King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 1723

"Fart! You just sneaked in... Humph! I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Rotas did not continue to struggle, and prepared to leave with a cold snort.

However, the Balek stopped him.

"Stop for me, Rotas! Don't think I don't know what your plan is. You are not qualified enough to climb the mountain of His Royal Highness. You want to fight with me as a stubborn man? Come out, I want to perform an inspection."

"What are you talking about!? Who do you think you are, do you want to touch my daughter too?"

The fierce Rotas made Balek weak, but he quickly took out a paper order from his arms.

"Your dog's eyes widened to see clearly, Rotas, this is an interrogation order from the Security Department. All strangers attending the banquet must be investigated in detail. This is for the personal safety of Her Highness Sheila, so if you have anything to say to yourself The Security Department said."

"Interrogation? I'm fucking you Laozi, so many people don't check you only for my daughter? Are you really going to turn your face with me!?

"Yes, why? Are you dissatisfied? Tell you, after your daughter got bored with adult play, I played it on her behalf. You bit me? Hand over the person immediately, I will go to "check it" now, hehe, It will be returned to you soon, but I don’t know if it will be complete."

The cold smile made Rotas's veins violent and his face turned black.

The killing intent in his eyes made no secret.

However, he did not dare to do anything here. Although he was a reckless man, he also knew that the bastard in front of him was putting him off. If he did, he would immediately be accused of "unnecessary".

But if you really hand over the person, all his hopes and future will be lost. Even if this bastard doesn't do it on his own, he will definitely change the day and put EVIL under his own name and give it to the host of the banquet.

Faced with this dilemma, Rotas gritted his teeth with hatred. If it weren’t for this bastard’s blockade, the plan would definitely be successful, but now, it’s too late to say anything, the damn Security Department, in this imperial capital, is better than his general title. Too much useful.

When Rotas was anxious, EVIL took the initiative to make a choice.

"lead the way."

The cold words fell, EVIL stood beside Balik.

"Hahahaha, it seems that your daughter is more sensible than you, Rotas, I will take good care of her for you."

After a daze, Balik laughed excitedly.

But Rotas's face was gloomy.

EVIL was taken to a temporary search room set up outside the venue.

Then five minutes later, under Rotas' incredible gaze, EVIL returned to him intact.

"Wh, what's going on!? What about that bastard Balek...?"



His eyes widened suddenly, Rotas quickly covered his mouth, and then hurriedly led EVIL into the venue.

Chapter 0004, you are guilty

In the splendid banquet venue, the light of the crystal chandeliers reflects the dazzling luster.

Because Rotas deliberately slowed down the carriage speed, when he arrived, the banquet was about to begin.

Brightly-dressed nobles and big-bellied officials were gathering around the venue in small groups, talking loudly.

Ugly and hypocritical grinning can be seen everywhere, and harsh and gloomy language can be heard everywhere.

The entire venue was full of mist.

After entering the venue, Rotas took EVIL to the corner of no one, his rough face was full of surprise.

"Evil, you...really killed that bastard Balek!?"

Rotas tentatively asked, and a vague premonition grew in his heart.


Spit out two words in a cold tone, as if it were a trivial matter.

Hearing that, although it was the second time I heard it, and I was prepared in my heart, Rotas still shook severely.

"It's true!? How did you do it!?"

This is what Rotas finds incredible. As a deadly opponent, he knows the strength of the bastard Balek very well. Although he is much worse than his border general, it is by no means comparable to ordinary people, otherwise. Can not sit in the position of the police department.

Against two or three soldiers and the police, that Balike can still do it.

However, such a guy was slaughtered by the girl who was under 10 years old in front of him?

And it was silent, without any reaction.

This kind of thing is too weird, even though Rotas knows that EVIL is not easy, his men were mercilessly killed when they first met, but he only regarded him as stupid.

But now, even a captain-level police department of the Imperial Police Department has been killed, and he is still his enemy, Balik, who is known for his cunning and deceit.

Rotas admitted that he hadn’t gotten any substantial benefits from fighting him for a few years. Now, the guy was slaughtered in such an understatement, less than five minutes before and after, and it was still done by a girl who was less than ten years old. , This is too unreal.

Rotas has not been able to react until now, and he can't believe it at all.

"Want to try?"

The amber eyes suddenly stared at Rotas tightly.

The icy light of the monster made him lose consciousness for an instant.

At this time, a small cold hand was already on his neck, slender, but releasing a dangerous breath.

In an instant, Rotas' entire body froze on the spot, and a trace of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Just now, you were dead."

The cold voice awakened Rotas from his sluggishness.

He stared at the harmless little angel in front of him with wide eyes, his premonition getting stronger and stronger.


"It's better not to act rashly. You should know better than me what is here."

This is not like what a ten-year-old child would say. Rotas is sure that this is the strangest child he has ever seen, and his heart is shaken, but as EVIL said, he can't act rashly now.

If anyone dares to disturb this banquet.

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