Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 580: Prince loves to eat

Chapter 580 Prince Loves to Eat

For a long while, Taylors recovered from the uncomfortable and dazed emotions.

"what is this?"

He turned to Morat, who sat peacefully.

The black prophet smirked:

"What do you think this is?"

Tells was silent for a few seconds.

"My father, he said when he sent me over," the prince's voice was heavy and bleak:

"Let me see my mess."


Tells was sad.

Just listen to Morat's quiet tunnel:

"Then you see, at least, Wang Du's banquet drinking water industry cannot avoid panic and depression in the short term."

[Damn prince. 】

[Everything he does...has a super super, is there a huge impact? 】

The wine merchant Dagori's voice seemed to echo in the ear of the teenager.

"But I didn't do anything." Tells murmured.

The black prophet's sneer reached his ears.

"At your level, doing nothing is also a gesture."

"Whether you intend it or not."

Thales's gaze was lost.

[Drink as much as you like, or a few sips. 】

In his ear, the day the banquet rang again, what Princess Elise said to him.

[I bet you will feel like everyone is watching you tomorrow. 】

Everyone is watching you...

The Duke took a deep breath, then exhaled painfully out of his teeth:

"They shouldn't... read that."

"But they did just that."

Morat's voice seemed to come from another room, but it did not diminish its coldness:

"And in the past six years, you have left your hometown and traveled to the North Country as a trait, under house arrest?"

The demon flesh in the black prophet's knee surged:

"IMHO, that is your luck."

My luck.

Taylor swallowed his throat.

In the flow of thoughts, the interrogation room welcomed new guests.


Raphael held the pen and turned to a new page of documents, looking coldly at the old man with thick, fat limbs but a nervous face.

The newcomer was treated much better than Dagory. Although he was also brought in with a hood, the old man was not wearing any shackles and was able to move freely on the chair.

"Yoshimoto, my name is Yoshimoto, sir."

Also in stark contrast to the proud wine merchants, the old man on the chair is obedient and obedient, even with a hint of favor:

"Gibon Philson, everyone calls me old Gibbon or, old J-B."

Raphael pouted unknowingly.

"So, Gibbon Philson, do you know why you are here?"

Yoshimoto grinned reluctantly:

"To be honest, no, I don't know very well. Are you..."

"Guardian." Raphael didn't look up, without hesitation.

Compared with the questioning of the wine merchants before, Huang Guren was indifferent this time and refused to be a thousand miles away.

The old man froze for a second.

"Impossible," he smiled, shaking his finger at Raphael:

"I have a relative who works in the police department, and I know their procedures, absolutely not like this!"

The boneless man raised his head expressionlessly.


The old man looked around, and what he thought when he saw it was a little excited and curious.

"I know this style of doing things," old Yoshimoto looked mysterious and slightly intentional. He leaned forward to the edge of the table, close to Raphael:

"You are the kingdom secret!"


Raphael's expression changed slightly as he looked at the old man who was squinting at him.

"I have experienced that, long ago, when Wang Du was in trouble with the serial vampire murder," Lao Jiben was obviously very expressive:

"The famous time-limited police officer and the secretives are fighting in my shop..."


Raphael beat the table and interrupted Gibbon's words.


"You are right."

The boneless man's eyes are profound and mysterious. He approaches Lao Jiben and gently says in a ghost story-like tone:

"We are the Kingdom Secret."

"Work for the Black Prophet."

In that second, the old man's smile froze in his face.

On the other side of the glass, Taylors turned to Morat, but the old man in the wheelchair was calm and calm.


Facing Raphael's bad eyes, Old Gibbon blinked incredulously, and looked at the interrogation room again.

"Also, is it really a secret? That kingdom secret?"

Lao Jiben saw that there was still blood on the table, and then he shuddered after thinking of something.

"You, did you lie to me?"

Raphael snorted dismissively.

Kingdom Secrets.

Black prophet.

Every day there is an occult corps in the kingdom that wants to kill ten people, and every night the black prophet soaked in the blood of the child...

Thinking of the mysterious legends, Yoshimoto smiled uncomfortably, then shrunk in a chair.

His eyes were fixed on a small area along the edge of the table, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a sip.

First of all, I am not a child anymore, the black prophet would not like it.

