King's Landing Second Element

King's Landing Second Element Chapter 1773

"General, something is not good!"

General Billy frowned. This adjutant was personally appointed by him. Although his qualifications are far inferior to Esdes, he is still a steady person. But now he is so gloomy. General Lee was slightly dissatisfied.

"Why are you so flustered, have you forgotten even the basic composure?"

"The subordinates dare not! It's just that the situation is urgent and the subordinates are so reckless. I hope the general will forgive me."

The adjutant hurriedly knelt on one knee, but the anxiety in his tone remained undiminished, which gave General Billy a vague premonition.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Return to the general! Ten minutes ago, Lieutenant Asides led thousands of soldiers to form a raid battalion and left the camp!"


A look of shock appeared on the resolute face.

General Billy stood up suddenly and asked urgently.

"Speak in detail!"

"Yes! That's it. Lieutenant Asides gathered thousands of soldiers in the battalion without authorization to form a raid battalion. He is now rushing to a foreign tribe. Although his subordinates blocked him, he was blocked by Lieutenant Asides Containment, the subordinates are incompetent, hope the general will punish them."


The enraged General Billy slapped his palm on the table, and the entire wooden table collapsed.

"Asshole! Why didn't you come to tell me earlier!"

"Subordinates damn! Subordinates thought they could stop Lieutenant Asdes, so..."

"If you can stop her, you will be a lieutenant! I am really mad at me! Asides, how disappointed are you!"

General Billy had never been so gullible as he is now, and the anger of hating iron and steel even made him lose his composure.

Asides is his last spiritual sustenance. He is conscientious and dedicated to the empire. Even if he retires, he must find a talent for the empire that can replace him, otherwise how can he be at ease!But now Esther is so impulsive.

Not only refuted his teachings, but also arbitrarily disobeyed the military order and concealed him as the commander, taking thousands of soldiers to make a surprise attack.

What is the difference between thousands of people rushing into the enemy tribe and sending them to death!

General Billy has been fighting throughout his life and has made countless contributions. When he is about to retire, he does not care even if he bears a reputation for improper management of the army. What he is most worried about is the safety of Esdes, a proud student and thousands of soldiers.

"Get me a horse! I want to chase Esther back!"


The main commander himself went on the horse, which was absolutely unwise, so the adjutant would be embarrassed.

"If you can chase her back, why use me? I have decided, don't persuade me, go and prepare the horse immediately!"

No one in this army can oppose the majesty and orders of General Billy.

So no matter how unwilling, the adjutant can only nod his head.

"Subordinates do it right away, but don't let your subordinates follow around to protect the general's safety."

"Go, you don't have to bring a lot of people, just bring a team of guards. We are not going to fight, just chasing Esdes back."

General Billy did not refuse the request of the adjutant. He knew that if he did not agree, the adjutant would risk his death and would not let him leave the barracks. Of course, General Billy was not worried about his own safety because he had an imperial tool on his body. .

With this imperial tool, General Billy has defeated countless assassinations and sneak attacks, and personally beheaded many powerful opponents.

The name of this Teigu is "Murderish Pursuit·Cross Cloud Arrow".

It is an arrow that can be tracked and shot based on the murderous intent released by the enemy.When someone nearby exudes murderous intent to the holder, the feathers at the end of the arrow will change from white to red. With the intensity of the murderous intensities, the colors of the feathers will vary in shades, and as long as the arrow is shot at this time Arrow, the arrow will follow the murderous intent to shoot the enemy.

Chapter 0050

In Esther's camp, Black Eye, Yin, Wu Min, and Remus sat side by side on the couch.

Ye first came to Silver's back, pressing his left hand on the baby-like skin, and the dark ring on the ring finger began to emit invisible ripples, like a kind of detection energy, permeating into Silver's body.


With the infiltration of the ripples, an abnormal blush appeared on the silver skin, like thousands of ants crawling across the surface of her skin. The unbearable itching caused her to groan unbearably.

Gradually, the invisible ripples became stronger and stronger, and an imperceptible orange shimmer flickered from the surface of the dark ring.

Seeing this orange gleam, a strange light flashed in Ye's eyes. He retracted his palm and climbed onto the couch.

"The real trial is about to begin, Silver, if you don't want to die, you must hold back!"

Ye Cong encircled the silver exquisite ketone body behind her, pressed her left hand to her heart, and gently held the small Sakura Peak that had begun to take shape.

Yin's body shook, and a touch of blush appeared on his small face, but soon, all distracting thoughts were overwhelmed by a surge of terrifying pain.It started from the heart and spread to the cells and muscles of the whole body.

"Uh ah ah ah ah...!!!"

Heart-piercing screams came from Yin's mouth, and the body surrounded by the leaves struggled violently.

With the black pupils on the side, Wu Min and Remus closed their eyes tightly, and the screams of their companions made them pale and fearful.

"Hold it if you don't want to die! I hear you!"

Ye's sharp shout overwhelmed Yin's scream, and he firmly fixed Yin's struggling body.

A hint of orange light in the ring of the left hand penetrated into Xiaoying Peak, protecting Silver's heart. This is the only thing Ye can do. Whether he can persist in pain or not, this requires Yin's own perseverance.

Yin gritted his teeth when he heard Ye's sharp drink.

Blood ran down from the corner of her mouth, and black cold sweat kept oozing out on the white and tender skin.The blood in the whole body begins to burn, and the strengthening medicine remaining in the body is gradually absorbed as the cells break down again and again.

The energy in the medicine is effectively absorbed, but the impurities and pollution are excreted with sweat.

This process of rebirth from the ashes needs to endure the pain of burning.

The tide-like pain slashed Yin's reason and nerves, her body convulsed constantly, and she was incontinent soon.

However, she still retains the final soberness, and the desire to survive maintains her final sanity.

The suffering continued, and this process lasted for ten minutes.

Finally, Yin's body no longer oozes black sweat, and the spasm stopped.

Only the last trace of mental silver was left, the godless limp in Ye's arms, and the whole person seemed to be broken by playing.

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