Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 71: The initiator (below)

Chapter 71, the initiator (below)

The Chamber of Deputies finally ushered in a real uproar!

Even Russell is close to the eyebrows!

This time, the nobles of the full hall, except the Duke of Cullen and Gilbert, looked at the Duke of the Northland without a word.

what happened?

"Your Majesty? Alende adults?" Earl of Zemuto, one of the lords of the North, was stunned and patrolled between the Duke of the North and the King.

The Earl of Forrest, next to him, looked at Val in disbelief and did not move.

The commotion and stunned for several tens of seconds.

Until the face of the ruthless Lord of the Fort, the Northern Duke of the Duke, Val Allende, looked up and looked back at the king.

He is no longer silent, but exhales a long breath.

In the horror of everyone, including Baron Russell, the resolute warrior-like white eagle owner smiled and looked up:

"You are still as keen, Kay."

The Duke of the North immediately bowed his head and sighed:

"Just like your **** elder brother."

Tyres widened his eyes!


Now everyone is reacting.

From the reaction of the Duke of the Northland...


Just, how is it possible?

Kaiser bowed his head and really sighed.

"You don't explain it, tile." The king was faint.

"There is nothing to explain, it has failed, isn't it?" Vale showed a calm color, not paying attention to the eyes of other lords: "It is you, when did you see it?"

"The interception of the mission is obviously another lord, isn't it? I obviously have such innocence, and the northern and the royal family are clearly counted."

Jane looked at Val in disbelief.

Yes, impossible, the matter of intercepting the mission is clearly made by the aristocrats in our "new star"!

The Duke of the North is not in our group at all!

Kaiser’s eyebrows are low and the ground is low:

"Yesterday, when the country was at the meeting and the High Council voted, your vote was too urgent."

The king's voice is full of complex emotions: "I had doubts at that time. You know, I don't even sit back and look at the North compared to the chips that Gossett sends out! You have no reason to oppose the one-eyed dragon's promise. My son is the heir."

The Duke of the One-eyed Dragon, Gossett looked at the Duke of the North with amazement, remembering the scene of the vote yesterday afternoon.

"Yes," Valle smiled. "How do you know that I have no reason? You know, I hate you, aren't you?"

"Because Li Xiya, the person you hate is me," King Kaiser said with no expression, but the fist that no one saw under the sleeve was shaking slightly: "But you are a noble person, you will not anger me." son."

Many people suddenly looked at Taylors, especially the ugly Baron Russell.

"Unless you have a special reason, you must stop my son from becoming an heir." The king was low.

"But this is only doubt," Vale sighed under the complicated eyes of the full hall. "Maybe it is just accidental?"

"So I am testing the envoys of Exeter today." The king looked up and his voice was indifferent.

“Hey,” Vale said coldly. “Sure enough, after the **** year, you become more suspicious.”

The king did not pay attention to him, but he was self-sufficient:

"Liana's two words, I tried to come out, he is the man of the black sand collar of the Lombard Grand Duke - only the people of Lombard, will be so anxious to transfer the topic, so as not to expose the ambition of the black sand to lead the Grand Duke of Lombard."

The female duke of the blade leader looked coldly at the Duke of the North, and said nothing.

"At the beginning of his arrival, I played a show with you: it seems to be an unclear northern envoy, trying to test the power of the stars in the north, and you will fight back without showing weakness - now it seems that He is trying to provoke an atmosphere of arrogance." Kaiser V is heavy and authentic:

"However, when I deliberately refused to choose between war and compromise, he clearly threatened me: Northland did not even have the strength to hold the Broken Dragon Fortress... At this time, he was clearly clear to the Northland card. Well."

“Don't you feel inconsistent?”

"It is suspected that it will begin to deepen at that time."

Russell’s face began to turn white.

The king sighed: "And, his interest in hitting me, provoking me, and even changing a king of stars is obviously better than negotiating, and he is more interested in winning the interests of Exeter for King Nunn."

"Isn't Lombard's acquisition of the land in the north is not enough? Why should I be so interested in replacing the comet's royal family? Obviously, he is working with people inside a star, and my crown is the will of the collaborators. ”

"The question is, who is qualified to cooperate with the princes of the Exeter Kingdom, the black sand collar of the Lombard Grand Duke? Who can profit with him and achieve a win-win situation?"

"I thought for a long time, considering South Pyth, Kevin Dil, Cullen, and even Falkenhaus - the most unlikely person, you, Val. Because the war broke out, the North is the first to bear the brunt, you are even more Like being with me, the poor people who are counted are the victims."

"Oh," Falkenhaus’s voice screamed sharply: "Unless, this is his voluntary sacrifice."

The eyes of Kaiser V are as sharp as the blade, stabbing Val Allen:

"But when I think about it backwards - what can Lunba Dagong get? The only son of Noon is dead in the north, and the Walton family is destined to withdraw from the next election."