Then, I hope I came here today...the eleventh person?

Thinking of this, Yoshimoto wanted to cry without tears.

"So, old Yoshimoto, what are you doing?"

"What do I... do?"

Yoshimoto repeated it blankly, clearing his throat fiercely when he recovered, and began to tremble with naked eyes.

"Me, I opened a blacksmith's shop in the Twilight District. For many years, I hit, hit, hit, hit, hit iron."

"Hit iron?"

Raphael sneered a few times, and the old blacksmith trembles back and forth with his sneer rhythm.

"I heard that you took a big business this morning?"

Big business?

Old Yoshimoto's face turned white, and he quickly converged back.

"Yes, yes, yes, a business, it's not too big, it's just a little..." Lao Jiben cried with regret and confessed:

"Cough, it can't be said to be trivial, hey, medium, medium, medium."

Raphael yelled and raised his pen without looking up: "You..."

"I swear!"

Old Yoshimoto suddenly shouted:

"I have never played prohibited weapons and equipment!"

Raphael was taken aback by the suddenly blacksmith who suddenly broke up.

"What military sword, military axe, military hammer, battle helmet, armor, war horse stirrup, battle shield, crossbow parts, trebuchet parts, magic gun buttstock, bitumen alloy, kitchen knife longer than half a foot, steel spearpoint , Kill Arrow, I have all these Laozizi—"

Lao Jiben's mouth was crackling and there was no stagnation. The last sentence paused:

"--Never made it!"

Seeing the nervous and trembling, staring at the old Yoshimoto who denied it, Raphael, who was ready to punish the confessions, put down his pen and remained silent for a while.

This is too frank.

"So, do you still know... contraband?"

Old Yoshimoto was shaking again.

He realized what he was feeling bad and desperately smiled:

"Hey, I just care about the law... Well, obey the law."

Raphael looked at the document and raised his pen again:


Old Jiben an agitator:

"I definitely did not sell them!"

"Absolutely not!"

Raphael, who was startled again, put down his pen again, feeling quite helpless.


Yoshimoto rolled his eyes.

He looked away and touched his chin awkwardly, muttering softly:

"Just, just, it's them, they..."

Raphael felt the trick, he put down the pen and closed the document, and the whole person leaned back: "Humph."

The reaction of the boneless man scared the blacksmith instinctively and danced:

"Cocoa, they are nobles!"

"Even if there is no knighthood in the family, at least the second-generation dudes who are officials, should be legal..."

Raphael exhaled and narrowed his eyes in bad faith.

Yoshimoto shuddered again and changed his mind with the thunder:

"Even if it's illegal, they have a way to circumvent it! I can't sell it to them..."

Raphael tilted his head and spit out a word:


"I only received a deposit!"

Yoshimoto's face changed again.

He shouted loudly:

"No delivery yet, no proofing, no drawing, no material!"

As Yoshimoto spoke, he scrambled out a precious piece of paper from his arms:

"Look, those customers' orders are all here! All!"

Raphael looked at the trembling orders in the hands of the old blacksmith inexplicably.

I feel like... I haven't asked anything yet?

"Okay," Huang Guren took the order in a complicated mood, but no one knew in his heart:

"You speak much better than the last one."

Maybe go back and check the old man's background.

See if he... a distant relative of the Karabyan family?

After handing out the order, Yoshimoto faced the grievance of "I have done merit for the kingdom" and asked carefully:

"Shouldn't this be illegal?"

"Even if it is, can this be... surrendered?"

Raphael looked at the order and hummed at random, again terrifying old Yoshimoto.

"let us see……"

Raphael read out the sound and let the people on the other side of the glass hear:

"X and X order a long sword, the requirements are as follows: at a glance, it is known that it is used by the nobility, the material should be excellent, the color should be excellent, the gloss should be shiny, and the maintenance should be convenient. The lighter the lighter, the better. It's better to be a little old and leave some traces, letting people know that it is often swiped to fight..."

Outside of the glass, Thales moved.

With Yoshimoto's nervous and flattering eyes, the boneless man continued to read the first line on the order:

"The sense of grip must be comfortable, there must be wind when waving, effort should be saved when attacking, and defense should be effortless, the style design should show heroism and chivalry, and be elegant and strong, popular and classic, gorgeous and simple, simple and deep. , The most important point is to be handsome when carrying, so that the painter can draw from all angles..."

