."

Anke's smile chilled Old Doyle:

"Now according to the law, the buffer period has passed, and the deadline for land liquidation is about to expire. You can no longer lie and deceive."

Many people murmured again in the hall.

"Seeing that liquidation is imminent, the **** is burnt, you can't afford to slowly plan from the long-term discussion, and you are not willing to sacrifice your fortune to survive."

Anke was biting on the tip of his tongue, biting blood:

"You can only rush and rush to finish this matter, die, and make a headless iron case in the simplest and most economical way."

Anker's eyes gloomed down:

"Like my father's debt contract."

By the side of Taylors, Mallorce sighed slowly.

"Viscount Lotsano works in the Kingdom's Finance and Revenue Agency, whether it's bribes, grains, taxes, land. He must be aware of the hidden dangers in the Jinghe area."

"The words he said before the banquet were actually to the Doyle family who are also seven stars of the bright star ..."

But at this point, another voice interrupted him.

"more than."

The watchman and the deputy captain looked up together, and were surprised when they found the vocalist.

"He didn't say that much." Taylor was utterly insane.

Vogel narrowed his eyes.


"According to my royal etiquette class these days, Glover is the vassal of the Royal Star family, and I am the duke and heir to the throne of Xinghu, his future vassal."

Tyers looked at the center of the hall and successfully snatched the prince's limelight Anke today, slowly:

"Regardless of status or affiliation, our contacts should be invited by me or Viscount Losano. After getting permission, he will come to meet me, but ..."

Mallos frowned, remembering the same:

"But he invites you to degenerately and vaguely, to Dongcheng District, to his mansion," Yi Su "."

Thiels nodded in a heavy mood:

"That was a reminder and warning from Viscount Losano."

"It's just that we didn't understand."

D.D trembled again, with remorse on his face.

The prince did not go on, but sighed:

"And I guess Losano did not expect that this hidden danger would occur so fiercely and so quickly."

"I can't wait for a meal."

Thiels looked away, and found that the attitude of the seven star waiters became more severe:

The oldest Patterson clenched his lips, panting and staring; Stuart and Adrian were silent, just watching the situation; Mrs. Eleanor's world seemed to have only her son; Lossano, who had previously reminded them, stared down at the table, seemingly indifferent to what happened.

But throughout the hall, as Anke's narrative became clear, many people couldn't help but look at the calm Duke of Xinghu himself.

"The problem is," Tyers felt a little headache, feeling their eyes:

"How will it end in a while?"

Vogel hummed.

"It's okay, Your Highness," the Deputy Guard looked at Ank with a disdainful expression:

"He pretends to be in the audience, but the picture is just to use you and the name of the banquet to make a splash, show his love for his family, and make a big news."

"When he finishes his nonsense and achieves his purpose, Your Royal Highness, you will comfort him and comfort him, and he will have no reason to continue acting."

"But there is one thing: no matter how the guy induces it, and he talks wildly, you will never make a judgment, let alone stand in line, and show no tendency to any party, even if it is just a smile or a white eye."

Taylor raised his eyes:

"Any party?"

Vogel looked at him, and this time, only the harshness remained in the eyes of the deputy captain:


"As for the remaining investigations, torture, and trial convictions, it will be tomorrow, the Tribunal, the Noble Affairs Office, and even the Imperial Conference."

"This person's move will not damage your reputation, except that it will add a little talk to the banquet tonight."

Thiers pursed his lips, but Mallors frowned:

"At least, let the sniper team be in place? Just in case?"

Vogel glanced at him and said nothing.

On the field, the confrontation between Anke and the old baron is still going on:

"You, you and those under the control of my father, you have conspired, you should cooperate inside and outside, waiting for the borrowing period to come, forcing the father who has gone to despair to cut the land."

"You get the new land seamlessly and compliantly, avoiding future troubles and avoiding land settlement, and they change their flags and become your running dogs.

"But you didn't expect that my father died under the weight of him, and I who took his place was a dead brain."

Anke raised his dagger and pointed at the old baron's nose, his voice getting colder and colder:

"Tell me, did you ever think about today when you set a trap, plot my father, and eventually kill him?"

"Thinking of his legacy, his bloodline, and his descendants will one day look for revenge in the eyes of everyone?"

"Doyle of the Mirror River?"

Looking at the point of his sword, Old Doyle trembled!

The baron stayed for a while, his entire face flushed, and he could only utter a few mono sounds from his mouth forced by the sword.

"No, you, you ... he, he ..."

At this moment, Lord Goldwin's roar sounded in the banquet hall:

"Ank Bailar!"

