Kingly Adventures

Chapter 21 - 22: Control Issues

Alexander continued his exercise till afternoon. Alexander checked his core and found that his core was still in gaseous stage but it had not reached it's peak. The amount of magic Alexander had was massive. Alexander wanted to know how much magic he had but didn't know how to do so. So, Alexander decided to set the ancient wizards as his measuring scale. Alexander now had 4 times the amount of magic the ancient wizards had in their solid core but Alexander was not satisfied with it. He wanted to reach the limit of his magic and then break it in order to become more powerful. Alexander knew that he would have massive reserves of magic because of his strong body, his king's bloodline and his dragon bloodline. Alexander wanted to increase his magic.

Then, an idea came to him. In order to increase his bloodline, he could consume dragon's blood and his ability would only take those parts which would benefit him. Alexander was sure that he would get immense benefits out of this. His dragon bloodline was a star level-2 bloodline but the blood he was going to consume would be much higher grade than his bloodline. Alexander then thought, " The dragon's blood is not cheap and the only one could give me this are the apothecary shops and goblins. I cannot guarantee the quality of blood available in the shops but the goblins are shitty beings who would try to cheat me. But it's not like I will be spending my own money. I will use the old currency notes of the mummy world. It was a good idea on the part of the finance department to preserve them in case we need to use them ever. I first have to conquer a piece of land to establish the portal back home."

Alexander then proceeded to conquer an abandoned warehouse and established a portal back home. Alexander arrived in his kingdom and saw that the realm gate was left unattended. Alexander decided to rectify it. Alexander heard footsteps coming from behind him and saw Anna hurrying towards him.

Anna seeing him bowed and said, " Your Majesty!! You have returned.

Alexander smiled and said, " Anna!! Stop all the work going on and first build the most secure and defended building that we can build right now around the realm gate. Also, how much work has been completed?"

Anna replied, " Your majesty!! As per your instructions, we had started building military facilities and supply lines. Half of the work is done. We have started building cities, towns and villages." Alexander had ordered that all the buildings in his kingdom would be based mainly on Roman and Greek architecture but with a variety fixed in. The reason the work was done so fast was because he had made all the criminals in the worlds he had conquered work to build all this. The duration of work depended on the crimes committed by them. Alexander then proceeded to read the minds of all his officials. All of them were working with their full efforts. Alexander then ordered the best 100 fighters and spies of his kingdom to come with him. They also carried bags full of pound notes. There were 5 Billion pounds in these bags.

Alexander reentered the Harry Potter world with his men and set up headquarters in this warehouse. Alexander then put up a temporary ward around the warehouse. The ward made other people ignore the warehouse. Alexander then transferred the ability to use magic to them. Alexander could sense that they all would become powerful wizards and witches. Alexander then proceeded to make a list of all the materials, he would need to perform the ritual for himself and his men. Alexander then continued his exercise.

At morning, Alexander woke up from his meditation and found that his gaseous core had reached it's peak. Alexander checked his magic core and found that he had reached his limit at 10 times the amount of magic that ancient wizards had in their solid cores. Alexander turned towards his subjects and sensed that they all have reached from halfway to the peak of gaseous stage.

The leader of this team, a man called Carter turned to him and looked at him in shock, " Your Majesty!!! I think that you should find a way to disguise yourself." He then brought a mirror forward. Alexander saw that his eyes were glowing like 100 megawatt bulbs. Alexander eyes were enough to inspire fear in people. Alexander then thought, " What about my control over my magic?" Alexander then tried to reduce the size of some crates in the warehouse. Alexander reduced them but to dusts.

Alexander then thought about the solution of his problem. Alexander decided to practice soul arts. The ancient wizards had too much power in their bodies to sense their souls. When men first gained magic, their bodies changed on a fundamental level, so their souls deemed them as dead as the body didn't match the memories they contained of their vessel. It was the magic which formed the bridge between body and soul. This was why extreme magic exhaustion leads to death. If magic acted as a muscle, then in cases of extreme exhaustion, it would cease to work properly for some days or months but a person won't die due to it. He would be in severe pain but he won't die. But magic also acted as a bridge between body and soul so when magic reaches the state of extreme exhaustion, the magic holding the soul to the body gets diverted to help stablishing the core and the person dies. The killing curse ' Avada Kedvara ' was a type of soul magic which targeted the bridge formed by magic between soul and body. As it was soul magic, it cannot be blocked by conventional means but if a wizard has enough magical power, he can block the spell with a normal shield spell.