Raphael looked up in doubt.

what is this?

In the knight novel, the invincible holy sword that kills the gods?

"This, what," the old blacksmith rubbed his hands embarrassedly and bowed his head shyly:

"A, Party A."

With an odd face, Raphael did not continue to read the other entries on the list.

"Then do you know, what are they going to do with these orders?"

Old Yoshimoto touched his fat belly.

"Hey, you know, these patrons are nobles, of course I don't know--"

"Huh?" Raphael snorted contemptuously.

"-- Dao, but I accidentally listened to my ear!"

Raphael glanced squinted, his attitude delicate.

"They, these aristocrats are ordering weapons before and after, most of them are going to..."

Old Gibbon paused and smiled:

"Due, duel."

Despite expectations, Taylors still felt tight.


Raphael nodded thoughtfully:

"Do you know why?"

Speaking of this, the old Yoshimoto is frowning:

"Why could it be, of course, that Lord Duke Xinghu broke the case last night like a god, and he was dexterous, defeating the kidnappers in a terrifying duel, rumored to be the king, and now the noble children are one after another..."

At that moment, Tyers only felt his ears buzz.



In order to eliminate the influence, didn't he make it very clear? "Since you want to enjoy its convenience once and for all, you have to bear the price of its barbaric backwardness."

but why……

Why is there still someone, someone will...

At that moment, Tyers was afraid to look at the reaction of the black prophet beside him.

He forced himself to turn his attention back to the interrogation room.

"One of them was a noble brother who said he would duel to his father because he disregarded his decency and snatched the sweethearts of his sons at the banquet...Oh, look at this whole thing..."

Old Jiben talked about the gossip, and his eyes glowed.

"They ordered two more, and the style of the named materials must be exactly the same to show fairness, because they have to fight each other after killing their father! Hey, then I said, what about the father's sword? So they ordered The third one! Hey, hey, you said it’s stupid..."

Raphael looked up.

The blacksmith's words suddenly choked.


"The material is missing, the stove is cold, and the apprentice is on strike," Raphael's voice said without fluctuation:

"Or did you fall in love with a gentle and witty little widow in the country, planning to sell the shop and stop going to marry her..."

"Ah? Wen Jing is gentle and hot?" Lao Jiben was puzzled for a while.

"You know," Raphaelton gave a moment, without changing his face:

"Party A."

The boneless man coughed.

"But I don't care what reason you use," Raphael handed back the order to Lao Jiben indifferently:

"Refund the deposit and cancel the orders for me."

The old blacksmith stunned slightly.

"Cancel? Here, such a big list..."

Raphael did not control him, but took out a document and pushed it to Gibbon:

"If there is no problem, look at this confidentiality agreement, sign it, and you can go."

Lao Jiben looked at the agreement and rubbed the order in his hand.

"This, I have no good reason to cancel the order in a short time..."


Raphael suddenly moved. He grabbed Gibbon's hand, his eyes sharp as a sword:

"Then put on a bandage for two months and say your arm is folded."

Yoshimoto was frightened and let the boneless people squeeze their wrists.

"Go to the tax office and show them the paint on this agreement," Raphael said lightly:

"Someone will pay for liquidated damages and bandages."

Old Yoshimoto was wronged.

"But it's useless," he wanted to fight for it again:

"The blacksmiths in the Wangdu are not the only ones-although I am indeed the best-I am one, those dudes, they will definitely go to other shops, it would be better for me to make a few inferior ones and stab the undead... Ah lighter!"

In the screams of old Yoshimoto, Raphael squeezed each other's wrists, threatening:

"So, do you want us to pay for medical expenses together?"

Lao Jiben bored a few cries, showing a smile that was even uglier than crying. He picked up his pen and signed it, expressing his firm support for the Kingdom’s decision.


Raphael let go of the panting blacksmith.

"Slightly, we have to hurry to send the agreement to several other people-or medical expenses."

The boneless man said coldly.

Old Jiben rubbing his wrist and weeping suddenly heard the spirit:

"Well, don't miss the Karachi blacksmith shop on South Street. By the way, that old yin can be broken. For decades, more than once forged contraband for villains like the Blood Bottle Gang and the Brotherhood. I lied to everyone that it was produced by my shop-don't believe it..."

