Kingly Adventures

Chapter 105 - 106: Reactions and Benefits


Daphne Greengrass was a tall and beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes who attracted attention from everyone wherever she goes and she was damn proud of herself for achieving something that her father could not even think off. She had never told anyone outside of her closest friends that she had a slight crush on The Emperor. According to a survey done by people who had too much free time on their hands, The Emperor was the first crush of 99 percent of the females of the empire.

She was very excited to participate in this campaign as according to grapevine, they were going to get many benefits out of this and moreover, this will be the first time they will be seeing The Emperor in real life outside of old pictures, videos and memories of those who had met him. But right now, she had a very frosty expression as she watched her younger sister Astoria fooling around with her best friend Susan Bones.

Daphne poked Astoria hard in the ribs and watched as the brown eyed blond girl jumped with a yelp and turned to glare at her. Daphne had to keep a smile out of her face as Astoria looked very cute. Daphne spoke up in a chiding tone, " Astoria!!! We are present at the most important event of the kingdom in recent times. Don't you know?"

Astoria replied, " Yes, Mother!!!! I know..." She gained a mischevious expression and continued, " But, do your diehard fan know that their 'Ice Queen' is also a God Realm Cultivator? Think of the number of suitors that you will come to knock on your doors?"

Daphne huffed and said, " I know that you will not tell anyone about this as you hate them more than I do."

Susan who was watching in amusement the drama between the two cut in and asked Astoria, " Why do you hate Daphne's suitors?"

Astoria said in an angry tone, " Because they are good for nothing fellows who want to take advantage of Daphne's talent and standing to live comfortable lives. I admit that some genuinely admire her but they admire 'The Ice Queen' not Daphne Greengrass who brought up her sister alone with the help of Nanny Droids while her father tried to further his small business." Daphne put a hand on Astoria's shoulder to comfort her. Astoria smiled a watery smile and then suddenly started laughing.

Daphne asked, " What happened Astoria?"

Astoria laughed and said, " I was just recalling the look on father's face when he was visited by the members of Imperial Punisher."

Susan asked in surprise, " When did this happen?"

Astoria giggled and said, " Father tried to engage Daphne to some snot nosed brat of some leftover 'incestors'. Daphne was slightly upset but we were not worried as the rights of men and women are equal in the empire. We just had to complain to Imperial Police and everything would have been sorted out."

Susan asked, " So, what happened?"

Daphne let out a smile and said, " We were having dinner when some masked people suddenly appeared around us. We thought that someone had come to attack us and while father was cowering under the dining table. I and Astoria started to fight them....They were more experienced than us and we were subdued after 5 minutes. The attackers were just testing us.... After we were defeated, they introduced themselves as Imperial Punishers and according to them, they had come to talk to father."

Astoria cut in and continued in a gleeful tone, " We were quite worried about the consequences of their arrival as Imperial Punishers are certified nutjobs who are thankfully utterly loyal to The Emperor and they only go after people who defy the laws set by The Emperor."

Susan asked aghast, " What did your father do?"

Daphne replied, " According to them, all the top 1,000 geniuses of the empire in any field come under 'Assets Protection Program' and are protected from anything that would have a detriminal effect on their future accomplishments till they are removed from the list by more talented people. My father's actions would have robbed the empire of a possible magic goddess so they had come to warn him that further movements in this direction would land him in their care and he won't enjoy it. Father agreed immediately and have not returned home since then."

Susan said in a frustrated tone, " That means we cannot enter into any relationships or do anything that would have effect on our future accomplishments or those nutjobs will come after us. I will surely complain about this."

Astoria laughed and said, " Daphne said the same thing and was told by them that they only interfere in drastic conditions. According to them, failed relationships builds personalities. God knows what goes in the minds of those nutjobs...Don't you think that these people are getting too noisy?"

Susan nodded and said, " Yes, but no one is trying to maintain the order. Well!!! According to the news channels, about 30 quadtrillion Cultivators are ȧssembled here, I think that maintaining order would be a tall order for the organisers."

Daphne replied, " You are right...." Before she could finish her sentence, a massive pressure bore down on her. She was not able to stand and was forced to kneel in the space. It took all of her willpower to remain floating and not fall below to the planet. Daphne felt her hands being grasped by Astoria and Susan and she in turn provided support to them. It took her a few seconds to realize that the pressure was entirely magical in nature but she didn't dare to look up as she instinctively knew who was the cause of this enormous pressure and that he was angry. She could feel his anger in the magical aura emitted by him.

