Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 61: Seeing the poor

Chapter 61 shows the poor

The civilians and small and medium-sized nobles in the Hall of Stars suddenly stunned in horror, and the guards had to scream.

"You dare to say, Cyril." The Duke of the Northland looked at Cyril deeply: "Thanks to you, no one should say that you have to go back to the closed, small meeting room now?"

The Earl of the Seal on the stone seat was silent.

"What will happen sooner or later," the Duke of Falkenhaus looked sullen, even in the laughter, the sharp tricks remained: "Hey, I have removed luck and fear for you."

“The ‘unwelcome’ at the banquet,’” the Duke of Cullen sighed: “It’s a real name.”

Jen, like the counties of the thirteen generations, is gloomy and doesn't say a word.

After a dozen seconds, the gathering of the Star Plaza to the Hall of Stars is a panic of the masses of people, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

The news that Exeter and the stars are about to erupt, has been thoroughly disclosed.

Count Sorrel looked bad and looked straight at the king: "Your Majesty, announce the upcoming disaster to the people, the effect you want has been achieved - the question is, how do you end up now?"

Kaiser V, who was in the face of ice, didn't speak, just glanced at Sorrel, who was still stubborn.

"It's simple," Count Earl of Taren glared at Sorell. "Do you want to fight or talk? If you want to fight, everyone will return to the territory and blow the call."

"We still have the opportunity to negotiate. We have allies. Just like twelve years ago, we can ask them to mediate." Jane slowly raised his head and looked at the lords: "The war does not necessarily erupt, just pay a price." ......"

"They died in the troupe, but the prince is the only son of the King of Nuen, the only heir to the Walton family." Falkenhaus interrupted the little duke, and his yin and yang sighed: "Pay the price? Also, put Which northern territory was cut to Exeter, probably became."

"The northern territory will not give up one inch of territory," Earl Zemuto said coldly: "That is the land that our family has guarded for generations."

"But the prince did die in your jurisdiction, isn't it?" Earl Dastan snorted: "This is your responsibility, of course, to pay the price."

"If you are not joking, Dastan," Earl of Forrest looked up and saw the fierce light: "Then we can now fight at the end of the stage."

"Well, then, give the East China Sea, the supply of Eternal Oil to 20% for them?" The Duke of Falkenhaus put on a thoughtful look, first look at the Duke of Cullen, and look at Jen, revealing that he did not think A smile of interest: "How about the litter in the South?"

"There is a limit to jokes, Cyril." The Duke of Cullen was rarely serious.

Jen showed him a friendly smile and shook his head slightly.

At this time, Kessel V gently tapped the scepter.

All nobles quieted down at the right time and looked at him.

In the eyes of the king, Kilber nodded and stepped forward:

"According to the secret channel, Long Yucheng knew the news of the prince smashing into the stars yesterday," he frowned. "And the black sand dagong is faster than their king. Two days ago, they began to recruit troops and mobilize the army. The other two Grand Dukes in the south of Exeter are slower than him for a long time, but generally no two."

There was a sudden burst of silence in the hall!

"Silence!" Gilbert solemnly sighed.

In the complex emotions of the full hall, only the high king is low and honest: "If the two countries go to war, the royal family and the Taryn family will do everything and support the north."

Earl of Taren nodded with determination.

The king looked flatly at the Duke of the North: "Wal, how many troops and supplies can you provide?"

"How many troops? Are you kidding?" Val Allen responded seriously: "I have summoned all the vassals, 15,000 infantry and a thousand archers, five hundred riders, and even a small amount of magic. Can gun! They will reinforce the Broken Dragon Fortress in the shortest time, to the order of Lord Sonia Satherley."

"That is our territory! Once the war broke out, even the women and children will pick up the weapons!"

"As for replenishment, it depends on how much land we can hold."

The two counts of Zemuto and Forrest were firmly at the mercy of:

"The 3,500 people who watched the city will fight to death."

"The old tower has only two thousand infantry, but we will fight to the last soldier."

"We can withstand the pressure of the three Grand Dukes of Exeter, but if it is the Exeter nation..." The Duke of the Northland straightened up, and the glaring eyes swept through every nobleman: "We need the power of the whole star."

Standing behind the old Earl of Karabyan, Cohen scratched his head and whispered in confusion:

"Is this not a meeting for the whole people? Is it how to deploy the troops?"

The old Count of Karabyan gently closed his eyes and sighed incomprehensibly.

"Don't you see it?" He lowered his voice and told his son with a tired face:

"This gesture of the northern aristocrats is for Exeter."

"Do you believe that the Duke of Aarond can summon 10,000 people? The stars have never recovered from the **** years - I suspect that one-third of the forces claimed by the lords are good."

Cohen was a glimpse.

He looked incredulously at the top of the hall, the silver cross size double star pattern.

As the empire of the empire, the shield of the Westland, the kingdom of stars has been weak to this point?