Raphael was another eye-knife, holding the words of old Yoshimoto in his mouth.

"Okay, I see. You have a heavy responsibility. You want to suppress the bad atmosphere of the duel and maintain the kingdom's legal system and stability. I understand, I understand..."

The old blacksmith flattened his mouth in grievance and tried to sign page after page:

"But these things, as long as you don't catch the duel, it will be over? Why bother us little ones..."

"Look, that's the problem," Raphael supervised him after signing the agreement, looking at the one-way glass intentionally or unintentionally:

"If the kingdom explicitly prohibits them, their dissatisfaction and resentment will go up."

Raphael looked at the old blacksmith:

"But if a supplier like you cancels for some reason..."

He squinted close to the old Yoshimoto:

"Do you have an opinion?"

Lao Ji had a sharp heart and shook his head faster than his bellows:

"No, no..."

The old blacksmith signed the agreement and handed it flatly to Raphael.

Raphael scanned the signature above, closed it, lit the candle and covered it with paint.

"Very good, as a reward for your cooperation..."

"In recent months, the Royal Standing Army will have a lot of equipment needs, and even recruit blacksmiths to build directly, and there will be a large number of new orders."

Yoshimoto's eyes lit up, full of surprises.

"But only for the military and the people who have this agreement."

Raphael narrowed her eyes and raised the sealed agreement:

"Do you understand it?"

At the other end of the one-way glass, Taylors watched the ecstatic old Gibbon put on his hood and took him out of the interrogation room, silently.

"I'm sorry," Morat in the wheelchair picked up a cup of tea and chuckled gently:

"Raphael rarely handles these basic things, he is not very skilled."

"But don't worry, we will have someone to talk to the craftsman afterwards and follow up on his "mental health" regularly to ensure that he will not resent you or even ruin you."

"Or...where will there be news of ordering specialized weapons for the duel."

Seeing the black prophet's deep smile, Taylors felt more and more disgusted.

"I thought that the nobles of the stars would despise Exeter's customs."

The prince looked hard at the stain on the glass.

Morat put down the teacup.

"The duel is originally a martial arts style that originated from the empire, bearing the knighthood in the original time, filling the places that justice cannot reach."

The old man in the wheelchair was not surprised, like an outsider:

"You know, from the empire to the kingdom, how many centuries our ancestors have spent, how much blood and tragedy they have experienced, how much price and human lives they have paid, and then these developments are gradually lagging behind in time, ignoring justice and tearing the internal stereotype Is the vulgar removed?"

His words were like blades, and he cut through the hearts of Taylors again and again:

"But now, what people see is only the deeds of Polaris, which are eagerly sought after."

"Especially, you use your wisdom to avoid the killing in Exeter in the name of a duel."

"In addition to your unprecedented style that made many young boys and girls heartbroken last night..."

The Black Prophet shook his head, but didn't go on.

But this is enough.

Tells was expressionless.


This is what he brought to the stars?

Rescue D.D and Anke, but they may eventually kill... more people?

[No matter what, you always want to find a way to rejoice, a perfect choice, in line with the highest expectations in your heart. 】

Only the words of King Kessel echoed in his ears:

[It’s better to be harmless and harmless. 】

[Avoid the ugliness and sacrifice you least want to face. 】

Tells raised his left hand hard, looking at the scar in the palm of his hand.

[However, didn’t the **** fate give you **** response every time? 】

Just as Tells's thoughts were heavy and his heart was ups and downs, the interrogation room welcomed a third guest.

This time, it was an aristocrat who entered the interrogation room. He was dressed in a low-key but classical style, and he was free and proud.

He sat steadily on the chair, also without shackles, and was calm and extraordinary.

It seems that he is the interrogator.

"I know who you are."

And Raphael also changed the way of interrogation, the words are concise and clear, straight to the point:

"And I believe that you also know who we are."

The nobleman across the table slowly raised his eyes.

He didn't look around like old Yoshimoto, nor did he stab inside like Dagory.

"of course."

"You are the darkness of the stars."

The noble came slowly:

"But what I don't know is that in the absence of the king's warrant, the secret department still has the power to secretly review the kingdom nobles?"

