King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 1354

Therefore, at this moment, the weapons dealer Zaharias had fear for the first time.

Facing this kind of power, only three body bodies can fight at the same time, but if the first prince and the ninth prince summon other beasts, he will undoubtedly die today.

After weighing and thinking, Zaharias made a decision again, taking advantage of the discord between the two princes, he still has a chance.

"Number two! Number eight! Number nine! Get together!"

The three girls mechanically controlled the beasts, with the greatest magic output, and attacked the first prince at the same time.

At the same time, Zaharias, who gave up his own defense, also controlled the No. 1 Beast and joined the battle.

Four to one, this was the mistake of the arrogant and conceited first prince. In just a few rounds, the first prince was forced into desperation.

"As expected of the blood prince, Violet. I admire it, but that's it for today, I'm leaving now."

The attack was just a cover, and it was Zacharias' plan to get away.

In this regard, even the first prince after the transformation did not realize it, and could only watch the cunning weapon dealer retreat.

But at this moment, the ninth prince who had been watching the battle suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha! You too underestimate our ruined dynasty, a humble weapons dealer. If you want to leave, we will be laughed at. So, leave it to me!...The Demon Killer!"

Under the gaze of all the survivors present, the ninth prince Ibris Bell took off the pendant from his waist, and for an instant, a holy spear gleaming with pure white light appeared in his hand.The holy spear burning with white flames broke away from Ibris Bell's palm, and in the blink of an eye he broke through the space and caught up with the scared weapon dealer.


The night was illuminated by the white holy light, and Zaharias could only give up the two bodies to block the holy spear, and he carried the No. 9 body, embarrassed and fleeing into the distance.

What he didn't expect was that on his way to escape in embarrassment, a group of murderous figures who should have died stopped him and exploded his arm in a self-destructive attack. In the end, there was no time to recover the body of No. He left this unfortunate place miserably.

Chapter 0320

Tuk tuk!

There is a doorbell at home that doesn't press, and it doesn't ring. In Qian Cong's memory, only one person would do this.

"There is clearly a doorbell, are you a primitive?"

Although he was very rude, he was a little bit happy in his heart, and even hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and began to worry about his current dress.

But unlike before, there was no response this time.

Qian Cong who walked to the door to open the door couldn't help but hesitated. Could it be him?Did you meet a repeat offender of robbery today?There were not many people in this apartment. The two sisters have been living here, but today their sister is not there. Thinking that there are similar reports in the recent news, Qian Cong's heart began to pick up.

"Hey! Is it you? Perverted teacher! Don't be kidding, which stupid thief will deliberately not ring the doorbell, making it dubious."

He said that while raising the volume on purpose, while looking out the door through the cat's eyes.

But to Qian Cong's disappointment, there was no one outside the door, and there was no response to her temptation.

Facing this situation, Qian Cong became more and more vigilant, but as a dignified "Electronic Empress" tricks of this level also wanted to stump her, it would be too small.

Quickly turn on the phone and connect to the artificial intelligence line.


"Are there any tasks?Missy."Immediately connect me to the monitoring of the entire apartment. I want it five minutes ago."

"To understanding.

The exclusive partner of this "Electronic Empress", Moguwai, is an artificial intelligence system that is the incarnation of 5 world-class supercomputers controlled by urban functions on Xian Shen Island. It is also the only one that recognizes Lan Yu Qian Cong, which is called the "Electronic Empress" by the industry. Super hacker's artificial intelligence.

The strongest hacker is paired with the strongest artificial intelligence. In the industry, almost no one can compare with the "Electronic Empress". If it is needed, it is not difficult even to break through the national defense systems of various countries.

Therefore, to control the surveillance video of an apartment within five minutes, this is really a small tool for "Moguwai".

Of course, with regard to Qian Cong's order, Moguwai, an artificial intelligence, is not ambiguous.

When Qian Cong ran to her room and turned on the computer, all the surveillance videos in the apartment had appeared on the specially made huge light screen.

"What happened?Missy."Don't bother me first."

Staring at the light screen with wide eyes, under 5x fast forward, the surveillance video will soon finish.By the way, as to whether you can see the video clearly at 5 times fast forward, absolutely don't doubt the special eyes that the electronic empress can find a breakthrough in the tens of millions of parvoviruses.

"How could it not? Impossible! Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

With a confused expression, Qian Cong couldn't help but doubt his hearing, because during the five-minute monitoring, there was no half-person figure at all, whether it was the door, the corridor, or the door of Lan Yu's house.

But just as Qian Cong was thinking about it, the knock on the door clearly came into her ears again.

Tuk tuk!

"Moguwai! Immediately! Now immediately switch to the monitoring of my corridor."

"I don't know what happened, but it's already OK.On the huge light screen, what was showing was the image of Lan Yu's door. The knocking on the door still kept ringing, but strangely, no one could be seen in the special infrared monitoring.

This kind of camera can see through any supernatural phenomena such as invisibility and cover-up caused by optical reactions and magic effects, but what is the situation now?What is so strange is that Qian Cong is unheard of.

There is no one in the sensor that even ghosts can't escape, but the door keeps knocking.

At this moment, Qian Cong's heart suddenly became furry.

"Mo, Mogu, what do you think is going on? Any clues?"

There is no need to explain at all now, the impact and knock on the door are enough to explain everything.

For Qian Cong's questioning, the artificial intelligence fell silent.

This kind of situation that cannot be explained by modern science and technology is beyond the scope of understanding for its artificial intelligence.

Stealth magic, latent spells, optical concealment, particle decomposition, magic fog... All conceivable explanation phenomena are not within the scope of consideration. Of course, there is no guarantee that the camera system will be manipulated.

If it's just external hands and feet, even its strongest artificial intelligence can't find it.

"Miss, this matter..." Click!

The sudden opening of the door made Qian Cong's heart beat slowly. Why could he open the door and come in?

You must know that the door of Lan Yu's house is considered the world's top defense system. It is more advanced than any voice control, voice control, fingerprint recognition, and pupil sensing. It is based on the excavation technology of an ancient ruin, and it was compiled by Qian Cong. With the "spiritual" recognition system, apart from her and her sister, there is absolutely no possibility for a third person in this world to open the door without consent.

But now one after another unexpectedly strange incidents have occurred.

How to do?

Call the police?Can you make it?When the police arrived, if it was the criminal, he would have done everything he should have done a long time ago, and he would have done what he shouldn’t have done.

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