Kingly Adventures

Chapter 8 - 9: Conquering The World ( Part 1)

Alexander smiled and ignored the words of Zi Yuan. Alexander was happy that he managed to conquer the obstacles faced by the original dragon emperor quite easily. Alexander understood that he made some mistakes like forgetting about the protagnists after destroying the dagger but thankfully nothing bad happened and now he was ready to start the conquest of this world.

Alexander did not want to further discuss his plans with General Wang in front of his newly acquired subjects. Alexander could discuss with General Wang telepathically but he did not want the protagnists of this world to suspect something. If they came to know that he could read their minds then they may do something very bad like taking their own lives.

And that would greatly hinder Alexander's plans. Alexander had already chosen the place which he would conquer in order to establish the bridge to his kingdom.

Alexander ordered the General to prepare the helicopter and then ordered the protagnists to follow him. They tried to resist but the threat of lose of bodily control crushed their fighting spirits for the time being. He noticed Eve in deep thought and read her mind, he found that she was thinking that he needed them to be near him to control them. Alexander then read others' minds and found that they had similar thoughts except Jonathan. Jonathan was thinking about the girls employed in his casino and how his plans of bedding them might fail. Alexander thought that this man needed some serious mental help. As Alexander and company arrived at the military base high up in the Himalayas.

Zi Yuan, " You are going to Shangri-La. But why? You are already immortal." But then, she suddenly went quite and looking in a certain direction hissed, " These are the men who shot and captured me."

Alexander quickly ordered them to stop as they were ready to pounce at them. The soldiers at this base despite being loyal had not submitted to him yet, so after another swearing ceremony, Alexander moved towards Shangri-La with his companions. As they rested near the Stupa, Eve said, " I am very excited to see the Shangri-La." O'Connell simply stared at her with lovestruck eyes. On the other side, Alex and Lin were absorbed in their own world. Alexander turned towards Zi Yuan and saw her staring at the sky with sad eyes. Alexander sighed in annoyance and thought, " What the hell!! I cannot believe them . They are acting like this in such a condition. I mean they are struck with a guy that has an immortal army, is an other wordly being that has come to invade their planet and most importantly can control their body against their will." Alexander stopped paying attention to them and instead meditated to control his bloodline which he learned in his previous life while learning Yoga.

At dawn, they set off and reached the destroyed entrance by afternoon. Zi Yuan exclaimed, " What happened here? "

Alexander replied, " I destroyed the entrance so nobody can go inside."

O'Connell said, " Now, how will we get inside?"

Alexander said nothing but transformed into his dragon form and quickly destroyed the rocks blocking the entrance. Alexander transformed back and saw the shocked faces of the protagnists. Alexander still smiled and said nothing but then ordered them to remain outside. The protagnists protested but their bodies did not move.

O'Connell, " I am getting tired of losing control of my body. But why did he ordered us to stop here?"

Eve, " I don't know maybe Zi Yuan knows."

Zi Yuan, " I have no idea."

Alexander stepped inside the cave and stopped before the edge of the pool of life and placed his hand on the ground. Alexander let the king's might sweep out of his body and cover the whole of the Shangri-La. Shangri-La was a lot bigger than shown in the movies. Past the mountains were the plains and forests where animals resided. How the heck were animals present this high up in the mountains, he had no idea. When he got the whole place covered, Alexander proclaimed, " I, King Alexander proclaim this land as a part of my kingdom. Do anyone wants to fight my claim?"

As there was no intelligent life in Shangri-La, his claim was unchallenged. The whole Shangri-La rumbled and Alexander could sense the whole of it. The whole land was quite big at least one tenth the size of his kingdom. Alexander could sense that Shangri-La was a separate world which was despite being part of this world, had an autonomous existence. This means that Alexander could ȧssimilate this small world in his kingdom. Alexander deeply examined the land and found that there were no predators on this land. The animals were at least five times than the normal. There was a small sea of water just below the pool which was the origin of river that flowed throughout this land . There were some mysterious energies present in the pool which had seeped through the rock bed and fixed with the source of river and over the course of thousands of years the river water gained lesser properties of the pool of life which was latter transmitted to this whole land transforming into it into a miniature paradise. Alexander marvelled at this miracle of nature but was confused how all this came to be and would it bring any danger to him . Alexander cast aside these thoughts and prepared to form the bridge. Alexander tried to sense his kingdom in his mind and when he sensed it, he tried to link both the pieces of land together.