His gaze approached Raphael, and his sharpness was difficult.

Raphael smiled.

"Of course not, so this is just an inquiry."

The boneless man didn't ask the other party's name, so Tyers had no way of knowing.

"It turns out so," the noble sneered and mocked

"It seems that for your inquiry, the invitation letter is sack with rope?"

But the eloquent person who could speak well and even talked to Taylors and you didn't fall off the wind did not have too much entanglement.

Obviously, from the perspective of the first two interrogators, Raphael saw people serving food and was good at dealing with different objects in different ways.

"Two weeks ago, you came to Yongxing City from the edge of the blade."

Raphael opened the record and his eyes became sharp:

"And a week ago, you were secretly ordering weapons from a blacksmith named Karachi on South Street in the Twilight District?"

The nobleman led by the blade, Tells thought silently.

The noble's eyes were frozen and there was silence for a while.

Raphael did not urge.

The atmosphere in the interrogation room became very depressed.

Finally, the noble snorted:

"Even if they are civilians, they have the right to carry weapons to defend themselves while traveling."

"And I am an aristocrat of the kingdom with armed rights. Is it a crime to use a sword to defend yourself?"

Raphael smiled very friendly:

"of course not."

"But either you are an extreme master, or your enemy is," Raphael whispered:

"Otherwise you won't need to order enough... twenty long swords?"

The nobleman's gaze from the blade front caught a chill.

"If you want to say that I'm treason," he said lightly: "In Yongxing City, this weapon is not enough evidence."

Tells, who was listening to the interrogation, predicted that this was a bad person.

"I know," but Raphael sounded easy:

"So what are you going to do with them?"

"Or should I say, "What are you doing?"

The corner of the noble's mouth tightened, forcing Raphael.

He seemed to be fighting ideologically, and after a while he bored a sentence:

"As a mysterious person, why do you know it?"

Raphael squinted and smiled:

"But I want to hear from you."

The nobleman with the blade edge snorted.

He then turned to the one-way glass and looked straight at Tyers:

"Who is behind that glass?"

Tells was startled.

But Morat around him was as steady as ever, not surprised.

It seems that this noble has a lot of insight.

Seen through the trick, Raphael was not in a hurry:

"No matter who it is, it is not exactly what you want, is it seen and heard by more people?"

The noble frowned slightly.

Raphael smiled and made a "please" gesture to him.

A few seconds later, the nobleman looked away from Tyers.

"We, some nobles under the blade of the sword, for various reasons, have lost their ground, power, or position, and we have to go together..."

The nobility paused and found a passable term:


Raphael nodded:

"Where do you appeal?"

The nobleman's expression was cold, and he spit out a place name:

"Mindis Hall."

Tells jumped.

Go to Mindisi Hall...appeal?

Do not.

He remembered Anke at the banquet and his mood fell to the bottom again.

"How many people?" Raphael asked casually.

"Thirteen," the noble answered very happily:

"The baron, the lord, the noble knight, and many others are coming to join."

"Just for justice."


The word was full of weight and hammered loudly in Tyers's heart.

"So, at least thirteen nobles and their servants, fully armed, filed a joint complaint with the Duke of Xinghu."

Raphael sighed, rather helpless:

"At that time, in case some people were emotionally bumpy, even the peripheral police officer, Canxing private soldiers, even with the Royal Guard, it was not so easy to suppress things, right?"

The noble glanced at him.

"Just to show attitude, we have no intention of hurting anyone."

Raphael chuckled and asked:

"Why is it Mindis Hall, not the Fuxing Palace?"

The noble stared at him, his face bad.

"You want to imitate that idiot last night," Raphael said directly in his mind: "Find the Duke of Star Lake, take advantage of his short return to the world, and take the sword to the meeting."

"Make a big scene."

big occasion.

Tells' eyes narrowed.

[If you don’t kill people, you won’t listen to anyone... if you’re not shocked by the world, you won’t have a way out. 】

[Please tell me, Your Highness... What is the point of this? 】

That night, An Ke's sorrowful eyes when he held the hostages to enter the feast, reappeared in his mind.

"It's not emulation," the nobleman seemed offended. "We are supposed to be earlier and smarter than the Xihuang idiot."

