King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 1562

1. Direct recommendation.

2. Pass the assessment

3. NO.1 for each grade.

"First of all, the first is that only the instructor has the right to directly recommend. However, even for instructors, there is only one recommendation place per academic year. Kagura from the previous year, me from last year, and Shina from this year. Come in this way."

With that said, I opened the second challenge column.

"The second way is to enter our class through the assessment set up by the instructor. However, this opportunity is also limited. Only students who understand the second stage of IS operation RESONANT (resonance) are qualified. Laudia and Daryl, Sarah and Frutty in the second grade, they only came in after passing the exam."

Finally, Wudian opened the last column.

"About this last item, it actually only applies to freshmen in the first grade. Because the No.1 in the second and third grades are already a member of this class, Ye Jiang should be able to guess who it is?"

Does it mean that the word "strongest" is revealed by deliberately opening the folding fan?

But Wu Wu didn't seem to care about Ye Jian's speechlessness at all.

"Well, the introduction of the method of entering this class is complete. According to the rules, Ye Jiang is already eligible to join us. But, because some people in this class have doubts about the freshmen in the first grade..."

"Wait a minute! I first declare that some people in the mouth of Wujiang do not include me, but I welcome Jun Ye to join!"

Before Tan Wu could finish speaking, Fruti immediately raised his hand to show his position.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was exposed by Daryl.

"Hey, Frutty, you didn't say that before."

"Senior must have heard it wrong, I always agreed with Ye Jun to join."

The exposed Fraudy insisted, seeing this, Claudia let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction.

"Brother is the strongest. If you have any doubts, you can ask me to try."

Zhenna gave out a bad breath to everyone, and in this class, she probably only agreed with Wuwu.

"Okay, it's okay."

Ye Jian soothed, and then continued.

"In other words, I have to test my strength, is that the case?"

"It's fair to see that there is self-knowledge."

Claudia responded coldly.

"I have no opinion on Ye Jun's joining, but if I can, I hope to learn about kendo with Ye Jun."

In the dim light, Kagura's black eyes were as bright as a silver blade.

Qian Dong did not speak for such a provocation.

What is needed in this special class is competition and tempering. If this kind of fighting spirit is lacking, how is it different from an ordinary class?Therefore, she has not restricted the people in this class to discuss and fight in private.

Ye Jian, who had captured everyone's performance, showed a nasty smile.

"I know, then I will give the elder sisters a chance to challenge."

At this moment, Ye Jian made Tan couldn't help but rang the scene in the elevator. This bad boy was going to make trouble again.

Qiandong and Jinna also understood this.

Sure enough, Ye Jian smiled and stood up from his seat, and walked to the front row to face everyone.

"No matter what the elder sisters want to discuss with me, as long as they can beat me, I will automatically withdraw from the magic class."



As soon as these words came out, everyone except Tanwu and Zhenna showed surprise.

"Ye Jun, are you kidding us? It must be like this, right?"

"Yeah, after all, this is a bit too much."

"Extremely ridiculous."

"I think it's a very good suggestion."

Hearing these words, Ye Jian's smile became brighter (bad), he shook his fingers and said.

"It's okay, a gentleman can't chase a horse with a word. This is an old saying in our country, so, since I said it, I won't change my mind. All the seniors present, including Senior Wu Wu, can challenge me If you win, I will not only be willing to withdraw from this class, but I can also agree to any of your requests."

Not giving anyone a chance to speak, Ye Jian increased his tone and continued.

"Of course! If the elder sisters lose, they have to pay a price, that is, they must also agree to a request from me, but I can guarantee that my request must be within the scope of what you can achieve."

"Wait a minute! Then can I not ask Ye Jun to withdraw, just as a test bet simply by agreeing to the conditions?"

Fruti said so, undoubtedly focusing on that attractive condition.

Not only she, Darryl, Sarah and others seem to have some thoughts about this.

"Yes, let me not withdraw, or it can be decided by the seniors, of course, after you win."

As soon as Ye Jian's words fell, the useless folding fan, who had been watching the show from just now, knocked heavily on the table.

"Okay! That's it! The content of the test is up to us."

There is no such black-bellied chairman, maybe it is among these people who is most interested in that request.

Chapter 0108, the lost bell

"Will the first match next Monday?"

After returning to the ground, Ye Jian groaned as he walked towards his dormitory.

But suddenly, the door to the room on the right side of the corridor suddenly opened, and a petite figure rushed out and pulled him into the room.

"Hmph! I finally caught it, and it's not worthwhile that I borrowed someone else's accommodation...Ah~~!?"

Before the attacker had finished saying the victory declaration, he was hooked backhand by Ye Jian, bent his knees, and pushed her against the door of the room.


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