King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 1521

After getting along for so long, Yi Xia really didn't know that Ye Jian could cook, not just her, even the Gotanda family, including Qian Dong, only learned about it not long ago.For a long time, Yi Xia thought that Ye Jian was the kind of young master who opened his mouth.

Therefore, in order to make good food for this guy, Yi Xia also deliberately exercised her cooking skills.

But now she actually heard that Ye Jian was going to cook by himself, and subconsciously, she thought of the dark scene.

"Well, don't look at me like this, one or two dishes can still be made. Okay, give me ten minutes, and it will be done soon. I Xia will go to the living room and sit for a while."

Hearing what Ye Jian said, even though Yi Xia hesitated and walked out of the kitchen with a face of disbelief.

Then, ten minutes later.

"Hmm! It's delicious! How did you make Yejiang!?"

Yi Xia, who almost ate her tongue, opened her eyes round, sighing in inconceivably, and destroying Ye Jian's dishes.

"Want to know?"


Eyes full of expectation flashed with many little stars.

"Want to learn?"


"How about sleeping with me at night?"


Subconsciously nodded and agreed. When Yi Xia reacted, all she saw was Ye Jian's evil smiling face.

"This is your own promise, Yi Xia sauce, if you have said something, you must take responsibility."

"You...who wants to promise! Stupid! Big idiot! If you mess up, I will drive you out!"

Yi Xia gritted her teeth and stared at the bastard Ye Jian, this time she was really angry.

"Hey, I'm penniless. Are you going to let me sleep on the street? Isha! You are so cruel!"

"Huh! Who made you behave badly several times! Let's get bitten to death by a dog outside!"

"Okay, okay! I surrender, it doesn't matter if Isha doesn't sleep with me."

After spreading his hands, Ye Jian dispelled the bad idea, but before Ixia forgive him, this guy smirked again.

"Then let me attack at night!"

"... Ye Jian...!!!"

Chapter 0074

"Oh hi, Ye Jiang!"

"Good morning! Ye Jun."

"Good morning! Ye Dian."


On the first day back to school, Ye Jian once again became the focus of the first-year girls.

If it weren't for class soon, he would definitely not be able to pass the corridor smoothly and return to his classroom.

It is no wonder that the commotion caused by Qian Dong and him before the holiday can't be extinguished in a mere four days.

What kind of taboo teacher-student love, distorted sibling love, cohabitation secrets.

One version of the legend spread throughout the IS Academy.

Who says time will dilute everything?

In the face of the gossip souls of girls, this level of coolant will actually help the combustion.

With countless pairs of bright eyes burning with curiosity, Ye Jian finally walked into the classroom of Class 1 of the year.

Then, all the girls in the class fell on him.


Ye Jian raised his hand to say hello.

But the next moment, as if it had been said, the girls almost cheered at the same time.

"Welcome back! Yejiang!"

"I miss you so much! Your Royal Highness Ye!"

"The hero of all of us in Class 1 has finally returned!"

"Ye Jun Saigao! I love you to death!"

What's happening here!?Ye Jian was dumbfounded.

Although he had made psychological preparations before entering, the sudden explosion of such a big movement still shocked him.

Subconsciously, Ye Jian looked at Ixia in the front row.

But in the end, this girl turned her head away, her cheeks bulged.

Are you still awkward about what happened before?

Really, she didn't really go to the night attack. It was just that she opened the door by mistake when she went to the toilet. Who made her not to lock herself properly.

As if he had noticed what Ye Jian was thinking, Yi Xia flushed immediately and glared at him.

Those eyes seemed to warn him, "If you dare to talk nonsense, you are dead!"Be quiet, I'm going to class!"

At this time, a familiar voice full of mighty power came from outside the door.

The head teacher, Qiandong, is still in the professional tight-fitting suit as always, tall and imposing.

"What are you still doing? Go back and sit down."

Qian Dong seemed to have completely forgotten what he did 4 days ago, and he did not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with Shang Ye Jian.

Worthy of being Qiandong, worthy of being a mature sister.

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