“Go back and rest”

“Sister! You are finally back!

When Fang Yuan and Anna appeared in the room, Lina immediately smiled at Anna.

The portrait of her father was looking at the four of them with a smile.

Everything was so harmonious and beautiful.

“No, no, I have to fight!”

A few days later, Fang Yuan muttered softly, and then he chose to leave the leisure world.

【The time of the leisure world has been frozen. It has been detected that all targets have been completed. Free attribute points +1】

【Next time you enter the leisure world, you can choose a new leisure world or continue to enter the current world for leisure. The remaining leisure time is: 10 days, 5 hours and 17 minutes. 】To

Fang Yuan’s surprise, a new prompt appeared.

It was the first time Fang Yuan knew that after completing all the goals in the leisure world, he could get rewards.

At the same time, Fang Yuan also felt that it was necessary to enter a new leisure world next time. This time, the rice bowl seemed to be a bit hurt…

After adjusting his state, Fang Yuan suddenly became a little bored.

“There are still more than 20 days until the next mandatory time of hunting the world. Do you want to go home first?”

As a procrastinator, Fang Yuan will never take the initiative to submit the manuscript before the final submission deadline, and it is impossible to enter the hunting world early! One day is a day!

So Fang Yuan was a little hesitant, whether to go to the real world for a stroll

“Emmm… forget it. If I still can’t figure out the difference between reality and leisure after I go back, I might end up with a broken leg… I don’t want to go to a German orthopedic clinic.……”

But after a brief hesitation, Fang Yuan gave up decisively!

Because the situation in Fang Yuan’s real world is very similar to the leisure world she just experienced. She is from a single-parent family, has a sister and a younger sister, and a young stepmother!

Now that she has just completed the strategy of the leisure world, Fang Yuan is afraid that she will not be able to help but conquer her sister and stepmother in reality after returning.

At first, Fang Yuan was able to distinguish the real world, leisure world, and hunting world very clearly. She regarded the leisure world as an H-series erotic game, and the hunting world was regarded by Fang Yuan as a large-scale fan online game. It is a common phenomenon for the same person to have two personalities inside and outside the network.

The same is true for Fang Yuan. In the hunting world and the leisure world, Fang Yuan can be a ruthless swordsman and a scumbag with no bottom line, but in the real world, Fang Yuan is just a somewhat lonely forensic doctor.

However, as he experiences more and more worlds, these worlds are no different from the real world, making Fang Yuan find that he is gradually unable to distinguish the boundaries, especially when Fang Yuan finds that he has mastered powerful power.

After checking his attributes, Fang Yuan finally decided to take the first-level trial. Although Fang Yuan’s level is now level 10, he is still a rookie at level zero. Only after completing the trial assessment will he officially become a first-level novice and his level can continue to improve.

However, before Fang Yuan could make his choice of trial, at this moment, the seed mark on the back of Fang Yuan’s hand suddenly lit up!

【The Elf Princess is calling you. Do you want to activate the mark and respond to the Elf Princess’ call?】

【After responding to the call, you will enter an independent hunting world. There will be no other hunters participating in this hunting world. It is an independent hunting world. 】

As the seed mark lights up, Fang Yuan also receives a system prompt.


Fang Yuan was stunned for a moment, but soon came to his senses. This was the mark left by the Elf Princess!

At that time, he seemed to have triggered an exclusive task of the Elf Princess.

Flipping through the system’s task list, Fang Yuan quickly found the task.

【Redemption of the Elf Clan: Activate the Seed of Life.

You can view the mission content after arriving at the Elf Clan.

Note: The minimum standard for activating the Seed of Life is the second level.

After activation, the hunter’s next hunting world will be changed to the Elf World.

This mission is very risky, please choose carefully.

What puzzled Fang Yuan was that the minimum threshold for this mission was obviously the second level, but now he has not even completed the first level trial mission, so how could it be activated?

“The Elf Princess can actually actively summon me, amazing, it seems that she misses me, it is true that collecting equipment is not as good as collecting women.”

Fang Yuan soon grinned, revealing a sweet and confident smile.

Although Fang Yuan’s waist was a little sore and his legs were a little weak due to the fierce battles for several days, he still had to respond to the call of the Elf Princess, so Fang Yuan decisively chose to respond!

【You have responded to the call of the Elf Princess, and the transmission begins……】

【You have entered the independent hunting world – Elf Forest (the junction of fantasy and reality)】

【Note: This hunting world is detected as a special reverse summon and is determined to be a special mission world. It is not counted in the number of hunting worlds in the king selection game. The main task of this hunting world is issued by the Elf Princess, and the duration is determined by the magic power of the Elf Princess. 】

After Fang Yuan chose to respond, the scene in front of Fang Yuan was a flower. When he came back to his senses again, he was already in a forest.

The surroundings were full of lush vegetation, and she was in a dilapidated stone altar. The pillars of the altar were covered with moss, which looked very old.

In front of the altar was the elf princess Nina dressed in a sacrificial outfit. Although this sacrificial robe was not as sexy and revealing as the archer’s leather armor, it was already something that people couldn’t help but want to lift up and take a look!

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