"So, what Lumba can get is the territory of the North, and the death of competitors in the north."

“In the stars, who can maximize the number of simultaneous occurrences?”

Kessel raised his gaze in silence, and there was a sorrow:

"It's you, Val Allen, who is in charge of the North - the Duke of the North."

"But I still don't believe it, I would rather believe it is just an accident."

"No," the Duke of the Northland said coldly: "In fact, you have long believed - you just need to do everything to prove your doubts, isn't it."

The king snorted and stunned Exeter's emergency envoy with his deep eyes.

"I sent people early and intercepted Baron Russell. In the eyes and ears of all the lords, they sent them directly to Dongcheng District. But until this morning, the secret whistle of the secrets ensured that they would not follow any stars. People are in contact, and I don’t know that yesterday’s country was a meeting, and I don’t know the heirs’ changes. I don’t even know that their collaborators in the stars are actually overwhelmed.

"Guess, in this case, the secret whistle of the Kingdom Secrets, how many people were intercepted yesterday, want to contact the Baron Russell?"

Morat’s hoarse voice sounded at the right time:

"Three dials, your majesty - the army scout's skill, the mouth is very hard, refused to reveal the identity of the master." He sneered: "But what is the use? So hard soldiers, the whole kingdom up and down, only those few There will be places where it is easy to catch up with the people behind you."

Val bowed his head and sighed: "They are my most elite scouts."

The supreme king is cold and cold:

"But I haven't figured it out yet. What is your agreement with Rumba? How is it achieved?"

"Until this Exeter said that the Exeter people are more interested in the heroes on the battlefield - yes, once the war comes, the hero will be the most dazzling person, isn't Exeter himself established? ""

"And in this possible outbreak of war, who would have more reasons to defend the hometown than the Duke of the North, if the enemy is simply your partner, then you must gain prestige and reputation on the battlefield. It's even easier."

"The war broke out - you swear to defend the North, become the hero of the fight against Exeter, and the only one who can deal with them. Isn't it the most suitable next king in the case of the royal family?"

Val sneered out.

King Kaiser looked sadly at Val: "Is there something wrong, betray the northern border, and guard the Duke of the North?"

"When the king is so important to you? It is important that you are noble and pure, and will betray your territory, your people, your country."

The hall suddenly fell silent.

Even Russell looked at each other with difficulty.

Val Allend stared at the floor for a long time.

Until he closed his eyes tightly.


In the bleak laughter, he finally blinked and his tone was calm:

"This should not be the case."

The avatar with complex expressions, slowly sounding:

"All this should have been done according to my script."

The king narrowed his eyes.

"The 'new star', the group of the lords of the stars, was formed after the desert war five years ago, in order to counter your more arrogant kingship."

"They, whether they are Cullen or South Pest, have come to me, but I refused."

"But I realized that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In their struggle with you, I can achieve my goals."

"That is far away and I don't believe in it."

Var went to the center of the hall and looked at the distance that didn't exist. He sighed.

"I ventured to Exeter and found Lombard - you should look at the look on his face when I put down the hood in front of him - that night, we reached an alliance."

"I am responsible for 怂恿 Zemuto and Forrest, provoked them to collide with Exeter from time to time at the border - so I did not hesitate to seal Songguo County to Zemuto."

The counties of the two thirteen families of the northern border, struggling with their brows, looked pale and looked at the duke adults who had fought with them for many years.

"Rumba went to Exeter's domestic operation. Through these conflicts, he rendered the star line and rebuilt the borderline of the "Covenant" into a great mission, and let the Nunn King decide to secretly send his only son for his future election. Wang accumulated qualifications - he is old, the old man always wants to arrange everything behind him."

"I exposed this news to the 'new star' - there are many ambitious homes like Nantest and Kevindir. They quickly realized that this would be a good opportunity to weaken the kingship - only One thing, I didn't tell them, that is, the only son who was secretly sent by the Nunn King in the mission. Now I want to come. When they know this, they are probably too scared. Unfortunately, as the Far East proverb says: 'Riding You can't come down the tiger's neck.'"

The Duke of Cullen shook his head, and Jane snorted, only Curtis, staring at Val.

"The lords thought they were using Exeter's accountability and anger, weakening the king's prestige and royal power - only me and Lombard knew that they were provoking war between the two countries."

"Rumba is the source of the Exeter side, providing the itinerary and staffing. I am in the north of the land, buying the receptionists, monitoring and guiding them to the best places to be stabbed, and the 'new star' The unsuspecting person to complete the final blow - with the cooperation of the three parties without knowing each other, even the master of the extremes around the prince can not be spared."