The soul arts were developed by an ancient magi who due to his low magical power as compared to his counterparts was able to sense his soul. He developed soul attacks to defeat his more powerful opponents but he was a cautionous fellow so he developed methods to defend himself from soul attacks also. The mind arts were a watered down version of the soul arts developed by Egyptian wizards and witches when they got their hands on remanents of the research of the ancient magi. That was the reason why the Egyptian were most advanced in soul magics in present time.

The ancient magi stopped the practice of soul arts as practicing soul arts required getting acquainted with all the aspects of their personality. The arrogant ancient magi didn't like acquainted with their less than pleasant aspects. Alexander said, " Carter!! Send one of your men to Tom, the bartender of Leaky Cauldron. Tell him that you are my friend and a muggleborn and you just came to know that I was a squib. So, now you are going to take me to the Diagon Alley."

Carter saluted and said, " Yes, Sire!!!"

Alexander then sat cross legged on the ground and started to meditate. Alexander then delved deep inside him searching for his soul. Ancient magi used a ritual circle to search for their souls. Soul was a metaphysical concept, it exists in this plane of existence yet at the same time, it was beyond this plane of existence. The use of ritual circle was quick but it weakened the magic power permanently as the ritual circle absorbed the magic power to get the magi a feel of his soul. Alexander had high soul power so he could easily sense his soul. The soul arts were generally the art of strengthening one's soul by supplying it with magical power which in turn increases the soul power. Soul power is used to send soul attacks to other's soul. But before supplying magic, a magi had to conquer all the aspects of his personality. Alexander thought, " It's like the heart demons in the cultivation worlds but at a weaker scale."

Alexander sensed his soul and delved into it. Alexander came across many different aspects of his emotions like anger, hate, pessimistic, arrogance, etc. but after overcoming all those and getting a control over his emotions. He came across the last hurdle. Alexander saw a sickly boy at his right side and a boy dressed in king's clothes on his left. Both represented a side of him and Alexander was a blank slate. The king aspect of him represented his dėsɨrė of growing stronger and conquering various worlds, he was a planner and ruthless but he was arrogant, lacked patience and saw every one as lesser beings due to his bloodline. His sickly self from previous life was intelligent and kind but he was also timid and distrustful. Now, Alexander had to decide which side to let ȧssume the dominant position. He cannot simply erase a part of himself so one aspect would take the dominant position. He was leaning towards the king aspect. But then, a thought occured to him, he was a king, he did not need to follow others, he would set his own path. Alexander then combined the best aspects of his personality and absorbed him into himself. This caused tremendrous pain to his soul but Alexander preserved. The pain was due to the fact that Alexander was changing the very core of his existence. When the combination was complete, Alexander woke up and found that he was bleeding from his nose and his men were surrounding him and looking at him in worry. Alexander justed nodded that he was alright and examined himself. The reborn Alexander was intelligent, a planner, ruthless to his enemies and was full of caution but he also kind to his subjects.

As Alexander was going over his new life so far and noted his several previous mistakes. In mummy world, he was too dependent on the protagnists to help him with the mystic side of the world. Alexander after ȧssimilating the mummy world came to know that there were more knowledgeable people than Eve present in that world. Alexander also noted the mistrust he had for his subjects when the third wish made it so that no subject can betray or harm his interests or kingdom ever. They would be forever loyal to him. Alexander also noted the blunder he made with Tom, no squib would enter the alley at night, they would enter the alley at the peak hours so that none attempts to harm or cheat them. It was good thing that Tom was a good man and didn't think much about it. Alexander moved back to his kingdom and called a meeting of the top officials, Alexander praised them for their good work and gave them the freedom to implement their own ideas if their ideas improved the kingdom but their ideas has to get approval of the council of department heads if they effect the sphere of influence of some other department. Alexander got some good ideas from them like conquering some unranked worlds to use as shelter homes in case of invasion. Alexander left the kingdom relieved and somewhat embarrassed at his unfounded distrust towards his subjects.

Alexander reentered the Harry Potter world and started practising magic. The merging had made his magic less violent and relatively easy to control from before but it would take some time before he has full control over his magic.


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