Kaiser V was gently beheaded, then turned to the scary Cyril: "What about the lords of the West?"

Cyril Falkenhaus leaned back and closed his eyes: "The ruins can only send a thousand infantrymen - the ridiculous tribes have recently begun to stir up. As for the magic guns, we are not enough."

"The wing castle is not known as the squadron," the young Earl of Dr. Kloa said: "But we can send the best one hundred rifle."

Bozdorf also frowned: "The soul of the soul has recently been restless, and an orc is regarded as a leader. He is gathering the power of the clan - the Black Lion family can only send 200 people."

The decision of the Western aristocrats was stingy, and the aristocrats present began to whisper.

Cohen frowned. He served in the front line of the Western Wilderness and the Battle of the Desert after the Desert War. But as far as he knows, the strength of the West Wild is not so thin.

"It’s quite positive just to break the secret," Val looked at Falkenhaus coldly: "When it comes to recruiting troops... Hey."

There was another call from the Star Plaza to the Hall of Stars. This time it was an exhilarating cheer, and there was no lack of fanaticism.

"Hey," Earl Tarren touched his five-pointed star brooch and sighed: "I bet the guards have just passed on the words of the North Force, and have not had time to pass the West."

Kaiser V is still quiet, he turned to ask Cullen: "What is the attitude of the Sun Sword Shield family and the entire East China Sea?"

"Your Majesty, most of the East China Sea people rely on the sea to survive, we do not have enough troops, but we can pay, summon mercenaries to fight," the fat duke smiled and said: "If the full-scale war broke out, as long as it does not enter the winter, there is no freezing in the offshore, we The fleet can also harass the east coast of Exeter."

The stone seat on the side of the Duke of the East China Sea, the Count of Noah Harvey, and the Count of Clark Amund, looked at each other and nodded.

The Duke of Falkenhaus was sullenly succinct: "Thank you for reminding us that it is just December, it is winter."

Kaiser V knocked on his own stone seat and asked in a deep sense: "So there is no one, only money? I remember when the desert war was fought, the Prime Minister told me that if you don’t have money, you can. It’s from the East China Sea to the West, and the transport is a bit far away?”

"People who did not go out to make money five years ago, so there is no money, and now people are going out to make money, so no one has money." The Duke of Cullen did not rush and smiled.

The king snorted, and the face of the Duke of the North was ugly.

King Kaiser turned his head to the aristocrats of the South.

"There are no usable cavalry in the entire South Bank. The Kevindir family can summon two thousand infantry from the vicinity of the Emerald City. There are also some magic guns." Before Jen asked him, he replied with anxiety: "The Long March Combat, the acclimatization is a problem, and my vassals will not be happy - the quality of the soldiers cannot be guaranteed."

The old Count of Karabyan also looked serious and opened his mouth at the right time: "The same is true of the Wola collar. Even with the vassal, I have no confidence in recruiting three hundred troops."

Cohen behind the count, bowed his head and sighed.

He still remembers that the last two sisters went out to visit friends, and the father sent five hundred troops to escort.

The Count of Lasia is even more crisp: "The soldiers of Zede are not suitable for the North."

Kaiser V didn’t talk any more, just exhaled a breath: “The Duke of the Daddy, and the Duke of the Blades, have not yet arrived, but I guess they, and the remaining four families, probably have the same attitude. ?"

As the aristocrat of the cliff, the Earl of Sorrel and the Count of Dastan turned their heads and kept silent.

Instead, the heads of the audience and the businessmen whispered whispers - they are more worried about the upcoming war.

"Do you return the stars like this?"

The Duke of the Northern Territory was stunned. He stood up and pointed at the double cross star on his head. "This is the country where you swear allegiance, and it was once the greatest kingdom in human history! Even if the North is not your territory, its There is also a cross double star flag on the top! Like your land!"

"Duke of the Duke, I fought for the stars five years ago," Count Dastan said coldly: "The result is in the West, I have lost my eldest son forever - I guess you can't understand without a son..."

"Short!" Vale glared and slammed his head: "My only daughter, the heir to the White Eagle, is now at the Broken Dragon Fortress on the border between the two countries, the flower at the fortress - Lord Sonia Satherley. Your Majesty! Her life and death depends on the victory of the dragon and the stars!"

Cohen, who heard this, couldn't help but bow his head and sighed and looked at Raphael behind the Black Prophet.

"Maybe there is no need to go to war, we can choose to negotiate - Exeter even if it sends troops, it is only for the benefit." Duke Cullen shook his head and sighed.

"Then forced the northern border to hand out his territory?" Vale is like a predator eagle, sharp eyes staring at everyone who talks back.

"Now, we all know the number of chips and the number of troops." At this time, Jen looked up firmly and looked at the king: "It is peace and peace, it depends on your will."

Everyone's gaze instantly shot at Kessel.

Val's gaze is anxious and obsessive, Coulomb's eyes have complex smiles, Cyril is a playful, and Jen's eyes are as dull as water.