Raphael whispered:

"But you must have been inspired by the precedent, especially the idiot survived."

"So if you make up your mind, you must knock on Prince Taylor's house and force him to see this kind of problem that can only be resolved by His Majesty?"

Encouraged by the precedent...

Problems that can only be resolved by your majesty.

Thales squeezed his fist unconsciously, but then he remembered that the Black Prophet was still watching, and had to force himself to release his finger.

"He is also Can Star."

The aristocrat leaned back in his chair and talked steadfastly and clearly:

"He is a qualitative northern country, expedition to the desert, and more respected by many famous families including the four-eyed skull."

"Last night, he showed wisdom and wrist, courage and courage, as well as a new spirit for the Kingdom.

"He also showed kindness and loyalty, generosity and generosity, and would not turn a blind eye to us."

Raphael nodded while listening, sneering:

"And this is your loyal loyal princes, repaying the great kind Prince Prince."

"Carrying twenty swords, forced the palace to "visit" Mindis Hall?"

The nobleman with the blade of the sword suddenly looked up!

"He is our future king."

His sound of steel and his words are so strong that it makes Taylors have difficulty breathing:

"He can afford it."

Raphael was silent for a moment and did not look at the one-way glass.

"But if he doesn't want to, it's inconvenient to manage all of your interests, and it's not easy to break the unclear things?"

"Then he doesn't deserve to be king." The noble said decisively.

Raphael snorted.

"You dare to say that."

The noble smiled, the laughter chilling.

"Have you been to the Blade Leader, young man?"

He looked at Raphael, aggressively without shrinking:

"Shut up if you haven't been there."

"And if you've been there, then you will know: we have nothing to dare to say."

Raphael was silent for a while.

Tells could feel that the boneless man fell into a disadvantage.

After a few seconds, Raphael snorted.

"Your Excellency looks like a smart man," he said politely, but the words meant nothing:

"And you already sit here, know what to do?"

The noble turned away, snorted, and pondered for a while.

But he finally turned around and said in a deep voice:

"of course."

"I will go back and tell them to cancel this complaint and protest."

Raphael's eyes lit up.

"Very good," Araki said, closing the document happily:

"If everyone is as reasonable as you are, I don't have to pay overtime every day."

He stood up, ready to end the interrogation - or inquiries.

But the noble stopped him.

"You may have won today, young man."

The nobleman with the blade of the sword raised his head and looked directly at Raphael.

"You stopped us."

But his words are extremely disturbing:

"But as long as the root cause of the matter is not resolved, the disease of the kingdom will not be cured, there will be more people like us."

More like us...

Tells only breathed in a trance.

"Then I don't mind seeing you a few more times," Raphael showed no weakness: "Whether it's here or the courtroom, or..."

"In a coffin?"

The noble laughed loudly, but the laughter immediately turned into a warning:

"Secret, do you think this is the solution?"

He stared at Raphael coldly:

"We people have not been forced to the corner, we have family ambitions, we have scruples, for the sake of the overall situation and rice bowls, we have encountered grievances and are unwilling to swallow..."

"But what if there is the next Anker Bailar?"

"Next Prince Prince Taylors, just for those with these problems?"

The next Anker Bailar.

Teres closed his eyes.

The nobleman led by the blade shook his head disdainfully:

"Wait, today's approach won't let you do it once and for all."

"Neither the black prophet."

His eyes were focused and his tone was firm:

"Only one person can."

Although not in the main interrogation room, the watching Taylors also felt that he was suffocating.

Raphael barely smiled:

"Then I will make sure he knows it."

"Yeah," the noble looked at him with deep meaning in his eyes:

"You better be."

The nobleman stood up and let the two great men put on his balaclava without resistance.

The atmosphere in the interrogation room was finally less depressed.

"Adult walking slowly, there will be a period in the future!"

Raphael sent away the blade noble with a smile, and finally let out a breath, with a voice that only he could hear:

"I hope not."

On the other side of the glass, Thales escaped from the complex and delicate mood.

"He's right, Lord Hansen," he forced himself to speak, "even if I didn't stand up last night and didn't respond positively to Anker Bailar."

The black prophet looked at him with interest.

"One day, such things will still erupt."

"My identity is bound to attract such an accident again."