His tone was harsher than ever, leaving no room for it:

"Whatever your grievances and reasons, don't forget that the kingdom has its own laws, and this world has its own reasons!"

Anke was out for a moment.

"Faculty? Reason?"

He lowered his sword and turned his head.

Count Godwin was relieved.

"As a noble, wise and wise, and loyal, you should know how to use legal means, follow normal channels, or appeal based on reason, protect rights and interests, or communicate rationally, negotiate settlement, and seek justice and justice.

Earl's righteousness is strict:

"Why take a knife to the meeting and kill someone ..."

"At Duke Taylor's banquet, resort to violence and take risks!"

"Do you start for your father and family, but let your father's honor and family reputation be completely ruined in your hands?"

The last sentence was obviously quite useful, and Anke trembled and looked at Godwin with a shudder.

"I did."

Count Godwin said:


"When I just returned," Anke said mournfully. "Legal means."

"At the earliest, I want to wait for the next year's harvest and pay down the debt."

He stared in pain at Count Godwin, hissing: "But he was told that the deadline for the contract was only before the land was liquidated."

"After that, I want to invoke the nobility's rule and postpone the appeal."

He stared at the short sword in his hand and murmured, "But I was told that I have not inherited the title and have no right to appeal for extension."

"Finally, I want to take over my father's title early,"

In the end, Anker looked desperately at everyone: "However, he was told that it would cost a lot of recognition, and he would have to wait for the next year's harvest."

Count Godwin was speechless for a moment, but he hesitated for a moment or two and then spoke:

"If you can't solve it yourself, you can ask for help ..."

But Anke roared back with a louder, more excited voice!

"I did!"

His blades continued to tremble with movement, wielding in vain in the fire of the entire hall:

"I went to the ruins and Yinghunbao and asked for help from the great people in the West, but they said that the battle at Bladefang was just flat. In a very unusual time, he did not want to offend the vassal of the Revival Palace, saying that this was our personal relationship with Doyle. Matters, they have no right to intervene. "

"I arrived at Yongxing City and wanted to file a complaint with the courtroom according to the procedure, but it was rejected many times. A secretary who collected the money quietly told me that the Doyle family had just climbed up the Duke of Xinghu, and the Mindice Hall was of great significance. Up. "

"I arrived at the aristocratic affairs house and wanted to do something special to inherit the title, but they told me that the prince has just returned, the kingdom is flourishing, and everyone is living in hope, so don't take your own trivial things to shame the scenery."

He listened heavily to his self-report, and unfortunately found that these reasons were related to himself.

Anke took a sharp breath.

"So, in the end, I could only go to the Fuxing Palace, stay at the gate of the palace, and wait for Her Majesty to appear, but I was seeing Her Majesty's team, and seeing the Royal Guard, and I opened my mouth ..."

He grinned, showing calm and abandonment:

"Sent to prison."

In the small but not negligible buzz of the crowd, Count Godwin didn't say a word for a long time, and seemed a little overwhelmed.

"I tell you the truth, you tell me the law, I tell you the law, you tell the tradition, I tell the tradition, you tell the reality, I tell you the reality, and you want to Come back and talk to me. "

"I did," Anker put the blade on the shoulder of Baron Old Doyle, eyes dumb and mumbled, "What can I do, what can I do ..."

"All done."

He slowly looked up:

"There is only one last."

The anxiety inside Thiels was growing.

"Three days ago, I ran out of my last toll, and finally let the guards release me."

Anke's arm slowly strengthened, and the old baron's face faded, and he moaned in pain.

"So I found him and said to the old maggot: I am willing to execute the contract and cede the land."

"Just ask for my father's funeral."

"And that expensive funeral fee made me buy the Mindish Hall tonight, the most marginal seat."

Anke laughed.

Smiled happily.


Count Godwin seemed to have foreseen what he was about to do, and for the first time there was panic in his voice.

"No--" D.D struggled to step forward, but Glover embraced him.

Just listen to Anke coldly:

"No one listens unless you kill someone."

His wrist sank slowly.

"Without shocking the world, there is no way out."

His teeth clenched slowly.

"If you are not willing to fall, you will swallow the bitter fruit."

His eyes faded.

"Tell me, Lord Godwin, His Highness Taylor ..."

In the painful screams of Old Doyle, his wife's heartbreaking and the horrified eyes of the guests in the hall, Anker looked up.

His frustrated gaze passed through the bright lights and fell straight on Thales:

"What the **** is that?"

Wu Jian didn't go home until five this afternoon and finished dinner at eight. Obviously it was impossible to code.

So, this chapter was coded by me, the dog next door to the neighbor without swords!

Wang (to)! Wang (month)! Wang (vote)!

(End of this chapter)

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