"So, this is my country?" Kessel slowly raised his head, his eyes as a knife, and cut to every lord.

"Can the king only bring his own standing army and direct vassals to face the national army of another country?"

"Otherwise, I will represent the stars and accept their possible conditions humiliatingly?"

Cyril Falkenhaus smiled and said: "Oh, there is no force, it is impossible to fight, the dignity of the royal family, talk and talk..."

“It seems that it’s like staying up late,” said Kessel V. “The king is a lonely person.”

At this time, a loud and angry voice came from the door of the hall of the stars!

"Your Majesty, please take back this sentence!"

"With us, you will never be alone!"

"As a nobleman of the stars, a descendant of the empire, can we retreat half a minute?"

In the sensation in the hall, a young man with a left eye covered by horrible scars, dressed in a yellow-black cloak coat, painted a horned deer standing up with a man, with a cold and arrogant, stepping on the sixth Big stone seat.

The aristocrats on the field, including the civilians, began to applaud and the other part sneered or shook their heads and sighed.

The Duke of Cullen showed a helpless smile, and both Val and Jen were dignified.

"The South Eye's Cyclops," Cyril Falkenhaus laughed. "I thought you could arrive at night!"

The main city of Junlin City, the Duke of the Guardian of the Cliffs, and the younger face of Gustad Nantester:

"Like this... see what you have done?"

He kissed Kessel's ring, but did not sit on the stone seat, but turned to Valdo:

"Aaron De, don't worry!"

"Junlin City will be out of the army! North Broken Dragon Fortress!"

But in the surprised and complicated eyes of Val, he immediately turned to look at Kessel V:

"In the face of this national war! As long as you can make your followers feel at ease - I can't think of any reason to back down!"

All the nobles in the field are almost brows.

Let the followers feel at ease?

"Gustard," Kaiser V slowly said: "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, you still don't understand." Gusde said harshly: "The full-scale war is imminent, and the nobles are afraid of it, pushing three obstacles!"

"In this situation, only you, as our main lord, suffers from the war and the suffering!"

"This is not fair to you!"

"But do you think this is why?"

Gossett closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then firmly said:

"The king of iron fists, Kaiser is kneeling!"

"The lords and nobles, dare not follow you!"

"The stars are trembled and upset... The tragedy of the past twelve years, the bones of the first king have been buried! But we still don't know, what are you thinking about!"

"We don't know what kind of king you are following!"

For a moment, the nobles were silent.

Gilbert and Ginny frowned at the same time.

Kessel gently squeezed his scepter and looked at Goss intricately.

But Gustad still does not retreat: "We are all afraid of you - no one knows, a lonely king, no scruples of the king, the last person of the comet, what kind of things will be done!" ”

"Not to mention, this is war!"

Goss turned and the sharp one-eyed swept through every lord, word by word:

"Your Majesty! The blood has disappeared, but the stars still exist."

"But why do you have to accept the obvious war choices of the aristocrats?"

The eyes of Kaiser V are getting colder and colder.

The four dukes did not agree to avoid his eyes.

Goss pointed to the cross double star at the top of the hall, treble:

"Your Majesty, for the benefit of the stars, for the dignity of the royal family, this crisis, we can not hesitate!"

"So, kneel, please share the burden of the stars on our shoulders!"

"It is war and peace, let all of us come to bear the cost of this decision."

"If the stars are settled, the future is clear, the royal family will not be cut off - I think no one will retreat in the face of such a national war!"

At this point, many people have already smelled something.

Morat Hansen bowed his head and silently curled his mouth.


so fast.

Jane pinched his nose and closed his eyes.


I hope it will be smooth.

Cullen looked at Gust's performance with a smile.



Vale looked at the guardian Duke of the cliff and gritted his teeth.

This is their purpose?

I am with Kay, are prey?

The counts whispered on the stone seat, some people were worried, and some people nodded frequently.

Only a lot of civilians who are listening are still whispering in confusion.

But everything in the hall of the stars continues.

"Your Majesty, you are almost forty-eight years old!"

"On the eve of the war between the dragon and the stars!"

In the eyes of the public, I saw that Curtis opened his cloak and looked coldly, waving his arms to the nobles in the hall:

"Please choose the heirs of the kingdom among our nobles!"

"Tell the nobles with action, you still care about the stability and survival of this kingdom, and you trust these lords who are your arms!"

"At that time, we will fight for the dignity of the stars! Fight for the glory of the comet!"

"No complaints!"

"Never shrink back!"


Absolute silence.

Choking in general silence.

No one dared to say the first one after this.

Until a sharp smile, broke the dead.

"Ha ha ha..."

The Duke of Falkenhaus opened his mouth and laughed with joy in the eyes of everyone. The teeth of the seventy-eight feet were particularly scary:

"What is the name of the Far East?"

"Open the map, the dagger will be revealed?"

"Your Majesty? Want to play in a decent manner? Use the throne to change it! Hahahahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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