Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 68: Winter solstice

Chapter 68 Winter Solstice

[Jeddy, my dear friend and teacher:

It’s been half a year since the last communication, and I can’t wait to share with you, what I’ve seen in Yongxing City in the past three months.

According to your suggestions and methods, I have already passed what you call "battlefield withdrawal". I can now sleep on the bed. I can no longer subconsciously pull the sword when I hear the footsteps behind me. The blacksmith’s iron is also Will not let me get into tension again.

My father arranged me to go to the police hall and do things under the old classmates of his military academy. Have you heard of the name of Lord Lobick Dilla, the "horseman"?

With the superb sword skills you pointed out (don't misunderstand, I am boasting about you, not boasting), and the rare end of the power (this sentence is boastful), I became a second-level police officer and law and order at the beginning of my job. Captain - Although I understand in my heart, I can get this position, more because of the name of Karabyan.

You won't believe what I experienced in just three months. There are too many accidents. I have to straighten out one by one.

As I mentioned before, the stars are an old and decaying country. The past as the legacy of the empire is no longer a glory, but more like a burden.

It's hard to imagine that in a place like Wangdu, there are a lot of administrative power entanglements and shady scenes in the warning hall. Its efficiency and effectiveness are low, and it is simply unbearable. It is a public dissident--and even several areas of the kingdom. Street order and living function are actually maintained by the gangsters, because for them, the gangster channels are faster, better, more reliable and more convenient than the official.

By chance, I got an eyeliner inside the Black Street Brotherhood. It was in this situation that I intervened in the star-studded struggle of the two gangs of the stars in the kingdom - and once again refreshed my understanding of these gangsters - these unofficial figures.

No matter how many countless and super-level masters (the power warriors have emerged, each is qualified to occupy a place in the Stardust of the Legend Wing), there is only one thing that makes me very concerned. ——Remember what you told me. The group abandoned the original sword heart and turned away the swordsman who had the mission of the Tower of the End?

You mentioned that their swords have been turned into pure killing weapons, and their ultimate power has deteriorated to the purest power of death, and the disasters that the ancestors had succumbed to are generally no different.

Although the old things have passed for nearly a hundred years, I am convinced that I met a terminal swordsman outside the tower, which is what you call "the scourge of the disaster."

In the face of the end of the violent and full of killing desires, even I am proud of it, the endless "stars of the stars" is not an opponent at all. When the power invaded into my body, it was... I couldn’t help thinking: What kind of madman can you endure such a terminal force flowing through the body?

If you didn't get the unexpected help, what you received now may be my funeral obituary.

In short, I have already seen the end of the killing and violent coexistence.

The swordsman came from the blood bottle, yes, it was a hundred years ago, the two catastrophes created by the end of the reign of Judeth III. It is said that one of them has disappeared in the king, I suspect it is the kingdom. The anger has personally shot, and besides him and the bow, who else can the king be close to those disasters?

Curiosity made me turn over a lot of classics during the period of rehabilitating. I also read a lot of banned books and warning hall records through my father's face. I was surprised to find out the fact that the blood bottle helped me to build a mysterious super-order sword for centuries. The hand appeared seventeen times, and the lethality and destructive power they showed was not comparable to the average super-ordered swordsman, but it was similar to the swordsman I met. The scourge of the disaster I encountered was not an isolated case.

Another reasoning is that the two disasters secretly created the star blood bottle gang a hundred years ago. The "sword of disaster" is also the tower of the end of the rebellion a hundred years ago, and the inheritance of the sword of the end of the tower is established. Is there really no connection?

What worries me even more is that, in the past 100 years, the Tower of the End really did not know the relationship between the inheritance of the tower and the blood bottle of the stars? Why have we never heard of it?

Anyway, Jeddy, dear teacher, I feel the answer lies in the truth of Krassu and his followers who abandoned the tower of the end. I need to go back to the Tower of Finals as soon as possible, and at the same time ask you to open the inheritance of the inheritors for me.

