Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 59: The game of the group (on)

Chapter 59: The game of the group (on)

Tyres was indifferent and focused on a dark room.

When the crowd gathered outside the dark box, the unique snoring, noisy and upset people.

This reminds him of the football team that he used to support in the past. When he watched the game on the spot, it was probably the feeling that he just entered the game.

In the snoring outside the dark box, a young and cheerful male voice suddenly came:

"Hey, old man! Director of the club! I am here, here! Hey, this gentleman, you look a little familiar."

"Wait--you are the Cloma family... Dele cousin! God, I haven't seen you for so many years, how do you grow up like this! Kasha and Qina will cry!"

Taylors reacted suddenly. In the first few steps, he looked through the single-sided glass in the dark box. Sure enough, his diagonally below was the hall of the entire star.

The Hall of Stars is a semi-open-air oval hall, at least a dozen meters, can accommodate at least a thousand people. There is no wall in the direction of the Star Plaza, only the prominent terrace, so that the hall looks like a top-down, slanting off a side of the irregular wide cylinder - or a semi-covered oval trash Shovel, think of this, Tyres could not help but smile.

The hall is now full of half of the people, sitting or standing, at least a few hundred.

The more people go to the center, the more sparse the crowd, the more expensive the clothes, the quieter, and basically the seats - these are the nobles.

In the center of the hall is an empty round table surrounded by seven stone blocks with distinctly different specifications.

One of the unique stone seats is the throne, and the surrounding six stone blocks belong to the six guardian dukes. On the outskirts of the six stone pillars, there are also 13 stone seats, belonging to the thirteen families, forming a large semicircle.

The six stone seats are still empty, and the thirteen stone seats have already been seated by some men, all men aged between 20 and 60. Their coats of arms have different insignias, and their looks are different. They stand behind the seats. A tight-fitting follower.

The voice he had just heard came from the stone seat of the thirteen lords. After one of the stone seats, stood a handsome blond man dressed in a star blue alert officer uniform. He looks like a handsome and deep-eyed person, and looks more energetic and masculine with the demon-like magician Eichda and the "Little White Face" blood family Istron.

However, this handsome guy is being approached by the face, a middle-aged aristocrat with a white hair and an angry face, knocking his head with a cane!

The middle-aged aristocrat’s body is decorated with two towers and a long sword.

"Cohn Karabyan, is your nobleman educated? Will you speak aloud! Dele is not only your cousin, but also one of the thirteen families, the owner of the Cloma family! The wing lord, the kingdom of the kingdom Take out some respect!"

A stunned les in the dark, watching the kingdom's alert officer, Cohen Karabyan, gritted his head and yelled at his father: "The old man, the end of the stage is in front of you." !Take another note, we will go on stage to fight!"

Many people turned their heads to this side, but after seeing the seats of the thirteen families, they shook their heads and ignored them.

How is this nobleman so strange?

"Haha, I am familiar with Cohen, so that we can better express our closeness..." Dürer on one side seems to know the daily routine of his uncle and cousin, and quickly puts his hands on the round field, while the other side of Lobike is busy with the mess. Pulling the old Count of Karabyan, and the second rod he would anger with.

"To Cohen, although you are the eldest son of the Karabyan family... but your father has not arrived, how did you get it in?" The West City Police Chief, Lord Lobike Dilla quickly transferred the topic.

"I don't know very well," Cohen frowned at his head. "A few days ago, I had to raise the wounds in Hongfang Street. The old man put your hand on the stick. We went home and said that we received the order." Just arrived at the Fuxing Palace Gate, the people in the city defense team and the police hall saw that I was my own person, and put me in the door. The guards in the palace heard me as Karabyan and led me into the Star Hall."

His father, Lord Vola, and the old Count of Karabyan heard it.

The old count did not ask again. He and the Count of Dre Klomm sat down on two stone seats. Several entourage knights and Cohen and Lobick stood behind him.

Tyres listened to their conversation and probably guessed that the two families were members of the thirteen.

At this time, the originally noisy crowd suddenly stopped.

Taylor's eyes turned to the other direction.

In the distance, two unforgettable figures, surrounded by two teams, followed the blue star-shaped carpet and stepped into the Star Hall.

People on the road naturally let a road open, or say hello, or whisper.

Among the two figures, a fat and expensive old man smiled slyly and responded from time to time to the people on both sides. He was embroidered with a sword and a shield behind him, in the background of the red sun.

That is the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, the lord of Huigang City, the Duke of the East China Sea, Bob Cullen.

And beside him, another middle-aged aristocrat who was pretending to be in the air, did not look around, but just took a cold step.

On the chain shirt of the middle-aged aristocrat's chest, you can see that it is a sharp-eyed falcon, and the lychee spreads its wings on a white background.

This is the lord of the cold castle to the kingdom one day ago, the guardian of the northern border, Val Allende.

The Sun Sword Shield and the White Flying Eagles - their emblems represent the two most powerful families in the six giants.

"The country is a meeting? This is a child's play!"

A scar of the northern border of the chin, Vale was resentful and did not hide his own volume. He only listened to his anger at the fat old man around him:

"The total order he personally issued! As a result, he suddenly... let the people get into it, this is simply betrayal! As the prime minister, you should stop him!"