"Lumba used the fastest speed to send the news to the 'dark room', and went to Longyan City. At the same time, he recommended Russell Vader to the desperate Nunn King. I kept the news and brought the news to Yongxing. Use war mobilization to render things serious, let Kaiser convene the stars of the aristocrats to discuss the matter and get support - the more the better."

Russell looked pale to the wal, and looked at Kaiser.

But nobody cares about him.

Val looked up and looked at the young Duke of Iris.

"Jean Kevindir, kid, you should have been dying in the assassination of the day before yesterday - knowing that you are not only the nobles of the new stars, but also the ones who have planned."

Jen’s face changed!

“Yes,” the Duke of Val Allen was unable to nod. “It’s not the people in your ‘new star’ who are assassinating you – but me.”

"But look at your collaborators. Yesterday, I just learned the news of your assassination and started to suspicion each other, which shows the weakness of your alliance."

Several dukes and counts squinted.

Jenny took a palm and shot it on the armrest.

The young Duke of Kevindir hated the earth: "So yesterday, at that kid... you will speak out to support him and provoke the relationship of the lords! Because this is your plan!"

Val’s smile was relieved, and under the face of Jane Tieqing, he continued:

"In this way, the ‘new star’, which is internally unstable, will become a loose sand in doubt, and the pressure on the royal family will increase sharply. I will also lose a strong competitor in the future.”

"The 'new star' plan is to force his own heirs when the king most needs their war support. But in the chaotic and mutual suspicion of the high council, this is doomed to end. At the same time, I and Kessel fight Ax The special invasion proposal will lose the support of almost all other lords - it looks like we are all counted."

"And a few hours later, Russell Vader will come to Yongxing City with Exeter's anger - he is destined to be madly provocative, and will present conditions unacceptable to the stars, with only one purpose: war."

Tyres looked at the Vale incredulously.

"If Katherel chooses the war, my previous plan will ensure that he will not have enough troops. The rapid attack of Rumba in the north will be like a broken bamboo. The tacit understanding between me and Rumba on the battlefield is enough to make Kysel gloriously decent. The battle of the earth is dead - like the Prince of Horace. At least he can make him lose a few defeats, and his face is gray and his voice is lost."

"If Kessel chooses to compromise and cede the northern territory, he will become a sinner of the kingdom. I will urge the lord and the people to force him to abdicate, but I will still join the war in the north. When Koster, especially the army of Rumba, came to receive the territory, the royal family and the lords could not shrink their heads. Only when I recruited troops and swear to resist, was it even more noble, such as the only light in the darkness."

"Hey! There are still people who say that I am a hypocrite!" Hearing this statement, one-eyedly stared at Taylors.

The Duke of Aarond raised his arms and showed a bitter smile:

"Yes, no matter which option, we will suffer a catastrophic failure in the north - but I will reverse 'repulsive' Rumba in the key battlefields in the darkest moments. After that, Lombard will be because of My sorrows and sorrows, after mutual alliances, with the occupied territories, retired with satisfaction. I became a well-deserved hero of the kingdom. Compared with Kaiser, who suffered great blame and no support from the lord, I will become the next king. The candidate."

"Val Aaron!" Earl Zemuto was angry and sullen: "That is our northern land! Your ancestors began to rule and guard the generations!"

"Don't talk nonsense," Earl of Forrest looked at Vale in vain. "Can't you see it? He was not the Duke of Iron Eagle that we knew."

Val looked down and did not pay attention to the two counties of the North behind him. He continued to say:

"The lords suspicion of each other, only the neutral, the least suspected, and the king - if he was alive at the time - the close friend, the brothers of the great temple of the sunset, and the hopes of the people, the Star Kingdom against the invading hero. I Destined to become the supreme king of the stars."

"On the Exeter side, the Walton family lost the last heir, destined to quit the next king, and Lombard will get a large territory in the North, and a brilliant record of conquering the stars in the north - the power is sharp Inflated, with the support of me and the whole star, he is also destined to become the next king."

"Everything went well," Val Allende looked at Taylors in amazement. The eyes showed regret: "Until the sudden appearance of this boy, everything was disrupted."

"Jane didn't die, but stood on your side; the effect of forcing the heirs was not so good. The lords of the 'new star' didn't fight for the throne, but they confronted the royal family in the book of the new prince - Eck The ambassador of Sterling is locked in the trap by the fact that he does not know that the country is a meeting and a new prince."

"But I can only go on until..."

Vale sighed and smiled mockingly, shaking his head indifferently:

"In this way, I failed."

At this moment, the hall was quiet and audible.

I have a dream.

Woke up one day and found that Tyler is no longer seven years old.

as well as.

One day I woke up and found that the total recommendation of "The Kingdom's Blood" exceeded the total click.

But for now, I feel that the second goal is still closer to ORZ.

In addition, I wrote a lot of things and put them in the works. This chapter looks like a lot of material.

(End of this chapter)

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