The blood bottle is here, but the other gang is not inferior to it: my eyeliner tells me that the rise of the Black Street Brotherhood is very embarrassing, the **** year is their origin, when they are just a group of mercenaries to survive With the adventurers (although they are very powerful), and only in ten years, they have eroded the underground world of half a star, and are reaching out to the Exeter and Commas Alliance.

The blood bottle helps the magician to sit in the town, and it is also the product of the same pollution with the nobles and bureaucrats, and the Black Street Brotherhood is based on what rises? The news of the eyeliner is that they have very hidden, but very abundant funds and connections.

Having said that, I would like to ask: Have you heard of the name "Black Sword"?

It is said that he is the leader of the Black Street Brotherhood, with deep swordsmanship and realm. Others say that he is the king of the most dangerous killer, and even the police hall reports that his sword is a curse. The antiquities, with unpredictable power, but only a bit of error: he is a master of the extreme. In the past ten years, a polar end knight and a polar power warrior have been suspected of dying in his hands - they were present at the same time.

Despite the great gap between the elites of the extremes, the outcome is unpredictable, but I still can't help but wonder: killing two polar masters at the same time - outside the vision of the Tower of the End, there will be such a powerful swordsman. ? I also suspected that he was a descendant of the "Sword of Disaster", but he was also hostile to the blood bottle, the people of the Black Street Brotherhood - which made me puzzled.

The bigger thing happened in the Star Kingdom a few days ago is the meeting - the teacher you may have received the letter of the crow - the Star Kingdom has an orthodox heir, not a nobleman, not a royal family, but a living The prince named Teres Comet. I know that you were a classmate with the "Survey of the Light", Prince Horace, and I don't know what to say about the comet. And I saw the new second prince's style behind my father. Although I was only seven years old, I can only say that the comet is not a royal family.

But it’s not a good time for him to appear. The royal family’s royal family is facing little pressure – the Exeter mission was assassinated in the stars.

Yes, Jeddy, my dear friend and teacher, I once again smelled the smell of war. In my father's view, no matter how mediate, the conflict between the dragon and the stars is inevitable.

Sorry. teacher.

The end of the tower is exhausted, the light of the swordsmen and knights saved for mankind, the soldiers who once exploited the extraordinary future with the extraordinary power to fight the scourge, to fight again, for the sake of their respective countries. Fighting to death on the opposite side of the battlefield.

If the war breaks out, I can only pray to the goddess of the setting sun. Don't let me meet Croweech and Misatown. When I think of the days in the tower, I think I have to pierce the sword into each other's heart. I will not bear it. Stayed trembling.

Also, Miranda has spent the third year at Broken Dragon Fortress and is honorably serving under the flower of the fortress, but it also means that if the war broke out, she would be the first person to face the blood.

In addition, I met Rafael at the National Conference. He is working in the Secrets of the Kingdom and is also contributing to the country.

But believe me, teacher, your worries will not come true. I have seen a lot from service to duty. But the reality will not change me. My ideals with the other two will never change again - especially me. After experiencing the most brutal battlefield, I was deeply impressed by the ugliness of life. After seeing the ugliness of the kingdom, I was even more eager for the coming of change. One day, we will use our own strength to recreate this country that is old and old.

I wish you all the best, as soon as possible to pursue the teacher of Shatil!

And: The stars have already entered the winter, and Yongxing City will soon snow, I wonder if the weather on your side is?

——————Your loyal friend and student, Cohen Karabyan

——————End of December 672, early in the morning, at home]

Before the lights were extinguished, Cohen stopped the pen and looked at it for a long time, sighing.

The police officer of the blonde repeatedly tried to smear the phrase "He is doing things in the secrets of the kingdom and is also contributing his own strength to the country." He re-written "His current situation, I will confirm it further." Write to you".

He got up from his desk and forgot to look out the window of his estate.

At 6 o'clock in the Dongcheng District, the visibility of the street was quite high in the early morning. Even so early, there are still many aristocratic servants running back and forth - especially the recent frequent events at home and abroad.

At the thought of this, Cohen shook his head: the kingdom had the heirs, but it also caused the confrontation between the royal family and the lords of the nobles at the meeting yesterday. How to resolve the contradictions and conflicts with Exeter?