Around, the small and medium-sized aristocrats who heard the conversation between the two dukes quickly bowed their heads or turned away - joking, who dared to listen to the six guardian dukes, accusing the king of the supreme king!

"Although I don't think it's appropriate," Bob Cullen, the Duke of the East Sea, who is white and full of body and fat, screams with two sly robes, draped in expensive suede shawls, and drums with a prominent belly, helplessly said: " But my will, I can't stop it."

Val snorted dissatisfied and was dissatisfied with the prime minister’s evasion.

The old fat man who swayed on the wall and swayed with the wind - how was he called the "Sword of the Bay" when he was young?

They walked through the thirteen stone blocks, and each of the nobles in the room stood up and paid tribute, even the old Karabiyan and the young Klomma were no exception.

"Even if he is the king of our oath of allegiance, we can't humiliate us so much!" Valley landed his cloak and threw it behind him as a soldier's entourage, and Damascus sat down in his seat.

This sulky man with a chin on his chin, the white eagle on his chest is full of chill, a chain armor, and his left hand is wide, which exudes the unique sense of separation between the northern people and the closeness of the stranger.

He did not hide his dislike of the king: "I really want to knock the bastard's front teeth down! Just like 40 years ago!"

Cohen whispered behind his father's seat: "Even if it is the Duke of the North - how can he talk about his majesty, and don't hide it?"

"If you grew up with your younger brother, you almost married your sister," Earl Karabyan whispered, "You can talk about it."

"Cautiously, the guards will soon begin to pass down. At that time, every sentence of the 20th stone will be passed down to the Star Plaza." The Duke of Old Cullen looked at it, sighed a little, twitching in the entourage Next, sit on one of the six stone seats: "He is our majesty after all! I can only expect to be able to use it."

These northern people - fifty years, no progress, the old duke shook his head in his heart.

At this point, the crowd was stunned, and the screams of whispers were getting louder and louder!

The familiar voice of Gilbert came:

"In the name of the king of the stars, the name of Kessel's comet..."

"The subjects of the kingdom, bow down to your embarrassment!"

Tyres's eyebrows were picked: I saw a group of people in the other side door of the Star Hall.

Like a wave, the crowd squats on one knee and stands up after the king is far away.

The strong Kaiser V, still holding his scepter in one hand, looked cold and majestic, and stepped into the Star Hall.

Eight members of the Royal Guard were tightly guarded behind him.

The king instantly became the focus of the field. Even though he was kneeling on one knee, the whispers of the crowd did not decrease, but they became more and more fierce.

"Come on," the Duke of the East China Sea patted his fat face and smiled and said: "You may wish to give your advice to him."

"Hey," the Duke of the Northland said disdainfully: "It seems like he will listen as long as I say it."

Katherel stepped down to the stone seat, and suddenly he raised his head and glanced at the position of the dark car intentionally or unintentionally.

Tyres gently pinched his fist.

He adjusted his breathing and calmed his mood.

Calm, Taylors.

The show has not yet opened.

Behind the iron cloak's cloak, a group of people headed by Gilbert followed, and the mature and high-spirited Ginny was among them.

Taylors now sees that Gilbert’s family emblem was originally a double-sided book.

"Ah, our star fox, Earl of Caso," Cullen, the Duke of the East China Sea, smiled and said: "And Count Godwin, Viscount Connie, Baron Gals, Lord Clapham... are the future of the kingdom. Hope... and our courty and intelligent court lady, Ms. Ginny."

"The kings of the kings." Vale in the stone seat shook his head in disgust. "I hope they will understand soon that the best way to support the king is to find ways to let their majestys do less madness than to try their best to fight against the kingdom." The nineteen nobles - as for the monk, every second of her in the palace is an insult to the family of Arend."

"Call - call -"

"King - King -"

At this moment, a louder cheers burst into the halls of the stars from the open air outside!

The hall was filled with shouting calls from afar.

Many nobles have changed color, and many civilians with status are excited to whisper, and some people are even cheering.

Tyres wakes up: this is the cheering of the people in the Star Plaza.

"I guess," the Duke of Cullen grinned. "The guards have begun to talk to the square?"

Var turned his head and his face was blue.

Kessel came to the thirteen stone blocks and looked at his vassals.

The thirteen families got up early and lined up in front of him, kneeling down on one knee and proving their loyalty.

Kaiser reached out his right hand with a blank expression and handed it to the first nobleman with a five-pointed star emblem, letting him kiss the ring above.

"Bern Tarren, you are the first one." The king said faintly: "You are still the first. You are always the first."

"Blood is thicker than water, and the Talen family is a branch of the comet's family, just as the five-pointed star is always a part of the nine-pointed star." The aristocratic nobleman bowed his head with respect.

Kessel's brow was inconspicuously wrinkled, but he nodded to the next nobleman.

"Smith Sorell," his majestic voice spread, focusing on every gaze: "I heard that you and your territory are constantly opposing the "Border County Tax Freedom Order"?"