A golden bridge formed in his mind linking the two pieces of land together. This bridge was a symbol that the two lands were now connected. Alexander now just had to place the portal at any place within the part of the land he had claimed. Alexander turned away from the edge of the pool and moved towards the entrance. He decided to establish the gate at the wall just beyond the narrow entrance. Alexander touched the wall and willed the portal to be placed here. Soon the space rippled and he could see the portal forming. When the portal finished forming, he saw that the portal was like a giant golden circular mirror which gave off a majestic aura. Alexander thought, " This gate is similar to that present in the Stargate universe. Did the bloodline copied the concept or did the ancients in the past had come across a realm portal? I think it is the later. The ancients were a highly intelligent species, it is possible that they took inspiration from the realm portal left out in the open by some stupid king and invented their gates."

Alexander peered into the portal and saw on the other side his little kingdom. Alexander did not enter the portal but did a deep sweep of the Shangri-La. Alexander wanted to find that book. Soon Alexander found the book hidden in a small cave on the left hand side of the wall. Alexander quickly took it and then moved to the entrance and called the protagnists inside. O'Connell, " What were you doing inside there?"

Zi Yuan saw the book in his hands and tried to take it back but a little order and she could only stand their helplessly glaring at him.

Alexander then turned towards the portal, " I wanted to examine this place and see what I found?"

Zi Yuan, " This was not here before."

Eve, " You were here, before."

Zi Yuan told them that she was the guardian of the pool and Alexander had her captured when he came here last time. Alexander was once again subjected to several angry glares.

Jonathan, " I don't know what it is but I know that the rim alone would earn us a fortune. Hey!! King guy, why don't you drop the plan of invading us. This planet has many interesting things like girls, booze, etc. You can enjoy your life here. Just give me ten percent of this and I will pray to God every day for your long and happy life."

Jonathan's words earned him glares from the female folk and disappointed gazes from the O'Connell men.

Alex, " Uncle, now it is not the right time."

Alexander turned towards the General who was gazing at the portal mesmerised and asked, " What do you think, General?'

General Wang, " I feel some kind of attraction towards it, your majesty. "

Eve," I also feel some kind of attraction towards this thing. What about you all?"

The rest of them also nodded in caution.

O'Connell said, " Eve!! I think it is some kind of ancient spying device. Look we can see people in it."

Eve, " I don't think so. The people shown are a lot less advanced than us. It seems that they are living in middle ages. I think this thing is a doorway to some other place."

Lin, " Then, let's check it out."

Eve, " I don't think that it will be right. According Miss Zi, this thing was not here before. What if it was put here by this man?"

Jonathan, " Come on, Eve!! He was with us the entire time and no one can hide such a big thing. Hell!! He can not even move it forget about carrying it up here. Where did your sense of adventure has gone? You have grown old, my dear sister."

Jonathan had spoken the taboo words. The only reason he was not beaten to pulp was because Eve was more concentrated on the thought of making a new discovery. Eve stepped forward and touched the surface of the portal. Alexander could sense her hand going through the portal and appearing in his kingdom. Eve exclaimed, " O'Connell, can you see it?"

O'Connell and the rest just nodded in response.

Alexander interrupted their conversation, " General Wang, send half of the soldiers first. I don't want these fellows to escape in this unknown land."

General Wang bowed and send half of the soldiers through the portal while the protagnists just glared at Alexander. When they saw the soldiers appearing on the other sides safely, Eve asked, " Now, can we go?"

Alexander just nodded and then turned towards General Wang and the rest of remaining soldiers, " After they enter, you all will enter, I will enter at last." General Wang just nodded in response. Then, all the protagnists entered the portal followed by General Wang and the others.

Alexander turned towards the entrance of the cave and raised a ten foot thick wall to block the entrance. Then, he entered the portal to his kingdom.


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