He does not think that the Duke of Nantested, who has experienced such humiliation, will be obliged to respond to the call of the king. The sleazy lords of the Western Wilderness do not look like the noble gentlemen who went to the national disaster. The fat duke of the East China Sea is even more吝啬 吝啬 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

At least, the first game, is it to be smashed by the North and the royal family?

Stars, really a country with many snakes - Cohen thinks so.

But he immediately thought that the multi-headed snake Kilika was killed by the human hero, Exeter's founding monarch, Nakaru Ax, and it was even more gloomy in his heart.

The hooves sounded from the avenue outside the window.

A team of knights rode out from the pavilions specializing in foreign aristocrats.

But the rhythm of the horses and the strength of the horses are different from the usual knights of the stars.

The stars of the cavalry are driving, and the rhythm is harmonious, the rhythm is stable, and the whip is just right.

But the team of knights, the rhythm is fierce and the whip horse is extremely heavy, but the pace is unified and the discipline is stunned.

It is like some knights in the north.

and many more.

Cohen’s pupil slammed!

He saw the flag held by the team of knights.


Cohen slammed the window open!

He spoke out and wanted to see the flag.

That side... the color and the starry kingdom are incompatible with the banner.

The red side is black and the flag is a roaring red dragon.

Dragon claws, dragon wings, Zhang Long, pure black.

It’s a rough and violent style.

The alert officer of the blonde was slightly stunned.

Are they - arrived in the early hours of the night last night?

The city gate did not stop them, let them rest in the shack outside the city, but let them in?

What is the meaning of your majesty?

Suddenly, the chill on his face stabbed Cohen a while!

Cohen reached for a touch and felt a crystal on his face.

The police officer was stunned.

He reached out and received a second and third piece of crystal outside the window.

The white star points are falling.


Cohen took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

Winter is here.


early morning.

He woke up from the hard, stone bed that is unique to the Fuxing Palace.

He slid down the bed and accidentally stepped on the same cold stone.

It seems to be colder than yesterday.

The unforgettable country was a meeting, and it has been three days.

Tyres feels: that day's self is like living in a dream.

Unimaginable: That afternoon, he stepped from the Star Hall step by step with Gilbert on the star blue carpet, no longer waiting for the king and the lord to continue the quarrel.

The nobility, bureaucrats and people on both sides bowed to him.

The mouth is called "His Royal Highness."

His Royal Highness.

“Do you have an illusion of excitement?”

Thales woke up and looked up at Ginny.

The mature and charming court lady, leaning her arms on the stone door, looked at him quietly.

"No, no."

The new second prince of the stars, Tels replied faintly.

"I just think that some are not true."

"It's also awkward."

Ginny looked at him and snorted: "Of course, you were just a small person, and you are now a prince, Prince of Ters, the second prince of the stars."

"No, it's not that simple." Taylors sighed, showing a smile, buckled his shirt, and grabbed his coat.

"In the past, I only had to think about how to live."

"starting today."

"What I want to consider is how to live."

Tyres silently replied, buckle the last button on the belt.

Ginny frowned and picked her eyebrows.

Another comet - she secretly said.

A sad comet.

Tyres fastened his boots, but the words reappeared in his mind:

[For the stars, to die for the stars, and ... for the stars. 】

Am I really ready?

He paused and re-attached the JC dagger with a sheath to the belt on the lower back.

"Are you ready, Your Highness?" The familiar voice came from outside the door.

Gilbert's figure appeared at the door, his face was unusually dignified.

Ginny sighed and let the space go to the former foreign minister.

Gilbert took off his hat to Ginny and said to Tyres: "Please forgive me for disturbing your sleep so early, Your Highness, but... please speed up the grooming."

Tyres reveals a puzzled look.

Gilbert took a deep breath: "They are coming, Your Highness."

"Your Majesty wants you to stand by his side and meet with him."

"Those people?" Taylors wondered.

But he immediately reacted.

The prince also looked back at Gilbert with dignity.

"Yes, those people."

Kyber characterized his head, tightened his lips, hesitated but eventually firmly, spit out a word:


The third volume begins! Please continue to support no swords! Book group number: 701536213, come and talk to the author!

(End of this chapter)

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