After a few seconds, the pressure vanished as suddenly as it had appeared and Daphne let out a sigh of relief. It took her a few seconds to stand up. She checked up on Astoria and Susan and after finding them safe but slightly shaken, she looked towards the giant screen that was floating just below the repulsor pod housing the Top Brass of the empire. The screen was showing the people occupying the pod. Daphne saw the tall golden hair man whose face was right now plastered over the whole screen. His facial expression didn't reveal that he was angry at all. Daphne heard his voice echoing around him, " I hope that there would never be a repeat of this incident in future. Now, Minister Harak will tell you the benefits you will get out of this campaign."

Astoria whispered, " How did we heard him in space?"

Susan replied in low tone, " Cultivators subconciously apply qi to their vocal cords which makes out voice heard across space if something is not blocking us."

Daphne hissed and said, " This is not the time for discussing this. Let's pay attention to announcement that will be made by this Minister." All the cultivators watched as a Nemodian man appeared before them.

He took out a loudspeaker from his robes and spoke, " I am Minister Harak from Home Ministry. His Highness has made a new law that every God Realm cultivator would be given one planet of choice as a reward out of the 10 planets conquered by him or her for the empire; a HighGod Realm cultivator will be given 1 out of 30 planets. This system will change after one advances to Heavenly God Realm and other higher cultivation realms. Each conquest has to be reported and the conqueror would be questioned under the truth serum to ensure that no war crimes were committed on planets with native population.

Any unidentified resource would be placed separately and when identified appropriate points will be awarded to you. Any subject of the empire cannot remove any other subject from any planet if the later has arrived first on the planet. That planet would be registered under his or her name and points will be awarded after conquest is completed. Interfering in other's conquest without valid and right reasons would see the transfer of all the offender's contribution points to the victim and additional punishment will also be given.

The offender will be questioned by Imperial Punishers and will be awarded death sentence after three warnings so I hope that you will not take this lightly. You can form teams in higher zones but will have to register the ratio of point distribution with us. We will examine the ratio and change them if we find them to be unfair to anyone. All the transactions invoving contribution Points will be examined by us to prevent forced transfer of the points.

Since, the size of planets vary, we have decided to take a uniform approach of dividing the total value of resources present on the planet with it's size. Conquest of completely barren planets with no resources would get you contribution points equal to 1 percent of the size of the planet. If all the planets conquered by you are barren then an investigation will be conducted to know the reason behind it.

If you are found guilty for deliberately conquering barren planets to earn contribution points easily then all your points will be confesticated and you will be ȧssigned to work in the mines with the labour droids for 20 years. You will be given your badges as you will line up for entry into the origin verse. Don't worry, the campaign will start when all of you have been transferred to the origin verse.

Beware!!! Even if there is no life in origin verse, it doesn't make it less dangerous, on the contrary, it has become much more dangerous due to countless ruins of ancient cultivation civiluzations left behind. You will have to submit anything you have uncovered for examination as many deadly plagues and poisons were unleashed in the ancient war, which exist even to this day in the origin verse. You will be given full details about the uncovered items and you will have the option of keeping it or selling it to us. This is all that I have to say. Soon, the distribution of badges will start. Please, maintain order, Thank You."

The Minister left the pod and moved towards the main distribution center while the cultivators slowly started to line up in front of the centers. Alexander simply watched the proceedings. A man come upto him and bowed what presenting a case. Alexander opened the case and found a rainbow coloured badge lying inside. Alexander had requested a badge for himself as he also wanted to compete with his subjects anonymously. Minister Harak had not told the subjects that numerous ranking lists will be made public when the first hundred planets would be conquered and the cultivators also had the option of hiding their names.

Alexander dropped his blood on the badge and felt it bounding to himself. Alexander tapped the badge and a holographic screen appeared before all to see. The screen displayed the following:



The Sports Department wanted to add more information but Alexander prohibited them but allowed them to prepare whatever ranking lists they wanted to prepare by allowing them to access to various datas. Alexander had done this because he felt that his life was slowly becoming monotonous due to non-stop conquests. This system will increase the size and resources of his kingdom without him doing anything as his subjects would be more than enough. While his subjects would labour, he would enjoy. Alexander smiled at this joyful thought and turned his attention to the realm gate to watch the proceedings.


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