Kingly Adventures

Chapter 49 - 50: War With The East ( Part 1)

It had been one month since the arrival of information from the east. Today was the day that the specialized team from the east would arrive. During this month, many things had happened in the kingdom. The kingdom now had 7,000 magus in it's ranks. The advancement was not without danger so 500 magi lost their lives. Alexander had a memorial constructed for these men and women and the whole kingdom grieved for three days. Alexander also ordered that their families would be taken care of till they become self dependent. The chambers were now fully operational and Alexander ordered the construction of 9,000 more chambers in order to accommodate any future magus.

The magi had not lost their courage but were practicing more hard in order to fulfill their fallen comrades' dreams. The welfare department of the kingdom also set up a fund for taking care of the families and the subjects denoted to this fund. Alexander also ordered the construction of another cathedral which was half the size of his palace to record the name of those who had fallen for the advancement of his kingdom. The cathedral was called ' The Hall Of Brave ' .

Alexander had returned to the Harry Potter world as the dragon's blood was collected by the elves ahead of schedule as the dragons under the control of various ministries and pureblood families were now taken over by the kingdom. Alexander gained additional 500 dragons from this. Alexander performed the purification and awakening process and got 30 litres of dragon's blood. Now, he had 62 litres of dragon's blood. Alexander planned to use this blood after the capture of the next batch of eastern magi. Alexander also stationed 500 magus in the Harry Potter world in case an unexpected war breaks out between the Fortis Empire and the Eastern magi. Alexander was hoping that the Eastern Magi would submit without a war but he didn't think that it would happen. Alexander ordered his army to prepare for war and waited for the team sent by east to arrive.


In a remote area, a small ' pop' sound was made and a six men and women appeared in a heap. After, they adjusted themselves, all of them turned to look at one of the men in the team. The man fidgeted in his place and said in a defensive voice, " You all know that I cannot handle portkeys."

A woman hissed, " You could fall off a cliff if you want but maintain your balance during portkey travel. We would have died if someone was waiting to ambush us."

The woman who seemed to be the leader of the team said, " Shreya, Don't be harsh on Dev, while you are right, it's his family problem. No one in his entire family can handle portkeys. According to researchers, his family members' instincts are so attuned with their surroundings that they become disoriented due to the sudden changes caused due to portkeys."

Another man spoke in a joking tone, " Why this walking accident is with us?"

Dev shouted in indignation and said, " I am here because I am one of the best war mage in the younger generation."

Shreya, " Why did the old foxes of the empire send us here? With all the importance placed on this mission, I had thought that a more experienced team would be send to investigate the hideouts of the now decreased wannabe dark lord. Damn!!! I was truly sad for his death."

Dev, " Why?"

Shreya, " Because he was damn hot. Those eyes of his were piercing and beautiful."

The man who mocked Dev spoke up, " Enough!!! Let's move to the meeting point."

Dev said in jubilant voice, " Ajay is jealous. Oh!!! He is very jealous." Before the matter could get out of hand, the team leader spoke up, " Let's meet with the team who came before us."

The team then appriated away. At a distance of few hundreds of metres away, a man was seen standing with a group of people behind him. A woman spoke up, " Sir!!! Why the best recruits are being send as a probing tool?"

The middle aged man standing in the front replied, " The higher ups suspect that something is not right. The delay in duel was not right, they had one month to decide the terms of the duel so how it's possible that it took them 2 days to add some extra terms. Moreover, the man who was fighting against Dumbledore had too much similarity with Grindlewald's fighting style, no one can copy another's entire fighting style as one's fighting style depends on one's training, thought process, magical power, spell knowledge and bodily reaction. That man was a complete copy of Grindlewald. The higher ups suspect that Alexander Fortis was not the one fighting in the duel but it was Gellert Grindlewald. They also are sure that our men have either been captured or have died."

The woman was perplexed and asked, " Why?"

The man replied, " The video clip send by our spies was too uniform. It was focussed entirely on the duel and their was no diversions from it. The duel lasted for 45 minutes and the video clip was entirely focussed on it. As the device recorded what the user was seeing, it raised some red flags in the minds of the higher ups."

A man who was standing at the back this time asked for the reason. The man in the lead answered, " The spies were orderd to observe their surroundings randomly in order to mark out new escape points and also to examine if anyone was suspicious of them or not. This was done as aurors have sharper instincts towards any suspicious characters and they can easily spot such people when compared with normal magical people. The stadium was full of ICW forces and Aurors of various ministries so the chances of exposure was high hence the orders of observation. The spies were required to behave like normal magicals and normal magical are not able to focus on one thing for too long as magic makes us extra energetic, only by training our minds, can we fully focus on one thing. The spies didn't behave like one and observed the duel like a trained person. The most damning evidence pointing towards capture or death of our men was that only one video clip was send to us. We had secretly placed the similar devices in all our spies in order see the duel from different angles so why was only one was send back to us. The devices were caliberated to self destruct when removed from the body of the wearer. The spies were told to say a phrase which would send the clips to us. They were told that the phrase would have enabled us to track them and provide backup in case of emergencies. The phrase did what they were told but it also send video clips to us. The paranoid spies of our empire would have surely said the phase after existing the stadium."

The man who was the leader of this team asked, " Why was no rescue operation was launched?"

The man in lead let out a sigh and said, " We could not track them and we were also worried that the enemy would come to know of our movement and kill our men."

The man continued, " What if they are already dead?"

The man in lead answered, " Then, there will be a war as every citizen of our empire is important to us."

The woman continued, " Why the recruits are being send?"

The man in lead answered, " To make the enemy lower his guard as this team is not that much powerful than the spies but they are extremely capable. Their robes are lined with multiple portkeys and stasis charms. Also, I Sindh Pal, the 13th strongest magus of the magus corps is also here if something happens, I will not hesitate to lay down my life for these children as they are the most talented people of the young generation in our entire empire. Now, let's move." After saying this, they followed the tracking spells places on the recruits and arrives at the scene of meeting. They could see that the recruits have followed their training and had aid down wards, constructed defence points and also marked out escape routes. They were only able to find all this as they were more experienced than the newbies. The leader of the team muttered, " Damn!!! These children are good."

Suddenly, they heard the sound of birds and saw the recruits replying in kind. Soon, a man emerged from the dense foliage of the forest and shouted, " RUN!!! They already know about you all." They all saw the flash of the killing curse and saw the man falling on the ground dead. Before, the recruits could take any action, tens of wizards emerged and surrounded them. A wizard spoke, " Lower your wands and come with us."

The female leader of the recruits said in determined voice, " We will die fighting."

The man smiled and said, " As you wish." and fired a bright red coloured spell at them.


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