"Of course, Your Majesty!" The middle-aged aristocrat with a golden sun emblem on his body kissed the king's ring and shook his head firmly. "The blood of the nobility is so filthy."

Kessel snorted.

"Lewis Bozdov," the king crouched down to the hand, a black lion with a claw on his chest. "A good black lion, will it fight for the lion?"

"Swear to death, kneel," the nobleman kissed the king's ring, with a deep smile, replied slyly: "As long as the head lion is still wise and brave, look at the lion group."

Kessel nodded and went on.

"Turami Karabyan" Kessel went to the front of the Count of Karabyan, revealing Huai Mong: "I remember that you were a member of the Stars and Legion, born and died for John."

"It was for my hometown to be born and died," Count Karabyan rigorously, kissed the ring under his arm: "All for the stability of the stars."

Kessel nodded thoughtfully.

"Dele Kloma, you look smarter than your father," Kessel continued to move forward, deeply to the young Dele: "The single-winged Savior's crow is still in the wing." Is it?"

"The crow was blessed by the owner's life-saving and conservation," said Dreke Klomm, who had a single-winged crow, cleverly biting the word, kissing the king's ring, and replied blankly: "So it is dead." The ambulance master - of course, the crow will last forever in the wing."

Kaiser patted his shoulder and walked toward a semi-bald aristocrat, extending his right hand.

"Hoch Dastan," this time the nobles, embroidered with two long swords, crossed into a cross, only listening to Kessel's cold voice: "I still remember, your family language is 'forward and backward, life and death ( Forward_or_backward,_survive_or_fall)', have you chosen the direction to go this time?"

"The direction has always been," Hodge Daststein, who was already half bald, bowed his head and kissed the king's ring, making it difficult to see his expression: "But those who stand too high can't always see clearly."

Kessel screamed coldly and did not hide his dissatisfaction with this.

"Wilcos Zemuto, Polit Forrest," this time, the king extended two hands to face two fortune nobles with white bears and iron-colored walls as the emblem: "Watching the City and the Lonely Tower Can you withstand the cold wind in the north?"

"Cold wind?" The Earl of Wilcos Zemuto, who was bearded with a beard, kissed the king's ring and said with pride: "For the stars, the watch city can even withstand the wrath of the dragon!"

The head of the bald head, Paulette Fores, was not to be outdone. He kissed the ring and beamed his eyes: "The old tower is standing in the cold wind, but no matter what the embarrassment, the fire in the tower is still alive."

Under the guidance of the king, the two northern aristocrats slowly stood up.

Kessel walked through all the thirteen people present and went to the two dukes.

He waved his hand and stopped Bob Cullen, who was shaking and trying to stand up: "If the Prime Minister is a big man, your stomach is even heavier than my scepter."

The Duke of the East China Sea smiled, as if he did not understand the words of Kaiser, just nodded thanks.

On the side of Ginny took off the cloak of Kessel and let the king kneel down to the highest stone seat.

"As for you," Kessel looked at Val and shook his head in disapproval. "I guess, your knee has a strange disease that you can't bend?"

"Yeah," Val Allend yelled, his eyes angered: "Whether facing Exeter, or the king of the stars, I have this strange disease!"

Kaiser shook his head: "Forty years, your sense of humor is still so bad."

In the dark and in the dark, after a little deep loyalty to the courtesy, the nobles of the thirteen generations returned to their seats.

"The six guardian dukes, two are present, and the thirteen families are up to eight." Gilbert sternly reported: "Your Majesty?"

"Let's wait a little longer." Kessel calmly.

On the star-studded square, there was another cheer from the sky.

In the cheers, Val disdainfully said: "Suddenly announced that the high conference will be changed into a state conference and held in advance - do you think that those aristocrats who are too far away can have a few? At least, the Tebak home in the edge of the city is Don't count on it!"

Kaiser shook his head and looked blank: "This is the chess game of the stars, the players have already been doomed, and the game has already begun."

"It seems that the crown not only turns you into a king, but also turns you into a third-rate traveler." Val Allende screamed and squeaked his teeth, only the Duke of the East Sea laughed and played round.

In the dark box, Tyres, his heart was tight, he saw a black robe old man, holding a cane, standing at the end of the "King of the Party" team, people around him try to avoid this old man Only behind him, followed by a white robe young man with the same simplicity.

That is……

"Morart Hansen. How come he also came," Lord Lobike, who was next to Cohen, looked at the figure of the black robe and frowned. "When I saw the snake, I was cold."

"He is the intelligence chief of the kingdom, attending the pre-meeting meeting, of course, come," Cohen frowned. Obviously, he was not very flustered. "As the director said, he saw his majesty and Prime Minister Duke Cullen every day." It’s already frozen... ah?”

Cohen raised his eyebrows and showed an incredible look.

"That is?"

Under the surprise of his father and the director, the police officer of the blonde, Cohen Karabyan, stepped forward and marched with anger and injustice.

"Black Prophet" Morat Hansen!

Thanks for the 100 starting point of the "Glory of the Tail Pattern"! - Hey, it’s you!

Do so many names look dizzy?

It's ok!

Because Taylors thinks so too.

(End of this chapter)

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