Thales gritted his teeth:

"It has nothing to do with my action last night..."

Morat took a deep breath and endured another movement of the knee vine.

"Maybe you are right, and of course you can persuade yourself so that your actions last night were justified and calm," the black prophet closed his eyes. If he did not look at his lower body, he would like an ordinary old man :

"But you know, what I want you to see is not this."

Teres looked up violently!


He spoke loudly, and the voice reached the other end of the interrogation room.

Raphael turned around calmly, bowing to the one-way glass and to the nobles who could not be seen.

"how much remaining?"

Thales breathing disordered, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said:

"Like this, my behavior last night, including cases related to things since my return..."

"how much remaining?"

Raphael didn't answer immediately, he just kept silent, just bowed again in the mirror.

Until Taylors responded: he was waiting for the permission of the intelligence director.

But the black prophet beside him said nothing.


He would not listen to the prince’s orders.

An unknown rage burst out suddenly.

Stepping on the inexplicably depressed heart of Tyers.

It even caused the crime of the prison river-this fierce beast is scratching his veins again.

This made him as powerful as possible, with boundless fire, but nowhere to vent, and he could only force himself.

"Raphael," Duke Xinghu tried hard to ignore the bad state, and said coldly:

"answer me."

A few seconds later, perhaps he felt the anger of the Duke, and perhaps he understood the meaning of Morat's silence, Raphael spoke quietly.

"A lot."

"There are only four cases that ‘socks’ found today."


The prince's ass.

Thales only felt that his fists were about to be crushed.

But Raphael's words continued:

"For example, the number of nobles applying for the police officer in Wangdu may increase significantly, because the first Mr. Karabyan you received was a police officer, and the female officer who took care of your life was also a police officer..."

"For another example, the membership of the glass chamber will increase sharply, a large amount of capital will flow in, and the market changes will be beyond estimates. Even if Baron Quentin explained how the accident of smashing the cup last night was not the latest rule of the royal family, it was Master Juke Man I have a headache with Viscount Connie..."

"For another example, the recent banquet security in Wangdu will mention the highest security, no matter which family's banquet security, because your action last night objectively encouraged everyone to bring a weapon to the banquet. Can also get response and sympathy..."

Every time Raphael said a word, Tyers' breath was uncomfortable.

"And this morning."

Raphael's words were calm, plain, and even with his usual ease and ease, but somehow, at this moment, Tyers heard it as harsh as it sounds:

"There is a new murder on the outskirts of Yongxing."


Tells' nerve jumped.

"According to the preliminary investigation by the Security Agency: the deceased was a farmer, and the murderer was a farmer working in the field. He confessed to the crime and should be an impulsive crime."

Tells swallowed his uncomfortable voice and said hardly:


Raphael hesitated for a moment, and seemed to be looking for the right wording.

Until the black prophet coughed unhurriedly.

Raphael sighed slightly:

"Some witnesses said that the farm implement businessman, that is, the deceased had talked to the murderer before the incident."

"He temporarily changed his mind and wanted to let the two negotiate a deal with lettuce seed..."

"Twenty times the price increase."

Tells was startled.


Price increase.

Do not.

Do not……

In an instant, an unexplained daze and confusion occupied his body and mind.

"It is said that the farmer was already poor and hard-working, and had to support his family to make ends meet. So the conflict broke out with excitement until the other side was seriously injured..."

Raphael's voice seemed to come from the bottom of the water, erratic but tangible.

"And according to witnesses, the reason for the temporary price increase of the deceased was..."

"The prince loves to eat."

The words fell and Taylors' figure shook!

[Prince loves to eat. 】

At that second, all the anger and resentment seemed to realize the absurdity of his existence, and all disappeared in his senses.

[Prince loves to eat. 】

Even the murmur of Raphael, the Black Prophet, the Black Vein Vine, and even the entire interrogation room disappeared together.

Only left empty, blank, and sad.

And himself.

[Prince loves to eat. 】

Teres closed his eyes in a trance, leaning back against the wall behind him, slowly leaning back.

But at that moment, the teenager felt that he was not leaning against a wall...

It's an abyss that never bottoms out, never ends, and never ends.

[Prince loves to eat. 】

Dark, depressed.

Icy and dead.


[Prince loves to eat. 】

Good night, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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