Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 56: She is a nightmare

Chapter 56 She is a nightmare

"It seems that my mother used to bother you."

Tyres’s expression was determined and he decided to ask his identity as a mysterious mother.

Li Xiya smirked disdainfully.

"Haunted?" The charming main sacrifice went to him, his eyes were terrible: "More than that."

"She is a nightmare."

Nightmare? Tyres thought of the coldness and ignorance of Kessel V to him, and could not help but glance.

"You should leave, the blood of the kingdom." Li Xiya was condescending, watching Taylors coldly: "I have seen you, your mission is complete."

Taylors came back and gritted his teeth further.

"Thran Lantana."

Hearing this name, Li Xiya suddenly had a meal, and the color in his eyes changed.

Tyres took a deep breath and continued: "This is my mother's name. I don't know what this name means to you - but no matter what kind of person she is, I need to know!"

Li Xiya bowed her head slightly and her eyes picked up.

At this time, Taylors was surprised to find that all the lights in the room were brighter and brighter, and the dim stone house was bright.

The original quiet and gentle flame inside the lamp, even began to burst!

Is this - magic?

He squeezed his left hand.

Li Xiya looked at Tyler’s pair of ashes and his brows were getting tighter.

Finally, she waved her sleeves in disgust.

"You are really a continuation of that nightmare."

"Give you a message: Don't ask everything about your **** mother - I won't tell you anything."

Tyres looked at Li Xiya slyly.

But he still resisted the unhappiness and hurriedly said:

"But you have told me! You tell a son that his mother is a nightmare!"

Taylor looked up and looked at Li Xiya's indifferent black eyes without any weakness.

"I am very strange, who is her nightmare? Father's?" Tells gritted his teeth and asked, "Is your nightmare?"

Li Xiya’s eyes suddenly burst into a fierce light.

Not a description, but a real golden glow!

Thales can't open his eyes!

Tyres took a step back and raised his left hand in front of his own eyes. His right hand touched the JC dagger.

Under the golden light, he felt very uncomfortable.

This is from the power of the so-called sunset goddess?

"Cautious, mortal." Li Xia, whose eyes are full of glare, even the pupils and eyes are invisible, is now majestic, but plain and plain:

"In this world, no one knows more about your mother's hatred than I do."

Tyres stared at her.

"She is a cold, cruel, insidious, mad, paranoid about power and strength."

"Every of her actions has an ugly purpose that cannot be sue."

"Remember my words - completely forget her, or you will regret it one day."


Tyres absently climbed up and down several stairs, followed by Ginny on the way to the Renaissance Palace without knowing the first few floors.

His heart has not been relieved for a long time, just Li Xia’s words.

Indifferent and cruel, insidious and cunning?

Crazy paranoia about power and power?

His mother, who is it?

Tyres feels more and more doubtful about his life.

In particular, it’s about everything on your body.

Tyres bit his teeth.

Ginny looked at Tyres and shook her head slightly.

"Don't worry," Ginny nodded pouting. "It is normal for Li Xiya not to like you. The woman has always been stubborn and can't open anything."

Taylors looked up curiously and only listened to the court lady's plain words: "She had a marriage contract with your father before he became a principal."

Taylors was shocked.


"Yeah... for many reasons, they didn't get married."

Ginny snorted with disdain:

"Li Xia - the woman who can't live without a man, ran to the Temple of the Sun in an angry way, and served the goddess for life."

"So she doesn't like me either - the king's lover."

I just heard a big gossip boy open his mouth in surprise.

"But what about that," Ginny returned to the savvy and savvy moment. The court first-class female officer gently raised her mouth: "Why should you let other eyes dominate your destiny?"

"Even if it is the eyes of the gods."

At this time, Ginny stopped in front of another larger stone house and gently pushed the door open.

"Come on, still the same, you go in alone." Looking at this stone house, Kenny's original self-confidence and self-confidence disappeared, and she saw her sighing.

"Only you can go in here." The female officer was faintly authentic.

"I--we?" Taylors wondered.

He finally realized that Ginny, standing in front of this door, was not quite right.

But Ginny once again pushed him into the stone house without any explanation.


Yongxing City, Xichengmen.

"Wait a minute! Is the caravan of the Karabyan family in front? Is the Earl of Karabyan himself alone? Uncle? Is your uncle?"

