King's second element

Wang's second chapter 206

Reaching out from Wang Zhimong Pao, unless it is facing the opponent with "world", it is in general, Gilgamesh will give the enemy to the enemy.

The end sword of the double-knife form and the black sickle have come together.

It is important to know that Gilgamesh's melee strength is very powerful.

Cute Athena touched the cat ear hood on his own head, slowly retreating toward Gilgamesh, is it impossible to cause what is threatening to Musis now, or is old and old The onlookers are relatively correct.

It is the Lord of Luo Yishi, and it has grown his fist to join Gilgamesh and Moss's war ring.

"Luo Yan! Be careful, don't hit the king !!"

Gilgamesh hide hide the Lord's fist, and I don't know if the Luo Yisheng is helping him or prepares him with Mrs.

"Don't call this teacher Luo Yi! Don't hinder this teacher."

The Fist of Luo Yishui is, the faster, she finds that the man of Moss can be too much better than the silver white giant snake.

"Luo Cuilian, you are the side of the station!"

Gilgamesh has hid a shock wave, and the Lord of Luo Yi is dissatisfied.

"Of course, it is the side of this teacher."

The fist slammed on the black strange airflow, played a wave of swings.

It is impossible to transfer the damage brought by the bleeding.

Under the endless fists of Luo Yishi Chi, it was able to resist the black vibrant circle of the treasure of Gilea Mei Shiwei. It was broken.

" !"

Gilgamesh, broke through the space, the tip of the chain of shot, the tips of the chain of the chain, and the stricture of the limbs of Mercus.


Moss's face became awkward, her angry roaring, although her hands were bonded, but five fingers.

Shot from Moss's hand spurted two unparalleled black long snakes.

No, it is no longer a snake, the head of the dragon, but there is no limbs, that is the dragon!

Two black dragons intersected each other, her big enemy is Gilgamesh, Although Luozi Lord breaks her black and savvy circle to Gilgamesh treasure, but I can't make it for her? Substantial injury, but Gilgamesh is different, and it is necessary to do it to Kilgamesh.

However, such an attack, Gilgamesh is naturally a means to be able to take it.

Dragon, Gilgamesh's treasure, .

Wang Zhihua's Taoji Qiji to Musi may have some troubles, even if it is a black and delicious flow ring that has disappeared, it is also difficult to make Mercus when it is in the next treasure of Gilgamesh. Get out of a gas flow ring.

But dealing with these two black dragons, it is simply, just the two hand of the Dragon, a grade Treasure, which is easy to kill the two-headed dragon.

Chapter 243 Moss

"MOII, this is what you all? I really let the king disappointed, stocking you for so long, this king thought that there would be an unexpected surprise, it seems that this king thinks."

Gilgamesh is easy to solve two black dragons. At this moment, Musi is also chained by the lock of Gilgamesh's day.

Luo Yishuchi did not take a challenge, but said to the side of the sky, Moss, who was bound by heaven ... Luo Yelu Church Lord can induce, the chain of Si Meng is quite a big response to the gods, Luo Yi teaches the main As a sacred sacred, there is also a god.


Muris is struggling, just the lock of God, as long as the existence of the gods is binding, it is basically the unpubable chain, struggling is just the chain of the sky, anger, Endless anger, but how Moss is roaring, she is unable to break the lock.

"It seems that it is necessary to end the world."

Gilgamesh laughed, after killing the military god Wellleslana, the means of Gilgamesh, the means of "Handheld Soldiers" is only necessary to use "the warrior of the golden sword", even I don't know everything that I have to kill the gods. As long as the gods you want to kill are in the case of unable to resist, you can easily take it. After all, you will not die, you can also resist you.

The golden sword will be summoned by Gilgamesh.

In addition to the golden light pool of the sky, there are almost ~ endless gold swords.

"Piercing her."

Gilgamesh is one.

In the sky, the endless gold sword turned the sword tip to the lock of the heavens - Moss.


Endless gold sword tattooed to the struggled Moss.

When two three times until the endless gold sword did not enter the body of Moss, Msi was unparalleled mourning.

"Ah !! I am evil, I will never lose this !!"

Moss's eyes are from deep darkness for crazy blood.

"If you want to kill me, give it to me !!"

Mo Steis screamed at Gilgamesh crazy, which is the petrochemical eye of Medusa.

Gilgamesh's eyes did not evade or, he has always been regarded as Msiis, and for Moss's sudden, Gilgamesh can be said to be hit.

"Is this the last resort? Petrochemical?"

Gilgamesh looked at the gray petrochemicals that gradually spread toward the torso and did not discharless.

Petrochemical eye, Msiis can be used under the binding of the limbs, as long as Gilgamesh is downped into stone in the petrochemical eye, then the victory will eventually be Moss.

"If this king has just arrived in this world, maybe it will be accommodated by your petrochemical eye, but now ..."

The strength of the body is turned out, floating the petrified part, the gilgamesh, the magical resistance can be called weak, if it is the equipment, a little one The high-level magician can cause harm to Gilgamesh, but at this moment, Jilgamesh, who has successfully stimulated his own half-God, has reached the level of the gods in terms of magic.

Although Moss is not from God, and it is already enough to destroy this world, it is very unfortunately, she is still her time when she is sitting at the god. Now she is still strong. Once the power of the peak, petrochemical eyes, if it is in the peak period, the general god is also filling the petrified fate, of course, it will not die.

Now, Moss's petrochemical eye is used by Luo Yishui, and it is absolutely able to make a name. It is very smooth to win the gods, but unfortunately, deal with Gilgamesh, this intensity Petrochemical eye, far is not enough.

With its own power, resisting the curse of petrochemical eyes, Gilgamesh continued to launch the golden sword, slowly abrasive the Difperity of Moss.

"Struggle is struggling here, Moss is disappeared."



The body has been yawned by Gilgamesh, Musi has only leaving the last God, that is the power of the gods, the weakness of the weakness is the final struggle, no body, the sky is unlock, ink Tips broke away.

"Athena, Athena, Athena !!!"

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