A team of knights armed with single-winged crow flags rushed from the gates and caught up with a carriage escorted by more than a dozen knights. The doors were engraved with the emblems of two towers and a long sword. .

Among the knights of the single-winged crow flag, headed by a 30-year-old male aristocrat, he accelerated the Hummer, came to the carriage, and looked down on a majestic old aristocrat.

"Dele? Is it you, the young and promising Earl of the Kloma family, actually riding over?" The old nobles were gentle and authentic.

The young wing of the Fort, Dreke Klomar smiled: "From the wing to here, the carriage has to be at least two days and two nights, it is too late. I just rode the horse."

"On the way I came, I met the team of the Bozdov family and the Lasia family. It should be possible in a little while - so that in the thirteen families, the people in the west will be all there."

"It’s your uncle, you haven’t seen it for a long time... Cohen’s cousin and aunt, and how is Kasha and Qina coming?”

"Cohen came back from the battlefield and couldn't sit still... I arranged him to be in Wangdu, first to do the work of the police officer... Hey." When I thought of the small report that the old classmates played, the Count of Karabyan was deeply Sigh a sigh.

"As for your aunt, it is still like that, worrying about Cohen's marriage every day - can be happy with the little devil at home, every day to help his brother find his wife, reminding their mother to hold a dance." The old nobles faint .

"What?" The young Kloma snorted and immediately smiled: "The aunt has always been like this. When I was an adult, she almost didn't bring all of your half-Wola girls."

Cloma then stepped forward and whispered: "So, that thing is true - the only son of King Nunn, died in the stars?"

The Count of Wola, Tulaimi Karabyan looked at his wife and sighed with a sigh: "It seems to be true. I just met the Earl of Zemunto under the Aaronde family. I heard that Eck. Ster’s messenger is already on the road – and their army is gathering.”

"The most anxious thing now is the Duke of the North and his family."

Cloma sighed, and he leaned forward, his face dignified: "Will you fight?"

Earl Karabyan took a look at his wife and said slowly: "If there is no miracle, you should ask: what it will look like."

"Start to smash the grain and prepare for the recruitment of the soldiers in the territory."

As he spoke, he stepped on the carriage, opened his hands, and headed to the West City Police Chief, who was greeted by the front, and Lord Lobick Dilla hugged him.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, old classmates!"

"Haha, you are so fat!"

"This is the Earl of the Fort, and my wife, Dreek Klomm, is one of the nineteen vassals who are qualified to accept the General Command of His Majesty."

"It turned out to be the legendary Cloma of the ‘Single Savior’ in the thirteenth family!”

"You must have been the ‘horse-horse’ Lord Lobike Dilla, who was famous in the ‘the fortress’, 12 years ago?”

"Oh, that **** fight..."

In Karabyan, for Lobike and Kloma, after the introduction of the two sides, there was a melodious bell in the distance.


The bell was heavy and long, and it was very far away.

Not often come to the Earl of the Kings, Kloma frowned: "If you remember correctly, this seems to be the clock of the stars? What happened?"

In the king's many years, Lobike nodded strangely: "Yes, the bell of the stars rings, there are major events to be announced in the center of each district, generally a wedding of the royal family or important people... but nothing recently... ..."

at this time.


The long bell sounded twice.

Lobick’s face changed: “The bell rings second!”

He said solemnly: "This means that within a few hours, His Majesty will be in the Hall of Stars in the Fuxing Palace, and the country will be a meeting."

"Is the country a meeting? It is said that it is a meeting for all nationals, regardless of the nobility or civilians?" Kloma paled: "But the news of the assassination of the Exter mission is still a secret, only spread among the nobility, the stars are high. The parliament will also be held tonight, isn't it? Why should we convene a conference at this time?"

"Yes, the country is a matter of the meeting, will be directed to the entire Star Plaza, the entire star announced - remember the declaration of war in the desert war?" Director of the Rubik, thinking hard.

Count Dreke Kloa looked excitedly and eagerly rushed to the Wangdu citizen of Xingju Square. His face was ugly: "Your Majesty will never openly announce the news and declare war on Exeter in advance?"

"Who knows," Count Karabyan sank: "That is the "Iron King"."

"He hasn't done anything like this."

Thank you for the reward of "the glory of the iris pattern" - hey, how are you?

(End of this chapter)

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